Raw File
  Convert Data to Three-Dimensional Box
  Interprets data as the dimensions of a three-dimensional box.
    Data that can be interpreted as giving the dimensions of a
    three-dimensional box. See Details.
  This function converts data in various formats to
  an object of class \code{"box3"} representing a three-dimensional
  box (see \code{\link{box3}}). The arguments \code{\dots} may be
    \item an object of class \code{"box3"}
    \item arguments acceptable to \code{box3}
    \item a numeric vector of length 6, interpreted as
    \item an object of class \code{"pp3"} representing a
    three-dimensional point pattern contained in a box.
  Object of class \code{"box3"}.
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
    X <- c(0,10,0,10,0,5)
    X <- pp3(runif(42),runif(42),runif(42), box3(c(0,1)))
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