/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* routines that deal with GMT/netcdf grd I/O as supported through the ggrd subroutines of the hc package */ #ifdef USE_GZDIR #include gzFile *gzdir_output_open(char *,char *); #endif #include #include "global_defs.h" #include "parsing.h" #include "parallel_related.h" #include "composition_related.h" #include "element_definitions.h" #ifdef USE_GGRD #include "hc.h" /* ggrd and hc packages */ #include "ggrd_handling.h" void report(struct All_variables *,char *); int layers_r(struct All_variables *,float ); void construct_mat_group(struct All_variables *); void temperatures_conform_bcs(struct All_variables *); int layers(struct All_variables *,int ,int ); /* assign tracer flavor based on its depth (within top n layers), and the grd value */ void ggrd_init_tracer_flavors(struct All_variables *E) { int j, kk, number_of_tracers; double rad,theta,phi,indbl; char char_dummy[1],error[255],gmt_bc[10]; struct ggrd_gt ggrd_ict[1]; /* for dealing with several processors */ MPI_Status mpi_stat; int mpi_rc; int mpi_inmsg, mpi_success_message = 1; static ggrd_boolean shift_to_pos_lon = FALSE; /* this should not be needed anymore */ report(E,"ggrd_init_tracer_flavors: ggrd mat init"); int only_one_layer,this_layer; /* are we global? */ if (E->parallel.nprocxy == 12){ /* use GMT's geographic boundary conditions */ sprintf(gmt_bc,GGRD_GMT_GLOBAL_STRING); }else{ /* regional */ sprintf(gmt_bc,""); } only_one_layer = ((E->trace.ggrd_layers > 0)?(0):(1)); /* initialize the ggrd control */ if(E->parallel.me > 0){ /* wait for previous processor */ mpi_rc = MPI_Recv(&mpi_inmsg, 1, MPI_INT, (E->parallel.me-1), 0, E->parallel.world, &mpi_stat); } if(ggrd_grdtrack_init_general(FALSE,E->trace.ggrd_file, char_dummy,gmt_bc, ggrd_ict,FALSE,FALSE)){ myerror(E,"ggrd tracer init error"); } /* shold we decide on shifting to positive longitudes, ie. 0...360? */ if(E->parallel.me < E->parallel.nproc-1){ /* tell the next proc to go ahead */ mpi_rc = MPI_Send(&mpi_success_message, 1, MPI_INT, (E->parallel.me+1), 0, E->parallel.world); }else{ report(E,"ggrd_init_tracer_flavors: last processor done with ggrd mat init"); } /* init done */ /* assign values to each tracer based on grd file */ for (j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++) { number_of_tracers = E->trace.ntracers[j]; for (kk=1;kk <= number_of_tracers;kk++) { rad = E->trace.basicq[j][2][kk]; /* tracer radius */ this_layer = layers_r(E,rad); if((only_one_layer && (this_layer == -E->trace.ggrd_layers)) || ((!only_one_layer)&&(this_layer <= E->trace.ggrd_layers))){ /* in top layers */ phi = E->trace.basicq[j][1][kk]; theta = E->trace.basicq[j][0][kk]; /* interpolate from grid */ if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp((double)theta,(double)phi, ggrd_ict,&indbl,FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ snprintf(error,255,"ggrd_init_tracer_flavors: interpolation error at lon: %g lat: %g", phi*180/M_PI, 90-theta*180/M_PI); myerror(E,error); } /* limit to 0 or 1 */ if(indbl < .5) indbl = 0.0; else indbl = 1.0; E->trace.extraq[j][0][kk]= indbl; }else{ /* below */ E->trace.extraq[j][0][kk] = 0.0; } } } /* free grd structure */ ggrd_grdtrack_free_gstruc(ggrd_ict); report(E,"ggrd tracer init done"); if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd tracer init OK\n"); } void ggrd_full_temp_init(struct All_variables *E) { ggrd_temp_init_general(E,1); } void ggrd_reg_temp_init(struct All_variables *E) { ggrd_temp_init_general(E,0); } /* initialize temperatures from grd files for spherical geometry */ void ggrd_temp_init_general(struct All_variables *E,int is_global) { MPI_Status mpi_stat; int mpi_rc; int mpi_inmsg, mpi_success_message = 1; double temp1,tbot,tgrad,tmean,tadd,rho_prem; char gmt_string[10]; int i,j,k,m,node,noxnoz,nox,noy,noz; static ggrd_boolean shift_to_pos_lon = FALSE; if(is_global) /* decide on GMT flag */ sprintf(gmt_string,GGRD_GMT_GLOBAL_STRING); /* global */ else sprintf(gmt_string,""); noy=E->lmesh.noy; nox=E->lmesh.nox; noz=E->lmesh.noz; noxnoz = nox * noz; if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_temp_init_general: using GMT grd files for temperatures, gmtflag: %s\n",gmt_string); /* read in tempeatures/density from GMT grd files */ /* begin MPI synchronization part */ if(E->parallel.me > 0){ /* wait for the previous processor */ mpi_rc = MPI_Recv(&mpi_inmsg, 1, MPI_INT, (E->parallel.me-1), 0, E->parallel.world, &mpi_stat); } if(E->control.ggrd.temp.scale_with_prem){/* initialize PREM */ if(prem_read_model(E->control.ggrd.temp.prem.model_filename, &E->control.ggrd.temp.prem, (E->parallel.me == 0))) myerror(E,"PREM init error"); } /* initialize the GMT grid files */ E->control.ggrd.temp.d[0].init = FALSE; if(ggrd_grdtrack_init_general(TRUE,E->control.ggrd.temp.gfile, E->control.ggrd.temp.dfile,gmt_string, E->control.ggrd.temp.d,(E->parallel.me == 0), FALSE)) myerror(E,"grd init error"); /* */ if(E->parallel.me < E->parallel.nproc-1){ /* tell the next processor to go ahead with the init step */ mpi_rc = MPI_Send(&mpi_success_message, 1, MPI_INT, (E->parallel.me+1), 0, E->parallel.world); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_temp_init_general: last processor (%i) done with grd init\n", E->parallel.me); } /* interpolate densities to temperature given PREM variations */ if(E->mesh.bottbc == 1){ /* bottom has specified temperature */ tbot = E->control.TBCbotval; }else{ /* bottom has specified heat flux start with unity bottom temperature */ tbot = 1.0; } /* mean temp is (top+bot)/2 + offset */ tmean = (tbot + E->control.TBCtopval)/2.0 + E->control.ggrd.temp.offset; for(m=1;m <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) for(i=1;i <= noy;i++) for(j=1;j <= nox;j++) for(k=1;k <= noz;k++) { /* node numbers */ node=k+(j-1)*noz+(i-1)*noxnoz; /* get interpolated velocity anomaly */ if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_rtp((double)E->sx[m][3][node],(double)E->sx[m][1][node], (double)E->sx[m][2][node], E->control.ggrd.temp.d,&tadd, FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"%g %g %g\n",E->sx[m][2][node]*57.29577951308232087, 90-E->sx[m][1][node]*57.29577951308232087,(1-E->sx[m][3][node])*6371); myerror(E,"ggrd__temp_init_general: interpolation error"); } if(E->control.ggrd.temp.scale_with_prem){ /* get the PREM density at r for additional scaling */ prem_get_rho(&rho_prem,(double)E->sx[m][3][node],&E->control.ggrd.temp.prem); if(rho_prem < 3200.0) rho_prem = 3200.0; /* we don't want the density of water */ /* assign temperature */ E->T[m][node] = tmean + tadd * E->control.ggrd.temp.scale * rho_prem / E->data.density; }else{ /* no PREM scaling */ E->T[m][node] = tmean + tadd * E->control.ggrd.temp.scale; } if(E->control.ggrd.temp.limit_trange){ /* limit to 0 < T < 1 ?*/ E->T[m][node] = min(max(E->T[m][node], 0.0),1.0); } //fprintf(stderr,"z: %11g T: %11g\n",E->sx[m][3][node],E->T[m][node]); if(E->control.ggrd.temp.override_tbc){ if((k == 1) && (E->mesh.bottbc == 1)){ /* bottom TBC */ E->sphere.cap[m].TB[1][node] = E->T[m][node]; E->sphere.cap[m].TB[2][node] = E->T[m][node]; E->sphere.cap[m].TB[3][node] = E->T[m][node]; //fprintf(stderr,"z: %11g TBB: %11g\n",E->sx[m][3][node],E->T[m][node]); } if((k == noz) && (E->mesh.toptbc == 1)){ /* top TBC */ E->sphere.cap[m].TB[1][node] = E->T[m][node]; E->sphere.cap[m].TB[2][node] = E->T[m][node]; E->sphere.cap[m].TB[3][node] = E->T[m][node]; //fprintf(stderr,"z: %11g TBT: %11g\n",E->sx[m][3][node],E->T[m][node]); } } } /* free the structure, not needed anymore since T should now change internally */ ggrd_grdtrack_free_gstruc(E->control.ggrd.temp.d); /* end temperature/density from GMT grd init */ temperatures_conform_bcs(E); } /* read in material, i.e. viscosity prefactor from ggrd file, this will get assigned if layer <= E->control.ggrd.mat_control */ void ggrd_read_mat_from_file(struct All_variables *E, int is_global) { MPI_Status mpi_stat; int mpi_rc,timedep,interpolate; int mpi_inmsg, mpi_success_message = 1; int m,el,i,j,k,inode,i1,i2,elxlz,elxlylz,ind; int llayer,nox,noy,noz,nox1,noz1,noy1,level,lselect,idim,elx,ely,elz; char gmt_string[10],char_dummy; double indbl,indbl2,age,f1,f2,vip,rout[3],xloc[4]; char tfilename[1000]; static ggrd_boolean shift_to_pos_lon = FALSE; const int dims=E->mesh.nsd; const int ends = enodes[dims]; nox=E->mesh.nox;noy=E->mesh.noy;noz=E->mesh.noz; nox1=E->lmesh.nox;noz1=E->lmesh.noz;noy1=E->lmesh.noy; elx=E->lmesh.elx;elz=E->lmesh.elz;ely=E->lmesh.ely; elxlz = elx * elz; elxlylz = elxlz * ely; /* if we have not initialized the time history structure, do it now */ if(!E->control.ggrd.time_hist.init){ /* init times, if available */ ggrd_init_thist_from_file(&E->control.ggrd.time_hist, E->control.ggrd.time_hist.file,TRUE,(E->parallel.me == 0)); E->control.ggrd.time_hist.init = 1; } /* time dependent? */ timedep = (E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes > 1)?(1):(0); if(!E->control.ggrd.mat_control_init){ /* assign the general depth dependent material group */ construct_mat_group(E); if(E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_mat_from_file: initializing ggrd materials, assigning to all above %g km\n", E->data.radius_km*E->viscosity.zbase_layer[E->control.ggrd.mat_control-1]); if(is_global) /* decide on GMT flag */ sprintf(gmt_string,GGRD_GMT_GLOBAL_STRING); /* global */ else sprintf(gmt_string,""); /* initialization steps */ if(E->parallel.me > 0) /* wait for previous processor */ mpi_rc = MPI_Recv(&mpi_inmsg, 1, MPI_INT, (E->parallel.me-1), 0, E->parallel.world, &mpi_stat); /* read in the material file(s) */ E->control.ggrd.mat = (struct ggrd_gt *)calloc(E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes,sizeof(struct ggrd_gt)); for(i=0;i < E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes;i++){ if(!timedep) /* constant */ sprintf(tfilename,"%s",E->control.ggrd.mat_file); else sprintf(tfilename,"%s/%i/weak.grd",E->control.ggrd.mat_file,i+1); /* 2D file init */ if(ggrd_grdtrack_init_general(FALSE,tfilename,&char_dummy, gmt_string,(E->control.ggrd.mat+i),(E->parallel.me == 0),FALSE)) myerror(E,"ggrd init error"); } if(E->parallel.me < E->parallel.nproc-1){ /* tell the next proc to go ahead */ mpi_rc = MPI_Send(&mpi_success_message, 1, MPI_INT, (E->parallel.me+1), 0, E->parallel.world); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_mat_from_file: last processor done with ggrd mat init\n"); fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_mat_from_file: WARNING: assuming a regular grid geometry\n"); } /* end init */ } if(timedep || (!E->control.ggrd.mat_control_init)){ age = find_age_in_MY(E); if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_mat_from_ggrd_file: assigning at age %g\n",age); if(timedep){ ggrd_interpol_time(age,&E->control.ggrd.time_hist,&i1,&i2,&f1,&f2, E->control.ggrd.time_hist.vstage_transition); interpolate = 1; }else{ interpolate = 0; i1 = 0; } /* loop through all elements and assign */ for (m=1;m <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { for (j=1;j <= elz;j++) { /* this assumes a regular grid sorted as in (1)!!! */ if(E->mat[m][j] <= E->control.ggrd.mat_control ){ /* lithosphere or asthenosphere */ for (k=1;k <= ely;k++){ for (i=1;i <= elx;i++) { /* eq.(1) */ el = j + (i-1) * elz + (k-1)*elxlz; /* find average horizontal coordinate (DO WE HAVE THIS STORED ALREADY, E.G. FROM PRESSURE EVAL FORM FUNCTION???) */ xloc[1] = xloc[2] = xloc[3] = 0.0; for(inode=1;inode <= 4;inode++){ ind = E->ien[m][el].node[inode]; xloc[1] += E->x[m][1][ind];xloc[2] += E->x[m][2][ind];xloc[3] += E->x[m][3][ind]; } xloc[1]/=4.;xloc[2]/=4.;xloc[3]/=4.; xyz2rtpd(xloc[1],xloc[2],xloc[3],rout); /* material */ if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp(rout[1],rout[2],(E->control.ggrd.mat+i1),&indbl, FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_mat_from_ggrd_file: interpolation error at lon: %g lat: %g\n", rout[2]*180/M_PI,90-rout[1]*180/M_PI); parallel_process_termination(); } if(interpolate){ if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp((double)rout[1],(double)rout[2], (E->control.ggrd.mat+i2),&indbl2, FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_mat_from_ggrd_file: interpolation error at lon: %g lat: %g\n", rout[2]*180/M_PI,90-rout[1]*180/M_PI); parallel_process_termination(); } /* average smoothly between the two tectonic stages */ vip = exp((f1*log(indbl)+f2*log(indbl2))); }else{ vip = indbl; } /* limit the input scaling? */ if(vip < 1e-5) vip = 1e-5; if(vip > 1e5) vip = 1e5; E->VIP[m][el] = vip; } } }else{ /* outside the lithosphere */ for (k=1;k <= ely;k++){ for (i=1;i <= elx;i++) { el = j + (i-1) * elz + (k-1)*elxlz; /* no scaling else */ E->VIP[m][el] = 1.0; } } } } /* end elz loop */ } /* end m loop */ } /* end assignment loop */ if((!timedep) && (!E->control.ggrd.mat_control_init)){ /* forget the grid */ ggrd_grdtrack_free_gstruc(E->control.ggrd.mat); } E->control.ggrd.mat_control_init = 1; } /* end mat control */ /* read in Rayleigh number prefactor from file, this will get assigned if layer <= E->control.ggrd.ray_control I.e. this function can be used to assign a laterally varying prefactor to the rayleigh number in the surface layers, e.g. to have a simple way to represent stationary, chemical heterogeneity */ void ggrd_read_ray_from_file(struct All_variables *E, int is_global) { MPI_Status mpi_stat; int mpi_rc,timedep,interpolate; int mpi_inmsg, mpi_success_message = 1; int m,el,i,j,k,node,i1,i2,elxlz,elxlylz,ind; int llayer,nox,noy,noz,nox1,noz1,noy1,lev,lselect,idim,elx,ely,elz; char gmt_string[10],char_dummy; double indbl,indbl2,age,f1,f2,vip,rout[3],xloc[4]; char tfilename[1000]; static ggrd_boolean shift_to_pos_lon = FALSE; const int dims=E->mesh.nsd; const int ends = enodes[dims]; /* dimensional ints */ nox=E->mesh.nox;noy=E->mesh.noy;noz=E->mesh.noz; nox1=E->lmesh.nox;noz1=E->lmesh.noz;noy1=E->lmesh.noy; elx=E->lmesh.elx;elz=E->lmesh.elz;ely=E->lmesh.ely; elxlz = elx * elz; elxlylz = elxlz * ely; lev=E->mesh.levmax; /* if we have not initialized the time history structure, do it now any function can do that we could only use the surface processors, but maybe the rayleigh number is supposed to be changed at large depths */ if(!E->control.ggrd.time_hist.init){ ggrd_init_thist_from_file(&E->control.ggrd.time_hist, E->control.ggrd.time_hist.file,TRUE,(E->parallel.me == 0)); E->control.ggrd.time_hist.init = 1; } timedep = (E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes > 1)?(1):(0); if(!E->control.ggrd.ray_control_init){ /* init step */ if(E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_ray_from_file: initializing from %s\n",E->control.ggrd.ray_file); if(is_global) /* decide on GMT flag */ sprintf(gmt_string,GGRD_GMT_GLOBAL_STRING); /* global */ else sprintf(gmt_string,""); if(E->parallel.me > 0) /* wait for previous processor */ mpi_rc = MPI_Recv(&mpi_inmsg, 1, MPI_INT, (E->parallel.me-1), 0, E->parallel.world, &mpi_stat); E->control.ggrd.ray = (struct ggrd_gt *)calloc(E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes,sizeof(struct ggrd_gt)); for(i=0;i < E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes;i++){ if(!timedep) /* constant */ sprintf(tfilename,"%s",E->control.ggrd.ray_file); else sprintf(tfilename,"%s/%i/rayleigh.grd",E->control.ggrd.ray_file,i+1); if(ggrd_grdtrack_init_general(FALSE,tfilename,&char_dummy, gmt_string,(E->control.ggrd.ray+i),(E->parallel.me == 0),FALSE)) myerror(E,"ggrd init error"); } if(E->parallel.me < E->parallel.nproc-1){ /* tell the next proc to go ahead */ mpi_rc = MPI_Send(&mpi_success_message, 1, MPI_INT, (E->parallel.me+1), 0, E->parallel.world); }else{ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_ray_from_file: last processor done with ggrd ray init\n"); } E->control.surface_rayleigh = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*(E->lmesh.nsf+2)); if(!E->control.surface_rayleigh) myerror(E,"ggrd rayleigh mem error"); } if(timedep || (!E->control.ggrd.ray_control_init)){ if(timedep){ age = find_age_in_MY(E); ggrd_interpol_time(age,&E->control.ggrd.time_hist,&i1,&i2,&f1,&f2, E->control.ggrd.time_hist.vstage_transition); interpolate = 1; }else{ interpolate = 0;i1 = 0; } if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_ray_from_ggrd_file: assigning at time %g\n",age); for (m=1;m <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { /* loop through all surface nodes */ for (j=1;j <= E->lmesh.nsf;j++) { node = j * E->lmesh.noz ; rout[1] = (double)E->sx[m][1][node]; rout[2] = (double)E->sx[m][2][node]; if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp(rout[1],rout[2],(E->control.ggrd.ray+i1),&indbl, FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_ray_from_ggrd_file: interpolation error at %g, %g\n", rout[1],rout[2]); parallel_process_termination(); } //fprintf(stderr,"%i %i %g %g %g\n",j,E->lmesh.nsf,rout[1],rout[2],indbl); if(interpolate){ if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp(rout[1],rout[2], (E->control.ggrd.ray+i2),&indbl2, FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_ray_from_ggrd_file: interpolation error at %g, %g\n", rout[1],rout[2]); parallel_process_termination(); } /* average smoothly between the two tectonic stages */ vip = f1*indbl+f2*indbl2; }else{ vip = indbl; } E->control.surface_rayleigh[j] = vip; } /* end node loop */ } /* end cap loop */ } /* end assign loop */ if((!timedep) && (!E->control.ggrd.ray_control_init)){ /* forget the grid */ ggrd_grdtrack_free_gstruc(E->control.ggrd.ray); } E->control.ggrd.ray_control_init = 1; } /* end ray control */ /* read surface velocity boundary conditions from netcdf grd files */ void ggrd_read_vtop_from_file(struct All_variables *E, int is_global) { MPI_Status mpi_stat; int mpi_rc,interpolate,timedep,use_codes,code; int mpi_inmsg, mpi_success_message = 1; int m,el,i,k,i1,i2,ind,nodel,j,level; int noxg,nozg,noyg,noxl,noyl,nozl,lselect,idim,noxgnozg,noxlnozl,save_codes; char gmt_string[10],char_dummy; static int lc =0; /* only for debugging */ double vin1[2],vin2[2],age,f1,f2,vscale,rout[3],cutoff,v[3],sin_theta,vx[4], cos_theta,sin_phi,cos_phi,theta_max,theta_min; char tfilename1[1000],tfilename2[1000]; static pole_warned = FALSE; static ggrd_boolean shift_to_pos_lon = FALSE; const int dims=E->mesh.nsd; #ifdef USE_GZDIR gzFile *fp1; #else myerror(E,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_file needs to use GZDIR (set USE_GZDIR flag) because of code output"); #endif /* read in plate code files? */ use_codes = (E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[0] > 1e-7)?(1):(0); save_codes = 0; /* */ if(E->mesh.topvbc != 1) myerror(E,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_file: top velocity BCs, but topvbc is free slip"); /* global, top level number of nodes */ noxg = E->lmesh.nox;nozg=E->lmesh.noz;noyg=E->lmesh.noy; noxgnozg = noxg*nozg; /* velocity scaling, assuming input is cm/yr */ vscale = E->data.scalev * E->data.timedir; if(use_codes) vscale *= E->data.radius_km*1e3/1e6*1e2*M_PI/180.; /* for deg/Myr -> cm/yr conversion */ if (E->parallel.me_loc[3] == E->parallel.nprocz-1) { /* TOP PROCESSORs ONLY */ /* if we have not initialized the time history structure, do it now if this file is not found, will use constant velocities */ if(!E->control.ggrd.time_hist.init){/* init times, if available*/ ggrd_init_thist_from_file(&E->control.ggrd.time_hist,E->control.ggrd.time_hist.file, TRUE,(E->parallel.me == 0)); E->control.ggrd.time_hist.init = 1; } timedep = (E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes > 1)?(1):(0); if(!E->control.ggrd.vtop_control_init){ /* read in grd files (only needed for top processors, really, but leave as is for now */ if(E->parallel.me==0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_file: initializing ggrd velocities for %s setup\n", is_global?("global"):("regional")); if(is_global){ /* decide on GMT flag */ //sprintf(gmt_string,""); /* periodic */ sprintf(gmt_string,GGRD_GMT_GLOBAL_STRING); /* global */ }else sprintf(gmt_string,""); /* initialization steps */ /* read in the velocity file(s) */ E->control.ggrd.svt = (struct ggrd_gt *)calloc(E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes,sizeof(struct ggrd_gt)); E->control.ggrd.svp = (struct ggrd_gt *)calloc(E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes,sizeof(struct ggrd_gt)); /* for detecting the actual max */ E->control.ggrd.svt->bandlim = E->control.ggrd.svp->bandlim = 1e6; for(i=0;i < E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes;i++){ /* by default, all velocity grids will be stored in memory, this may or may not be ideal */ if(!timedep){ /* constant */ if(use_codes) sprintf(tfilename1,"%s/code.grd",E->control.ggrd.vtop_dir); else{ sprintf(tfilename1,"%s/vt.grd",E->control.ggrd.vtop_dir); sprintf(tfilename2,"%s/vp.grd",E->control.ggrd.vtop_dir); } } else { /* f(t) */ if(use_codes) sprintf(tfilename1,"%s/%i/code.grd",E->control.ggrd.vtop_dir,i+1); else{ sprintf(tfilename1,"%s/%i/vt.grd",E->control.ggrd.vtop_dir,i+1); sprintf(tfilename2,"%s/%i/vp.grd",E->control.ggrd.vtop_dir,i+1); } } if(use_codes){ if(ggrd_grdtrack_init_general(FALSE,tfilename1,&char_dummy, gmt_string,(E->control.ggrd.svt+i),(E->parallel.me == 0),FALSE)) myerror(E,"ggrd init error codes"); }else{ if(ggrd_grdtrack_init_general(FALSE,tfilename1,&char_dummy, gmt_string,(E->control.ggrd.svt+i),(E->parallel.me == 0),FALSE)) myerror(E,"ggrd init error vt"); if(ggrd_grdtrack_init_general(FALSE,tfilename2,&char_dummy, gmt_string,(E->control.ggrd.svp+i),(E->parallel.me == 0),FALSE)) myerror(E,"ggrd init error vp"); } }/* all grids read */ if(use_codes){ save_codes = 1; snprintf(tfilename1,1000,"%s/codes.%d.gz", E->control.data_dir,E->parallel.me); fp1 = gzdir_output_open(tfilename1,"w"); } if(E->parallel.me == 0) if(use_codes) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_file: assigning Euler vector %g, %g, %g to plates with code %i\n", E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[1], E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[2], E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[3], (int)E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[0]); else fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_file: done with ggrd vtop BC init, %i timesteps, vp band lim max: %g\n", E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes,E->control.ggrd.svp->fmaxlim[0]); } /* end init */ /* geographic bounds */ theta_max = (90-E->control.ggrd.svp[0].south)*M_PI/180-1e-5; theta_min = (90-E->control.ggrd.svp[0].north)*M_PI/180+1e-5; if((E->parallel.me ==0) && (is_global)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_file: determined South/North range: %g/%g\n", E->control.ggrd.svp[0].south,E->control.ggrd.svp[0].north); } if((E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes > 1)|| (!E->control.ggrd.vtop_control_init)){ /* either first time around, or time-dependent assignment */ age = find_age_in_MY(E); if(timedep){ /* interpolate by time */ if(age < 0){ /* Opposite of other method */ interpolate = 0; /* present day should be last file*/ i1 = E->control.ggrd.time_hist.nvtimes - 1; if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_file: using present day vtop for age = %g\n",age); }else{ /* */ ggrd_interpol_time(age,&E->control.ggrd.time_hist,&i1,&i2,&f1,&f2, E->control.ggrd.time_hist.vstage_transition); interpolate = 1; if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_file: interpolating vtop for age = %g\n",age); } }else{ interpolate = 0; /* single timestep, use single file */ i1 = 0; if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_file: temporally constant velocity BC \n"); } if(E->parallel.me==0){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_file: assigning velocities BC, timedep: %i time: %g\n", timedep,age); } /* if mixed BCs are allowed, need to reassign the boundary condition */ if(E->control.ggrd_allow_mixed_vbcs){ /* mixed BC part */ if(use_codes) myerror(E,"cannot mix Euler velocities for plate codes and mixed vbcs"); if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: allowing mixed velocity BCs\n"); /* velocities larger than the cutoff will be assigned as free slip */ cutoff = E->control.ggrd.svp->fmaxlim[0] + 1e-5; for(level=E->mesh.gridmax;level>=E->mesh.gridmin;level--){/* multigrid levels */ noxl = E->lmesh.NOX[level]; noyl = E->lmesh.NOY[level]; nozl = E->lmesh.NOZ[level]; noxlnozl = noxl*nozl; for (m=1;m <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { /* loop through all horizontal nodes */ for(i=1;i<=noyl;i++){ for(j=1;j<=noxl;j++) { nodel = j * nozl + (i-1)*noxlnozl; /* top node = nozl + (j-1) * nozl + (i-1)*noxlnozl; */ /* node location */ rout[1] = E->SX[level][m][1][nodel]; /* theta,phi */ /* for global grid, shift theta if too close to poles */ if((is_global)&&(rout[1] > theta_max)){ if(!pole_warned){ fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: shifting theta from %g (%g) to max theta %g (%g)\n", rout[1],90-180/M_PI*rout[1],theta_max,90-180/M_PI*theta_max); pole_warned = TRUE; } rout[1] = theta_max; } if((is_global)&&(rout[1] < theta_min)){ if(!pole_warned){ fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: shifting theta from %g (%g) to min theta %g (%g)\n", rout[1],90-180/M_PI*rout[1],theta_min,90-180/M_PI*theta_min); pole_warned = TRUE; } rout[1] = theta_min; } /* */ rout[2] = E->SX[level][m][2][nodel]; /* find vp */ if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp(rout[1],rout[2],(E->control.ggrd.svp+i1), vin1,FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_ggrd_file: interpolation error at %g, %g\n", rout[1],rout[2]); parallel_process_termination(); } if(interpolate){ /* second time */ if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp(rout[1],rout[2],(E->control.ggrd.svp+i2),vin2, FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_mat_from_ggrd_file: interpolation error at %g, %g\n", rout[1],rout[2]); parallel_process_termination(); } v[2] = (f1*vin1[0] + f2*vin2[0]); /* vphi unscaled! */ }else{ v[2] = vin1[0]; /* vphi */ } if(fabs(v[2]) > cutoff){ /* free slip */ E->NODE[level][m][nodel] = E->NODE[level][m][nodel] & (~VBX); E->NODE[level][m][nodel] = E->NODE[level][m][nodel] | SBX; E->NODE[level][m][nodel] = E->NODE[level][m][nodel] & (~VBY); E->NODE[level][m][nodel] = E->NODE[level][m][nodel] | SBY; }else{ /* no slip */ E->NODE[level][m][nodel] = E->NODE[level][m][nodel] | VBX; E->NODE[level][m][nodel] = E->NODE[level][m][nodel] & (~SBX); E->NODE[level][m][nodel] = E->NODE[level][m][nodel] | VBY; E->NODE[level][m][nodel] = E->NODE[level][m][nodel] & (~SBY); } } /* end x loop */ } /* end y loop */ /* sum up all assignments */ } /* cap */ } /* level */ } /* end mixed BC assign */ /* now loop through all nodes and assign velocity boundary condition values */ for (m=1;m <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++) { /* scaled cutoff velocity */ if(!use_codes) /* else, is not defined */ cutoff = E->control.ggrd.svp->fmaxlim[0] * vscale + 1e-5; else{ cutoff = 1e30; if(save_codes) /* those will be surface nodes only */ gzprintf(fp1,"%3d %7d\n",m,E->lmesh.nsf); } for(k=1;k <= noyg;k++) {/* loop through surface nodes */ for(i=1;i <= noxg;i++) { nodel = (k-1)*noxgnozg + i * nozg; /* top node = nozg + (i-1) * nozg + (k-1)*noxgnozg */ /* */ rout[1] = E->sx[m][1][nodel]; /* theta,phi coordinates */ /* for global grid, shift theta if too close to poles */ if((is_global)&&(rout[1] > theta_max)){ if(!pole_warned){ fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: shifting theta from %g (%g) to max theta %g (%g)\n", rout[1],90-180/M_PI*rout[1],theta_max,90-180/M_PI*theta_max); pole_warned = TRUE; } rout[1] = theta_max; } if((is_global)&&(rout[1] < theta_min)){ if(!pole_warned){ fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: shifting theta from %g (%g) to min theta %g (%g)\n", rout[1],90-180/M_PI*rout[1],theta_min,90-180/M_PI*theta_min); pole_warned = TRUE; } rout[1] = theta_min; } rout[2] = E->sx[m][2][nodel]; if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp(rout[1],rout[2],(E->control.ggrd.svt+i1), vin1,FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_ggrd_file: interpolation error at %g, %g\n", rout[1],rout[2]); parallel_process_termination(); } if(!use_codes) if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp(rout[1],rout[2],(E->control.ggrd.svp+i1), (vin1+1),FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_vtop_from_ggrd_file: interpolation error at %g, %g\n", rout[1],rout[2]); parallel_process_termination(); } if(interpolate){ /* second time */ if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp(rout[1],rout[2],(E->control.ggrd.svt+i2),vin2, FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_mat_from_ggrd_file: interpolation error at %g, %g\n", rout[1],rout[2]); parallel_process_termination(); } if(!use_codes){ if(!ggrd_grdtrack_interpolate_tp(rout[1],rout[2],(E->control.ggrd.svp+i2),(vin2+1), FALSE,shift_to_pos_lon)){ fprintf(stderr,"ggrd_read_mat_from_ggrd_file: interpolation error at %g, %g\n", rout[1],rout[2]); parallel_process_termination(); } v[1] = (f1*vin1[0] + f2*vin2[0])*vscale; /* theta */ v[2] = (f1*vin1[1] + f2*vin2[1])*vscale; /* phi */ }else{ v[1] = (f1*vin1[0] + f2*vin2[0]); /* theta */ } }else{ if(!use_codes){ v[1] = vin1[0]*vscale; /* theta */ v[2] = vin1[1]*vscale; /* phi */ }else{ v[1] = vin1[0]; /* theta */ } } if(use_codes){ /* find code from v[1], theta */ code = (int)(v[1] + 0.5); if(save_codes) /* lon lat code */ gzprintf(fp1, "%9.4f %9.4f %i\n", rout[2]/M_PI*180,90-rout[1]*180/M_PI,code); if((int)E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[0] == code){ /* within plate */ sin_theta=sin(rout[1]);cos_theta=cos(rout[1]); sin_phi =sin(rout[2]);cos_phi= cos(rout[2]); /* compute spherical velocities in cm/yr at this location, assuming rotation pole is in deg/Myr */ vx[1]=E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[2]*E->x[m][3][nodel] - E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[3]*E->x[m][2][nodel]; vx[2]=E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[3]*E->x[m][1][nodel] - E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[1]*E->x[m][3][nodel]; vx[3]=E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[1]*E->x[m][2][nodel] - E->control.ggrd_vtop_omega[2]*E->x[m][1][nodel]; /* */ v[1]= cos_theta*cos_phi*vx[1] + cos_theta*sin_phi*vx[2] - sin_theta*vx[3]; /* theta */ v[2]=- sin_phi*vx[1] + cos_phi*vx[2]; /* phie */ /* scale */ v[1] *= vscale;v[2] *= vscale; }else{ v[1] = v[2] = 0.0; } } /* assign velociites */ if(fabs(v[2]) > cutoff){ /* huge velocitie - free slip */ E->sphere.cap[m].VB[1][nodel] = 0; /* theta */ E->sphere.cap[m].VB[2][nodel] = 0; /* phi */ }else{ /* regular no slip , assign velocities as BCs */ E->sphere.cap[m].VB[1][nodel] = v[1]; /* theta */ E->sphere.cap[m].VB[2][nodel] = v[2]; /* phi */ } E->sphere.cap[m].VB[3][nodel] = 0.0; /* r */ } } /* end surface node loop */ } /* end cap loop */ if((!timedep)&&(!E->control.ggrd.vtop_control_init)){ /* forget the grids */ ggrd_grdtrack_free_gstruc(E->control.ggrd.svt); ggrd_grdtrack_free_gstruc(E->control.ggrd.svp); } } /* end assignment branch */ if(use_codes && save_codes){ save_codes = 0; gzclose(fp1); } } /* end top proc branch */ E->control.ggrd.vtop_control_init = 1; if(E->parallel.me == 0)fprintf(stderr,"vtop from grd done: %i\n",lc++); } void ggrd_read_age_from_file(struct All_variables *E, int is_global) { myerror(E,"not implemented yet"); } /* end age control */ /* adjust Ra in top boundary layer */ void ggrd_adjust_tbl_rayleigh(struct All_variables *E, double **buoy) { int m,snode,node,i; double xloc,fac,bnew; if(!E->control.ggrd.ray_control_init) myerror(E,"ggrd rayleigh not initialized, but in adjust tbl"); if(E->parallel.me == 0) fprintf(stderr,"ggrd__adjust_tbl_rayleigh: adjusting Rayleigh in top %i layers\n", E->control.ggrd.ray_control); /* need to scale buoy with the material determined rayleigh numbers */ for(m=1;m <= E->sphere.caps_per_proc;m++){ for(snode=1;snode <= E->lmesh.nsf;snode++){ /* loop through surface nodes */ if(fabs(E->control.surface_rayleigh[snode]-1.0)>1e-6){ for(i=1;i <= E->lmesh.noz;i++){ /* go through depth layers */ node = (snode-1)*E->lmesh.noz + i; /* global node number */ if(layers(E,m,node) <= E->control.ggrd.ray_control){ /* node is in top layers */ /* depth factor, cos^2 tapered */ xloc=1.0 + ((1 - E->sx[m][3][node]) - E->viscosity.zbase_layer[E->control.ggrd.ray_control-1])/ E->viscosity.zbase_layer[E->control.ggrd.ray_control-1]; fac = cos(xloc*1.5707963267);fac *= fac; /* cos^2 tapering, factor decrease from 1 at surface to zero at boundary */ bnew = buoy[m][node] * E->control.surface_rayleigh[snode]; /* modified rayleigh */ /* debugging */ /* fprintf(stderr,"z: %11g tl: %i zm: %11g fac: %11g sra: %11g bnew: %11g bold: %11g\n", */ /* (1 - E->sx[m][3][node])*E->data.radius_km,E->control.ggrd.ray_control, */ /* E->viscosity.zbase_layer[E->control.ggrd.ray_control-1]*E->data.radius_km, */ /* fac,E->control.surface_rayleigh[snode],(fac * bnew + (1-fac)*buoy[m][node]),buoy[m][node]); */ buoy[m][node] = fac * bnew + (1-fac)*buoy[m][node]; } } } } } } #endif