To reference or cite the objects present in the Software Heritage archive, permalinks based on SoftWare Hash IDentifiers (SWHIDs) must be used. Select below a type of object currently browsed in order to display its associated SWHID and permalink.
This interface enables to generate software citations, provided that the root directory of browsed objects contains a citation.cff or codemeta.json file. Select below a type of object currently browsed in order to generate citations for them.
Generate software citation in BibTex format (requires biblatex-software package)
Generating citation ...
// General EOL Cloth settings
// Not including a setting will fall back to its default
"online": true,
"exportObjs": false,
"exportTimings": false,
"RESOURCE_DIR": "C:/Git/eol-cloth/resources",
"OUTPUT_DIR": "C:/Git/eol-cloth/build/objs"