Tip revision: 1c62832ad7d6eab5b337f386955868c3ce9a54ea authored by Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider on 11 September 2021, 12:56:53 UTC
README: paper link, bibtex
README: paper link, bibtex
Tip revision: 1c62832
// Copyright (c) Lorenz Hübschle-Schneider
// Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
// All Rights Reserved. This source code is licensed under the Apache 2.0
// License (found in the LICENSE file in the root directory).
#pragma once
#include <tlx/math/integer_log2.hpp>
#include <cstdint>
#include <iomanip>
#include <utility>
// requires xxhash3, i.e. libxxhash v0.8.0 or later
// available from
#include <xxhash.h>
namespace std {
ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const __uint128_t &v) {
return os << "0x" << ::std::hex << static_cast<uint64_t>(v >> 64)
<< ::std::setw(16) << static_cast<uint64_t>(v) << ::std::dec;
} // namespace std
namespace ribbon {
// clang-format off
template <size_t bits>
using at_least_t = std::conditional_t<bits <= 8, uint8_t,
std::conditional_t<bits <= 16, uint16_t,
std::conditional_t<bits <= 32, uint32_t,
std::conditional_t<bits <= 64, uint64_t,
std::conditional_t<bits <= 128, __uint128_t,
/* error */ void>>>>>;
template <size_t bits>
using at_least_fast_t = std::conditional_t<bits <= 8, uint_fast8_t,
// use uint32_t here, it's much faster
std::conditional_t<bits <= 16, uint32_t,
std::conditional_t<bits <= 32, uint_fast32_t,
std::conditional_t<bits <= 64, uint_fast64_t,
std::conditional_t<bits <= 128, __uint128_t,
/* error */ void>>>>>;
template <typename uint_type>
using make_fast_t = at_least_fast_t<8u * sizeof(uint_type)>;
// clang-format on
// threshold compression modes
enum class ThreshMode : int { normal = 0, onebit = 1, twobit = 2 };
template <typename Config>
constexpr unsigned thresh_meta_bits =
Config::kThreshMode == ThreshMode::normal
? (Config::kSparseCoeffs
? tlx::integer_log2_floor(
Config::kBucketSize /
// sparse start pos alignment: L = 16,32: 4, L = 64,128: 8
(sizeof(typename Config::CoeffRow) >= 8 ? 8 : 4))
: tlx::integer_log2_floor(Config::kBucketSize))
: (Config::kThreshMode == ThreshMode::onebit
? 1
: (Config::kThreshMode == ThreshMode::twobit ? 2 :
/* fallthrough */ 9999));
// To avoid writing 'typename' everywhere that we use types like 'Index'
#define IMPORT_RIBBON_CONFIG(RibbonConfig) \
using CoeffRow = typename RibbonConfig::CoeffRow; \
using ResultRow = typename RibbonConfig::ResultRow; \
using Index = typename RibbonConfig::Index; \
using Hash = typename RibbonConfig::Hash; \
using Key = typename RibbonConfig::Key; \
/* Some more additions */ \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr auto kCoeffBits = \
static_cast<Index>(sizeof(CoeffRow) * 8U); \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr auto kResultBits = Config::kResultBits; \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr Index kBucketSize = \
RibbonConfig::kBucketSize; \
/* Export to algorithm */ \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr bool kIsFilter = RibbonConfig::kIsFilter; \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr bool kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne = \
RibbonConfig::kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne; \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr ThreshMode kThreshMode = \
RibbonConfig::kThreshMode; \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr bool kSparseCoeffs = \
RibbonConfig::kSparseCoeffs; \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr bool kUseInterleavedSol = \
RibbonConfig::kUseInterleavedSol; \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr bool kUseCacheLineStorage = \
RibbonConfig::kUseCacheLineStorage; \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr bool kUseMHC = RibbonConfig::kUseMHC; \
[[maybe_unused]] static constexpr bool kUseMultiplyShiftHash = \
RibbonConfig::kUseMultiplyShiftHash; \
static_assert(!kUseInterleavedSol || !kUseCacheLineStorage, \
"can't have both"); \
static_assert(1 << tlx::integer_log2_floor(kBucketSize) == kBucketSize, \
"bucket size must be a power of two"); \
static_assert( \
sizeof(CoeffRow) + sizeof(ResultRow) + sizeof(Index) + sizeof(Hash) + \
sizeof(Key) + kBucketSize + kResultBits + kCoeffBits + \
kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne + (int)kThreshMode + kSparseCoeffs + \
kUseInterleavedSol + kUseCacheLineStorage + kUseMHC + \
kUseMultiplyShiftHash > \
0, \
"avoid unused warnings, semicolon expected after macro call")
// for printing sqlplottools RESULT lines
template <typename Config>
std::string dump_config() {
std::stringstream s;
s << " L=" << kCoeffBits << " B=" << kBucketSize << " r=" << kResultBits
<< " mode=" << (int)kThreshMode << " sparse=" << kSparseCoeffs << " sol="
<< (kUseInterleavedSol ? "int" : (kUseCacheLineStorage ? "cls" : "basic"))
<< " fcao=" << kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne << " idxbits=" << 8u * sizeof(Index)
<< " keybits=" << 8u * sizeof(Key) << " filter=" << kIsFilter;
return s.str();
// This is a very basic config that has all required attributes but doesn't
// necessarily make the best choices! Do not use this as is, instead have a look
// at RConfig and its derivatives below. This class is mainly useful as it
// documents the effect of the various settings.
template <typename CoeffRow_, typename ResultRow_, typename Key_>
class DefaultConfig {
// An unsigned integer type. The size of this type determines L, the width
// of the ribbon. A good choice is uint64_t. Fewer than 16 bits yield high
// overheads without improving performance, but correctness is maintained
// down to uint8_t. You can also use __uint128_t, which can be a bit slow
// but yields excellent overhead (sub-0.1% possible).
using CoeffRow = CoeffRow_;
// A type that is big enough to hold the data that is stored in the data
// structure (retrieval) / the fingerprints (filter)
using ResultRow = ResultRow_;
// The key type. For retrieval, input consists of pairs of Key and
// ResultRow, while for filters, it's just Key.
using Key = Key_;
// An unsigned type that is large enough to hold the maximum index in the
// input (i.e., input size muts fit into Index). Use uint64_t if you have
// ribbons holding billions of items.
using Index = uint32_t;
// An unsigned type to hold hash values. This should likely always be
// uint64_t.
using Hash = uint64_t;
// How many items form a bucket. This should be O(L^2/log(L)) - see
// recommended_bucket_size below, don't use this value
static constexpr Index kBucketSize = 16u * sizeof(CoeffRow);
// How many bits the retrieval data structure should store per key / how
// many fingerprint bits to use in a filter. When using interleaved
// storage, values other than 8*sizeof(ResultRow) are efficiently supported.
static constexpr Index kResultBits = 8u * sizeof(ResultRow);
// Whether to use a shift-multiply hash function for arithmetic keys instead
// of xxhash. This can be problematic if keys aren't random. Should likely
// stay disabled.
static constexpr bool kUseMultiplyShiftHash = false;
// The hash function to use for mapping Key to Hash. This should be a good
// hash function that yields sufficiently independent values for different
// seeds.
static constexpr Hash HashFn(const Key &key, uint64_t seed) {
if constexpr (std::is_arithmetic_v<Key>) {
return XXH3_64bits_withSeed(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(&key),
sizeof(Key), seed);
} else {
return XXH3_64bits_withSeed(, key.size(), seed);
// Whether the data structure is used as a filter or for retrieval.
static constexpr bool kIsFilter = true;
// Whether the first coefficient should always be set. This makes things
// slightly faster.
static constexpr bool kFirstCoeffAlwaysOne = true;
// Which threshold compressor to use. `twobit` is fast and pretty good,
// `onebit` yields improved compression at the cost of some (query)
// performance. `normal` uses uncompressed thresholds and should not
// normally be used.
static constexpr ThreshMode kThreshMode = ThreshMode::twobit;
// Whether to use sparse coefficients. This speeds up queries for
// non-interleaved solution storage, but is not fully optimized - the
// threshold parameters need separate tuning for the sparse case. As is,
// sparse mode is a prototype and should not be used productively.
static constexpr bool kSparseCoeffs = false;
// Whether to use interleaved storage. This is usually faster than the
// alternatives.
static constexpr bool kUseInterleavedSol = false;
// Whether to use contiguous storage with embedded metadata. This is
// cache-efficient but slow in practice and should likely not be used.
static constexpr bool kUseCacheLineStorage = false;
// Whether to use Master Hash Codes. This causes keys to be hashed only
// once during insertion and query, using hash remixing to derive the next
// level's hash if the key was bumped. This is almost always a good idea.
static constexpr bool kUseMHC = false;
// Whether to print timings and other information about the construction.
static constexpr bool log = true;
namespace {
// Internal. Whether compressed metadata should be used for Cache-Line
// Storage. For other storage types, the answer is always yes - for CLS, it
// depends how much metadata space is available and whether uncompressed
// thresholds would fit. This is because we don't save anything by using less
// than the available space.
template <typename Index, Index kBucketSize, Index kResultBits>
struct shouldCompressMeta {
// internal
static constexpr Index _kBucketIdxBits = tlx::integer_log2_ceil(kBucketSize),
_kBucketBits = kBucketSize * kResultBits,
_clbits = 512,
_buckets_per_cl = (_kBucketBits > _clbits)
? 1
: _clbits / _kBucketBits;
static constexpr bool value = _kBucketIdxBits * _buckets_per_cl > kResultBits;
} // namespace
template <size_t coeff_bits, ThreshMode mode>
constexpr size_t recommended_bucket_size =
// round down to next power of two
size_t{1} << tlx::integer_log2_floor(
// w * w / (factor * log(w))
coeff_bits * coeff_bits /
((mode == ThreshMode::normal ? 2 : 4) * tlx::integer_log2_ceil(coeff_bits)));
// Reasonable default config, but specify sizes in bits not types and make
// smarter choices. This exposes a lot of options that users may not want to
// think about, see below for some reasonable presets.
template <size_t coeff_bits, size_t result_bits, ThreshMode mode = ThreshMode::twobit,
bool sparse = false, bool interleaved = false, bool cls = false,
int bucket_sh = 0, typename Key = int>
struct RConfig
: public DefaultConfig<at_least_t<coeff_bits>, at_least_t<result_bits>, Key> {
using Super =
DefaultConfig<at_least_t<coeff_bits>, at_least_t<result_bits>, int>;
using Index = uint32_t;
static constexpr Index kResultBits = result_bits;
static constexpr ThreshMode kThreshMode =
// if using CLS, override compression mode
? (shouldCompressMeta<Index, Super::kBucketSize, kResultBits>::value
? ThreshMode::twobit
: ThreshMode::normal)
: mode;
// Bucket size w^2 / 2 log w (uncompressed) or w^2 / 4 log w (compressed),
// rounded down to next power of two. Optionally shift by 'bucket_sh'
static constexpr Index kBucketSize =
bucket_sh < 0 ? (recommended_bucket_size<coeff_bits, mode> >> -bucket_sh)
: (recommended_bucket_size<coeff_bits, mode> << bucket_sh);
static constexpr bool kSparseCoeffs = sparse,
kUseInterleavedSol = interleaved,
kUseCacheLineStorage = cls, kUseMHC = true;
// Suggested configurations for users
// A fast filter config. This uses L=64, 2-bit thresholds, and interleaved
// storage with dense coefficients and master hash codes. It is a good
// all-round preset for filters. You can expect <0.5% overhead if result_bits
// is at least 4; we measured 1.6% overhead for result_bits = 1. For
// result_bits = 8 we saw 0.23% overhead, declining further as result_bits is
// increased.
template <size_t result_bits, typename Key>
struct FastFilterConfig
: public RConfig</* L */ 64, result_bits, ThreshMode::twobit, /* sparse */ false,
/* interleaved */ true, /* cls */ false, /* shift */ 0, Key> {
// A very space-efficient filter config. This uses L=128 and 2-bit thresholds,
// with the other choices as for FastFilterConfig. Expect <0.1% overhead for
// result_bits >= 7, and <0.2% for result_bits between 3 and 6. We measured
// 0.45% overhead for result_bits = 1 and 0.18% overhead for result_bits = 3.
// For result_bits = 8, we saw 0.09% overhead, declining further as result_bits
// is increased.
template <size_t result_bits, typename Key>
struct CompactFilterConfig
: public RConfig</* L */ 128, result_bits, ThreshMode::twobit, /* sparse */ false,
/* interleaved */ true, /* cls */ false, /* shift */ 0, Key> {
// An extremely space-efficient filter config. This uses L=128 and 1-bit
// thresholds, with the other choices as for FastFilterConfig. Expect <0.1%
// overhead for result_bits >= 4. We measured 0.33% overhead for result_bits =
// 1 and 0.12% overhead for result_bits = 3. For result_bits = 8, we saw 0.05%
// overhead, declining further as result_bits is increased.
template <size_t result_bits, typename Key>
struct UltraCompactFilterConfig
: public RConfig</* L */ 128, result_bits, ThreshMode::onebit, /* sparse */ false,
/* interleaved */ true, /* cls */ false, /* shift */ 0, Key> {
// A fast retrieval config, see FastFilterConfig for details
template <size_t result_bits, typename Key>
struct FastRetrievalConfig : public FastFilterConfig<result_bits, Key> {
static constexpr bool kIsFilter = false;
// A very space-efficient retrieval config, see CompactFilterConfig for details
template <size_t result_bits, typename Key>
struct CompactRetrievalConfig : public CompactFilterConfig<result_bits, Key> {
static constexpr bool kIsFilter = false;
// An extremely space-efficient retrieval config, see UltraCompactFilterConfig
// for details
template <size_t result_bits, typename Key>
struct UltraCompactRetrievalConfig
: public UltraCompactFilterConfig<result_bits, Key> {
static constexpr bool kIsFilter = false;
} // namespace ribbon