\name{update.trellis} \alias{update.trellis} \title{Update Trellis Object} \description{ Update method for objects of class ``trellis'' } \synopsis{ \method{update}{trellis}(object, panel, aspect, as.table, between, key, auto.key, legend, layout, main, page, par.strip.text, prepanel, scales, skip, strip, sub, xlab, xlim, ylab, ylim, par.settings, index.cond, perm.cond, \dots) } \usage{ \method{update}{trellis}(object, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ The object to be updated, of class ``trellis''. } \item{\dots}{ arguments that will be used to update \code{object}. See details below. } } \details{ All the high level lattice functions such as \code{xyplot} produce an object of (S3) class ``trellis'', which is usually printed by its \code{print} method. However, the object itself can be manipulated and modified to a large extent using the \code{update} method, and then re-plotted as needed. Most arguments to high level functions can also be supplied to the \code{update} method as well, with some exceptions. Generally speaking, anything that would needs to change the data within each panel is a no-no (this includes the \code{formula, data, groups, subscripts} and \code{subset}). Everything else is technically game, though might not be implemented yet. If you find something missing that you wish to have, feel free to make a request. Not all arguments accepted by a Lattice function are processed by \code{update}, but the following should work (they are described in the help page for \code{\link{xyplot}}): \code{panel}, \code{aspect}, \code{as.table}, \code{between}, \code{key}, \code{auto.key}, \code{legend}, \code{layout}, \code{main}, \code{page}, \code{par.strip.text}, \code{prepanel}, \code{scales}, \code{skip}, \code{strip}, \code{sub}, \code{xlab}, \code{xlim}, \code{ylab}, \code{ylim}, \code{par.settings}, \code{index.cond}, \code{perm.cond} Any other argument is added to the list of arguments to be passed to the \code{panel} function. Because of their somewhat special nature, updates to objects produced by \code{cloud} and \code{wireframe} do not work very well yet. } \value{ An object of class \code{trellis}, by default plotted by \code{print.trellis}. } \author{ Deepayan Sarkar \email{deepayan@stat.wisc.edu}} \seealso{ \code{\link{trellis.object}}, \code{\link{Lattice}}, \code{\link{xyplot}} } \keyword{dplot}