import java.util.*;
public class CRISPRUtil
//identified repeats may represent only a subset of a larger repeat. this method extends these
//repeats as long as they continue to match within some range. assumes there are at least two repeats
public static CRISPR getActualRepeatLength(CRISPR candidateCRISPR, int searchWindowLength, int minSpacerLength, int minNumRepeats)
int firstRepeatStartIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(0);
int lastRepeatStartIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(candidateCRISPR.numRepeats()-1);
int shortestRepeatSpacing = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(1) - candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(0);
for (int i = 0; i < candidateCRISPR.numRepeats() - 1; i++)
int currRepeatIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(i);
int nextRepeatIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(i + 1);
int currRepeatSpacing = nextRepeatIndex - currRepeatIndex;
if (currRepeatSpacing < shortestRepeatSpacing)
shortestRepeatSpacing = currRepeatSpacing;
int sequenceLength = DNASequence.seq.length();
int rightExtensionLength = searchWindowLength;
int maxRightExtensionLength = shortestRepeatSpacing - minSpacerLength;
int currRepeatStartIndex;
String currRepeat;
int charCountA, charCountC, charCountT, charCountG;
charCountA = charCountC = charCountT = charCountG = 0;
double threshold;
boolean done = false;
threshold = .75;
//(from the right side) extend the length of the repeat to the right as long as the last base of all repeats are at least threshold
while (!done && (rightExtensionLength <= maxRightExtensionLength))
if (lastRepeatStartIndex + rightExtensionLength >= sequenceLength)
if (candidateCRISPR.numRepeats() - 1 > minNumRepeats)
candidateCRISPR.removeRepeat(candidateCRISPR.numRepeats() - 1);
lastRepeatStartIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(candidateCRISPR.numRepeats()-1);
done = true;
for (int k = 0; k < candidateCRISPR.numRepeats(); k++ )
currRepeatStartIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(k);
currRepeat = DNASequence.seq.substring(currRepeatStartIndex, currRepeatStartIndex + rightExtensionLength);
char lastChar = currRepeat.charAt(currRepeat.length() - 1);
if (lastChar == 'A') charCountA++;
if (lastChar == 'C') charCountC++;
if (lastChar == 'T') charCountT++;
if (lastChar == 'G') charCountG++;
double percentA = (double)charCountA/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentC = (double)charCountC/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentT = (double)charCountT/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentG = (double)charCountG/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
if ( (percentA >= threshold) || (percentC >= threshold) || (percentT >= threshold) || (percentG >= threshold) )
charCountA = charCountC = charCountT = charCountG = 0;
done = true;
int leftExtensionLength = 0;
charCountA = charCountC = charCountT = charCountG = 0;
done = false;
int maxLeftExtensionLength = shortestRepeatSpacing - minSpacerLength - rightExtensionLength;
//(from the left side) extends the length of the repeat to the left as long as the first base of all repeats is at least threshold
while (!done && (leftExtensionLength <= maxLeftExtensionLength) )
if (firstRepeatStartIndex - leftExtensionLength < 0)
if (candidateCRISPR.numRepeats() - 1 > minNumRepeats)
firstRepeatStartIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(0);
done = true;
for (int k = 0; k < candidateCRISPR.numRepeats(); k++ )
currRepeatStartIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(k);
char firstChar = DNASequence.seq.charAt(currRepeatStartIndex - leftExtensionLength);
if (firstChar == 'A') charCountA++;
if (firstChar == 'C') charCountC++;
if (firstChar == 'T') charCountT++;
if (firstChar == 'G') charCountG++;
double percentA = (double)charCountA/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentC = (double)charCountC/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentT = (double)charCountT/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentG = (double)charCountG/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
if ( (percentA >= threshold) || (percentC >= threshold) || (percentT >= threshold) || (percentG >= threshold) )
charCountA = charCountC = charCountT = charCountG = 0;
done = true;
// Ok to suppress warnings since we know that we are casting integers
Vector<Integer> newPositions = (Vector<Integer>)(candidateCRISPR.repeats()).clone();
for (int m = 0; m < newPositions.size(); m++)
int newValue = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(m) - leftExtensionLength;
newPositions.setElementAt(new Integer(newValue), m);
int actualPatternLength = rightExtensionLength + leftExtensionLength;
return new CRISPR(newPositions, actualPatternLength);
public static CRISPR trim(CRISPR candidateCRISPR, int minRepeatLength)
int numRepeats = candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
int left = candidateCRISPR.start();
int right = candidateCRISPR.end();
String currRepeat;
int charCountA, charCountC, charCountT, charCountG;
charCountA = charCountC = charCountT = charCountG = 0;
boolean done = false;
//trim from right
while (!done && (candidateCRISPR.repeatLength() > minRepeatLength) )
for (int k = 0; k < candidateCRISPR.numRepeats(); k++ )
currRepeat = candidateCRISPR.repeatStringAt(k);
char lastChar = currRepeat.charAt(currRepeat.length() - 1);
if (lastChar == 'A') charCountA++;
if (lastChar == 'C') charCountC++;
if (lastChar == 'T') charCountT++;
if (lastChar == 'G') charCountG++;
double percentA = (double)charCountA/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentC = (double)charCountC/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentT = (double)charCountT/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentG = (double)charCountG/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
if ( (percentA < .75) && (percentC < .75) && (percentT < .75) && (percentG < .75) )
candidateCRISPR.setRepeatLength(candidateCRISPR.repeatLength() - 1);
charCountA = charCountC = charCountT = charCountG = 0;
done = true;
charCountA = charCountC = charCountT = charCountG = 0;
done = false;
//trim from left
while (!done && (candidateCRISPR.repeatLength() > minRepeatLength) )
for (int k = 0; k < candidateCRISPR.numRepeats(); k++ )
currRepeat = candidateCRISPR.repeatStringAt(k);
char firstChar = currRepeat.charAt(0);
if (firstChar == 'A') charCountA++;
if (firstChar == 'C') charCountC++;
if (firstChar == 'T') charCountT++;
if (firstChar == 'G') charCountG++;
double percentA = (double)charCountA/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentC = (double)charCountC/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentT = (double)charCountT/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
double percentG = (double)charCountG/candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
if ( (percentA < .75) && (percentC < .75) && (percentT < .75) && (percentG < .75) )
for (int m = 0; m < candidateCRISPR.numRepeats(); m++ )
int newValue = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(m) + 1;
candidateCRISPR.setRepeatAt(newValue, m);
candidateCRISPR.setRepeatLength(candidateCRISPR.repeatLength() - 1);
charCountA = charCountC = charCountT = charCountG = 0;
done = true;
return candidateCRISPR;
public static boolean hasSimilarlySizedSpacers(CRISPR candidateCRISPR, int spacerToSpacerLengthOffset, int spacerToRepeatLengthOffset)
int initialSpacerLength = candidateCRISPR.spacerStringAt(0).length();
int repeatLength = candidateCRISPR.repeatLength();
for (int i = 0 ; i < candidateCRISPR.numSpacers(); i++)
int currSpacerLength = candidateCRISPR.spacerStringAt(i).length();
//checks that each spacer is of similar size to other spacers
if ( Math.abs(currSpacerLength - initialSpacerLength) > spacerToSpacerLengthOffset )
return false;
//checks that each spacer is of similar size to the repeats
if ( Math.abs(currSpacerLength - repeatLength) > spacerToRepeatLengthOffset)
return false;
return true;
//checks first five spacers
public static boolean hasNonRepeatingSpacers(CRISPR candidateCRISPR, double maxSimilarity)
//assumes at least two elements
String firstRepeat = candidateCRISPR.repeatStringAt(0);
String firstSpacer = candidateCRISPR.spacerStringAt(0);
if (candidateCRISPR.numRepeats() >= 3)
int i = 0;
while ( (i < candidateCRISPR.numSpacers() - 1) )
if (i == 4) //only check first 5 spacers
return true;
String currSpacer = candidateCRISPR.spacerStringAt(i);
String nextSpacer = candidateCRISPR.spacerStringAt(i + 1);
String currRepeat = candidateCRISPR.repeatStringAt(i);
//spacers should be different
if ( DNASequence.getSimilarity(currSpacer, nextSpacer) > maxSimilarity )
return false;
//repeats should also be different from spacers, otherwise may be tandem repeat
if ( DNASequence.getSimilarity(currRepeat, currSpacer) > maxSimilarity )
return false;
//checks last repeat/spacer
if ( DNASequence.getSimilarity(candidateCRISPR.repeatStringAt(i), candidateCRISPR.spacerStringAt(i)) > maxSimilarity )
return false;
return true;
//we check that the spacer is different from the repeat
else if (candidateCRISPR.numRepeats() == 2)
if (firstSpacer.equals(""))
return false;
return ( DNASequence.getSimilarity(firstSpacer, firstRepeat) < maxSimilarity );
return false;
public static CRISPR checkFlank(String side, CRISPR candidateCRISPR, int minSpacerLength, int scanRange, double spacerToSpacerMaxSimilarity, double confidence)
boolean moreToSearch = true;
while (moreToSearch)
int result = scan(side, candidateCRISPR, minSpacerLength, scanRange, confidence);
if (result > 0) //if another repeat found on flank
if (side.equals("left"))
candidateCRISPR.insertRepeatAt(result, 0);
else if (side.equals("right"))
moreToSearch = false;
return candidateCRISPR;
scan to the right and left of the first and last repeat to see if there is a region
that is similar to the repeats. necessary in case we missed a repeat because of
inexact matches or a result of one of the filters
private static int scan(String side, CRISPR candidateCRISPR, int minSpacerLength, int scanRange, double confidence)
int repeatSpacing1, repeatSpacing2, avgRepeatSpacing;
int firstRepeatIndex, lastRepeatIndex, candidateRepeatIndex;
String repeatString, candidateRepeatString, newCandidateRepeatString;
int repeatLength = candidateCRISPR.repeatLength();
int numRepeats = candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
int sequenceLength = DNASequence.seq.length();
firstRepeatIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(0);
lastRepeatIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(numRepeats-1);
if (side.equals("left"))
repeatString = candidateCRISPR.repeatStringAt(0);
repeatSpacing1 = candidateCRISPR.repeatSpacing(0, 1);
if (numRepeats >= 3)
repeatSpacing2 = candidateCRISPR.repeatSpacing(1, 2);
avgRepeatSpacing = (repeatSpacing1 + repeatSpacing2)/2;
avgRepeatSpacing = repeatSpacing1;
candidateRepeatIndex = firstRepeatIndex - avgRepeatSpacing;
else //if (side.equals("right"))
repeatString = candidateCRISPR.repeatStringAt(numRepeats-1);
repeatSpacing1 = candidateCRISPR.repeatSpacing(numRepeats-2, numRepeats-1);
if (numRepeats >= 3)
repeatSpacing2 = candidateCRISPR.repeatSpacing(numRepeats-3, numRepeats-2);
avgRepeatSpacing = (repeatSpacing1 + repeatSpacing2)/2;
avgRepeatSpacing = repeatSpacing1;
candidateRepeatIndex = lastRepeatIndex + avgRepeatSpacing;
int begin = candidateRepeatIndex - scanRange;
int end = candidateRepeatIndex + scanRange;
/******************** range checks ********************/
//check that we do not search too far within an existing repeat when scanning right and left
int scanLeftMaxEnd = firstRepeatIndex - repeatLength - minSpacerLength;
int scanRightMinBegin = lastRepeatIndex + repeatLength + minSpacerLength;
if (side.equals("left"))
if (end > scanLeftMaxEnd)
end = scanLeftMaxEnd;
if (side.equals("right"))
if (begin < scanRightMinBegin)
begin = scanRightMinBegin;
//out of bounds check for scanning left
if ( (begin) < 0)
return 0;
//out of bounds check for scanning right
if ( (begin + repeatLength) > sequenceLength)
return 0;
if ( (end + repeatLength) > sequenceLength)
end = sequenceLength - repeatLength;
if ( begin >= end)
return 0;
/******************** end range checks ********************/
int[] array = new int[end - begin + 1];
int index = 0;
for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++)
candidateRepeatString = DNASequence.seq.substring(i, i + repeatLength);
array[index] = DNASequence.getHammingDistance(repeatString, candidateRepeatString);
//min(array) returns the index of the smallest value in array in this case, it refers to
//the candidate string theat is closest to the repeatString. uses hamming distance as levenshteinDistance is not useful for this particular task
int newCandidateRepeatIndex = begin + min(array);
newCandidateRepeatString = DNASequence.seq.substring(newCandidateRepeatIndex, newCandidateRepeatIndex + repeatLength);
boolean match = patternMatches(repeatString, newCandidateRepeatString, confidence);
if (match)
return newCandidateRepeatIndex;
return 0;
public static CRISPR scanRight(CRISPR candidateCRISPR, String pattern, int minSpacerLength, int scanRange, SearchUtil searchUtil)
int numRepeats = candidateCRISPR.numRepeats();
int patternLength = pattern.length();
int sequenceLength = DNASequence.seq.length();
int lastRepeatIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(numRepeats-1);
int secondToLastRepeatIndex = candidateCRISPR.repeatAt(numRepeats-2);
int repeatSpacing = lastRepeatIndex - secondToLastRepeatIndex;
int candidateRepeatIndex, beginSearch, endSearch, position;
String text = "";
boolean moreToSearch = true;
while (moreToSearch)
candidateRepeatIndex = lastRepeatIndex + repeatSpacing;
beginSearch = candidateRepeatIndex - scanRange;
endSearch = candidateRepeatIndex + patternLength + scanRange;
/******************** range checks ********************/
//check that we do not search too far within an existing repeat when scanning right
int scanRightMinBegin = lastRepeatIndex + patternLength + minSpacerLength;
if (beginSearch < scanRightMinBegin)
beginSearch = scanRightMinBegin;
//System.out.print("beginSearch " + beginSearch + " " + "endSearch" + endSearch);
if (beginSearch > sequenceLength - 1)
return candidateCRISPR;
if (endSearch > sequenceLength)
endSearch = sequenceLength;
if ( beginSearch >= endSearch)
return candidateCRISPR;
/******************** end range checks ********************/
text = DNASequence.seq.substring(beginSearch, endSearch);
position = searchUtil.boyer_mooreSearch(text, pattern);
if (position >= 0)
candidateCRISPR.addRepeat(beginSearch + position);
secondToLastRepeatIndex = lastRepeatIndex;
lastRepeatIndex = beginSearch + position;
repeatSpacing = lastRepeatIndex - secondToLastRepeatIndex;
if (repeatSpacing < (minSpacerLength + patternLength))
moreToSearch = false;
moreToSearch = false;
return candidateCRISPR;
private static boolean patternMatches(String pattern1, String pattern2, double confidence)
double patternSimilarity = DNASequence.getSimilarity(pattern1, pattern2);
if (patternSimilarity >= confidence)
return true;
return false;
private static int min (int[] array)
int min = array[0];
int minIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
if (array[i] < min)
min = array[i];
minIndex = i;
return minIndex;