Release notes for all past releases are available in the ['Releases' section]( of the GPflow GitHub Repo. []( explains just that. # Release x.y.z (template for future releases) ## Breaking Changes * * ## Known Caveats * * * ## Major Features and Improvements * * ## Bug Fixes and Other Changes * * * ## Thanks to our Contributors This release contains contributions from: , , , , , # Release 2.2.0 (next upcoming release) ## Breaking Changes * * ## Known Caveats * * * ## Major Features and Improvements * * ## Bug Fixes and Other Changes * * * ## Thanks to our Contributors This release contains contributions from: , , , , , # Release 2.1.5 ## Known Caveats * GPflow requires TensorFlow >= 2.2. ## Deprecations * The `gpflow.utilities.utilities` submodule has been deprecated and will be removed in GPflow 2.3. User code should access functions directly through `gpflow.utilities` instead (#1650). ## Major Features and Improvements * Improves compatibility between monitoring API and Scipy optimizer (#1642). * Adds `_add_noise_cov` method to GPR model class to make it more easily extensible (#1645). ## Bug Fixes * Fixes a bug in ModelToTensorBoard (#1619) when `max_size=-1` (#1619) * Fixes a dynamic shape issue in the quadrature code (#1626). * Fixes #1651, a bug in `fully_correlated_conditional_repeat` (#1652). * Fixes #1653, a bug in the "fallback" code path for multioutput Kuf (#1654). * Fixes a bug in the un-whitened code path for the fully correlated conditional function (#1662). * Fixes a bug in `independent_interdomain_conditional` (#1663). * Fixes an issue with the gpflow.config API documentation (#1664). * Test suite * Fixes the test suite for TensorFlow 2.4 / TFP 0.12 (#1625). * Fixes mypy call (#1637). * Fixes a bug in (#1649). ## Thanks to our Contributors This release contains contributions from: johnamcleod, st--, vatsalaggarwal, sam-willis, vdutor