## it does not make sense to me at the moment that a space-time model ## for extremes is defined. "InitMaxStableRF" <- function(x, y = NULL, z = NULL, grid, model, param, maxstable, method = NULL, register = 0, gridtriple = FALSE) { MaxStableList <- c("extremalGauss","BooleanFunction") stopifnot(length(maxstable)==1) MaxStableNr <- pmatch(maxstable,MaxStableList) if (is.na(MaxStableNr)) stop(paste("Unknown max-stable random field", "\nPossible values for `maxstable': \"", paste(MaxStableList,collapse="\", \""), "\"",sep="")) if (MaxStableNr==2) { if (is.null(method)) method <- "max.MPP" else{ if (!is.character(method) || (length(method)==0)) stop("Method must be a string.") if (.C("GetMethodNr", as.character(method), as.integer(1), nr = integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr != .C("GetMethodNr",as.character("max.MPP"), as.integer(1), nr = integer(1), PACKAGE="RandomFields")$nr) { warning("Method does not match max-stable random field definition. Set to `max.MPP'.") if (any(method[1] != method)) warning("method='max.MPP' cannot be mixed with other methods") method <- "max.MPP" } } } return(InitSimulateRF(x=x, y=y, z=z, grid=grid, model=model, param=param, method=method, register=register, gridtriple=gridtriple, distribution="MaxStable") ) } "MaxStableRF" <- function (x, y = NULL, z = NULL, grid, model, param, maxstable, method = NULL, n = 1, register = 0, gridtriple = FALSE, ...) { old.param <- RFparameters(no.readonly=TRUE) if (n>1 && !old.param$Storing) { RFparameters(Storing=TRUE) } RFpar <- list(...) if (length(RFpar)>0) RFparameters(RFpar) on.exit({RFparameters(old.param); if (!old.param$Storing) DeleteRegister(register)}) error <- InitMaxStableRF(x=x, y=y, z=z, grid=grid, model=model, param=param, maxstable=maxstable, method=method, register=register, gridtriple=gridtriple) if (error > 0) stop(paste("InitMaxStable: error", error, "occured")) return(DoSimulateRF(n=n, reg=register, paired=FALSE)) }