functions: - $(find rosplan_sensing_interface)/ topics: test: topic: /topic msg_type: std_msgs/String # Not needed, but useful for topics not yet published! #operation: == 'TRUE' # value computation docked: params: - kenny topic: /mobile_base/sensors/core msg_type: kobuki_msgs/SensorState operation: msg.charger != msg.DISCHARGING undocked: params: - kenny topic: /mobile_base/sensors/core msg_type: kobuki_msgs/SensorState operation: msg.charger == msg.DISCHARGING robot_at: params: - kenny - '*' topic: /amcl_pose msg_type: geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovarianceStamped localised: params: - kenny topic: /localised_mock msg_type: std_msgs/Bool operation: somebody_at: topic: /somebodyat_mock msg_type: diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue operation: '[(msg.key, msg.value == "yes")]' is_busy: params: - '*' topic: /isbusy_mock msg_type: diagnostic_msgs/KeyValue operation: '[(msg.key, msg.value == "yes")]' services: docked: params: - kenny # List of parameters (optional if no parameters!). must be completely instantiated service: /test_service # Service srv_type: std_srvs/SetBool # Srv type time_between_calls: 10 # Time between calls in seconds request: code # (Optional if in script) Request creation code. I.e.: "req SetBoolRequest(data=True)" operation: 'res.lala < ee' # (Optional if in script) operation to get the result