Tip revision: 5d50e95f605545747800c0a7103859da18017667 authored by Jiayi Hong on 11 December 2023, 17:36:49 UTC
Tip revision: 5d50e95
# Architecture
Only ports tcp 80 and 443 are opened from Internet.
So we will have both frontend and backend reachable at the same
It will ease CORS but CORS is setup to support a standard architecture
like a frontend on a CDN and the backend on a server.
In our case the reverse proxy will get all the traffic from Internet.
When we'll switch to TLS it will be the TLS endpoint
Internet --TCP 80/443 --> Reverse Proxy ---> Backend path: Express --> MongoDB
---> Frontend path: static JS/CSS/HTML files
# Infrastructure deployment
## root (should be maintained and updated by the hoster)
* Install and configure the reverse proxy (NGINX or Apache)
* Install and configure MongoDB.
* Create an application user, create a /app and give access
to the application user
## application user (maintained by the devs)
* Install nvm (Node version manager)
* Install node v14 with nvm
* Create /app/frontend folder
* Create /app/backend folder
* Create /app/previous folder
* Create /app/deployment folder
# Application deployment
In a temporary folder, as the application user:
* change directory to /app/deployment
* ensure it is empty
* git clone the release to plant
* cd plant
## Frontend
* change the backend_url in /app/deployment/plant/frontend/js/fetches.js
```const backend_url = 'http://localhost:3000';```
```const backend_url = '';```
Note: will disappear with the bundler and dotenv
* move the /app/frontend to /app/previous (one rolling backup)
* move /app/deployment/plant/frontend to /app/frontend
## Backend
* npm install
* ensure /app/backend/.env is not missing variables from /app/deployment/plant/.env.sample
* TODO: npm test (no tests for now)
* move the /app/backend folder to /app/previous (one rolling backup)
* move the /app/deployment/plant/backend to /app/backend
* copy the /app/previous/backend/.env file to /app/backend/
* kill and restart express
# Test the deployment