-- premake5.lua -- This file describes the build configuration for Slang so -- that premake can generate platform-specific build files -- using Premake 5 (https://premake.github.io/). -- -- To update the build files that are checked in to the Slang repository, -- run a `premake5` binary and specify the appropriate action, e.g.: -- -- premake5.exe --os=windows vs2015 -- -- If you are trying to build Slang on another platform, then you -- can try invoking `premake5` for your desired OS and build format -- and see what happens. -- -- If you are going to modify this file to change/customize the Slang -- buidl, then you may need to read up on Premake's approach and -- how it uses/abuses Lua syntax. A few important things to note: -- -- * Everything that *looks* like a declarative (e.g., `kind "SharedLib"`) -- is actually a Lua function call (e.g., `kind("SharedLib")`) that -- modifies the behind-the-scenes state that describes the build. -- -- * Many of these function calls are "sticky" and affect subsequent -- calls, so ordering matters a *lot*. This file uses indentation to -- represent some of the flow of state, but it is important to recognize -- that the indentation is not semantically significant. -- -- * Because the configuration logic is just executable Lua code, we -- can capture and re-use bits of configuration logic in ordinary -- Lua subroutines. -- -- Now let's move on to the actual build: -- The "workspace" represents the overall build (the "solution" in -- Visual Studio terms). It sets up basic build settings that will -- apply across all projects. -- -- To output linux will output to linux -- % premake5 --os=linux gmake --build-location="build.linux" -- -- % cd build.linux -- % make config=release_x64 -- or -- % make config=debug_x64 -- -- From in the build directory you can use -- % premake5 --file=../premake5.lua --os=linux gmake newoption { trigger = "override-module", description = "(Optional) Specify a lua file that can override functions", value = "path" } newoption { trigger = "build-location", description = "(Optional) Specifiy the location to place solution on root Makefile", value = "path" } newoption { trigger = "execute-binary", description = "(Optional) If true binaries used in build will be executed (disable on cross compilation)", value = "bool", default = "true", allowed = { { "true", "True"}, { "false", "False" } } } buildLocation = _OPTIONS["build-location"] executeBinary = (_OPTIONS["execute-binary"] == "true") overrideModule = {} local overrideModulePath = _OPTIONS["override-module"] if overrideModulePath then overrideModule = require(overrideModulePath) end targetName = "%{cfg.system}-%{cfg.platform:lower()}" workspace "slang" -- We will support debug/release configuration and x86/x64 builds. configurations { "Debug", "Release" } platforms { "x86", "x64"} if os.target() == "linux" then platforms {"aarch64" } end if buildLocation then location(buildLocation) end -- The output binary directory will be derived from the OS -- and configuration options, e.g. `bin/windows-x64/debug/` targetdir("bin/" .. targetName .. "/%{cfg.buildcfg:lower()}") -- Statically link to the C/C++ runtime rather than create a DLL dependency. flags { "StaticRuntime" } -- Once we've set up the common settings, we will make some tweaks -- that only apply in a subset of cases. Each call to `filter()` -- changes the "active" filter for subsequent commands. In -- effect, those commands iwll be ignored when the conditions of -- the filter aren't satisfied. -- Our `x64` platform should (obviously) target the x64 -- architecture and similarly for x86. filter { "platforms:x64" } architecture "x64" filter { "platforms:x86" } architecture "x86" filter { "platforms:aarch64"} architecture "ARM" filter { "toolset:clang or gcc*" } buildoptions { "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wno-type-limits", "-Wno-sign-compare", "-Wno-unused-variable", "-Wno-reorder", "-Wno-switch", "-Wno-return-type", "-Wno-unused-local-typedefs", "-Wno-parentheses", "-std=c++11", "-fvisibility=hidden" , "-Wno-ignored-optimization-argument", "-Wno-unknown-warning-option"} filter { "toolset:gcc*"} buildoptions { "-Wno-unused-but-set-variable", "-Wno-implicit-fallthrough" } filter { "toolset:clang" } buildoptions { "-Wno-deprecated-register", "-Wno-tautological-compare", "-Wno-missing-braces", "-Wno-undefined-var-template", "-Wno-unused-function"} -- When compiling the debug configuration, we want to turn -- optimization off, make sure debug symbols are output, -- and add the same preprocessor definition that VS -- would add by default. filter { "configurations:debug" } optimize "Off" symbols "On" defines { "_DEBUG" } -- For the release configuration we will turn optimizations on -- (we do not yet micro-manage the optimization settings) -- and set the preprocessor definition that VS would add by default. filter { "configurations:release" } optimize "On" defines { "NDEBUG" } filter { "system:linux" } linkoptions{ "-Wl,-rpath,'$$ORIGIN',--no-as-needed", "-ldl"} function dump(o) if type(o) == 'table' then local s = '{ ' for k,v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. dump(v) .. ',' end return s .. '} ' else return tostring(o) end end function dumpTable(o) local s = '{ ' for k,v in pairs(o) do if type(k) ~= 'number' then k = '"'..k..'"' end s = s .. '['..k..'] = ' .. tostring(v) .. ',\n' end return s .. '} ' end -- -- We are now going to start defining the projects, where -- each project builds some binary artifact (an executable, -- library, etc.). -- -- All of our projects follow a common structure, so rather -- than reiterate a bunch of build settings, we define -- some subroutines that make the configuration as concise -- as possible. -- -- First, we will define a helper routine for adding all -- the relevant files from a given directory path: -- function addSourceDir(path) files { path .. "/*.cpp", -- C++ source files path .. "/*.slang", -- Slang files (for our stdlib) path .. "/*.h", -- Header files path .. "/*.hpp", -- C++ style headers (for glslang) path .. "/*.natvis", -- Visual Studio debugger visualization files } end -- -- Next we will define a helper routine that all of our -- projects will bottleneck through. Here `name` is -- the name for the project (and the base name for -- whatever output file it produces), while `sourceDir` -- is the directory that holds the source. -- -- E.g., for the `slangc` project, the source code -- is nested in `source/`, so we'd (indirectly) call: -- -- baseSlangProject("slangc", "source/slangc") -- function baseSlangProject(name, sourceDir) -- Start a new project in premake. This switches -- the "current" project over to the newly created -- one, so that subsequent commands affect this project. -- project(name) -- We need every project to have a stable UUID for -- output formats (like Visual Studio and XCode projects) -- that use UUIDs rather than names to uniquely identify -- projects. If we don't have a stable UUID, then the -- output files might have spurious diffs whenever we -- re-run premake generation. uuid(os.uuid(name .. '|' .. sourceDir)) -- Set the location where the project file will be placed. -- We set the project files to reside in their source -- directory, because in Visual Studio the default -- working directory when launching a project in the -- debugger is its project directory. This ensures that -- examples will work as expected for VS users. -- -- TODO: consider only setting this for examples, since -- it is less relevant to other projects. -- location(sourceDir) if os.target() == "windows" then else location "intermediate/project/%{prj.name}" end -- The intermediate ("object") directory will use a similar -- naming scheme to the output directory, but will also use -- the project name to avoid cases where multiple projects -- have source files with the same name. objdir("intermediate/" .. targetName .. "/%{cfg.buildcfg:lower()}/%{prj.name}") -- All of our projects are written in C++. -- language "C++" -- Since we know the project directory, we can go ahead -- and add any source files locate there. -- -- Note that we do *not* recurse into subdirectories, -- so projects that spread their source over multiple -- directories will need to take more steps. -- addSourceDir(sourceDir) -- By default, Premake generates VS project files that -- reflect the directory structure of the source code. -- While this is nice in principle, it creates messy -- results in practice for our projects. -- -- Instead, we will use the `vpaths` feature to imitate -- the default VS behavior of grouping files into -- virtual subdirectories (VS calls them "filters") for -- header and source files respectively. -- -- Note: We are setting `vpaths` using a list of key/value -- tables instead of just a key/value table, since this -- appears to be an (undocumented) way to fix the order -- in which the filters are tested. Otherwise we have -- issues where premake will nondeterministically decide -- the check something against the `**.cpp` filter first, -- and decide that a `foo.cpp.h` file should go into -- the `"Source Files"` vpath. That behavior seems buggy, -- but at least we appear to have a workaround. -- vpaths { { ["Header Files"] = { "**.h", "**.hpp"} }, { ["Source Files"] = { "**.cpp", "**.slang", "**.natvis" } }, } -- Override default options for a project if necessary if overrideModule.addBaseProjectOptions then overrideModule.addBaseProjectOptions() end end -- We can now use the `baseSlangProject()` subroutine to -- define helpers for the different categories of project -- in our source tree. -- -- For example, the Slang project has several tools that -- are used during building/testing, but don't need to -- be distributed. These always have their source code in -- `tools//`. -- function tool(name) -- We use the `group` command here to specify that the -- next project we create shold be placed into a group -- named "tools" in a generated IDE solution/workspace. -- -- This is used in the generated Visual Studio solution -- to group all the tools projects together in a logical -- sub-directory of the solution. -- group "tools" -- Now we invoke our shared project configuration logic, -- specifying that the project lives under the `tools/` path. -- baseSlangProject(name, "tools/" .. name) -- Finally, we set the project "kind" to produce a console -- application. This is a reasonable default for tools, -- and it can be overriden because Premake is stateful, -- and a subsequent call to `kind()` would overwrite this -- default. -- kind "ConsoleApp" end -- "Standard" projects will be those that go to make the binary -- packages for slang: the shared libraries and executables. -- function standardProject(name) -- Because Premake is stateful, any `group()` call by another -- project would still be in effect when we create a project -- here (e.g., if somebody had called `tool()` before -- `standardProject()`), so we are careful here to set the -- group to an emptry string, which Premake treats as "no group." -- group "" -- A standard project has its code under `source/` -- baseSlangProject(name, "source/" .. name) end function toolSharedLibrary(name) group "test-tool" -- specifying that the project lives under the `tools/` path. -- baseSlangProject(name .. "-tool", "tools/" .. name) defines { "SLANG_SHARED_LIBRARY_TOOL" } kind "SharedLib" end -- Finally we have the example programs that show how to use Slang. -- function example(name) -- Example programs go into an "example" group group "examples" -- They have their source code under `examples//` baseSlangProject(name, "examples/" .. name) -- By default, all of our examples are GUI applications. One some -- platforms there is no meaningful distinction between GUI and -- command-line applications, but it is significant on Windows and MacOS -- kind "WindowedApp" -- Every example needs to be able to include the `slang.h` header -- if it is going to use Slang, so we might as well set up a suitable -- include path here rather than make each example do it. -- -- Most of the examples also need the `gfx` library, -- which lives under `tools/`, so we will add that to the path as well. -- includedirs { ".", "tools" } -- The examples also need to link against the slang library, -- and the `gfx` abstraction layer (which in turn -- depends on the `core` library). We specify all of that here, -- rather than in each example. links { "slang", "core", "gfx" } end if os.target() == "windows" then -- -- With all of these helper routines defined, we can now define the -- actual projects quite simply. For example, here is the entire -- declaration of the "Hello, World" example project: -- example "hello-world" -- -- Note how we are calling our custom `example()` subroutine with -- the same syntax sugar that Premake usually advocates for their -- `project()` function. This allows us to treat `example` as -- a kind of specialized "subclass" of `project` -- -- Let's go ahead and set up the projects for our other example now. example "model-viewer" end -- Most of the other projects have more interesting configuration going -- on, so let's walk through them in order of increasing complexity. -- -- The `core` project is a static library that has all the basic types -- and routines that get shared across both the Slang compiler/runtime -- and the various tool projects. It's build is pretty simple: -- standardProject "core" uuid "F9BE7957-8399-899E-0C49-E714FDDD4B65" kind "StaticLib" -- For our core implementation, we want to use the most -- aggressive warning level supported by the target, and -- to treat every warning as an error to make sure we -- keep our code free of warnings. -- warnings "Extra" flags { "FatalWarnings" } -- We need the core library to be relocatable to be able to link with slang.so filter { "system:linux" } buildoptions{"-fPIC"} -- -- `slang-generate` is a tool we use for source code generation on -- the compiler. It depends on the `core` library, so we need to -- declare that: -- tool "slang-generate" uuid "66174227-8541-41FC-A6DF-4764FC66F78E" links { "core" } -- -- The `slang-test` test driver also uses the `core` library, and it -- currently relies on include paths being set up so that it can find -- the core headers: -- tool "slang-test" uuid "0C768A18-1D25-4000-9F37-DA5FE99E3B64" includedirs { "." } links { "core", "slang" } -- -- The reflection test harness `slang-reflection-test` is pretty -- simple, in that it only needs to link against the slang library -- to do its job: -- toolSharedLibrary "slang-reflection-test" uuid "C5ACCA6E-C04D-4B36-8516-3752B3C13C2F" includedirs { "." } kind "SharedLib" links { "core", "slang" } -- -- The most complex testing tool we have is `render-test`, but from -- a build perspective the most interesting thing about it is that for -- our Windows build it requires a Windows 10 SDK. -- -- TODO: Try to make the build not require a fixed version of the Windows SDK. -- Ideally we should just specify a *minimum* version. -- -- This test also requires Vulkan headers which we've placed in the -- `external/` directory, and it also includes files from the `core` -- library in ways that require us to set up `source/` as an include path. -- -- TODO: Fix that requirement. -- if os.target() == "windows" then toolSharedLibrary "render-test" uuid "61F7EB00-7281-4BF3-9470-7C2EA92620C3" includedirs { ".", "external", "source", "tools/gfx" } links { "core", "slang", "gfx" } systemversion "10.0.14393.0" -- For Windows targets, we want to copy d3dcompiler_47.dll, -- dxcompiler.dll, and dxil.dll from the Windows SDK redistributable -- directory into the output directory. postbuildcommands { '"$(SolutionDir)tools\\copy-hlsl-libs.bat" "$(WindowsSdkDir)Redist/D3D/%{cfg.platform:lower()}/" "%{cfg.targetdir}/"'} end -- -- `gfx` is a utility library for doing GPU rendering -- and compute, which is used by both our testing and exmaples. -- It depends on teh `core` library, so we need to declare that: -- tool "gfx" uuid "222F7498-B40C-4F3F-A704-DDEB91A4484A" -- Unlike most of the code under `tools/`, this is a library -- rather than a stand-alone executable. kind "StaticLib" includedirs { ".", "external", "source", "external/imgui" } filter { "system:windows" } systemversion "10.0.14393.0" -- For Windows targets, we want to copy d3dcompiler_47.dll, -- dxcompiler.dll, and dxil.dll from the Windows SDK redistributable -- directory into the output directory. postbuildcommands { '"$(SolutionDir)tools\\copy-hlsl-libs.bat" "$(WindowsSdkDir)Redist/D3D/%{cfg.platform:lower()}/" "%{cfg.targetdir}/"'} filter { "system:not windows" } removefiles { "tools/gfx/circular-resource-heap-d3d12.cpp", "tools/gfx/d3d-util.cpp", "tools/gfx/descriptor-heap-d3d12.cpp", "tools/gfx/render-d3d11.cpp", "tools/gfx/render-d3d12.cpp", "tools/gfx/render-gl.cpp", "tools/gfx/resource-d3d12.cpp", "tools/gfx/render-vk.cpp", "tools/gfx/vk-swap-chain.cpp", "tools/gfx/window.cpp" } -- -- The `slangc` command-line application is just a very thin wrapper -- around the Slang dynamic library, so its build is extermely simple. -- One windows `slangc` uses the the `core` library for some UTF-16 -- to UTF-8 string conversion before calling into `slang.dll`, so -- it also depends on `core`: -- standardProject "slangc" uuid "D56CBCEB-1EB5-4CA8-AEC4-48EA35ED61C7" kind "ConsoleApp" links { "core", "slang" } -- -- TODO: Slang's current `Makefile` build does some careful incantations -- to make sure that the binaries it generates use a "relative `RPATH`" -- for loading shared libraries, so that Slang is not dependent on -- being installed to a fixed path on end-user machines. Before we -- can use Premake for the Linux build (or eventually MacOS) we would -- need to figure out how to replicate this incantation in premake. -- -- -- Now that we've gotten all the simple projects out of the way, it is time -- to get into the more serious build steps. -- -- First up is the `slang` dynamic library project: -- standardProject "slang" uuid "DB00DA62-0533-4AFD-B59F-A67D5B3A0808" kind "SharedLib" links { "core" } warnings "Extra" flags { "FatalWarnings" } -- The way that we currently configure things through `slang.h`, -- we need to set a preprocessor definitions to ensure that -- we declare the Slang API functions for *export* and not *import*. -- defines { "SLANG_DYNAMIC_EXPORT" } -- The `standardProject` operation already added all the code in -- `source/slang/*`, but we also want to incldue the umbrella -- `slang.h` header in this prject, so we do that manually here. files { "slang.h" } -- The most challenging part of building `slang` is that we need -- to invoke the `slang-generate` tool to generate the version -- of the Slang standard library that we embed into the compiler. -- -- First, we need to ensure that `slang-generate` gets built -- before `slang`, so we declare a non-linking dependency between -- the projects here: -- dependson { "slang-generate" } filter { "system:linux" } -- might be able to do pic(true) buildoptions{"-fPIC"} -- Next, we want to add a custom build rule for each of the -- files that makes up the standard library. Those are -- always named `*.meta.slang`, so we can select for them -- using a `filter` and then use Premake's support for -- defining custom build commands: -- if executeBinary then filter "files:**.meta.slang" -- Specify the "friendly" message that should print to the build log for the action buildmessage "slang-generate %{file.relpath}" -- Specify the actual command to run for this action. -- -- Note that we use a single-quoted Lua string and wrap the path -- to the `slang-generate` command in double quotes to avoid -- confusing the Windows shell. It seems that Premake outputs that -- path with forward slashes, which confused the shell if we don't -- quote the executable path. -- buildcommands { '"%{cfg.targetdir}/slang-generate" %{file.relpath}' } -- Given `foo.meta.slang` we woutput `foo.meta.slang.h`. -- This needs to be specified because the custom action will only -- run when this file needs to be generated. -- buildoutputs { "%{file.relpath}.h" } -- We will specify an additional build input dependency on the `slang-generate` -- tool itself, so that changes to the code for the tool cause the generation -- step to be re-run. -- -- In order to get the file name right, we need to know the executable suffix -- that the target platform will use. Premake might have a built-in way to -- query this, but I couldn't find it, so I am just winging it for now: -- local executableSuffix = ""; if(os.target() == "windows") then executableSuffix = ".exe"; end -- buildinputs { "%{cfg.targetdir}/slang-generate" .. executableSuffix } end -- -- The single most complicated part of our build is our custom version of glslang. -- Is not really set up to produce a shared library with a usable API, so we have -- our own custom shim API around it to invoke GLSL->SPIRV compilation. -- -- Glslang normally relies on a CMake-based build process, and its code is spread -- across multiple directories with implicit dependencies on certain command-line -- definitions. -- -- The following is a tailored build of glslang that pulls in the pieces we care -- about whle trying to leave out the rest: -- standardProject "slang-glslang" uuid "C495878A-832C-485B-B347-0998A90CC936" kind "SharedLib" includedirs { "external/glslang" } defines { -- `ENABLE_OPT` must be defined (to either zero or one) for glslang to compile at all "ENABLE_OPT=0", -- We want to build a version of glslang that supports every feature possible, -- so we will enable all of the supported vendor-specific extensions so -- that they can be used in Slang-generated GLSL code when required. -- "AMD_EXTENSIONS", "NV_EXTENSIONS", } -- We will add source code from every directory that is required to get a -- minimal GLSL->SPIR-V compilation path working. addSourceDir("external/glslang/glslang/GenericCodeGen") addSourceDir("external/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent") addSourceDir("external/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/preprocessor") addSourceDir("external/glslang/glslang/OSDependent") addSourceDir("external/glslang/OGLCompilersDLL") addSourceDir("external/glslang/SPIRV") addSourceDir("external/glslang/StandAlone") -- Unfortunately, blindly adding files like that also pulled in a declaration -- of a main entry point that we do *not* want, so we will specifically -- exclude that file from our build. removefiles { "external/glslang/StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp" } -- Glslang includes some platform-specific code around DLL setup/teardown -- and handling of thread-local storage for its multi-threaded mode. We -- don't really care about *any* of that, but we can't remove it from the -- build so we need to include the appropriate platform-specific sources. filter { "system:windows" } -- On Windows we need to add the platform-specific sources and then -- remove the `main.cpp` file since it tries to define a `DllMain` -- and we don't want the default glslang one. addSourceDir( "external/glslang/glslang/OSDependent/Windows" ) removefiles { "external/glslang/glslang/OSDependent/Windows/main.cpp" } filter { "system:linux" } links { "dl", "pthread" } addSourceDir("external/glslang/glslang/OSDependent/Unix") buildoptions{"-fPIC", "-pthread"} -- -- With glslang's build out of the way, we've now covered everything we have -- to build to get Slang and its tools/examples built. -- -- What is not included in this file yet is support for any custom `make` -- targets for: -- -- * Invoking the test runner -- * Packaging up binaries -- * "Installing" Slang on a user's machine --