Module to analyze behavior (of the mice or RNNs)
Includes pyschometrics, logistic regression, plotting, trial selection
Lucas Pinto 2020-2021, lucas.pinto@northwestern.edu
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Libraries
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import lp_utils as utils
import multiprocessing as mp
import flammkuchen as fl
import time
import copy
import os.path
import pingouin as pg
import numpy.matlib
import mat73
from os import path
from statsmodels.discrete.discrete_model import Logit
from statsmodels.genmod.bayes_mixed_glm import BinomialBayesMixedGLM
from statsmodels.stats.proportion import proportion_confint
from pymer4.models import Lmer
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
# default parameters
params = {
# analysis
'rightCode' : 1, # right choices in behavior logs
'leftCode' : 0, # left choices
'psych_bins' : np.arange(-15,20,5), # bins for \delta evidence in psychometrics
'logRegr_nbins' : 4, # number of even bins between 10 and 200 cm for logistic regression
'multiArea_boot_numiter' : 10000, # number of bootstrapping iterations for multi-area analysis
'logRegr_boot_numiter' : 200, # number of bootstrapping iterations for logistic regression
'alpha' : 0.05, # significance level before FDR
'max_clust' : 5, # max num clusts to test in clustering algorithm
'clust_singleAreas_only' : True, # cluster only single areas, or also Front and Post?
'clust_algo' : 'Spectral', # clustering algorithm, 'Hierarchical' or 'Spectral'
'clust_what' : 'onset', # what laser-triggered weights to cluster, 'onset', 'offset' or 'onset+offset'
'behavLogPath' : '/Volumes/braininit/Analysis/laserGalvo/concatLog_subtrial_inactivation.mat', # location of .mat behavioral data
'savePath' : '/Volumes/braininit/Analysis/laserGalvo/', # save path
'removeThetaOutlierMode' : 'none', # remove outlier trials from log, 'soft', 'stringent', or 'none' (there's some pre-selection already in .mat file)
'removeZeroEvidTrials' : True, # remove control trials where #r : #l
'excludeBadMice' : False, # exclude mice with bad logistic regression functions (in space)
'inact_locations' : ['V1', 'mV2', 'PPC', 'RSC', 'Post', 'mM2', 'aM2', 'M1', 'Front'], # area labels for inactivation experiments
'inact_epochs' : ['cueQuart1', 'cueQuart2', 'cueHalf1', 'cueQuart3', 'cueHalf2', 'mem'], # trial epoch labels for inactivation experiments
# plotting
'ctrl_color' : 'k', # default color for plotting ctrl curves
'ctrl_shade' : [.6, .6, .6], # default color for plotting ctrl shades
'lsr_color' : np.array([57, 133, 255])/255, # default color for plotting inactivation curves
'lsr_shade' : np.array([151, 193, 252])/255, # default color for plotting inactivation shades
'tick_lbl_size' : 8, # fontsize ticklabels
'axis_lbl_size' : 10, # fontsize ticklabels
'title_size' : 12, # fontsize ticklabels
params['regr_params'] = {
'bins_per_sec' : [2, 2, 2], # time bins per sec
'max_t' : [1.5, .5, 1], # max time in sec to calculate bins
'addLsrOffset' : True, # add explicit laser bias predictor and related mixed effects
'zscore' : True, # zscore evidence matrix
'nfold_xval' : 10, # folds of cross-validation runs
'method' : 'Lmer_explicit', # 'Lmer_explicit' or 'Bayes'.
# ==============================================================================
# ==============================================================================
# batch analyze the inactivation data (wrapper function)
def inact_batch_analyze(params = params, doPlot = False, doSave = True):
inact_effects, lg = inact_batch_analyze(local_params = params, doPlot == True, doSave == True)
wrapper function to analyze inactivation effects
loads log, selects trials and mice, runs bootstrapping analysis of
logistic regression of choice vs evidence bins, psychometrics, % correct
returns dictionary with analysis summary and stats, and cleaned up behavioral
log object. Optional inputs are booleans to plot and save results
If file is already in disk and parameters match, it will just load the data instead
if params['excludeBadMice']:
filename = 'multiArea_inact_goodMice.hdf5'
logfilename = 'concatLog_subtrial_inactivation_goodMice.hdf5'
suffix = 'goodMice'
filename = 'multiArea_inact_allMice.hdf5'
logfilename = 'concatLog_subtrial_inactivation_allMice.hdf5'
suffix = 'allMice'
filename = '{}{}'.format(params['savePath'],filename)
# first check if file exists and key params match, in which case just load
if path.exists(filename):
data = fl.load(filename)
stored_params = data['params']
key_param_names = ['psych_bins', 'logRegr_nbins', 'multiArea_boot_numiter', 'logRegr_boot_numiter', \
'alpha', 'removeThetaOutlierMode', 'removeZeroEvidTrials', 'excludeBadMice'
ct = 0
for par in key_param_names:
if isinstance(stored_params[par],np.ndarray):
if sum(stored_params[par] == params[par]) == np.size(stored_params[par]):
ct = ct + 1
if stored_params[par] == params[par]:
ct = ct + 1
if ct == len(key_param_names):
print('behavioral analysis file exists and params match: loading data from disk...')
lg = loadBehavLog(params)
inact_effects = data['inact_effects']
summary_table = pd.DataFrame(data['summary_table']) # return as data frame
return inact_effects , lg, summary_table
print("behavioral analysis file exists but params don't match: rerunning analysis...")
del data
print("behavioral analysis file doesn't exist: running analysis...")
# load data and exclude bad trials and bad mice
lg = loadBehavLog(params)
# summary stats
summary_table = diagnose_dataset(lg,convertToDf=False) # save as dictionary, deepdish crashes when saving this as pandas dataframe
# analyze inactivations
inact_effects = multiArea_boot_perf(lg, True, params['logRegr_boot_numiter'], params['logRegr_nbins'], params['psych_bins'])
if doSave == True:
print('saving results...')
data = {'params': params, 'inact_effects': inact_effects, 'summary_table': summary_table}
fl.save(filename, data)
# plot
if doPlot == True:
fig1 = plot_multiArea(inact_effects,'logRegr','coeffs_diff')
fig2 = plot_multiArea(inact_effects,'psych', None)
fig3 = plot_multiArea(inact_effects,'percCorrect', 'overall_diff')
summary_table = pd.DataFrame(summary_table) # return as data frame
return inact_effects , lg, summary_table
# ==============================================================================
# Load .mat7.3 behavior log
def loadBehavLogMatlab(filepath = params['behavLogPath']):
lg = loadBehavLogMatlab(filepath = params['behavLogPath']):
loads .mat file with behavioral log, returns log dictionary
print('loading .mat behavior log...')
# load behavior data as a dictionary. Variables are attributes
lg = mat73.loadmat(filepath)
lg = lg['lg']
lg['laserON'] = lg['laserON'] == 1
for iF in list(lg.keys()):
if isinstance(lg[iF],list):
lg[iF] = np.array(lg[iF])
return lg
# ==============================================================================
# Load .hdf5 behavior log
def loadBehavLog(params=params):
lg = loadBehavLog(params=params):
loads .mat file with behavioral log, returns log object
print('loading .hdf5 behavior log...')
# load behavior data as a dictionary. Variables are attributes
if params['excludeBadMice']:
logfilename = 'concatLog_subtrial_inactivation_goodMice.hdf5'
logfilename = 'concatLog_subtrial_inactivation_allMice.hdf5'
logfilename = '{}{}'.format(params['savePath'],logfilename)
if path.exists(logfilename):
lg = fl.load(logfilename)
lg = loadBehavLogMatlab(params['behavLogPath'])
lg = cleanupBehavLog(lg, params['removeThetaOutlierMode'], params['removeZeroEvidTrials'], params['excludeBadMice'])
return lg
# ===========================================================================
# save summary table pdf & xls
def saveSummaryTable(summary_table,save_dir):
table_s1, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,4))
col_names = utils.formatVarNames(list(summary_table.columns))
table_handle = ax.table(cellText=summary_table.values,colLabels=col_names,loc='center')
# ==============================================================================
# Psychometric function
def psychometrics(choice, nCues_RminusL, bins=params['psych_bins']):
psych = psychometrics(choice, nCues_RminusL, bins=params['psych_bins']):
computes psychometrics as proportion of right choices by amount of right evidence
and fits a sigmoid
choice: numpy array with ones and zeros, elements are trials
nCues_RminusL: numpy array with #R-#L evidence values per trial
bins: numpy array with bin edges for evidence values (default in params dictionary)
returns a dictionary with psychometrics data
psych = dict()
psych['bins'] = bins
psych['nTrials'] = np.zeros((len(bins)-1,1))
psych['P_wentRight'] = np.zeros((len(bins)-1,1))
psych['delta_towers'] = np.zeros((len(bins)-1,1))
psych['P_wentRight_CI'] = np.zeros((len(bins)-1,2))
alpha = 1 - sp.stats.norm.cdf(1, 0, 1) # for confidence interval
# calculate prop. went right for different evidence levels
for iBin in range(np.size(bins)-1):
idx = np.logical_and(nCues_RminusL >= bins[iBin], nCues_RminusL < bins[iBin+1])
psych['nTrials'][iBin] = np.sum(idx)
psych['P_wentRight'][iBin] = np.sum(choice[idx] == params['rightCode']) / psych['nTrials'][iBin]
# calculate x axis value as weighted average of actual trials rather than center of bin
deltas = np.unique(nCues_RminusL[idx])
numtrials = np.zeros((1,len(deltas)))
for iDelta in range(len(deltas)):
numtrials[:,iDelta] = sum(nCues_RminusL[idx] == deltas[iDelta])
psych['delta_towers'][iBin] = np.sum(deltas * numtrials) / np.sum(numtrials)
# binomial confidence intervals
psych['P_wentRight_CI'][iBin,0] , psych['P_wentRight_CI'][iBin,1] \
= proportion_confint(psych['P_wentRight'][iBin], sum(idx), alpha=alpha, method='jeffreys')
# fit sigmoid
psych['fit'] , _ = sp.optimize.curve_fit(psych_fit_fn, np.transpose(psych['delta_towers'][:,0]), \
except (RuntimeError, ValueError, TypeError):
psych['fit'] = None
if psych['fit'] is None:
psych['fit_x'] = np.nan
psych['fit_y'] = np.nan
psych['slope'] = np.nan
psych['fit_x'] = np.arange(bins[0],bins[-1]+.1,.1)
psych['fit_y'] = psych_fit_fn(psych['fit_x'],*psych['fit'])
psych['slope'] = psych['fit'][1] / (4 * psych['fit'][3])
return psych
# ==============================================================================
# Psychometric sigmoid for fitting
def psych_fit_fn(x, offset, A, x0, l):
return offset + A / (1 + np.exp(-(x-x0) / l))
# ==============================================================================
# Psychometric plot
def plot_psych(psych, cl='k', sh=[.5, .5, .5], axisHandle=None):
plot_psych(psych, cl='k', sh=[.5, .5, .5], axisHandle=None):
plots psychometrics (values and fit)
psych is dictionary output by analyzeBehavior.psychometrics
cl: color for datapoints
sh: color for fit line
axisHandle: matplotlib axis handle
if axisHandle is None:
ax = plt.gca()
ax = axisHandle
ax.plot([0, 0],[0, 1],'--',color=[.7, .7, .7],linewidth=.25)
ax.plot([-15, 15],[.5, .5],'--',color=[.7, .7, .7],linewidth=.25)
if psych['fit_x'] is not None:
ax.set_xlabel('$\Delta$ towers (#R - #L)')
ax.set_ylabel('P went right')
ax.set_xlim([-15, 15])
ax.set_ylim([0, 1])
ax.set_yticks([0, .25, .5, .75, 1])
return ax
# ==============================================================================
# Logistic regression of choice as a function of evidence bins
def evidence_logRegr(choice, cuePos_R, cuePos_L, numbins=params['logRegr_nbins'], mouseID=None, verbose=False):
logRegr = evidence_logRegr(choice, cuePos_R, cuePos_L, numbins=params['logRegr_nbins'], mouseID=None):
computes a logistic regression model of choice as a function of net evidence from different maze bins
choice: numpy array with ones and zeros, elements are trials
cuePos_R: numpy array with y position values of right towers per trial
cuePos_L: numpy array with y position values of left towers per trial
numbins: number of equal bins between 10 cm and 200 cm (default in params dictionary)
mouseID: numpy array with mouseID numbers. If provided this input will be interpreted
as a request for a mixed effects logistic regression where mouse ID has random
effects on the intercept
returns a dictionary with model fit data
lCue = 200 # cue period length
bins = np.linspace(10,lCue,numbins+1) # first possible tower at 10 cm, last at lCue
ntrials = np.size(choice);
# predictor matrix for logistic regression, trials x evidence bins
start_time = time.time()
if verbose == True:
print('Building predictor matrix...')
RminusLmat = np.zeros((ntrials,numbins))
for iTrial in range(ntrials):
rhist, bincenters = np.histogram(cuePos_R[iTrial],bins);
lhist, _ = np.histogram(cuePos_L[iTrial],bins);
RminusLmat[iTrial,:] = rhist - lhist
# fit model
if mouseID is None: # regular logistic regression
if verbose == True:
print('fitting binned evidence model with Logit...')
model_name = 'logit'
model = Logit(choice,RminusLmat).fit(disp=False)
coeffs = model.params
err = model.bse
coeffs = np.nan * np.ones(numbins)
err = np.nan * np.ones(numbins)
else: # mixed effects logistic regression
if verbose == True:
print('fitting binned evidence model with BinomialBayesMixedGLM...')
# convert to dataFrame first
data = {'choice': choice, 'mouse': mouseID}
formula = 'choice ~'
# form_me = '0 '
for iBin in range(numbins):
varname = "b{}".format(iBin)
data[varname] = RminusLmat[:,iBin]
formula += " {} +".format(varname)
# form_me += " + C(mouse)*{}".format(varname)
formula = formula[:-1]
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
random_effects = {"a": '0 + C(mouse)'} # "b": form_me} slope does not converge
model = BinomialBayesMixedGLM.from_formula(formula, random_effects, data).fit_vb()
model_name = 'me-logit'
coeffs = model.fe_mean[1:] # first element is intercept
err = model.fe_sd[1:]
end_time = time.time()
if verbose == True:
print("done after {: 1.2g} min".format((end_time-start_time)/60))
# organize output
logRegr = {
'coeff' : coeffs, # fitted coefficients excluding intercept
'coeff_err' : err, # error estimates on coefficients
'evidence_vals': bins[:-1]+np.diff(bins)[0]/2, # center of evidence bins
'model_name' : model_name, # center of evidence bins
return logRegr
# ==============================================================================
# Bootstrap Logistic regression of choice as a function of evidence bins for single dataset
# return average, stds and stats per bin
def boot_logRegr(choice, cuePos_R, cuePos_L, numbins=params['logRegr_nbins'], numiter=params['logRegr_boot_numiter'],alpha=params['alpha']):
logRegr = boot_logRegr(choice, cuePos_R, cuePos_L, numbins=params['logRegr_nbins'], numiter=params['logRegr_boot_numiter'],alpha=params['alpha'])
samples trials with replacement and computes a logistic regression model of
choice as a function of net evidence from different maze bins by calling evidence_logRegr()
choice: numpy array with ones and zeros, elements are trials
cuePos_R: numpy array with y position values of right towers per trial
cuePos_L: numpy array with y position values of left towers per trial
numbins: number of equal bins between 10 cm and 200 cm (default in params dictionary)
numiter: number of bootstrapping iterations (default in params dictionary)
alpha: significance value, will be FDR corrected across numbins (default in params dictionary)
returns a dictionary with model fit data, plus significance of coefficients
# initialize
start_time = time.time()
print('bootstrapping logistic regression...')
coeffs = np.zeros((numiter,numbins))
numtrials = np.size(choice)
trialidx = np.arange(numtrials)
# sample with replacement and fit logistic model
for iBoot in range(numiter):
idx = np.random.choice(trialidx, size=numtrials, replace=True)
lr = evidence_logRegr(choice[idx], cuePos_R[idx], cuePos_L[idx], params['logRegr_nbins'], None, False)
coeffs[iBoot,:] = lr['coeff']
# p-vals and false discovery rate correction
pvals = np.zeros(numbins)
for iBin in range(numbins):
pvals[iBin] = sum(coeffs[:,iBin] < 0) / numiter
isSig, alpha_correct = utils.FDR(pvals,alpha)
# organize output
logRegr = {
'coeff' : np.mean(coeffs,axis=0), # fitted coefficients excluding intercept
'coeff_err' : np.std(coeffs,axis=0,ddof=1), # error estimates on coefficients
'coeff_pval' : pvals, # p values for coefficients
'coeff_isSig' : isSig, # booolean for significance after FDR correction
'alpha_correct': alpha_correct, # significance level after FDR
'evidence_vals': lr['evidence_vals'], # center of evidence bins
'model_name' : lr['model_name'], # center of evidence bins
end_time = time.time()
print("done after {: 1.2g} min".format((end_time-start_time)/60))
return logRegr
# ==============================================================================
# Logistic regression plot
def plot_logRegr(logRegr, cl='k', axisHandle=None):
plot_logRegr(logRegr, cl='k', axisHandle=None):
plots logistic regression coefficients
logRegr is dictionary output by analyzeBehavior.evidence_logRegr
cl: color for datapoints
axisHandle: matplotlib axis handle
if axisHandle is None:
ax = plt.gca()
ax = axisHandle
ax.plot([0, 200],[0, 0],'--',color=[.7, .7, .7],linewidth=.5)
ax.errorbar(logRegr['evidence_vals'],logRegr['coeff'], \
ax.set_xlabel('y pos (cm)')
ax.set_ylabel('Evidence weight on decision')
ax.set_xlim([0, 200])
# if axisHandle is None:
# plt.show()
return ax
# ==============================================================================
# Analyze control and psychometrics and logistic regression by mouse + per-condition overall performance (laser and control)
def behav_by_mouse(lg, doPlot=True, logRegr_nbins=params['logRegr_nbins'], psych_bins=params['psych_bins']):
mouse_data = behav_by_mouse(lg, doPlot=True, logRegr_nbins=params['logRegr_nbins'], psych_bins=params['psych_bins'])
computes logistic regression (evidence_logRegr) and psychometrics (psychometrics) by mouse
returns dictionary with lists of corresponding analysis outputs
mouse_ids = np.unique(lg['mouseID'])
num_mice = np.size(mouse_ids)
# do psychometrics and logistic regression (space) by mouse, control trials
mouse_data = dict(psych=list(), logRegr=list(), mouse_ids= mouse_ids)
for iMouse in range(num_mice):
mouseidx = np.logical_and(~lg['laserON'],lg['mouseID'] == mouse_ids[iMouse])
mouse_data['psych'].append(psychometrics(lg['choice'][mouseidx],lg['nCues_RminusL'][mouseidx], psych_bins))
mouse_data['logRegr'].append(evidence_logRegr(lg['choice'][mouseidx], lg['cuePos_R'][mouseidx], lg['cuePos_L'][mouseidx], logRegr_nbins))
# Analyze % correct and speed by mouse, with or without inactivation
mouse_data['percCorrect'] = multiArea_percCorrect_bymouse(lg)
mouse_data['speed'] = multiArea_speed_bymouse(lg)
# plot
if doPlot:
nr, nc = utils.subplot_org(num_mice,6)
for iMouse in range(num_mice):
ax = plt.subplot(nr,nc,iMouse+1)
ax = plot_psych(mouse_data['psych'][iMouse],'k', [.5, .5, .5], ax)
ax.set_title("Mouse %i" %mouse_ids[iMouse])
ax = plt.subplot(nr,nc,iMouse+1)
ax = plot_logRegr(mouse_data['logRegr'][iMouse],'k',ax)
ax.set_title("Mouse %i" %mouse_ids[iMouse])
return mouse_data
# ==============================================================================
# Analyze % correct by mouse, with or without inactivation
def multiArea_percCorrect_bymouse(lg):
percCorrect = multiArea_percCorrect_bymouse(lg)
takes flattened laser log dictionary and returns dictionary with control and laserON
performance by mouse for each area / epoch combination
# initialize variables
num_areas = len(params['inact_locations'])
num_epochs = len(params['inact_epochs'])
percCorrect = {
'data_lbl' : list(),
'overall_ctrl' : list(),
'overall_lsr' : list(),
'overall_diff' : list(),
'overall_diff_pval' : list(),
'mouse_ids' : list(),
# loop over areas / epochs
for area in params['inact_locations']:
for epoch in params['inact_epochs']:
# get condition-specific log and loop over mice
sublg = lg_singleCondition(lg,area,epoch)
mice = np.unique(sublg['mouseID'])
nmice = np.size(mice)
percCorrect['data_lbl'].append([area, epoch])
thisctrl = np.zeros(nmice)
thislsr = np.zeros(nmice)
for iMouse in range(nmice):
ctrlidx = np.logical_and(sublg['mouseID'] == mice[iMouse],~sublg['laserON'])
lsridx = np.logical_and(sublg['mouseID'] == mice[iMouse],sublg['laserON'])
thisctrl[iMouse] = np.sum(sublg['choice'][ctrlidx] == sublg['trialType'][ctrlidx]) / np.sum(ctrlidx)
thislsr[iMouse] = np.sum(sublg['choice'][lsridx] == sublg['trialType'][lsridx]) / np.sum(lsridx)
thisdiff = thislsr - thisctrl
_ ,thisp = sp.stats.wilcoxon(thisdiff,alternative='less')
del sublg
# FDR correction
percCorrect['overall_diff_isSig'], _ = list(utils.FDR(np.array(percCorrect['overall_diff_pval']),alpha=0.05))
return percCorrect
# ==============================================================================
# Analyze % correct by mouse, with or without inactivation
def multiArea_speed_bymouse(lg,numiter=params['multiArea_boot_numiter']):
speed = multiArea_speed_bymouse(lg)
takes flattened laser log dictionary and returns dictionary with control and laserON
speed by mouse for each area / epoch combination, plus bootstrapping per condition
# initialize variables
num_areas = len(params['inact_locations'])
num_epochs = len(params['inact_epochs'])
speed = {
'data_lbl' : list(),
'ctrl' : list(),
'ctrl_mean' : list(),
'ctrl_std' : list(),
'lsr' : list(),
'lsr_mean' : list(),
'lsr_std' : list(),
'diff' : list(),
'diff_mean' : list(),
'diff_std' : list(),
'ratio' : list(),
'ratio_mean' : list(),
'ratio_std' : list(),
'pval' : list(),
'pval_mice' : list(),
'mouse_ids' : list(),
# loop over areas / epochs
for area in params['inact_locations']:
for epoch in params['inact_epochs']:
# get condition-specific log and loop over mice
sublg = lg_singleCondition(lg,area,epoch)
mice = np.unique(sublg['mouseID'])
nmice = np.size(mice)
speed['data_lbl'].append([area, epoch])
thisctrl = np.zeros(nmice)
thislsr = np.zeros(nmice)
yrange = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(epoch)
for iMouse in range(nmice):
ctrlidx = np.where(np.logical_and(sublg['mouseID'] == mice[iMouse],~sublg['laserON']))[0]
lsridx = np.where(np.logical_and(sublg['mouseID'] == mice[iMouse],sublg['laserON']))[0]
speed_ctrl = np.zeros(np.size(ctrlidx))
speed_lsr = np.zeros(np.size(lsridx))
for iCtrl in range(np.size(ctrlidx)):
t1 = np.where(sublg['pos'][ctrlidx[iCtrl]][:,1]>=yrange[0])[0][0]
t2 = np.where(sublg['pos'][ctrlidx[iCtrl]][:,1]<yrange[1])[0][-1]
dur = sublg['time'][ctrlidx[iCtrl]][t2] - sublg['time'][ctrlidx[iCtrl]][t1]
xd = sublg['pos'][ctrlidx[iCtrl]][t1:t2,0]
yd = sublg['pos'][ctrlidx[iCtrl]][t1:t2,1]
displ = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.diff(xd)**2+np.diff(yd)**2))
speed_ctrl[iCtrl] = displ / dur
for iLsr in range(np.size(lsridx)):
t1 = np.where(sublg['pos'][lsridx[iLsr]][:,1]>=yrange[0])[0][0]
t2 = np.where(sublg['pos'][lsridx[iLsr]][:,1]<yrange[1])[0][-1]
dur = sublg['time'][lsridx[iLsr]][t2] - sublg['time'][lsridx[iLsr]][t1]
xd = sublg['pos'][lsridx[iLsr]][t1:t2,0]
yd = sublg['pos'][lsridx[iLsr]][t1:t2,1]
displ = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.diff(xd)**2+np.diff(yd)**2))
speed_lsr[iLsr] = displ / dur
thisctrl[iMouse] = np.mean(speed_ctrl)
thislsr[iMouse] = np.mean(speed_lsr)
thisdiff = thislsr - thisctrl
thisratio = (thislsr - thisctrl) / thisctrl
_ ,thisp = sp.stats.wilcoxon(thisdiff)
# now bootstrap overall
thisctrl = np.zeros(numiter)
thislsr = np.zeros(numiter)
numtrials = np.size(sublg['choice'])
trialidx = np.arange(numtrials)
# sample with replacement and fit logistic model
for iBoot in range(numiter):
idx = np.random.choice(trialidx, size=numtrials, replace=True)
laserON = sublg['laserON'][idx]
pos = sublg['pos'][idx]
ttime = sublg['time'][idx]
ctrlidx = np.where(~laserON)[0]
lsridx = np.where(laserON)[0]
speed_ctrl = np.zeros(np.size(ctrlidx))
speed_lsr = np.zeros(np.size(lsridx))
for iCtrl in range(np.size(ctrlidx)):
t1 = np.where(pos[ctrlidx[iCtrl]][:,1]>=yrange[0])[0][0]
t2 = np.where(pos[ctrlidx[iCtrl]][:,1]<yrange[1])[0][-1]
dur = ttime[ctrlidx[iCtrl]][t2] - ttime[ctrlidx[iCtrl]][t1]
xd = pos[ctrlidx[iCtrl]][t1:t2,0]
yd = pos[ctrlidx[iCtrl]][t1:t2,1]
displ = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.diff(xd)**2+np.diff(yd)**2))
speed_ctrl[iCtrl] = displ / dur
for iLsr in range(np.size(lsridx)):
t1 = np.where(pos[lsridx[iLsr]][:,1]>=yrange[0])[0][0]
t2 = np.where(pos[lsridx[iLsr]][:,1]<yrange[1])[0][-1]
dur = ttime[lsridx[iLsr]][t2] - ttime[lsridx[iLsr]][t1]
xd = pos[lsridx[iLsr]][t1:t2,0]
yd = pos[lsridx[iLsr]][t1:t2,1]
displ = np.sum(np.sqrt(np.diff(xd)**2+np.diff(yd)**2))
speed_lsr[iLsr] = displ / dur
thisctrl[iBoot] = np.mean(speed_ctrl)
thislsr[iBoot] = np.mean(speed_lsr)
# bootstrap stats
thisdiff = thislsr - thisctrl
thisratio = (thislsr - thisctrl) / thisctrl
if np.mean(thisdiff) <= 0:
thisp = np.sum(thisdiff>0) / numiter
thisp = np.sum(thisdiff<0) / numiter
del sublg
# FDR correction
speed['isSig'], _ = list(utils.FDR(np.array(speed['pval']),alpha=0.025))
speed['isSig_mice'], _ = list(utils.FDR(np.array(speed['pval_mice']),alpha=0.025))
return speed
# ==============================================================================
# Flag bad trials based on view angle criteria etc
def findBadTrials(lg,removeThetaOutlierMode=params['removeThetaOutlierMode'],removeZeroEvidTrials=params['removeZeroEvidTrials']):
isBadTrial = findBadTrials(lg,removeThetaOutlierMode=params['removeThetaOutlierMode'],removeZeroEvidTrials=params['removeZeroEvidTrials'])
takes flattened behavioral log structure and returns a 1 x num_trials boolean array
where True indicates bad trials according to view angle criteria (refer to function
body for details) and whether tower deletion control trials where #r = #l should be removed
# view angle outliers
total_trials = len(lg['choice'])
if removeThetaOutlierMode == 'soft': # exclude top 10 percentile of bad theta trials
theta_std = np.array([ np.std(lg['viewAngle_byYpos'][iTrial]) for iTrial in np.arange(0,total_trials) ])
large_theta = theta_std > np.percentile(theta_std,95)
elif removeThetaOutlierMode == 'stringent': # soft + some absolute thresholds on theta values
theta_std = np.array([ np.std(lg['viewAngle_byYpos'][iTrial]) for iTrial in np.arange(0,total_trials) ])
large_theta = theta_std > np.percentile(theta_std,90)
norm_theta = np.array([ lg['viewAngle_byYpos'][iTrial]/lg['viewAngle_byYpos'][iTrial][-1] for iTrial in np.arange(0,total_trials) ])
bad_norm = np.array([ np.any(norm_theta[iTrial][0:200]>.4) or np.any(norm_theta[iTrial][200:250]>.5) or np.any(norm_theta[iTrial][250:290]>.9)
for iTrial in np.arange(0,total_trials) ])
large_theta = large_theta | bad_norm
elif removeThetaOutlierMode == 'none': # no exclusion
large_theta = np.zeros(total_trials) > 1
# remove #R = #L trials (from some control conditions)
if removeZeroEvidTrials == True:
badRL = np.array([ np.size(lg['cuePos_R'][iTrial]) == np.size(lg['cuePos_L'][iTrial]) for iTrial in np.arange(0,total_trials) ])
badRL = np.zeros(total_trials) > 1
isBadTrial = large_theta | badRL
isBadTrial = np.logical_or(isBadTrial,lg['loclbl'] == 'unknown')
return isBadTrial
# ==============================================================================
# Flag bad mice based on logistic regression
def findBadMice(lg, numbins=params['logRegr_nbins'], numiter=params['logRegr_boot_numiter']):
isBadMouse, mouse_ids = findBadMice(lg, numbins=params['logRegr_nbins'], numiter=params['logRegr_boot_numiter'])
takes flattened behavioral log structure and returns a 1 x num_mice boolean array
where True indicates bad mice according to logistic regression (having any coefficient not statistically != 0),
and a list of mouse IDs corresponding to the boolean array
mouse_ids = np.unique(lg['mouseID'])
num_mice = np.size(mouse_ids)
isBadMouse = np.zeros(num_mice) > 1
# do logistic regression by mouse, bad mice are ones that have logistic regression
# coefficients not significantly different from zero
for iMouse in range(num_mice):
mouseidx = np.logical_and(~lg['laserON'], lg['mouseID'] == mouse_ids[iMouse])
lr = boot_logRegr(lg['choice'][mouseidx], lg['cuePos_R'][mouseidx], lg['cuePos_L'][mouseidx], numbins, numiter)
isBadMouse[iMouse] = sum(lr['coeff_isSig']) < numbins
return (isBadMouse, mouse_ids)
# ==============================================================================
# cleanup log by removing bad mice and bad trials
def cleanupBehavLog(lg, removeThetaOutlierMode = params['removeThetaOutlierMode'], removeZeroEvidTrials = params['removeZeroEvidTrials'], excludeBadMice = params['excludeBadMice'], badmice=None):
lg_clean = cleanupBehavLog(lg, removeThetaOutlierMode = params['removeThetaOutlierMode'], removeZeroEvidTrials = params['removeZeroEvidTrials'], excludeBadMice = params['excludeBadMice'], badmice=None)
deletes bad trials from flattened behavioral log structure based on trial and mouse
selection criteria. See findBadTrials and findBadMice for details
# get bad trials
isBadTrial = findBadTrials(lg,removeThetaOutlierMode,removeZeroEvidTrials)
# get bad mice
if excludeBadMice:
if badmice is None:
isBadMouse, mouse_ids = findBadMice(lg)
badmice = mouse_ids[isBadMouse]
for iMouse in range(np.size(badmice)):
trialidx = lg['mouseID'] == badmice[iMouse]
isBadTrial[trialidx] = True
# remove trials
lg_clean = dict() #copy.deepcopy(lg)
fields = list(lg.keys())
for iF in range(len(fields)):
thisvar = copy.deepcopy(lg[fields[iF]])
if np.size(thisvar) == np.size(isBadTrial):
lg_clean[fields[iF]] = thisvar[~isBadTrial]
lg_clean[fields[iF]] = thisvar
return lg_clean
# ==============================================================================
# Bootstrap Logistic regression, psychometrics and overall % correct over trials
# compare laser and control trials for each region being inactivated
def multiArea_boot_perf(lg, doParallel=True, numiter=params['multiArea_boot_numiter'], numbins=params['logRegr_nbins'], psych_bins=params['psych_bins']):
inact_effects = multiArea_boot_perf(lg, doParallel=True, numiter=params['multiArea_boot_numiter'], numbins=params['logRegr_nbins'], psych_bins=params['psych_bins'])
analyzes all area / epoch pairs by bootstrapping over trials and calculating inactivation
effects on logistic regression of choice vs evidence, psychometrics, and overall percent correct
lg: flattened behavioral log object
doParallel: use multiprocessing (parallelizes over inactivation conditions)
numiter: number of bootstrapping iterations
numbins: number of bins for logistic regression
psych_bins: bins of evidence for psychometrics
inact_effects: dictionary with averages, stds, pvals etc for
logistic regression, psychometrics and percent correct per inactivation condition
(as arrays with rows corresponding to data_lbl), for control and laser trials,
as well as their difference (or ratio where applicable)
# initialize output dictionary
inact_effects = {
'logRegr' : dict(), # analysis of logistic regression
'trig_logRegr' : dict(), # laser-triggered logistic regression
'percCorrect' : dict(), # analysis of overall performance
'psych' : dict(), # analysis of psychometrics
'epoch_list' : params['inact_epochs'], # inactivation epoch labels
'area_list' : params['inact_locations'], # inactivation location labels
'data_lbl' : list(), # labels for each epoch - area pair
'num_iter' : numiter, # number of bootstrapping iterations
# organize input for parallel processing, will do over conditions
num_areas = len(inact_effects['area_list'])
num_epochs = len(inact_effects['epoch_list'])
num_cond = num_areas * num_epochs
data_list = list()
print('organizing data...')
for iArea in range(num_areas):
for iEpoch in range(num_epochs):
# trim to single area lg
thisarea = inact_effects['area_list'][iArea]
thisepoch = inact_effects['epoch_list'][iEpoch]
thislg = lg_singleCondition(lg, thisarea, thisepoch)
# compile data list
thislist = [thislg, numiter, numbins, psych_bins, [thisarea, thisepoch]]
inact_effects['data_lbl'].append([thisarea, thisepoch])
del thislg, thislist
# iterate over conditions, in parallel or othewrise
if doParallel == True:
pool = mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count()) # start parallel poolobj with all available cores
results = pool.map(singleArea_boot_perf,data_list) # run core function in parallel
pool.close() # close parpool
results = list()
for iCond in range(num_cond):
# organize results as condition x data matrices, find first non-empty structure
for iCond in range(num_cond):
if bool(results[iCond]['logRegr']):
inact_effects['logRegr']['evidence_vals'] = results[iCond]['logRegr']['evidence_vals']
inact_effects['psych']['psych_bins'] = psych_bins
inact_effects['psych']['fit_x'] = results[iCond]['psych']['fit_x']
logRegr_vars = ['coeffs_ctrl_mean','coeffs_ctrl_std','coeffs_lsr_mean','coeffs_lsr_std', \
'coeffs_diff_mean','coeffs_diff_std','coeffs_diff_p','coeffs_diff_isSig', \
'coeffs_ratio_mean','coeffs_ratio_std','coeffs_ratio_p','coeffs_ratio_isSig', \
psych_vars = ['fit_y_ctrl_mean','fit_y_ctrl_std','slope_ctrl_mean','slope_ctrl_std', \
'fit_y_lsr_mean','fit_y_lsr_std','slope_lsr_mean','slope_lsr_std', \
'slope_diff_mean','slope_diff_std','slope_diff_p', \
'P_wentRight_ctrl_mean','P_wentRight_ctrl_std','P_wentRight_lsr_mean', \
pc_vars = ['overall_ctrl_mean','overall_ctrl_std','overall_lsr_mean','overall_lsr_std', \
'overall_diff_mean','overall_diff_std','overall_diff_p', \
'easy_ctrl_mean','easy_ctrl_std','easy_lsr_mean','easy_lsr_std', \
'easy_diff_mean','easy_diff_std','easy_diff_p', \
'hard_ctrl_mean','hard_ctrl_std','hard_lsr_mean','hard_lsr_std', \
'hard_diff_mean','hard_diff_std','hard_diff_p', \
# create arrays
for var in logRegr_vars:
if var.find('coeffs') < 0:
inact_effects['logRegr'][var] = np.ones((num_cond,1))*np.nan
inact_effects['logRegr'][var] = np.ones((num_cond,numbins))*np.nan
for var in psych_vars:
if var.find('P_') >= 0:
inact_effects['psych'][var] = np.ones((num_cond,np.size(psych_bins)-1))*np.nan
elif var.find('fit_') >= 0:
inact_effects['psych'][var] = np.ones((num_cond,301))*np.nan
inact_effects['psych'][var] = np.ones((num_cond,1))*np.nan
for var in pc_vars:
inact_effects['percCorrect'][var] = np.ones((num_cond,1))*np.nan
# fill in
for iCond in range(num_cond):
if bool(results[iCond]['logRegr']):
for var in logRegr_vars:
inact_effects['logRegr'][var][iCond,:] = results[iCond]['logRegr'][var]
for var in psych_vars:
inact_effects['psych'][var][iCond,:] = results[iCond]['psych'][var]
for var in pc_vars:
inact_effects['percCorrect'][var][iCond,:] = results[iCond]['percCorrect'][var]
# do FDR correction
for var in psych_vars:
# do tests only for differences
if var.find('diff_p') != -1:
inact_effects['psych']["{}_isSig".format(var)], inact_effects['psych']["{}_alpha_correct".format(var)] \
= utils.FDR(inact_effects['psych'][var][:,0],params['alpha'])
for var in pc_vars:
# do tests only for differences
if var.find('diff_p') != -1:
inact_effects['percCorrect']["{}_isSig".format(var)], inact_effects['percCorrect']["{}_alpha_correct".format(var)] \
= utils.FDR(inact_effects['percCorrect'][var][:,0],params['alpha'])
return inact_effects
# ==============================================================================
# core computations of multiArea_boot_perf, takes a list of data from multiArea_boot_perf()
# see above for details
def singleArea_boot_perf(data_in):
inact_effects = singleArea_boot_perf(data_in)
called by multiArea_boot_perf()
core bootstrapping computations
# parse inputs
thislg = data_in[0]
numiter = data_in[1]
numbins = data_in[2]
psychbins = data_in[3]
lbl = data_in[4]
start_time = time.time()
print("bootstrapping {}, {}".format(lbl[0],lbl[1]))
# initialize matrices
logRegr_vars = ['coeffs_ctrl','coeffs_lsr','coeffs_diff','coeffs_ratio']
psych_vars = ['fit_y_ctrl','slope_ctrl','P_wentRight_ctrl', \
'fit_y_lsr','slope_lsr','P_wentRight_lsr', \
pc_vars = ['overall_ctrl','overall_lsr','overall_diff', \
'easy_ctrl','easy_lsr','easy_diff', \
logRegr = dict()
psych = dict()
percCorrect = dict()
for var in logRegr_vars:
if var.find('coeffs') < 0:
logRegr[var] = np.ones((numiter,1))*np.nan
logRegr[var] = np.ones((numiter,numbins))*np.nan
for var in psych_vars:
if var.find('P_') >= 0:
psych[var] = np.ones((numiter,np.size(psychbins)-1))*np.nan
elif var.find('fit_') >= 0:
psych[var] = np.ones((numiter,301))*np.nan
psych[var] = np.ones((numiter,1))*np.nan
for var in pc_vars:
percCorrect[var] = np.ones((numiter,1))*np.nan
# bootstrap over mice, sessions, trials
numtrials = np.size(thislg['choice'])
trialidx = np.arange(numtrials)
# trial difficulty is \delta / total
nr = np.array([np.size(thislg['cuePos_R'][iTrial]) for iTrial in range(numtrials)])
nl = np.array([np.size(thislg['cuePos_L'][iTrial]) for iTrial in range(numtrials)])
total_towers = nr + nl
trial_diff = thislg['nCues_RminusL'] / total_towers
isHard = trial_diff > np.median(trial_diff)
# bootstrap over mice, sessions, trials
for iBoot in range(numiter):
idx = np.random.choice(trialidx, size=numtrials, replace=True)
choice = thislg['choice'][idx]
laserON = thislg['laserON'][idx]
cuePos_L = thislg['cuePos_L'][idx]
cuePos_R = thislg['cuePos_R'][idx]
nCues_RminusL = thislg['nCues_RminusL'][idx]
trialType = thislg['trialType'][idx]
hard = isHard[idx]
if sum(laserON) == 0:
# percent correct
percCorrect['overall_ctrl'][iBoot,:] = sum(choice[~laserON] == trialType[~laserON]) / sum(~laserON)
percCorrect['overall_lsr'][iBoot,:] = sum(choice[laserON] == trialType[laserON]) / sum(laserON)
percCorrect['overall_diff'][iBoot,:] = percCorrect['overall_lsr'][iBoot,:] - percCorrect['overall_ctrl'][iBoot,:]
percCorrect['easy_ctrl'][iBoot,:] = sum(choice[~laserON & ~isHard] == trialType[~laserON & ~isHard]) / sum(~laserON & ~isHard)
percCorrect['easy_lsr'][iBoot,:] = sum(choice[laserON & ~isHard] == trialType[laserON & ~isHard]) / sum(laserON & ~isHard)
percCorrect['easy_diff'][iBoot,:] = percCorrect['easy_lsr'][iBoot,:] - percCorrect['easy_ctrl'][iBoot,:]
percCorrect['hard_ctrl'][iBoot,:] = sum(choice[~laserON & isHard] == trialType[~laserON & isHard]) / sum(~laserON & isHard)
percCorrect['hard_lsr'][iBoot,:] = sum(choice[laserON & isHard] == trialType[laserON & isHard]) / sum(laserON & isHard)
percCorrect['hard_diff'][iBoot,:] = percCorrect['hard_lsr'][iBoot,:] - percCorrect['hard_ctrl'][iBoot,:]
# logistic regression
lr_ctrl = evidence_logRegr(choice[~laserON], cuePos_R[~laserON], cuePos_L[~laserON], numbins)
lr_lsr = evidence_logRegr(choice[laserON], cuePos_R[laserON], cuePos_L[laserON], numbins)
logRegr['coeffs_ctrl'][iBoot,:] = lr_ctrl['coeff']
logRegr['coeffs_lsr'][iBoot,:] = lr_lsr['coeff']
logRegr['coeffs_diff'][iBoot,:] = lr_lsr['coeff'] - lr_ctrl['coeff']
logRegr['coeffs_ratio'][iBoot,:] = lr_lsr['coeff'] / lr_ctrl['coeff']
# psychometrics
psych_ctrl = psychometrics(choice[~laserON],nCues_RminusL[~laserON], psychbins)
psych_lsr = psychometrics(choice[laserON],nCues_RminusL[laserON], psychbins)
psych['fit_y_ctrl'][iBoot,:] = psych_ctrl['fit_y']
psych['slope_ctrl'][iBoot,:] = psych_ctrl['slope']
psych['P_wentRight_ctrl'][iBoot,:] = np.transpose(psych_ctrl['P_wentRight'][:,0])
psych['fit_y_lsr'][iBoot,:] = psych_lsr['fit_y']
psych['slope_lsr'][iBoot,:] = psych_lsr['slope']
psych['P_wentRight_lsr'][iBoot,:] = np.transpose(psych_lsr['P_wentRight'][:,0])
psych['P_wentRight_diff'][iBoot,:] = psych['P_wentRight_lsr'][iBoot,:] - psych['P_wentRight_ctrl'][iBoot,:]
psych['slope_diff'][iBoot,:] = psych_lsr['slope'] - psych_ctrl['slope']
# do stats (mean, std, pvals)
# pvals are proportion of bootstrapping iterations where value increases, i.e.
# one-sided test of the hypothesis that inactivation decreases values
inact_effects = dict(logRegr = dict(), psych = dict(), percCorrect = dict())
if 'lr_ctrl' in locals():
inact_effects['logRegr']['evidence_vals'] = lr_ctrl['evidence_vals']
inact_effects['psych']['fit_x'] = psych_ctrl['fit_x']
# logistic regression
for var in logRegr_vars:
inact_effects['logRegr']["{}_mean".format(var)] = np.nanmean(logRegr[var],axis=0)
inact_effects['logRegr']["{}_std".format(var)] = np.nanstd(logRegr[var],axis=0,ddof=1)
# do tests only for differences and ratios
if var.find('diff') != -1:
inact_effects['logRegr'][var] = logRegr[var]
pvals = np.zeros(numbins)
for iBin in range(numbins):
pvals[iBin] = sum(logRegr[var][:,iBin] >= 0) / numiter
isSig, alpha_correct = utils.FDR(pvals,params['alpha'])
inact_effects['logRegr']["{}_p".format(var)] = pvals
inact_effects['logRegr']["{}_isSig".format(var)] = isSig
inact_effects['logRegr']["{}_alpha_correct".format(var)] = alpha_correct
elif var.find('ratio') != -1:
pvals = np.zeros(numbins)
for iBin in range(numbins):
pvals[iBin] = sum(logRegr[var][:,iBin] >= 1) / numiter
isSig, alpha_correct = utils.FDR(pvals,params['alpha'])
inact_effects['logRegr']["{}_p".format(var)] = pvals
inact_effects['logRegr']["{}_isSig".format(var)] = isSig
inact_effects['logRegr']["{}_alpha_correct".format(var)] = alpha_correct
# psychometrics
for var in psych_vars:
inact_effects['psych']["{}_mean".format(var)] = np.nanmean(psych[var],axis=0)
inact_effects['psych']["{}_std".format(var)] = np.nanstd(psych[var],axis=0,ddof=1)
# do tests only for differences
if var.find('slope_diff') != -1:
inact_effects['psych']["{}_p".format(var)] = sum(psych[var] >= 0) / numiter
# percent correct
for var in pc_vars:
inact_effects['percCorrect']["{}_mean".format(var)] = np.nanmean(percCorrect[var],axis=0)
inact_effects['percCorrect']["{}_std".format(var)] = np.nanstd(percCorrect[var],axis=0,ddof=1)
# do tests only for differences
if var.find('diff') != -1:
inact_effects['percCorrect']["{}_p".format(var)] = sum(percCorrect[var] >= 0) / numiter
# wrap up
end_time = time.time()
print("done after {: 1.2g} min".format((end_time-start_time)/60))
print('no laser trials found, returning empty dictionary')
return inact_effects
# ==============================================================================
# organize and call appropriate mixed regression function
def run_mixed_time_regression(lg,regr_type,regr_params=params['regr_params'],savePath=params['savePath'],overWrite=False):
lr_time, lr_filebasename = run_mixed_time_regression(lg,regr_type,regr_params=params['regr_params'],savePath=params['savePath'],overWrite=False)
takes flattened behavioral log structure and returns a dictionary with a
list of mixed-effects regression results per area (lr_time).
lr_filebasename is filename without path or extension, e.g. for saving figs
regr_type can be 'combinedEpochs' (all epochs go into single model as a random effect),
'singleEpochs' (each epoch in a separate model)
'epochSets' (hybrid: early cue, late cue, delay epochs get combined separately)
regr_params is a dictionary of analysis parameters, optional input
savePath is directory where data should be saved, Optional
overWrite is boolean flag to overwrite existing data (default False). If False, existing data matching model parameters will be loaded
# generate filename and load if it exists (unless overwrite is set to True)
if params['excludeBadMice']:
suffix = 'goodMice'
suffix = 'allMice'
lr_filebasename = 'logRegr_mixedEffects_time_bin{:d}_{}_{}_{}'.format( \
lr_fn = '{}{}.hdf5'.format(savePath,lr_filebasename)
if ~overWrite:
if path.exists(lr_fn):
print('found existing file, loading from disk')
lr_time = fl.load(lr_fn)
return lr_time, lr_filebasename
# otherwise run desired regression
if regr_type == 'combinedEpochs':
lr_time = batch_mixed_logRegr_time_combined(lg,regr_params)
elif regr_type == 'singleEpochs':
lr_time = batch_mixed_logRegr_time_split(lg,regr_params,combine_epochs=False)
elif regr_type == 'epochSets':
lr_time = batch_mixed_logRegr_time_split(lg,regr_params,combine_epochs=True)
print('warning: unknown regr_type, returning nothing')
return None, lr_filebasename
# save
return lr_time, lr_filebasename
# ==============================================================================
# batch mixed-effects logistic regression in time, combining across epochs
def batch_mixed_logRegr_time_combined(lg,regr_params=params['regr_params']):
inact_effects = batch_mixed_logRegr_time_combined(lg,regr_params=params['regr_params'])
takes flattened behavioral log structure and returns a dictionary with a
list of mixed-effects regression results per area. In this case epochs are
combined into a single regression model
regr_params is a dictionary of analysis parameters, optional input
# initialize output dictionary
inact_effects = {
'results' : list(), # analysis of logistic regression
'area_list' : params['inact_locations'], # inactivation location labels
'regr_params': regr_params, # see above
# organize input for parallel processing, will do over conditions
epoch_list = params['inact_epochs']
num_areas = len(inact_effects['area_list'])
cm_range = [utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(epoch_list[iE]) for iE in range(len(epoch_list))]
for iArea in range(num_areas):
# trim to single area lg
start_time = time.time()
print('area {}/{}...'.format(iArea+1, num_areas))
print('\torganizing data...')
thisarea = inact_effects['area_list'][iArea]
thislg = lg_singleCondition(lg, thisarea, epoch_list)
print('\tfitting model',end='')
end_time = time.time()
print('\tdone after {: 1.2g} min'.format((end_time-start_time)/60))
del thislg
return inact_effects
# ==============================================================================
# mixed-effects logistic regression in time for single area, combining across epochs
def logRegr_time_combined_mixed(sublg,lsr_epoch_cm,regr_params):
logRegr = logRegr_time_combined_mixed(sublg,lsr_epoch_cm,regr_params)
mixed-effects logistic regression in time for single area, combining across epochs
sublg is log containing data from single area
lsr_epoch_cm is list with cm ranges of all inactivation epochs in the log
regre_params is dictionary with analysis parameters
retruns logRegr, dictionary with model object, fitted cofficients, predictor labels,
goodness of fit, random effects
# epoch lengths in cm
lCue = 200
lMem = 100
# just convenience
choice = sublg['choice']
cueOnset_R = sublg['cueOnset_R']
cueOnset_L = sublg['cueOnset_L']
trial_time = sublg['time']
pos = sublg['pos']
lsr_epoch_vec = sublg['laserEpoch']
mouseID = sublg['mouseID']
laserON = sublg['laserON']
maxt = regr_params['max_t']
bins_per_sec = regr_params['bins_per_sec']
# calculate evidence binning and initialize variables
ntrials = np.size(choice)
numbins = []
bins = []
bincenters = []
for iBin in range(len(maxt)):
bins.append(np.linspace(0, maxt[iBin], int(numbins[iBin]+1)))
# build predictor matrix
RminusLmat = np.zeros((ntrials, np.sum(numbins))) # delta_towers
epochID = np.zeros(ntrials) # epoch
for iTrial in range(ntrials):
# define inactivation epoch
if ~laserON[iTrial]:
# figure out closest laser epoch withn +/- 500 trials, use that as dummy epoch
idx = np.arange(np.max([iTrial-500,0]),np.min([iTrial+500,ntrials]))
idxc = np.abs(idx-iTrial+1)
islsr = laserON[idx]
closeidx = np.where(np.logical_and(idxc==np.min(idxc[islsr]),islsr))[0][0]
this_ep = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(lsr_epoch_vec[idx[closeidx]])
this_ep = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(lsr_epoch_vec[iTrial])
epochID[iTrial] = lsr_epoch_cm.index(this_ep)
# decide whether this trial has towers before, during or after laser
run_pre = this_ep[0] > 0
run_during = this_ep[0] < lCue
run_post = this_ep[1] < lCue
# evidence preceding laser onset
if run_pre:
epoch_onset = trial_time[iTrial][np.where(pos[iTrial][:, 1] < this_ep[0])[0][-1]]
this_R = cueOnset_R[iTrial]
this_R = epoch_onset - this_R[this_R < epoch_onset]
this_L = cueOnset_L[iTrial]
this_L = epoch_onset - this_L[this_L < epoch_onset]
rhist, binedges = np.histogram(this_R, bins[0])
lhist, _ = np.histogram(this_L, bins[0])
RminusLmat[iTrial, range(numbins[0])] = rhist - lhist
if bincenters[0] is None:
bincenters[0] = binedges[:-1] + (binedges[1]-binedges[0])/2
# evidence within laser
if run_during:
epoch_offset = trial_time[iTrial][np.where(pos[iTrial][:, 1] < this_ep[1])[0][-1]]
this_R = cueOnset_R[iTrial]
this_R = epoch_offset - this_R[this_R < epoch_offset]
this_L = cueOnset_L[iTrial]
this_L = epoch_offset - this_L[this_L < epoch_offset]
rhist, binedges = np.histogram(this_R, bins[1])
lhist, _ = np.histogram(this_L, bins[1])
RminusLmat[iTrial, range(numbins[0],np.sum(numbins[0:1])+1)] = rhist - lhist
if bincenters[1] is None:
bincenters[1] = binedges[:-1] + (binedges[1]-binedges[0])/2
# evidence after laser offset
if run_post:
epoch_offset = trial_time[iTrial][np.where(pos[iTrial][:, 1] > this_ep[1])[0][0]]
this_R = cueOnset_R[iTrial]
this_R = epoch_offset - this_R[this_R > epoch_offset]
this_L = cueOnset_L[iTrial]
this_L = epoch_offset - this_L[this_L > epoch_offset]
rhist, binedges = np.histogram(-this_R, bins[2])
lhist, _ = np.histogram(-this_L, bins[2])
RminusLmat[iTrial, range(np.sum(numbins[0:1])+1,np.sum(numbins))] = rhist - lhist
if bincenters[2] is None:
bincenters[2] = binedges[:-1] + (binedges[1]-binedges[0])/2
# remove trials with no towers within evidence bins
bad_trials = np.where(np.sum(RminusLmat==0,axis=1)==np.size(RminusLmat,axis=1))
RminusLmat = np.delete(RminusLmat,bad_trials,axis=0)
choice = np.delete(choice,bad_trials)
laserON = np.delete(laserON,bad_trials)
epochID = np.delete(epochID,bad_trials)
mouseID = np.delete(mouseID,bad_trials)
if regr_params['method'] == 'Bayes':
if regr_params['nfold_xval']>1:
print('Warning: Cross validation not yet implemented for Binomial Bayes GLM')
model, random_effects, formula, choice_pred, coeffs = \
fitBinomialBayes(choice, laserON, RminusLmat, mouseID, epochID, \
addLsrOffset=regr_params['addLsrOffset'], zscore=regr_params['zscore'])
elif regr_params['method'] == 'Lmer_explicit':
model, random_effects, formula, choice_pred, coeffs = \
fitLmer(choice, laserON, RminusLmat, mouseID, epochID, \
addLsrOffset=regr_params['addLsrOffset'], \
print('Warning: fitting method not implemented')
# which evidence coefficient belongs to pre, during, post
coeffs_by_epoch = []
ct = 0
for iEpoch in range(len(bincenters)):
for iBin in range(np.size(bincenters[iEpoch])):
ct = ct + 1
# organize output
logRegr = {
'model_obj' : model, # full model object
'formula' : formula, # model formula
'coeff' : coeffs, # fitted coefficients, overall and separated by condition
'evidence_vals' : bincenters, # center of evidence bins
'evidence_vals_lbls' : coeffs_by_epoch, # cofficient labels corresponding to diferent evidence bins
'random_effects' : random_effects, # dataframe with random effects info
'choice_pred' : choice_pred, # proportion / correlation of choices correctly predicted by model (thresholded)
return logRegr
# ==============================================================================
# mixed-effects logistic regression in time for single area, single epochs or epoch sets (but not all epochs combined)
def batch_mixed_logRegr_time_split(lg,regr_params=params['regr_params'],combine_epochs=False):
inact_effects = batch_mixed_logRegr_time_split(lg,regr_params=params['regr_params'],combine_epochs=False)
takes flattened behavioral log structure and returns a dictionary with a
list of mixed-effects regression results per area and epoch.
regr_params is a dictionary of analysis parameters, optional input
combineEpochs is logical flag to group into early and late cue region, and delay
# initialize output dictionary
inact_effects = {
'results' : list(), # analysis of logistic regression
'area_list' : params['inact_locations'], # inactivation location labels
'regr_params': regr_params, # see above
'data_lbl' : list(), # labels for each epoch - area pair
# organize input
if combine_epochs:
epoch_list = [['cueQuart1', 'cueQuart2', 'cueHalf1'],
['cueQuart3', 'cueHalf2'], ['mem']]
epoch_list = params['inact_epochs']
num_areas = len(inact_effects['area_list'])
num_epochs = len(epoch_list)
num_cond = num_areas * num_epochs
inact_effects['epoch_list'] = epoch_list
# loop over areas and epochs
for iArea in range(num_areas):
print('area {}/{}...'.format(iArea+1, num_areas))
for iEpoch in range(num_epochs):
start_time = time.time()
print('\tepoch {}/{}...'.format(iEpoch+1, num_epochs))
print('\t\torganizing data...')
# trim to single area lg
thisarea = inact_effects['area_list'][iArea]
thisepoch = epoch_list[iEpoch]
thislg = lg_singleCondition(lg, thisarea, thisepoch)
# compile data list
if isinstance(thisepoch, list):
cm_range = [utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(thisepoch[iE]) for iE in range(len(thisepoch))]
if thisepoch.count('cueHalf1'):
epoch_lbl = 'cueStart'
elif thisepoch.count('cueHalf2'):
epoch_lbl = 'cueEnd'
epoch_lbl = 'delay'
cm_range = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(thisepoch)
epoch_lbl = thisepoch
print('\t\tfitting model',end='')
inact_effects['data_lbl'].append([thisarea, epoch_lbl])
end_time = time.time()
print('\t\tdone after {: 1.2g} min'.format((end_time-start_time)/60))
del thislg
return inact_effects
# ==============================================================================
# use fitLmer method to perform mixed-effects logistic regression with cross-validation with separate epochs
def logRegr_time_split_mixed(sublg, lsr_epoch_cm, regr_params):
logRegr = logRegr_time_spli_mixed(sublg,lsr_epoch_cm,regr_params)
mixed-effects logistic regression in time for single area, separately for epochs (or sets thereof)
sublg is log containing data from single area
lsr_epoch_cm is list with cm ranges of all inactivation epochs in the log
regre_params is dictionary with analysis parameters
retruns logRegr, dictionary with model object, fitted cofficients, predictor labels,
goodness of fit, random effects
# epoch lengths in cm
lCue = 200
lMem = 100
# just convenience
choice = sublg['choice']
cueOnset_R = sublg['cueOnset_R']
cueOnset_L = sublg['cueOnset_L']
trial_time = sublg['time']
pos = sublg['pos']
lsr_epoch_vec = sublg['laserEpoch']
mouseID = sublg['mouseID']
laserON = sublg['laserON']
maxt = regr_params['max_t']
bins_per_sec = regr_params['bins_per_sec']
# calculate evidence binning and initialize variables
ntrials = np.size(choice)
numbins = []
bins = []
bincenters = []
for iBin in range(len(maxt)):
bins.append(np.linspace(0, maxt[iBin], int(numbins[iBin]+1)))
# predictor matrix for logistic regression, trials x evidence bins
# decide which regressions to run
if isinstance(lsr_epoch_cm[0], list):
onset_list = [lsr_epoch_cm[iE][0] for iE in range(len(lsr_epoch_cm))]
offset_list = [lsr_epoch_cm[iE][1] for iE in range(len(lsr_epoch_cm))]
run_pre = np.max(onset_list) >= lCue/2
run_during = np.max(onset_list) < lCue
run_post = np.max(offset_list) <= lCue/2
run_pre = lsr_epoch_cm[0] > 0
run_during = lsr_epoch_cm[0] < lCue
run_post = lsr_epoch_cm[1] < lCue
# run regression for cues before start of laser onset
epochID = np.zeros(ntrials) # epoch
if run_pre:
RminusLmat_pre = np.zeros((ntrials, numbins[0])) # delta_towers
for iTrial in range(ntrials):
# define inactivation epoch
if ~laserON[iTrial]:
# figure out closest laser epoch withn +/- 100 trials, use that as dummy epoch
idx = np.arange(np.max([iTrial-500,0]),np.min([iTrial+500,ntrials]))
idxc = np.abs(idx-iTrial+1)
islsr = laserON[idx]
closeidx = np.where(np.logical_and(idxc==np.min(idxc[islsr]),islsr))[0][0]
this_ep = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(lsr_epoch_vec[idx[closeidx]])
this_ep = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(lsr_epoch_vec[iTrial])
if isinstance(lsr_epoch_cm[0], list):
epochID[iTrial] = lsr_epoch_cm.index(this_ep)
epoch_onset = trial_time[iTrial][np.where(pos[iTrial][:, 1] < this_ep[0])[0][-1]]
this_R = cueOnset_R[iTrial]
this_R = epoch_onset - this_R[this_R < epoch_onset]
this_L = cueOnset_L[iTrial]
this_L = epoch_onset - this_L[this_L < epoch_onset]
rhist, binedges = np.histogram(this_R, bins[0])
lhist, _ = np.histogram(this_L, bins[0])
RminusLmat_pre[iTrial, :] = rhist - lhist
if bincenters[0] is None:
bincenters[0] = binedges[:-1] + (binedges[1]-binedges[0])/2
RminusLmat_pre = None
bincenters[0] = np.nan * np.ones(numbins[0])
# run regression for cues during laser
if run_during:
RminusLmat_during = np.zeros((ntrials, numbins[1]))
for iTrial in range(ntrials):
# define inactivation epoch
if ~laserON[iTrial]:
# figure out closest laser epoch withn +/- 100 trials, use that as dummy epoch
idx = np.arange(np.max([iTrial-500,0]),np.min([iTrial+500,ntrials]))
idxc = np.abs(idx-iTrial+1)
islsr = laserON[idx]
closeidx = np.where(np.logical_and(idxc==np.min(idxc[islsr]),islsr))[0][0]
this_ep = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(lsr_epoch_vec[idx[closeidx]])
this_ep = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(lsr_epoch_vec[iTrial])
if epochID[iTrial] == 0:
if isinstance(lsr_epoch_cm[0], list):
epochID[iTrial] = lsr_epoch_cm.index(this_ep)
epoch_offset = trial_time[iTrial][np.where(pos[iTrial][:, 1] < this_ep[1])[0][-1]]
this_R = cueOnset_R[iTrial]
this_R = epoch_offset - this_R[this_R < epoch_offset]
this_L = cueOnset_L[iTrial]
this_L = epoch_offset - this_L[this_L < epoch_offset]
rhist, binedges = np.histogram(this_R, bins[1])
lhist, _ = np.histogram(this_L, bins[1])
RminusLmat_during[iTrial, :] = rhist - lhist
if bincenters[1] is None:
bincenters[1] = binedges[:-1] + (binedges[1]-binedges[0])/2
RminusLmat_during = None
bincenters[1] = np.nan * np.ones(numbins[1])
# run regression for cues post laser
if run_post:
RminusLmat_post = np.zeros((ntrials, numbins[2]))
for iTrial in range(ntrials):
# define inactivation epoch
if ~laserON[iTrial]:
# figure out closest laser epoch withn +/- 100 trials, use that as dummy epoch
idx = np.arange(np.max([iTrial-500,0]),np.min([iTrial+500,ntrials]))
idxc = np.abs(idx-iTrial+1)
islsr = laserON[idx]
closeidx = np.where(np.logical_and(idxc==np.min(idxc[islsr]),islsr))[0][0]
this_ep = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(lsr_epoch_vec[idx[closeidx]])
this_ep = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(lsr_epoch_vec[iTrial])
if epochID[iTrial] == 0:
if isinstance(lsr_epoch_cm[0], list):
epochID[iTrial] = lsr_epoch_cm.index(this_ep)
epoch_offset = trial_time[iTrial][np.where(pos[iTrial][:, 1] > this_ep[1])[0][0]]
this_R = cueOnset_R[iTrial]
this_R = epoch_offset - this_R[this_R > epoch_offset]
this_L = cueOnset_L[iTrial]
this_L = epoch_offset - this_L[this_L > epoch_offset]
rhist, binedges = np.histogram(-this_R, bins[2])
lhist, _ = np.histogram(-this_L, bins[2])
RminusLmat_post[iTrial, :] = rhist - lhist
if bincenters[2] is None:
bincenters[2] = binedges[:-1] + (binedges[1]-binedges[0])/2
RminusLmat_post = None
bincenters[2] = np.nan * np.ones(numbins[2])
# combine predictor matrix and remove trials with no towers within evidence bins
if run_pre & run_during:
RminusLmat = np.hstack((RminusLmat_pre,RminusLmat_during))
elif run_pre & ~run_during:
RminusLmat = RminusLmat_pre
RminusLmat = RminusLmat_during
if run_post:
RminusLmat = np.hstack((RminusLmat,RminusLmat_post))
bad_trials = np.where(np.sum(RminusLmat==0,axis=1)==np.size(RminusLmat,axis=1))
RminusLmat = np.delete(RminusLmat,bad_trials,axis=0)
choice = np.delete(choice,bad_trials)
laserON = np.delete(laserON,bad_trials)
epochID = np.delete(epochID,bad_trials)
mouseID = np.delete(mouseID,bad_trials)
if regr_params['method'] == 'Bayes':
if regr_params['nfold_xval']>1:
print('Warning: Cross validation not yet implemented for Binomial Bayes GLM')
model, random_effects, formula, choice_pred, coeffs = \
fitBinomialBayes(choice, laserON, RminusLmat, mouseID, epochID, \
addLsrOffset=regr_params['addLsrOffset'], zscore=regr_params['zscore'])
elif regr_params['method'] == 'Lmer_explicit':
model, random_effects, formula, choice_pred, coeffs = \
fitLmer(choice, laserON, RminusLmat, mouseID, epochID, \
addLsrOffset=regr_params['addLsrOffset'], \
print('Warning: fitting method not implemented')
# which evidence coefficient belongs to pre, during, post
coeffs_by_epoch = []
ct = 0
for iEpoch in range(len(bincenters)):
for iBin in range(np.size(bincenters[iEpoch])):
ct = ct + 1
# organize output
logRegr = {
'model_obj' : model, # full model object
'formula' : formula, # model formula
'coeff' : coeffs, # fitted coefficients, overall and separated by condition
'evidence_vals' : bincenters, # center of evidence bins
'evidence_vals_lbls' : coeffs_by_epoch, # cofficient labels corresponding to diferent evidence bins
'random_effects' : random_effects, # dataframe with random effects info
'choice_pred' : choice_pred, # proportion / correlation of choices correctly predicted by model (thresholded)
return logRegr
# ==============================================================================
# use fitLmer method to perform mixed-effects logistic regression with cross-validation
def fitLmer(choice, laserON, RminusLmat, mouseID, epochID=None, addLsrOffset=True, zscore=True, nfold_xval=1):
model, random_effects, formula, choice_pred, coeffs =
fitLmer(choice, laserON, RminusLmat, mouseID, epochID=None, addLsrOffset=True, zscore=True, nfold_xval=1)
performs mixed-effects logistic regression, without cross-validation for now
choice, laserON, mouseID, epochID are vectors from the flattened log
RminusLmat is the delta predictor matrix by time bin
addLsrOffset boolean flag to add explicit laser bias term
zscore boolean flag to z-score RminusLmat
nfold_xval is number of folds for cross-validation. 1 will use full dataset for fitting
Returns model object, random effects data frame, model formula,
choice_pred dictionary with accuracy of choice predictions,
coeffs dictionary with key fitted coefficients
# zscore evidence matrix
if zscore:
RminusLmat = sp.stats.zscore(RminusLmat)
# if there is only one epoch do not include as random effect
if epochID is not None:
if np.size(np.unique(epochID)) == 1:
epochID = None
# initialize vars
model = [None] * nfold_xval
choice_pred = {'acc': np.ones(nfold_xval)*np.nan, 'corr': np.ones(nfold_xval)*np.nan}
# set up x-val if necessary
train_idx = [np.zeros(1)] * nfold_xval
test_idx = [np.zeros(1)] * nfold_xval
if nfold_xval == 1:
ntrials = np.size(choice)
train_idx[0] = np.arange(ntrials)
test_idx[0] = np.arange(ntrials)
# xval will be done per mouse to ensure everyone is on every data split
mice = list(np.unique(mouseID))
for mouse in mice:
mouseidx = np.where(mouseID==mouse)[0]
for iFold in range(nfold_xval):
this_shuff = train_test_split(mouseidx,test_size=1/nfold_xval)
train_idx[iFold] = np.concatenate((train_idx[iFold],this_shuff[0]))
test_idx[iFold] = np.concatenate((test_idx[iFold],this_shuff[1]))
for iFold in range(nfold_xval):
train_idx[iFold] = train_idx[iFold][1:].astype(int)
test_idx[iFold] = test_idx[iFold][1:].astype(int)
# cross-val runs
for iVal in range(nfold_xval):
# compile data for future dataframne conversion
data = {
'choice': choice[train_idx[iVal]],
'mouse': mouseID[train_idx[iVal]],
'lsrIntercept': laserON[train_idx[iVal]].astype(int)
data_test = {'choice': choice[test_idx[iVal]],
'mouse': mouseID[test_idx[iVal]],
'lsrIntercept': laserON[test_idx[iVal]].astype(int)
if epochID is not None:
data['epoch'] = epochID[train_idx[iVal]].astype(int)
data_test['epoch'] = epochID[test_idx[iVal]].astype(int)
# write down formula and complete data
formula = 'choice ~' # this one is for main effects
if addLsrOffset:
form_me = '(1+lsrIntercept|mouse)' # this one is for random effects
form_me = '' # this one is for random effects
# evidence
num_bins = np.size(RminusLmat, axis=1)
for iBin in range(num_bins):
varname = "b{}".format(iBin)
data[varname] = RminusLmat[train_idx[iVal], iBin] * (~laserON[train_idx[iVal]]).astype(float)
formula += " {} +".format(varname)
form_me += " + (0+{}|mouse)".format(varname)
data_test[varname] = RminusLmat[test_idx[iVal], iBin] * (~laserON[test_idx[iVal]]).astype(float)
# evidence x laser interaction
for iBin in range(num_bins):
varname = "b{}_lsr".format(iBin)
data[varname] = RminusLmat[train_idx[iVal], iBin] * laserON[train_idx[iVal]].astype(float)
formula += " {} +".format(varname)
form_me += " + (0+{}|mouse)".format(varname)
data_test[varname] = RminusLmat[test_idx[iVal], iBin] * laserON[test_idx[iVal]].astype(float)
# laser offset
if addLsrOffset:
varname = 'lsrIntercept'
formula += " {} +".format(varname)
if epochID is not None:
form_me += " + (0+{}|epoch)".format(varname)
# clean up and fit
formula = formula[:-2]
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
data_test = pd.DataFrame(data_test)
full_formula = "{} + {}".format(formula, form_me)
# fit
model[iVal] = Lmer(full_formula, data=data, family='binomial')
# predict choices and comparte
ntrials_test = np.size(test_idx[iVal])
choice_prob = model[iVal].predict(data=data_test,skip_data_checks=True,verify_predictions=False)
choice_hat = np.zeros(ntrials_test)
choice_hat[choice_prob > .5] = 1
choice_pred['acc'][iVal] = np.sum(choice_hat == choice[test_idx[iVal]])/ntrials_test
choice_pred['corr'][iVal] = np.corrcoef(choice[test_idx[iVal]], choice_hat)[0, 1]
# find best model
best_idx = np.where(choice_pred['acc'] == np.max(choice_pred['acc']))[0][0]
best_model = model[best_idx]
# random effects
random_effects = dict()
if epochID is None:
random_effects['mice'] = best_model.ranef
random_effects['epoch'] = None
random_effects['mice'] = best_model.ranef[0]
random_effects['epoch'] = best_model.ranef[1]
# collect coefficients
coeffs = dict()
coeffs['names'] = list(best_model.coefs.index)
coeffs['mean'] = best_model.coefs['Estimate'].to_numpy()
coeffs['sem'] = best_model.coefs['SE'].to_numpy()
coeffs['pvals'] = best_model.coefs['P-val'].to_numpy()
# compare lsr and control coefficients
num_mice = np.size(np.unique(mouseID))
coeffs['evid_names'] = [None] * num_bins
coeffs['evid_ctrl'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_lsr'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_diff'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_ctrl_pvals'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_lsr_pvals'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_ctrl_sem'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_lsr_sem'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_diff_sem'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_diff_pvals'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_ctrl_re'] = np.zeros((num_mice,num_bins))
coeffs['evid_lsr_re'] = np.zeros((num_mice,num_bins))
coeffs['evid_diff_re'] = np.zeros((num_mice,num_bins))
coeffs['evid_diff_norm'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_diff_norm_sem'] = np.zeros(num_bins)
coeffs['evid_diff_norm_re'] = np.zeros((num_mice,num_bins))
for iBin in range(num_bins):
var_idx = coeffs['names'].index('b{}'.format(iBin))
var_idx_lsr = coeffs['names'].index('b{}_lsr'.format(iBin))
coeff_ctrl = coeffs['mean'][var_idx]
coeff_ctrl_sem = coeffs['sem'][var_idx]
coeff_lsr = coeffs['mean'][var_idx_lsr]
coeff_lsr_sem = coeffs['sem'][var_idx_lsr]
z = abs((coeff_ctrl-coeff_lsr)/np.sqrt((coeff_ctrl*coeff_ctrl_sem)**2+(coeff_lsr*coeff_lsr_sem)**2))
coeffs['evid_names'][iBin] = 'b{}'.format(iBin)
coeffs['evid_ctrl'][iBin] = coeff_ctrl
coeffs['evid_lsr'][iBin] = coeff_lsr
coeffs['evid_ctrl_pvals'][iBin] = coeffs['pvals'][var_idx]
coeffs['evid_lsr_pvals'][iBin] = coeffs['pvals'][var_idx_lsr]
coeffs['evid_diff'][iBin] = coeff_lsr - coeff_ctrl
coeffs['evid_diff_norm'][iBin] = (coeff_lsr - coeff_ctrl)/coeff_ctrl
coeffs['evid_ctrl_sem'][iBin] = coeff_ctrl_sem
coeffs['evid_lsr_sem'][iBin] = coeff_lsr_sem
coeffs['evid_diff_sem'][iBin] = np.sqrt((coeff_ctrl_sem**2+coeff_lsr_sem**2)/2)
coeffs['evid_diff_norm_sem'][iBin] = coeffs['evid_diff_sem'][iBin]/coeff_ctrl
coeffs['evid_diff_pvals'][iBin] = sp.stats.norm.sf(z)
coeffs['evid_ctrl_re'][:,iBin] = coeff_ctrl + random_effects['mice'].loc[:,'b{}'.format(iBin)].to_numpy()
coeffs['evid_lsr_re'][:,iBin] = coeff_lsr + random_effects['mice'].loc[:,'b{}_lsr'.format(iBin)].to_numpy()
coeffs['evid_diff_re'][:,iBin] = coeffs['evid_lsr_re'][:,iBin] - coeffs['evid_ctrl_re'][:,iBin]
coeffs['evid_diff_norm_re'][:,iBin] = (coeffs['evid_lsr_re'][:,iBin] - coeffs['evid_ctrl_re'][:,iBin])/coeffs['evid_ctrl_re'][:,iBin]
# correct for multiple comps copy to norm for plotting convenience
coeffs['evid_diff_isSig'], _ = utils.FDR(coeffs['evid_diff_pvals'])
coeffs['evid_diff_norm_pvals'] = coeffs['evid_diff_pvals']
coeffs['evid_diff_norm_isSig'] = coeffs['evid_diff_isSig']
return best_model, random_effects, full_formula, choice_pred, coeffs
# ==============================================================================
# use BinomialBayesGLM method to perform mixed-effects logistic regression, without cross-validation for now
def fitBinomialBayes(choice, laserON, RminusLmat, mouseID, epochID=None, addLsrOffset=False, zscore=True):
model, random_effects, formula, choice_pred, coeffs =
fitBinomialBayes(choice, laserON, RminusLmat, mouseID, epochID=None, addLsrOffset=False, zscore=True)
performs mixed-effects logistic regression, without cross-validation for now
choice, laserON, mouseID, epochID are vectors from the flattened log
RminusLmat is the delta predictor matrix by time bin
addLsrOffset boolean flag to add explicit laser bias term
zscore boolean flag to z-score RminusLmat
Returns model object, random effects dictionary, model formula,
choice_pred dictionary with accuracy of choice predictions,
coeffs dictionary with key fitted coefficients
# zscore evidence matrix
if zscore:
RminusLmat = sp.stats.zscore(RminusLmat)
# if there is only one epoch do not include as random effect
if epochID is not None:
if np.size(np.unique(epochID)) == 1:
epochID = None
# convert to dataFrame and write down formula
if epochID is None:
data = {'choice': choice, 'mouse': mouseID, 'laser': laserON.astype(float)}
data = {'choice': choice, 'mouse': mouseID, 'laser': laserON.astype(float),'epoch': epochID}
formula = 'choice ~' # this one is for main effects
form_me = '0' # this one is for random effects
# evidence
num_bins = np.size(RminusLmat, axis=1)
for iBin in range(num_bins):
varname = "b{}".format(iBin)
data[varname] = RminusLmat[:, iBin]
formula += " {} +".format(varname)
form_me += " + C(mouse)*{}".format(varname)
# evidence x laser interaction
for iBin in range(num_bins):
varname = "b{}*laser".format(iBin)
formula += " {} +".format(varname)
form_me += " + C(mouse)*{}".format(varname)
# laser offset
if addLsrOffset:
varname = 'laser'
formula += " {} +".format(varname)
# clean up and include slopes in random effects
formula = formula[:-2]
data = pd.DataFrame(data)
if epochID is None:
re_formula = {"a": '0 + C(mouse)', "b": form_me}
re_formula = {"a": '0 + C(mouse) + C(epoch)', "b": form_me}
# run regression and collect results
model = BinomialBayesMixedGLM.from_formula(formula, re_formula, data).fit_vb()
rd = model.random_effects()
random_effects = dict()
random_effects['mean'] = rd.iloc[:, 0].to_numpy()
random_effects['std'] = rd.iloc[:, 1].to_numpy()
random_effects['var_names'] = list(rd.index)
random_effects['formula'] = re_formula
# generate and assess model predictions
choice_pred = dict()
ntrials = np.size(choice)
choice_prob = model.predict()
choice_hat = np.zeros(ntrials)
choice_hat[choice_prob > .5] = 1
choice_pred['acc'] = np.sum(choice_hat == choice)/ntrials
choice_pred['corr'] = np.corrcoef(choice, choice_hat)[0, 1]
coeffs = dict()
coeffs['mean'] = model.fe_mean
coeffs['sem'] = model.fe_sd
coeffs['names'] = model.model.exog_names
return model, random_effects, formula, choice_pred, coeffs
# ==============================================================================
# mixed regression in time for shuffled data
def run_mixed_time_regression_shuff(lg,regr_type,regr_params=params['regr_params'],savePath=params['savePath'],overWrite=False,nshuff=None):
lr_time, lr_filebasename = run_mixed_time_regression_shuffle(lg,regr_type,regr_params=params['regr_params'],savePath=params['savePath'],overWrite=False,nshuff=None)
takes flattened behavioral log structure and returns a dictionary with a
list of mixed-effects regression results per area (lr_time).
laser trials are random control trials with shuffled laser tags, but preserving
area, epoch, mouse and session statistics
lr_filebasename is filename without path or extension, e.g. for saving figs
regr_type can be 'combinedEpochs' (all epochs go into single model as a random effect),
'singleEpochs' (each epoch in a separate model)
'epochSets' (hybrid: early cue, late cue, delay epochs get combined separately)
regr_params is a dictionary of analysis parameters, optional input
savePath is directory where data should be saved, Optional
overWrite is boolean flag to overwrite existing data (default False). If False, existing data matching model parameters will be loaded
nshuff is number of shuffles to perform (default nfold_xval)
# generate filename and load if it exists (unless overwrite is set to True)
if params['excludeBadMice']:
suffix = 'goodMice'
suffix = 'allMice'
lr_filebasename = 'logRegr_mixedEffects_time_bin_{:d}_{}_{}_{}_shuff'.format( \
lr_fn = '{}{}.hdf5'.format(savePath,lr_filebasename)
if ~overWrite:
if path.exists(lr_fn):
print('found existing file, loading from disk')
lr_time = fl.load(lr_fn)
return lr_time, lr_filebasename
# we will use n-fold as the number of shuffles
these_params = copy.deepcopy(regr_params)
if nshuff is None:
nshuff = these_params['nfold_xval']
these_params['nfold_xval'] = 1
# iterate over shuffles
lr_time = dict()
lr_time['coeff'] = list()
for iShuff in range(nshuff):
print('SHUFFLE {}/{}\n\n'.format(iShuff+1,nshuff))
# generate random laser tags
lgshuff = shuffle_laser_tags(lg)
# otherwise run desired regression
if regr_type == 'combinedEpochs':
this_lr = batch_mixed_logRegr_time_combined(lgshuff,these_params)
this_lr = None
print('Warning: error, skipping iteration')
elif regr_type == 'singleEpochs':
this_lr = batch_mixed_logRegr_time_split(lgshuff,these_params,combine_epochs=False)
this_lr = None
print('Warning: error, skipping iteration')
elif regr_type == 'epochSets':
this_lr = batch_mixed_logRegr_time_split(lgshuff,these_params,combine_epochs=True)
this_lr = None
print('Warning: error, skipping iteration')
if this_lr is not None:
# copy parameters, labels etc
if iShuff == 0:
vars = list(this_lr.keys())
for iVar in vars:
if iVar != 'results':
lr_time[iVar] = copy.deepcopy(this_lr[iVar])
# keep track of only coefficients to not blow up memory
coeffs = list()
for iCond in range(len(this_lr['results'])):
# save
return lr_time, lr_filebasename
# ==============================================================================
# randomly assign laser labels to control trials
def shuffle_laser_tags(lg):
lgshuff = shuffle_laser_tags(lg)
removes all actual laser trials and assigns the exact area / epoch inactivation
labels to a random set of control trials
# copy just control trials
lgshuff = dict()
fields = list(lg.keys())
ctrlidx = ~lg['laserON']
for iF in range(len(fields)):
thisvar = copy.deepcopy(lg[fields[iF]])
if np.size(thisvar) == np.size(ctrlidx):
lgshuff[fields[iF]] = thisvar[ctrlidx]
lgshuff[fields[iF]] = thisvar
# copy all laser trial info
locs = lg['loclbl'][lg['laserON']]
epochs = lg['laserEpoch'][lg['laserON']]
mice = lg['mouseID'][lg['laserON']]
sess = lg['sessionID'][lg['laserON']]
# assign that to random control trials
numtrials = np.size(lgshuff['laserON'])
numlsrtrials = np.sum(lg['laserON'])
randidx = np.random.permutation(numtrials)[range(numlsrtrials)].astype(int)
lgshuff['loclbl'][randidx] = locs
lgshuff['laserEpoch'][randidx] = epochs
lgshuff['mouseID'][randidx] = mice
lgshuff['sessionID'][randidx] = sess
lgshuff['laserON'][randidx] = True
return lgshuff
# ==============================================================================
# get only relevant behavioral trials for area / epoch combination
def lg_singleCondition(lg,area,epoch):
sublg = lg_singleCondition(lg,area,epoch)
lg is flattened log
area is either a string with area name or a list thereof
epohc is either a string with epoch label or a list thereof
selects relevant laser and control trials for single condition
# laser trials
numtrials = np.size(lg['choice'])
if isinstance(area,list):
isarea = np.ones((numtrials)) * False
for iarea in area:
isarea = np.logical_or(isarea,np.array([lg['loclbl'][iTrial]==iarea for iTrial in range(numtrials)]))
isarea = np.array([lg['loclbl'][iTrial]==area for iTrial in range(numtrials)])
if isinstance(epoch,list):
isepoch = np.ones((numtrials)) * False
for iepoch in epoch:
isepoch = np.logical_or(isepoch,np.array([lg['laserEpoch'][iTrial]==iepoch for iTrial in range(numtrials)]))
isepoch = np.array([lg['laserEpoch'][iTrial]==epoch for iTrial in range(numtrials)])
lsridx = isarea & isepoch
# pick only control trials from the same mice and sessions as laser trials
mice = np.unique(lg['mouseID'][lsridx])
ctrlidx = np.zeros(numtrials) > 1
for iMouse in range(np.size(mice)):
midx = lg['mouseID'] == mice[iMouse]
sessions = np.unique(lg['sessionID'][np.logical_and(lsridx,midx)])
for iSession in range(np.size(sessions)):
sessidx = lg['sessionID'] == sessions[iSession]
thisidx = midx & sessidx & ~lg['laserON']
ctrlidx = np.logical_or(ctrlidx , thisidx)
idx = lsridx | ctrlidx
# leave just relevant trials in lg
sublg = dict()
fields = list(lg.keys())
for iF in range(len(fields)):
thisvar = copy.deepcopy(lg[fields[iF]])
if np.size(thisvar) == np.size(idx):
sublg[fields[iF]] = thisvar[idx]
sublg[fields[iF]] = thisvar
return sublg
# ==============================================================================
# compute laser onset and offset triggered logistic regression coeffs and cluster areas
def laser_trig_logRegr(inact_effects):
trig_logRegr = laser_trig_logRegr(inact_effects)
compute laser onset and offset triggered logistic regression coeffs and cluster areas
inact_effects is dictionary generated by multiArea_boot_perf
trig_logRegr is dictionary with analysis results
trig_logRegr = dict()
coeffs_diff = inact_effects['logRegr']['coeffs_diff_mean']
coeffs_ctrl = inact_effects['logRegr']['coeffs_ctrl_mean']
coeffs_lsr = inact_effects['logRegr']['coeffs_lsr_mean']
numbins = inact_effects['logRegr']['evidence_vals'].size
binsize = np.diff(inact_effects['logRegr']['evidence_vals'])[0]
evidence_vals = np.arange(0,200,200/numbins)
evidence_vals_off = np.arange(50,250,200/numbins)
lbls = inact_effects['data_lbl']
trig_logRegr['area_lbls'] = [lbls[iL][0] for iL in range(len(lbls))]
trig_logRegr['epoch_lbls'] = [lbls[iL][1] for iL in range(len(lbls))]
num_cond = len(trig_logRegr['area_lbls'])
trig_nbins = evidence_vals.size
# align by laser onset and offset
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'] = np.ones((num_cond,trig_nbins)) * np.nan
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'] = np.ones((num_cond,trig_nbins)) * np.nan
for iCond in range(num_cond):
yrange = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(trig_logRegr['epoch_lbls'][iCond])
idx = evidence_vals <= yrange[0]
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][iCond,np.flip(idx)] = coeffs_diff[iCond,idx]
idx = evidence_vals_off > yrange[1]
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][iCond,range(np.sum(idx))] = coeffs_diff[iCond,idx]
# remove edge datapoints (little data), set axes
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'] = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][:,1:]
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'] = trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][:,:-2]
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_xaxis'] = np.arange(-binsize*(numbins-2),binsize,binsize)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_xaxis'] = np.arange(binsize,binsize*(numbins-1),binsize)
## front vs posterior areas
front_areas = ['mM2','aM2','M1']
isFront = np.zeros(num_cond) > 1
for area in front_areas:
isFront += np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == area
post_areas = ['V1','mV2','PPC','RSC']
isPost = np.zeros(num_cond) > 1
for area in post_areas:
isPost += np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == area
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_post_mean'] = np.nanmean(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][isPost,:],axis=0)
num_not_nan = np.sum(~np.isnan(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][isPost,:]),axis=0)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_post_sem'] = np.nanstd(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][isPost,:],axis=0,ddof=1) / np.sqrt(num_not_nan-1)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_front_mean'] = np.nanmean(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][isFront,:],axis=0)
num_not_nan = np.sum(~np.isnan(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][isFront,:]),axis=0)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_front_sem'] = np.nanstd(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][isFront,:],axis=0,ddof=1) / np.sqrt(num_not_nan-1)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_post_mean'] = np.nanmean(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][isPost,:],axis=0)
num_not_nan = np.sum(~np.isnan(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][isPost,:]),axis=0)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_post_sem'] = np.nanstd(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][isPost,:],axis=0,ddof=1) / np.sqrt(num_not_nan-1)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_front_mean']= np.nanmean(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][isFront,:],axis=0)
num_not_nan = np.sum(~np.isnan(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][isFront,:]),axis=0)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_front_sem'] = np.nanstd(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][isFront,:],axis=0,ddof=1) / np.sqrt(num_not_nan-1)
## compare simulatenous vs average front/post
# 2-way ANOVA with RM (bins and simulatenous)
condidx = np.argwhere(np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == 'Front')
y1 = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][isFront,:]
y2 = np.squeeze(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,:])
bins1 = np.zeros((np.sum(isFront),trig_nbins-1)) + np.array(range(trig_nbins-1))
bins2 = np.zeros((np.size(condidx),trig_nbins-1)) + np.array(range(trig_nbins-1))
conds2 = np.repeat(np.array(range(np.size(condidx))),trig_nbins-1).reshape((np.size(condidx),trig_nbins-1))
conds1 = numpy.matlib.repmat(conds2,len(front_areas),1)
y = np.concatenate((y1.flatten(),y2.flatten()))
x = np.concatenate((bins1.flatten(),bins2.flatten()))
c = np.concatenate((conds1.flatten(),conds2.flatten()))
g = np.concatenate((np.zeros(np.size(y1)),np.ones(np.size(y2))))
idx = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(y),c>0)
table = pd.DataFrame({'bin' : x[idx],
'cond' : c[idx],
'group' : g[idx],
'coeff' : y[idx]})
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_front_singleVSsimult_anova'] = pg.rm_anova(dv='coeff', within=['bin','group'],subject='cond',data=table)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_front_singleVSsimult_anova_pvals'] = \
condidx = np.argwhere(np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == 'Post')
y1 = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][isPost,:]
y2 = np.squeeze(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,:])
bins1 = np.zeros((np.sum(isPost),trig_nbins-1)) + np.array(range(trig_nbins-1))
bins2 = np.zeros((np.size(condidx),trig_nbins-1)) + np.array(range(trig_nbins-1))
conds2 = np.repeat(np.array(range(np.size(condidx))),trig_nbins-1).reshape((np.size(condidx),trig_nbins-1))
conds1 = numpy.matlib.repmat(conds2,len(post_areas),1)
y = np.concatenate((y1.flatten(),y2.flatten()))
x = np.concatenate((bins1.flatten(),bins2.flatten()))
c = np.concatenate((conds1.flatten(),conds2.flatten()))
g = np.concatenate((np.zeros(np.size(y1)),np.ones(np.size(y2))))
idx = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(y),c>0)
table = pd.DataFrame({'bin' : x[idx],
'cond' : c[idx],
'group' : g[idx],
'coeff' : y[idx]})
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_post_singleVSsimult_anova'] = pg.rm_anova(dv='coeff', within=['bin','group'],subject='cond',data=table)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_post_singleVSsimult_anova_pvals'] = \
# by bin
condidx = np.argwhere(np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == 'Post')
ps = np.zeros(trig_nbins-1)
for iBin in range(trig_nbins-1):
_, ps[iBin] = sp.stats.ttest_ind(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,iBin], \
isSig,_ = utils.FDR(ps)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_post_singleVSsimult_pvals'] = ps
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_post_singleVSsimult_isSig'] = isSig
condidx = np.argwhere(np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == 'Front')
ps = np.zeros(trig_nbins-1)
for iBin in range(trig_nbins-1):
_, ps[iBin] = sp.stats.ttest_ind(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,iBin], \
isSig,_ = utils.FDR(ps)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_front_singleVSsimult_pvals'] = ps
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_front_singleVSsimult_isSig'] = isSig
# trig log by area, onset
area_list = params['inact_locations']
nareas = len(area_list)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_mean'] = np.zeros((nareas,trig_nbins-1))
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_sem'] = np.zeros((nareas,trig_nbins-1))
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_pvals'] = np.zeros((nareas,trig_nbins-1))
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_isSig'] = np.zeros((nareas,trig_nbins-1))
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_anova_bins_pval'] = np.zeros(nareas)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_anova_bins'] = [None] * nareas
for iArea, area in enumerate(area_list):
condidx = np.argwhere(np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == area)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_mean'][iArea,:] = np.nanmean(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,:],axis=0)
num_not_nan = np.sum(~np.isnan(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,:],),axis=0)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_sem'][iArea,:] = np.nanstd(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,:],axis=0,ddof=1) / np.sqrt(num_not_nan-1)
# stats vs. zero
ps = np.zeros(trig_nbins-1)
ts = np.zeros(trig_nbins-1)
for iBin in range(trig_nbins-1):
ts[iBin], ps[iBin] = sp.stats.ttest_1samp(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,iBin],0,nan_policy='omit')
ps = ps/2 # test is one-sided
fdr,_ = utils.FDR(ps)
isSig = np.logical_and(fdr, ts < 0)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_pvals'][iArea,:] = ps
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_isSig'][iArea,:] = isSig
# stats across bins (one-way ANOVA with RM)
vals = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,:]
bins = np.zeros((np.size(condidx),trig_nbins-1)) + np.array(range(trig_nbins-1))
conds = np.repeat(np.array(range(np.size(condidx))),trig_nbins-1).reshape((np.size(condidx),trig_nbins-1))
y = vals.flatten()
x = bins.flatten()
g = conds.flatten()
idx = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(y),g>0) # remove condition with n =1
table = pd.DataFrame({'bin' : x[idx],
'cond' : g[idx],
'coeff' : y[idx]})
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_anova_bins'][iArea] = pg.rm_anova(dv='coeff', within='bin',subject='cond',data=table)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_anova_bins_pval'][iArea] = \
# trig log by area, offset
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_mean'] = np.zeros((nareas,trig_nbins-2))
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_sem'] = np.zeros((nareas,trig_nbins-2))
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_pvals'] = np.zeros((nareas,trig_nbins-2))
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_isSig'] = np.zeros((nareas,trig_nbins-2))
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_anova_bins_pval'] = np.zeros(nareas)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_anova_bins'] = [None] * nareas
for iArea, area in enumerate(area_list):
condidx = np.argwhere(np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == area)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_mean'][iArea,:] = np.nanmean(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,:],axis=0)
num_not_nan = np.sum(~np.isnan(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,:],),axis=0)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_sem'][iArea,:] = np.nanstd(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,:],axis=0,ddof=1) / np.sqrt(num_not_nan-1)
# stats vs. zero
ps = np.zeros(trig_nbins-2)
ts = np.zeros(trig_nbins-2)
for iBin in range(trig_nbins-2):
ts[iBin], ps[iBin] = sp.stats.ttest_1samp(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,iBin],0,nan_policy='omit')
ps = ps/2 # test is one-sided
fdr,_ = utils.FDR(ps)
isSig = np.logical_and(fdr, ts < 0)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_pvals'][iArea,:] = ps
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_isSig'][iArea,:] = isSig
# stats across bins (one-way ANOVA with RM)
vals = trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][condidx,:]
bins = np.zeros((np.size(condidx),trig_nbins-2)) + np.array(range(trig_nbins-2))
conds = np.repeat(np.array(range(np.size(condidx))),trig_nbins-2).reshape((np.size(condidx),trig_nbins-2))
y = vals.flatten()
x = bins.flatten()
g = conds.flatten()
idx = np.logical_and(~np.isnan(y),g>0) # remove condition with n =1
table = pd.DataFrame({'bin' : x[idx],
'cond' : g[idx],
'coeff' : y[idx]})
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_anova_bins'][iArea] = pg.rm_anova(dv='coeff', within='bin',subject='cond',data=table)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_anova_bins_pval'][iArea] = \
# cluster area averages of laser-triggered weight changes
if params['clust_algo'] == 'Hierarchical':
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering as clust_algo
elif params['clust_algo'] == 'Spectral':
from sklearn.cluster import SpectralClustering as clust_algo
from sklearn import metrics
# cluster Front and Post too?
area_idx = np.zeros(nareas) == 0
if params['clust_singleAreas_only']:
area_idx[area_list.index('Front')] = False
area_idx[area_list.index('Post')] = False
# choose what to cluster
if params['clust_what'] == 'onset':
clustmat = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_mean']
fullmat = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs']
elif params['clust_what'] == 'offset':
clustmat = trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_mean']
fullmat = trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs']
elif params['clust_what'] == 'onset+offset':
clustmat = np.concatenate((trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_mean'],trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_mean']),axis=1)
# test different num clusters and pick best
clusts = [None] * (params['max_clust']-1)
ch_index = [None] * (params['max_clust']-1)
for iK in range(params['max_clust']-1):
clusts[iK] = clust_algo(n_clusters=iK+2)
ch_index[iK] = metrics.calinski_harabasz_score(clustmat[area_idx,:], clusts[iK].labels_)
trig_logRegr['cluster_ch_index'] = ch_index
trig_logRegr['cluster_nK'] = np.arange(2,params['max_clust']+1)
best_clust = ch_index.index(max(ch_index))
trig_logRegr['cluster_best_k'] = trig_logRegr['cluster_nK'][best_clust]
trig_logRegr['cluster_object'] = clusts[best_clust]
trig_logRegr['cluster_ids'] = trig_logRegr['cluster_object'].labels_
# do stats per cluster, but considering conditions instead of areas for statistical power
trig_logRegr['cluster_areas'] = np.array(area_list)[area_idx]
trig_logRegr['cluster_mean'] = np.zeros((trig_logRegr['cluster_best_k'],trig_nbins-1))
trig_logRegr['cluster_sem'] = np.zeros((trig_logRegr['cluster_best_k'],trig_nbins-1))
trig_logRegr['cluster_pvals'] = np.zeros((trig_logRegr['cluster_best_k'],trig_nbins-1))
trig_logRegr['cluster_isSig'] = np.zeros((trig_logRegr['cluster_best_k'],trig_nbins-1))
for iClust in range(trig_logRegr['cluster_best_k']):
idx = np.argwhere(trig_logRegr['cluster_ids'] == iClust)
for iArea in range(np.size(idx)):
area = trig_logRegr['cluster_areas'][idx[iArea]]
condidx = np.argwhere(np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == area)
if iArea == 0:
vals = fullmat[condidx,:]
vals = np.concatenate((vals,fullmat[condidx,:]),axis=0)
vals = np.squeeze(vals)
trig_logRegr['cluster_mean'][iClust,:] = np.nanmean(vals,axis=0)
num_not_nan = np.sum(~np.isnan(vals),axis=0)
trig_logRegr['cluster_sem'][iClust,:] = np.nanstd(vals,axis=0,ddof=1) / np.sqrt(num_not_nan-1)
# stats
ps = np.zeros(trig_nbins-1)
ts = np.zeros(trig_nbins-1)
for iBin in range(trig_nbins-1):
ts[iBin], ps[iBin] = sp.stats.ttest_1samp(vals[:,iBin],0,nan_policy='omit')
ps = ps/2 # test is one-sided
fdr,_ = utils.FDR(ps)
isSig = np.logical_and(fdr, ts < 0)
trig_logRegr['cluster_pvals'][iClust,:] = ps
trig_logRegr['cluster_isSig'][iClust,:] = isSig
return trig_logRegr
# ==============================================================================
# plot results for area / epoch combinations
def plot_multiArea(inact_effects,plot_category='logRegr',plot_var='coeffs_diff',mouse_data=None):
figHandle = plot_multiArea(inact_effects,plot_category='logRegr',plot_var='coeffs_diff',mouse_data=None)
plots inactivation effects for all inactivation conditions (one per panel)
inact_effects is dictionary generated by multiArea_boot_perf
plot_category is 'logRegr', 'psych' or 'percCorrect'
plot_var is which variable to plot (diffs, ratios etc), does not apply to psych. Must match variable name exactly
mouse_data (default None) is dictionary produced by behav_by_mouse() / multiArea_percCorrect_bymouse()
if present, will overlay per mouse data on % correct plot
data = inact_effects[plot_category]
areas = inact_effects['area_list']
numareas = len(areas)
epochs = inact_effects['epoch_list']
numepochs = len(epochs)
if plot_category == 'percCorrect' or plot_category == 'speed':
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[numepochs, numepochs*.6])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[numepochs*1.3, numareas*1.1])
if plot_category == 'logRegr':
# plot logistic regression
ct = 1
for iArea in range(numareas):
for iEpoch in range(numepochs):
ax = fig.add_subplot(numareas,numepochs,ct)
# plot shading indicating y pos range of laser inactivation
yrange = utils.yRangeFromEpochLabel(epochs[iEpoch])
fillx = [yrange[0], yrange[1], yrange[1], yrange[0]]
filly = [-.55, -.55, .55, .55]
fillcl = params['lsr_color']
# plot data
lr_temp = dict()
lr_temp['evidence_vals'] = data['evidence_vals']
lr_temp['coeff'] = data['{}_mean'.format(plot_var)][ct-1,:]
lr_temp['coeff_err'] = data['{}_std'.format(plot_var)][ct-1,:]
ax = plot_logRegr(lr_temp, axisHandle=ax)
if ct != 4*numepochs + 1:
ax.set_ylabel('Weight on decision (a.u.)')
if ct != numareas*numepochs - 3:
ax.set_xlabel('Cue y (cm)')
# plot pvals
x = data['evidence_vals']
y = lr_temp['coeff'] + lr_temp['coeff_err']
p = data['{}_p'.format(plot_var)][ct-1,:]
isSig = data['{}_isSig'.format(plot_var)][ct-1,:]
where = 'below'
ax = utils.plotPvalCircles(ax, x, y-.16, p, isSig, where)
# title
ax.set_title('{}, {}'.format(inact_effects['data_lbl'][ct-1][0],inact_effects['data_lbl'][ct-1][1]),pad=0)
# cosmetics
ax.set_xlim([0, 225])
ax.set_ylim([-.55, .35])
ct = ct + 1
elif plot_category == 'psych':
# plot psychometrics
ct = 1
for iArea in range(numareas):
for iEpoch in range(numepochs):
ax = fig.add_subplot(numareas,numepochs,ct)
# plot average ctrl and lsr data, with average fits
psych_temp = dict()
psych_temp['P_wentRight'] = data['P_wentRight_ctrl_mean'][ct-1,:]
psych_temp['P_wentRight_CI'] = data['P_wentRight_ctrl_std'][ct-1,:]
psych_temp['delta_towers'] = data['psych_bins'][:-1] + np.diff(data['psych_bins'])[0]/2
psych_temp['fit_x'] = data['fit_x']
# psych_temp['fit_y'] = data['fit_y_ctrl_mean'][ct-1,:]
thisfit , _ = sp.optimize.curve_fit(psych_fit_fn, np.transpose(psych_temp['delta_towers']), \
psych_temp['fit_y'] = psych_fit_fn(psych_temp['fit_x'],*thisfit)
ax = plot_psych(psych_temp, params['ctrl_color'], params['ctrl_shade'], ax)
psych_temp = dict()
psych_temp['P_wentRight'] = data['P_wentRight_lsr_mean'][ct-1,:]
psych_temp['P_wentRight_CI'] = data['P_wentRight_lsr_std'][ct-1,:]
psych_temp['delta_towers'] = data['psych_bins'][:-1] + np.diff(data['psych_bins'])[0]/2
psych_temp['fit_x'] = data['fit_x']
thisfit , _ = sp.optimize.curve_fit(psych_fit_fn, np.transpose(psych_temp['delta_towers']), \
psych_temp['fit_y'] = psych_fit_fn(psych_temp['fit_x'],*thisfit)
ax = plot_psych(psych_temp, params['lsr_color'], params['lsr_shade'], ax)
if ct != 4*numepochs + 1:
ax.set_ylabel('Went right (%)')
if ct != numareas*numepochs - 3:
# title
ax.set_title('{}, {}'.format(inact_effects['data_lbl'][ct-1][0],inact_effects['data_lbl'][ct-1][1]),pad=0)
# cosmetics
ct = ct + 1
elif plot_category == 'percCorrect':
# plot % correct
nr, nc = utils.subplot_org(numepochs,3)
colors = utils.getAreaColors(areas) # default area colors
for iEpoch in range(numepochs):
ax = fig.add_subplot(nr,nc,iEpoch+1)
p_y = np.zeros(numareas)
p = np.zeros(numareas)
isSig = np.zeros(numareas)
# bars
for iArea in range(numareas):
idx = iArea*numepochs + iEpoch
# mean from bootstrapping or across mice if available
if mouse_data is not None:
mdata = mouse_data['percCorrect'][plot_var][idx]
nmice = np.size(mdata)
p[iArea] = data['{}_p'.format(plot_var)][idx,:]
isSig[iArea] = data['{}_p_isSig'.format(plot_var)][idx]
thismean = data['{}_mean'.format(plot_var)][idx,:]
thisstd = data['{}_std'.format(plot_var)][idx,:]
# plot average ctrl and lsr data
p_y[iArea] = thismean - thisstd
# plot mouse datapoints if applicable
if mouse_data is not None:
jitter = np.random.uniform(size=(nmice))*0.1-0.05
ax.plot(iArea+jitter,mdata,marker='.',c=[.7, .7, .7, .5], ls='None')
# plot pvals
x = np.arange(numareas)
y = p_y - .1
where = 'below'
ax = utils.plotPvalCircles(ax, x, y, p, isSig, where, rotate=True, color=[0,0,0])
# title and axes
ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta$ P correct')
ax.set_xticklabels(areas, rotation='vertical')
# cosmetics
ax.set_xlim([-.75, numareas-.25])
ax.set_ylim([-.5, .25])
elif plot_category == 'speed':
# plot % correct
nr, nc = utils.subplot_org(numepochs,3)
colors = utils.getAreaColors(areas) # default area colors
for iEpoch in range(numepochs):
ax = fig.add_subplot(nr,nc,iEpoch+1)
p_y = np.zeros(numareas)
p = np.zeros(numareas)
isSig = np.zeros(numareas)
# bars
for iArea in range(numareas):
idx = iArea*numepochs + iEpoch
# mean from bootstrapping or across mice if available
if mouse_data is not None:
mdata = mouse_data['speed'][plot_var][idx]
nmice = np.size(mdata)
p[iArea] = mouse_data['speed']['pval'][idx]
isSig[iArea] = mouse_data['speed']['isSig'][idx]
thismean = mouse_data['speed']['{}_mean'.format(plot_var)][idx]
thisstd = mouse_data['speed']['{}_std'.format(plot_var)][idx]
if plot_var == 'ratio':
thismean = thismean*100
thisstd = thisstd*100
p[iArea] = data['pval'][idx,:]
isSig[iArea] = data['isSig'][idx]
thismean = data['{}_mean'.format(plot_var)][idx,:]
thisstd = data['{}_std'.format(plot_var)][idx,:]
# plot average ctrl and lsr data
p_y[iArea] = thismean + thisstd
# plot mouse datapoints if applicable
if mouse_data is not None:
jitter = np.random.uniform(size=(nmice))*0.1-0.05
ax.plot(iArea+jitter,mdata,marker='.',c=[.7, .7, .7, .5], ls='None')
# plot pvals
x = np.arange(numareas)
y = p_y + 10
where = 'above'
ax = utils.plotPvalCircles(ax, x, y, p, isSig, where, rotate=True, color=[0,0,0])
# title and axes
if plot_var == 'diff':
ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta$ speed (cm/s)')
elif plot_var == 'ratio':
ax.set_ylabel('$\Delta$ speed (%)')
ax.set_ylabel('Speed (cm/s)')
ax.set_ylim([0, 100])
ax.set_xticklabels(areas, rotation='vertical')
# cosmetics
ax.set_xlim([-.75, numareas-.25])
if plot_category == 'percCorrect' or plot_category == 'speed':
fig.subplots_adjust(left=.1, bottom=.1, right=.95, top=.9, wspace=.5, hspace=.7)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=.06, bottom=.05, right=.95, top=.95, wspace=.4, hspace=.7)
# collect source data
figdata = dict()
if plot_category == 'percCorrect':
figdata['inactivation_condition_labels'] = inact_effects['data_lbl']
figdata['percCorrect_delta_bymouse'] = list()
figdata['percCorrect_delta_mean'] = list()
figdata['percCorrect_delta_sem'] = list()
figdata['percCorrect_delta_pvals'] = list()
figdata['percCorrect_delta_FDR_isSig'] = list()
for iEpoch in range(numepochs):
for iArea in range(numareas):
idx = iArea*numepochs + iEpoch
# mean from bootstrapping or across mice if available
if mouse_data is not None:
mdata = mouse_data['percCorrect'][plot_var][idx]
mdata = None
p = data['{}_p'.format(plot_var)][idx,:]
isSig = data['{}_p_isSig'.format(plot_var)][idx]
thismean = data['{}_mean'.format(plot_var)][idx,:]
thisstd = data['{}_std'.format(plot_var)][idx,:]
print('Warning: source data collection only implemented for % correct')
return fig , figdata
# ==============================================================================
# plot control psychometrics and logistic regression
def plotCtrlBehav(mouse_data,psych,logRegr):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[1.1,3])
num_mice = len(mouse_data['psych'])
ax = plt.subplot(2,1,1)
ax.plot([-15,15],[.5,.5],ls='--',c=[.8, .8, .8],linewidth=.25)
ax.plot([0,0],[0,1],ls='--',c=[.8, .8, .8],linewidth=.25)
for iMouse in range(num_mice):
ax.plot(mouse_data['psych'][iMouse]['fit_x'],mouse_data['psych'][iMouse]['fit_y'], \
color=[.7, .7, .7],linestyle='-',linewidth=.35)
ax.set_ylabel('Went right (%)')
ax.set_ylim([0, 1])
ax = plt.subplot(2,1,2)
ax.plot([0,200],[0,0],ls='--',c=[.8, .8, .8],linewidth=.25)
for iMouse in range(num_mice):
ax.plot(mouse_data['logRegr'][iMouse]['evidence_vals'],mouse_data['logRegr'][iMouse]['coeff'], \
color=[.7, .7, .7],linestyle='-',linewidth=.35)
ax.set_ylabel('Weight on decision (a.u.)')
ax.set_xlim([0, 200])
ax.set_ylim([-.25, .5])
ax.set_xlabel('Cue y (cm)')
fig.subplots_adjust(left=.1, bottom=.1, right=.95, top=.9, wspace=.5, hspace=1)
# collect source data
figdata = dict()
figdata['psychometric_data_xaxis'] = psych['delta_towers']
figdata['psychometric_data_yaxis'] = psych['P_wentRight']
figdata['psychometric_data_yaxis_confInt'] = np.transpose(psych['P_wentRight_CI'])
figdata['psychometric_fit_xaxis'] = mouse_data['psych'][0]['fit_x']
figdata['psychometric_fit_yaxis_bymouse'] = list()
figdata['psychometric_fit_yaxis_aggregate'] = psych['fit_y']
figdata['psychometric_xaxis_unit'] = '\Delta towers (#R - #L)'
figdata['psychometric_yaxis_unit'] = 'Proportion went right'
figdata['logisticRegression_xaxis'] = mouse_data['logRegr'][0]['evidence_vals']
figdata['logisticRegression_yaxis'] = logRegr['coeff']
figdata['logisticRegression_yaxis_STD'] = logRegr['coeff_err']
figdata['logisticRegression_yaxis_bymouse'] = list()
figdata['logisticRegression_xaxis_unit'] = 'Cue y (cm)'
figdata['logisticRegression_yaxis_unit'] = 'Weight on decision (a.u.)'
for iMouse in range(num_mice):
return fig , figdata
# ===========================================================================
# Prediction accuracy of logistic regression in time
def plot_model_predictions(lr_time,plot_what='acc',ax=None):
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2,2))
ax = fig.gca()
acc = lr_time['results'][0]['choice_pred'][plot_what]
for iCond in range(1,len(lr_time['results'])):
acc = np.concatenate((acc,lr_time['results'][iCond]['choice_pred'][plot_what]))
ax.set_xlabel('Cross-val choice prediction accuracy')
ax.set_ylabel('Num. observations\n(Conditions * Cross-val runs)')
ax.set_xlim([.5, 1])
ax = utils.applyPlotDefaults(ax)
# figdata = {'model_accuracy': acc}
return ax, acc
# ==============================================================================
# plot results for logistic regression in time
def plot_logRegr_time(lr_time,regr_type,plot_what='evid_diff_norm',doAreaCl=False,shuff=None,plot_sim=True,fig=None):
fig = plot_logRegr_time(lr_time,regr_type,plot_what='evid_diff_norm',doAreaCl=False)
plots results of mixed effects logistic regression in time
lr_time is dictionary output of batch_mixed_logRegr* functions
regr_type 'combinedEpochs', 'singleEpochs' or 'epochSets' (see run_mixed_time_regression())
plot_what what to plot on y axis, default 'evid_diff_norm'. can also be list eg ['evid_ctrl','evid_laser']
doAreaCl True to plot each area with its default color
returns figure handle fig
# overall time axis
nan_array = np.ones((1)) * np.nan
axis_pre = lr_time['results'][1]['evidence_vals'][0]
nt_pre = np.size(axis_pre)
idx_pre = range(0,nt_pre)
axis_during = lr_time['results'][1]['evidence_vals'][1]
nt_during = np.size(axis_during)
idx_during = range(nt_pre,nt_pre+nt_during)
axis_post = lr_time['results'][1]['evidence_vals'][2]
nt_post = np.size(axis_post)
idx_post = range(nt_pre+nt_during,nt_pre+nt_during+nt_post)
t_axis = np.concatenate((-1 * np.flip(axis_pre), nan_array,- 1 * np.flip(axis_during), nan_array, axis_post), axis=0)
t_axis_idx = np.arange(np.size(t_axis))
t_axis_lbl = list()
for lbl in list(t_axis):
if np.isnan(lbl):
# color scheme
cl = utils.getAreaColors(lr_time['area_list'])
if isinstance(plot_what,list):
doAreaCl = False
plot_what = [plot_what]
# shuffled model (coefficient distributions)
if shuff is not None:
shuff_avg = shuffle_avg(shuff,plot_what[0])
shuff_avg = None
# Figure size, panels (depends on regression types)
if regr_type == 'combinedEpochs':
if fig is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3.5))
nr = 3
nc = 3
datalbl = lr_time['area_list']
lr_time['data_lbl'] = lr_time['area_list']
elif regr_type == 'singleEpochs':
if fig is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 5))
nr = 9
nc = 6
datalbl = lr_time['data_lbl']
elif regr_type == 'epochSets':
if fig is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5))
nr = 9
nc = 3
datalbl = lr_time['data_lbl']
# set up source data
figdata = dict()
figdata['coefficient_type'] = plot_what
figdata['inactivation_condition_labels'] = datalbl
figdata['time_axis'] = t_axis
figdata['time_axis_unit'] = 'seconds'
figdata['coefficient_mean'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_sem'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_pval'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_FDR_isSig'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_shuffle_mean'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_shuffle_std'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_randomEffects_mice'] = list()
# plot each condition
plot_ct = 0
for iCond in range(len(lr_time['results'])):
# pick color
if doAreaCl:
if isinstance(datalbl[0],list):
thisc = cl[lr_time['area_list'].index(data_lbl[iCond][0])]
thisc = cl[iCond]
thisc = np.array(thisc)
thiss = copy.deepcopy(thisc)
thiss[-1] = .6 # transparency
thiss = thiss*.8 # transparency
thisc = [thisc]
thiss = [thiss]
# if list, assume it's ctrl / laser
thisc = [[0,0,0,1],[.22,.52,1,1]]
thiss = [[.7,.7,.7,.8],[.6,.75,1,.8]]
# zero line
if plot_sim:
donotPlot = False
if regr_type == 'combinedEpochs':
donotPlot = lr_time['data_lbl'][iCond] =='Front' or lr_time['data_lbl'][iCond]=='Post'
donotPlot = lr_time['data_lbl'][iCond][0]=='Front' or lr_time['data_lbl'][iCond][0]=='Post'
if donotPlot==False:
plot_ct = plot_ct + 1
ax = fig.add_subplot(nr, nc, plot_ct)
ax.plot([t_axis_idx[0], t_axis_idx[-1]], [0, 0], ':', color=[0, 0, 0])
fillx = [t_axis_idx[4]-.5, t_axis_idx[4]+.5, t_axis_idx[4]+.5, t_axis_idx[4]-.5]
filly = [-3, -3, 3, 3]
fillcl = params['lsr_color']
for iData in range(len(plot_what)):
# concatenate vectors into a single time axis
vec = lr_time['results'][iCond]['coeff']['{}'.format(plot_what[iData])]
vec_sem = lr_time['results'][iCond]['coeff']['{}_sem'.format(plot_what[iData])]
vec_re = lr_time['results'][iCond]['coeff']['{}_re'.format(plot_what[iData])]
vec_p = lr_time['results'][iCond]['coeff']['{}_pvals'.format(plot_what[iData])]
vec_sig = lr_time['results'][iCond]['coeff']['{}_isSig'.format(plot_what[iData])]
vec_sig = np.ones(np.size(vec_p)) * False
ev_vals = lr_time['results'][iCond]['evidence_vals']
nmice = np.size(vec_re,axis=0)
nan_vec = np.ones((nmice,1)) * np.nan
if np.isnan(ev_vals[0][0]):
this_nt_pre = 0
mean_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
sem_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
p_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
sig_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
re_pre = np.ones((nmice,nt_pre)) * np.nan
if iData == 0 and shuff_avg is not None:
sm_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
sd_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
this_nt_pre = nt_pre
mean_pre = np.flip(vec[idx_pre])
sem_pre = np.flip(vec_sem[idx_pre])
p_pre = np.flip(vec_p[idx_pre])
sig_pre = np.flip(vec_sig[idx_pre])
re_pre = np.flip(vec_re[:,idx_pre])
if iData == 0 and shuff_avg is not None:
sm_pre = np.flip(shuff_avg[iCond]['mean'][idx_pre])
sd_pre = np.flip(shuff_avg[iCond]['std'][idx_pre])
if np.isnan(ev_vals[1][0]):
this_nt_dur = 0
mean_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
sem_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
p_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
sig_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
re_dur = np.ones((nmice,nt_during)) * np.nan
if iData == 0 and shuff_avg is not None:
sm_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
sd_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
this_nt_dur = nt_during
this_idx = range(this_nt_pre,this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur)
mean_dur = np.flip(vec[this_idx])
sem_dur = np.flip(vec_sem[this_idx])
p_dur = np.flip(vec_p[this_idx])
sig_dur = np.flip(vec_sig[this_idx])
re_dur = np.flip(vec_re[:,this_idx])
if iData == 0 and shuff_avg is not None:
sm_dur = np.flip(shuff_avg[iCond]['mean'][this_idx])
sd_dur = np.flip(shuff_avg[iCond]['std'][this_idx])
if np.isnan(ev_vals[2][0]):
this_nt_post = 0
mean_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
sem_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
p_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
sig_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
re_post = np.ones((nmice,nt_post)) * np.nan
if iData == 0 and shuff_avg is not None:
sm_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
sd_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
this_nt_post = nt_post
this_idx = range(this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur,this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur+this_nt_post)
mean_post = vec[this_idx]
sem_post = vec_sem[this_idx]
p_post = vec_p[this_idx]
sig_post = vec_sig[this_idx]
re_post = vec_re[:,this_idx]
if iData == 0 and shuff_avg is not None:
sm_post = np.flip(shuff_avg[iCond]['mean'][this_idx])
sd_post = np.flip(shuff_avg[iCond]['std'][this_idx])
thismean = np.concatenate((mean_pre, nan_array, mean_dur, nan_array, mean_post), axis=0)
thissem = np.concatenate((sem_pre, nan_array, sem_dur, nan_array, sem_post), axis=0)
thispval = np.concatenate((p_pre, nan_array, p_dur, nan_array, p_post), axis=0)
thissig = np.concatenate((sig_pre, nan_array, sig_dur, nan_array, sig_post), axis=0)
thisre = np.hstack((re_pre, nan_vec, re_dur, nan_vec, re_post))
# significance should also take shuffle into account
if shuff_avg is not None:
s_avg = np.concatenate((sm_pre, nan_array, sm_dur, nan_array, sm_post), axis=0)
s_std = np.concatenate((sd_pre, nan_array, sd_dur, nan_array, sd_post), axis=0)
for iP in range(np.size(thissig)):
if ~np.isnan(thissig[iP]):
if thismean[iP] <= s_avg[iP]:
if thismean[iP] + thissem[iP] > s_avg[iP] - s_std[iP]:
thissig[iP] = False
if thismean[iP] - thissem[iP] < s_avg[iP] + s_std[iP]:
thissig[iP] = False
if len(plot_what) == 1:
if iData == 0:
# plot shuffle shade
if donotPlot:
if iData == 0 and shuff_avg is not None:
s_avg = np.concatenate((sm_pre, nan_array, sm_dur, sm_dur, sm_dur, nan_array, sm_post), axis=0)
s_std = np.concatenate((sd_pre, nan_array, sd_dur, sd_dur, sd_dur, nan_array, sd_post), axis=0)
t_axis_sh = np.hstack((t_axis_idx[0:nt_pre], nan_array, t_axis_idx[nt_pre+1]-.5, \
t_axis_idx[nt_pre+1], t_axis_idx[nt_pre+1]+.5, nan_array, t_axis_idx[nt_pre+nt_during+2:np.size(t_axis_idx)]))
# random effects (clip outliers for plotting only)
# range calculated to clip datapoints beyond the [1 99] CI
thisre[thisre>1.5] = np.nan
thisre[thisre<-2] = np.nan
for iT in range(np.size(thisre,axis=0)):
ax.plot(t_axis_idx,thisre[iT,:],color=thiss[iData],linewidth=.5, \
# avg +/- sem
ax.errorbar(t_axis_idx, thismean, thissem, marker='.', ls='-', c=thisc[iData])
# significance circles
if iData == len(plot_what)-1:
thissig[np.isnan(thissig)] = False
thisy = thismean-thissem
utils.plotPvalCircles(ax, t_axis_idx, thisy, thispval, thissig.astype(bool), where='below',color='k')
if donotPlot:
ax.set_xlim([t_axis_idx[0]-.5, t_axis_idx[-1]+.5])
# labels, titles, y limits
if regr_type == 'combinedEpochs':
if plot_what[0].find('norm') == -1:
ax.set_ylim([-2.05, 1.55])
if plot_ct == 6:
ax.set_xticklabels(t_axis_lbl, rotation=90)
elif regr_type == 'singleEpochs':
if plot_what[0].find('norm') == -1:
ax.set_ylim([-2.05, 1.55])
if plot_ct < 6:
elif plot_ct == 48:
ax.set_xticklabels(t_axis_lbl, rotation=90)
if np.remainder(iCond, 6) == 0:
elif regr_type == 'epochSets':
if plot_what[0].find('norm') == -1:
ax.set_ylim([-2.05, 1.55])
if plot_ct < 3:
elif plot_ct == 24:
ax.set_xticklabels(t_axis_lbl, rotation=90)
if np.remainder(iCond, 3) == 0:
return fig, figdata
# ===========================================================================
# posterior vs anterior comparison
def plot_lrtime_postVSfront(lr_time,plot_what='evid_diff_norm',doMedian=False,includeSim=True,ax=None):
# colors
lc = [[0,0,0,1],[.99,.35,.31,1]]
sc = [[.5,.5,.5,.5],[.99,.3,.3,.5]]
# area indices
area_list = params['inact_locations']
post_sim_idx = area_list.index('Post')
front_sim_idx = area_list.index('Front')
if includeSim:
post_idx = range(post_sim_idx+1)
front_idx = range(post_sim_idx+1,front_sim_idx+1)
post_idx = range(post_sim_idx)
front_idx = range(post_sim_idx+1,front_sim_idx)
# overall time axis
nan_array = np.ones((1)) * np.nan
axis_pre = lr_time['results'][1]['evidence_vals'][0]
nt_pre = np.size(axis_pre)
idx_pre = range(0,nt_pre)
axis_during = lr_time['results'][1]['evidence_vals'][1]
nt_during = np.size(axis_during)
idx_during = range(nt_pre,nt_pre+nt_during)
axis_post = lr_time['results'][1]['evidence_vals'][2]
nt_post = np.size(axis_post)
idx_post = range(nt_pre+nt_during,nt_pre+nt_during+nt_post)
t_axis = np.concatenate((-1 * np.flip(axis_pre), nan_array,- 1 * np.flip(axis_during), nan_array, axis_post), axis=0)
t_axis_idx = np.arange(np.size(t_axis))
t_axis_lbl = list()
for lbl in list(t_axis):
if np.isnan(lbl):
if ax is None:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(3,3))
ax = plt.gca()
# zero line, lsr shade
ax.plot([t_axis_idx[0], t_axis_idx[-1]], [0, 0], ':', color=[0, 0, 0])
fillx = [t_axis_idx[4]-.5, t_axis_idx[4]+.5, t_axis_idx[4]+.5, t_axis_idx[4]-.5]
filly = [-1.5, -1.5, 1, 1]
fillcl = params['lsr_color']
figdata = [None] * 2
labels = ['Posterior','Frontal']
for iPlot in range(2):
if iPlot == 0:
area_idx = post_idx
area_idx = front_idx
# isolated inact
area_ct = 0
for iArea in area_idx:
if area_ct == 0:
vec = lr_time['results'][iArea]['coeff']['{}'.format(plot_what)]
vec = np.vstack((vec,lr_time['results'][iArea]['coeff']['{}'.format(plot_what)]))
area_ct = area_ct + 1
# concatenate coefficients
ev_vals = lr_time['results'][0]['evidence_vals']
if np.isnan(ev_vals[0][0]):
this_nt_pre = 0
this_pre = np.ones((area_ct,nt_pre)) * np.nan
this_nt_pre = nt_pre
this_pre = np.flip(vec[:,idx_pre])
if np.isnan(ev_vals[1][0]):
this_nt_dur = 0
this_dur = np.ones((area_ct,nt_during)) * np.nan
this_nt_dur = nt_during
this_idx = range(this_nt_pre,this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur)
this_dur = np.flip(vec[:,this_idx])
if np.isnan(ev_vals[2][0]):
this_nt_post = 0
this_post = np.ones((area_ct,nt_post)) * np.nan
this_nt_post = nt_post
this_idx = range(this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur,this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur+this_nt_post)
this_post = vec[:,this_idx]
nan_array = np.ones((area_ct,1)) * np.nan
vals = np.hstack((this_pre, nan_array, this_dur, nan_array, this_post))
figdata[iPlot] = vals
if doMedian:
thismean = np.median(vals,axis=0)
thissem = sp.stats.iqr(vals,axis=0)
thismean = np.mean(vals,axis=0)
thissem = np.std(vals,axis=0,ddof=1) / np.sqrt(area_ct-1)
# plot data
for iT in range(np.size(vals,axis=0)):
ax.plot(t_axis_idx,vals[iT,:],color=sc[iPlot],linewidth=.5, \
ax.errorbar(t_axis_idx, thismean, thissem, marker='.', ls='-',color=lc[iPlot],linewidth=.75)
# labels etc
ax.set_xlim([t_axis_idx[0]-.5, t_axis_idx[-1]+.5])
ax.set_xticklabels(t_axis_lbl, rotation=90)
# Do 2-way RM anova
nr = np.size(figdata[0],axis=0)
data_post = np.array(figdata[0][~np.isnan(figdata[0])])
data_post = data_post.reshape(nr,int(np.size(data_post)/nr))
nr = np.size(figdata[1],axis=0)
data_front = np.array(figdata[1][~np.isnan(figdata[1])])
data_front = data_front.reshape(nr,int(np.size(data_front)/nr))
areas_post = np.zeros(np.size(data_post))
areas_front = np.ones(np.size(data_front))
nc = np.size(data_post,axis=1)
nr = np.size(data_post,axis=0)
bins_post = np.transpose(np.repeat(np.arange(nc),nr).reshape(nc,nr))
ids_post = np.repeat(np.arange(nr),nc).reshape(nr,nc)
nc = np.size(data_front,axis=1)
nr = np.size(data_front,axis=0)
bins_front = np.transpose(np.repeat(np.arange(nc),nr).reshape(nc,nr))
ids_front = np.repeat(np.arange(nr),nc).reshape(nr,nc)
table = pd.DataFrame({'time_bin' : np.concatenate((bins_post.flatten(),bins_front.flatten())),
'cond' : np.concatenate((ids_post.flatten(),ids_front.flatten())),
'area_group' : np.concatenate((areas_post.flatten(),areas_front.flatten())),
'coeff' : np.concatenate((data_post.flatten(),data_front.flatten()))})
anova_table = pg.rm_anova(dv='coeff', within=['time_bin','area_group'],subject='cond',data=table)
pvals = anova_table['p-unc'].to_numpy()
return ax, anova_table
# ===========================================================================
# simulatenous vs avg (triggered logistic regression in space)
def plot_simultaneous_vs_avg(lr_time,plot_what='evid_diff_norm'):
fig, figdata = plot_simultaneous_vs_avg(lr_time,plot_what='evid_diff_norm')
plots results of mixed effects logistic regression in time, comparing averages
of individual areas with their simulatenous inactivation
lr_time is dictionary output of batch_mixed_logRegr* functions
plot_what what to plot on y axis, default 'evid_diff_norm'
returns figure handle fig and dictionary figdata with source data and stats
# area indices
area_list = params['inact_locations']
post_sim_idx = area_list.index('Post')
post_idx = range(post_sim_idx)
front_sim_idx = area_list.index('Front')
front_idx = range(post_sim_idx+1,front_sim_idx)
# overall time axis
nan_array = np.ones((1)) * np.nan
axis_pre = lr_time['results'][1]['evidence_vals'][0]
nt_pre = np.size(axis_pre)
idx_pre = range(0,nt_pre)
axis_during = lr_time['results'][1]['evidence_vals'][1]
nt_during = np.size(axis_during)
idx_during = range(nt_pre,nt_pre+nt_during)
axis_post = lr_time['results'][1]['evidence_vals'][2]
nt_post = np.size(axis_post)
idx_post = range(nt_pre+nt_during,nt_pre+nt_during+nt_post)
t_axis = np.concatenate((-1 * np.flip(axis_pre), nan_array,- 1 * np.flip(axis_during), nan_array, axis_post), axis=0)
t_axis_idx = np.arange(np.size(t_axis))
t_axis_lbl = list()
for lbl in list(t_axis):
if np.isnan(lbl):
# set up source data
figdata = dict()
figdata['coefficient_type'] = plot_what
figdata['inactivation_condition_labels'] = ['Posterior_simultaneous','Frontal_simulatenous','Posterior_avg','Frontal_avg']
figdata['time_axis'] = t_axis
figdata['time_axis_unit'] = 'seconds'
figdata['coefficient_mean'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_sem'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_pval'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_FDR_isSig'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_shuffle_mean'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_shuffle_std'] = list()
figdata['coefficient_randomEffects_mice'] = list()
# first plot post vs frontal simulatenous comparison
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6,1.5))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,3,1)
areacl = utils.getAreaColors(['Post','Front'])
shade = [[.5,.9,.5,.65],[.9,.5,.5,.65]]
ax.plot([t_axis_idx[0], t_axis_idx[-1]], [0, 0], ':', color=[0, 0, 0])
fillx = [t_axis_idx[4]-.5, t_axis_idx[4]+.5, t_axis_idx[4]+.5, t_axis_idx[4]-.5]
filly = [-3, -3, 3, 3]
fillcl = params['lsr_color']
for iPlot in range(2):
if iPlot == 0:
iCond = post_sim_idx
iCond = front_sim_idx
# concatenate vectors into a single time axis
vec = lr_time['results'][iCond]['coeff']['{}'.format(plot_what)]
vec_sem = lr_time['results'][iCond]['coeff']['{}_sem'.format(plot_what)]
vec_re = lr_time['results'][iCond]['coeff']['{}_re'.format(plot_what)]
vec_p = lr_time['results'][iCond]['coeff']['{}_pvals'.format(plot_what)]
vec_sig = lr_time['results'][iCond]['coeff']['{}_isSig'.format(plot_what)]
vec_sig = np.ones(np.size(vec_p)) * False
ev_vals = lr_time['results'][iCond]['evidence_vals']
nmice = np.size(vec_re,axis=0)
nan_vec = np.ones((nmice,1)) * np.nan
if np.isnan(ev_vals[0][0]):
this_nt_pre = 0
mean_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
sem_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
p_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
sig_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
re_pre = np.ones((nmice,nt_pre)) * np.nan
this_nt_pre = nt_pre
mean_pre = np.flip(vec[idx_pre])
sem_pre = np.flip(vec_sem[idx_pre])
p_pre = np.flip(vec_p[idx_pre])
sig_pre = np.flip(vec_sig[idx_pre])
re_pre = np.flip(vec_re[:,idx_pre])
if np.isnan(ev_vals[1][0]):
this_nt_dur = 0
mean_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
sem_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
p_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
sig_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
re_dur = np.ones((nmice,nt_during)) * np.nan
this_nt_dur = nt_during
this_idx = range(this_nt_pre,this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur)
mean_dur = np.flip(vec[this_idx])
sem_dur = np.flip(vec_sem[this_idx])
p_dur = np.flip(vec_p[this_idx])
sig_dur = np.flip(vec_sig[this_idx])
re_dur = np.flip(vec_re[:,this_idx])
if np.isnan(ev_vals[2][0]):
this_nt_post = 0
mean_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
sem_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
p_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
sig_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
re_post = np.ones((nmice,nt_post)) * np.nan
this_nt_post = nt_post
this_idx = range(this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur,this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur+this_nt_post)
mean_post = vec[this_idx]
sem_post = vec_sem[this_idx]
p_post = vec_p[this_idx]
sig_post = vec_sig[this_idx]
re_post = vec_re[:,this_idx]
thismean = np.concatenate((mean_pre, nan_array, mean_dur, nan_array, mean_post), axis=0)
thissem = np.concatenate((sem_pre, nan_array, sem_dur, nan_array, sem_post), axis=0)
thispval = np.concatenate((p_pre, nan_array, p_dur, nan_array, p_post), axis=0)
thissig = np.concatenate((sig_pre, nan_array, sig_dur, nan_array, sig_post), axis=0)
thisre = np.hstack((re_pre, nan_vec, re_dur, nan_vec, re_post))
# random effects (clip outliers for plotting only)
# range calculated to clip datapoints beyond the [1 99] CI
thisre[thisre>1.5] = np.nan
thisre[thisre<-2] = np.nan
for iT in range(np.size(thisre,axis=0)):
ax.plot(t_axis_idx,thisre[iT,:],color=shade[iPlot],linewidth=.5, \
# avg +/- sem
ax.errorbar(t_axis_idx, thismean, thissem, marker='.', ls='-', c=areacl[iPlot],linewidth=1)
# compare coefficients between front and post using z stats, plot pvals
coeff_post = figdata['coefficient_mean'][0]
coeff_post_sem = figdata['coefficient_sem'][0]
coeff_front = figdata['coefficient_mean'][1]
coeff_front_sem = figdata['coefficient_sem'][1]
z = (coeff_post - coeff_front)/(np.sqrt((coeff_post*coeff_post_sem)**2+(coeff_front*coeff_front_sem)**2))
pvals = sp.stats.norm.sf(abs(z))*2
isSig, _ = utils.FDR(pvals)
figdata['coeff_postVSfront_zstats'] = z
figdata['coeff_postVSfront_pval'] = pvals
figdata['coeff_postVSfront_isSig'] = isSig
isSig[np.isnan(isSig)] = False
thisy = coeff_front-coeff_front_sem
utils.plotPvalCircles(ax, t_axis_idx, thisy, thispval, isSig.astype(bool), where='below',color='k')
ax.set_xlim([t_axis_idx[0]-.5, t_axis_idx[-1]+.5])
ax.set_xticklabels(t_axis_lbl, rotation=90)
# labels, titles, y limits
if plot_what.find('norm') == -1:
ax.set_ylim([-2.05, 1.55])
# plot simultaneous vs avg comparison
for iPlot in range(2):
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,3,iPlot+2)
if iPlot == 0:
vec_sim = lr_time['results'][post_sim_idx]['coeff']['{}'.format(plot_what)]
vec_sim_sem = lr_time['results'][post_sim_idx]['coeff']['{}_sem'.format(plot_what)]
area_idx = post_idx
vec_sim = lr_time['results'][front_sim_idx]['coeff']['{}'.format(plot_what)]
vec_sim_sem = lr_time['results'][front_sim_idx]['coeff']['{}_sem'.format(plot_what)]
area_idx = front_idx
# average isolated inact
area_ct = 1
for iArea in area_idx:
# concatenate vectors into a single time axis
if area_ct == 1:
vals = lr_time['results'][iArea]['coeff']['{}'.format(plot_what)]
vec_sem = lr_time['results'][iArea]['coeff']['{}_sem'.format(plot_what)]**2
vals = np.vstack((vals,lr_time['results'][iArea]['coeff']['{}'.format(plot_what)]))
vec_sem = vec_sem + lr_time['results'][iArea]['coeff']['{}_sem'.format(plot_what)]**2
area_ct = area_ct + 1
vec = np.mean(vals,axis=0)
vec_sem = np.sqrt(vec_sem) / area_ct
# concatenate coefficients
ev_vals = lr_time['results'][0]['evidence_vals']
if np.isnan(ev_vals[0][0]):
this_nt_pre = 0
mean_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
sem_pre = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
vals_pre = np.ones((np.size(vals,axis=0),nt_pre)) * np.nan
mean_pre_sim = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
sem_pre_sim = np.ones(nt_pre) * np.nan
this_nt_pre = nt_pre
mean_pre = np.flip(vec[idx_pre])
vals_pre = np.flip(vals[:,idx_pre])
sem_pre = np.flip(vec_sem[idx_pre])
mean_pre_sim = np.flip(vec_sim[idx_pre])
sem_pre_sim = np.flip(vec_sim_sem[idx_pre])
if np.isnan(ev_vals[1][0]):
this_nt_dur = 0
mean_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
vals_dur = np.ones((np.size(vals,axis=0),nt_dur)) * np.nan
sem_dur = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
mean_dur_sim = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
sem_dur_sim = np.ones(nt_during) * np.nan
this_nt_dur = nt_during
this_idx = range(this_nt_pre,this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur)
mean_dur = np.flip(vec[this_idx])
vals_dur = np.flip(vals[:,this_idx])
sem_dur = np.flip(vec_sem[this_idx])
mean_dur_sim = np.flip(vec_sim[this_idx])
sem_dur_sim = np.flip(vec_sim_sem[this_idx])
if np.isnan(ev_vals[2][0]):
this_nt_post = 0
mean_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
vals_post = np.ones((np.size(vals,axis=0),nt_post)) * np.nan
sem_post = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
mean_post_sim = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
sem_post_sim = np.ones(nt_post) * np.nan
this_nt_post = nt_post
this_idx = range(this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur,this_nt_pre+this_nt_dur+this_nt_post)
mean_post = vec[this_idx]
vals_post = vals[:,this_idx]
sem_post = vec_sem[this_idx]
mean_post_sim = vec_sim[this_idx]
sem_post_sim = vec_sim_sem[this_idx]
thismean = np.concatenate((mean_pre, nan_array, mean_dur, nan_array, mean_post), axis=0)
thissem = np.concatenate((sem_pre, nan_array, sem_dur, nan_array, sem_post), axis=0)
thismean_sim = np.concatenate((mean_pre_sim, nan_array, mean_dur_sim, nan_array, mean_post_sim), axis=0)
thissem_sim = np.concatenate((sem_pre_sim, nan_array, sem_dur, nan_array, sem_post_sim), axis=0)
nan_vec = np.ones((np.size(vals,axis=0),1))*np.nan
thisvals = np.hstack((vals_pre, nan_vec, vals_dur, nan_vec, vals_post))
# zero line and data
ax.plot([t_axis_idx[0], t_axis_idx[-1]], [0, 0], ':', color=[0, 0, 0])
fillx = [t_axis_idx[4]-.5, t_axis_idx[4]+.5, t_axis_idx[4]+.5, t_axis_idx[4]-.5]
filly = [-1.5, -1.5, 1, 1]
fillcl = params['lsr_color']
ax.errorbar(t_axis_idx, thismean, thissem, marker='.', ls='-',color='gray',linewidth=1)
ax.errorbar(t_axis_idx, thismean_sim, thissem_sim, marker='.', ls='-',color=areacl[iPlot],linewidth=1)
# compare coefficients between simulatenous and avg using z stats, plot pvals
z = (thismean_sim - thismean)/(np.sqrt((thismean_sim*thissem_sim)**2+(thismean*thissem)**2))
pvals = sp.stats.norm.sf(abs(z))*2
isSig, _ = utils.FDR(pvals)
if iPlot == 0:
figdata['coeff_post_simultVSavg_zstats'] = z
figdata['coeff_post_simultVSavg_pval'] = pvals
figdata['coeff_post_simultVSavg_isSig'] = isSig
figdata['coeff_front_simultVSavg_zstats'] = z
figdata['coeff_front_simultVSavg_pval'] = pvals
figdata['coeff_front_simultVSavg_isSig'] = isSig
isSig[np.isnan(isSig)] = False
thisy = thismean_sim-thissem_sim
utils.plotPvalCircles(ax, t_axis_idx, thisy, pvals, isSig, where='below',color=[0,0,0])
# labels etc
ax.set_xlim([t_axis_idx[0]-.5, t_axis_idx[-1]+.5])
ax.set_xticklabels(t_axis_lbl, rotation=90)
plt.text(t_axis_idx[0],.6,'Single-area avg',color='gray',fontsize=7)
if iPlot == 0:
fig.subplots_adjust(left=.1, bottom=.1, right=.95, top=.9, wspace=.5, hspace=.5)
return fig, figdata
# ==============================================================================
# plot laser-onset triggered logistic regression in space
def plot_trig_logRegr(trig_logRegr):
# plot per-area trig log regr
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(4.5,4.5))
area_list = ['V1','RSC','mV2','PPC','mM2','aM2','M1']
subplots = [1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13]
yrange = [-47.5/2, 47.5/2]
fillx = [yrange[0], yrange[1], yrange[1], yrange[0]]
filly = [-.4, -.4, .2, .2]
fillcl = params['lsr_color']
for ct, area in enumerate(area_list):
ax = fig.add_subplot(4,4,subplots[ct])
ax.plot([-100-47.5/2, 47.5/2],[0, 0],linestyle='--',linewidth=.5,color=[.7,.7,.7])
condidx = np.argwhere(np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == area)
for iCond in range(np.size(condidx)):
ax.plot(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_xaxis'],trig_logRegr['onset_trig_coeffs'][condidx[iCond],:][0], \
color=[.7, .7, .7],linewidth=.5,marker='x',markerfacecolor='none',markersize=4)
iArea = params['inact_locations'].index(area)
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_sem'][iArea,:],color='k',linewidth=1) #,marker='o',markersize=3)
# plot pvals
x = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_xaxis']
y = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_mean'][iArea,:] - trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_sem'][iArea,:]
p = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_pvals'][iArea,:]
isSig = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_isSig'][iArea,:]
where = 'below'
ax = utils.plotPvalCircles(ax, x, y-.07, p, isSig, where,color='gray')
if ct == 6:
plt.ylabel('$\Delta$ weight on choice')
plt.xlabel('Evidence y dist. from laser ON (cm)')
# print ANOVA p (bins)
plt.text(-100,.18,'p(y) = {:1.3f}'.format(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_area_anova_bins_pval'][iArea]),fontsize=6,color='k')
# plot clustering
ax = fig.add_subplot(2,2,2)
x = trig_logRegr['onset_trig_xaxis']
ax.plot([-100-47.5/2, 47.5/2],[0, 0],linestyle='--',linewidth=.5,color='gray')
num_clust = np.size(trig_logRegr['cluster_pvals'],axis=0)
for iClust in range(num_clust):
idx = np.argwhere(trig_logRegr['cluster_ids'] == iClust)
if 0 in idx:
thiscl = 'seagreen'
elif 6 in idx:
thiscl = 'coral'
thiscl = 'mediumpurple'
y = trig_logRegr['cluster_mean'][iClust,:]
s = trig_logRegr['cluster_sem'][iClust,:]
# plot pvals
p = trig_logRegr['cluster_pvals'][iClust,:]
isSig = trig_logRegr['cluster_isSig'][iClust,:]
where = 'below'
ax = utils.plotPvalCircles(ax, x, y-s-.02, p, isSig, where, color=thiscl)
# ax.legend()
plt.ylabel('$\Delta$ weight on choice (laser ON - laser OFF, a.u.)')
plt.xlabel('Evidence y dist. from laser ON (cm)')
fig.subplots_adjust(left=.1, bottom=.1, right=.95, top=.9, wspace=.5, hspace=.5)
return fig
# ===========================================================================
# plot laser offset-triggered logistic regression in space
def plot_trig_offset(trig_logRegr):
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,1.5))
area_list = ['V1','RSC','mV2','PPC','mM2','aM2','M1']
for ct, area in enumerate(area_list):
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,7,ct+1)
ax.plot([47.5/2, 100+47.5/2],[0, 0],linestyle='--',linewidth=.5,color=[.7,.7,.7])
condidx = np.argwhere(np.array(trig_logRegr['area_lbls']) == area)
for iCond in range(np.size(condidx)):
ax.plot(trig_logRegr['offset_trig_xaxis'],trig_logRegr['offset_trig_coeffs'][condidx[iCond],:][0], \
color=[.7, .7, .7],linewidth=.5,marker='x',markerfacecolor='none',markersize=4)
iArea = params['inact_locations'].index(area)
trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_sem'][iArea,:],color='k',linewidth=1) #,marker='o',markersize=3)
# plot pvals
x = trig_logRegr['offset_trig_xaxis']
y = trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_mean'][iArea,:] - trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_sem'][iArea,:]
p = trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_pvals'][iArea,:]
isSig = trig_logRegr['offset_trig_area_isSig'][iArea,:]
where = 'below'
ax = utils.plotPvalCircles(ax, x, y-.07, p, isSig, where,color='gray')
if ct == 0:
plt.ylabel('$\Delta$ weight on choice')
if ct == 3:
plt.xlabel('Evidence y dist. from laser ON (cm)')
fig.subplots_adjust(left=.1, bottom=.1, right=.95, top=.9, wspace=.5, hspace=.5)
return fig
# ===========================================================================
# simulatenous vs avg (triggered logistic regression in space)
def plot_simultaneous_vs_avg_trig(trig_logRegr):
area_list = params['inact_locations']
yrange = [-47.5/2, 47.5/2]
fillx = [yrange[0], yrange[1], yrange[1], yrange[0]]
filly = [-.4, -.4, .2, .2]
fillcl = params['lsr_color']
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2.7,1.2))
# simulatenous inact
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,1)
post_idx = area_list.index('Post')
ax.plot([-100-47.5/2, 47.5/2],[0, 0],linestyle='--',linewidth=.5,color='gray')
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_post_sem'],label='Single-area mean',color='gray',linewidth=.75)
plt.text(-100,.05,'Single-area avg',color='gray',fontsize=7)
plt.text(-100,-.19,'p(y) = {:1.1g}'.format(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_post_singleVSsimult_anova_pvals'][0]),color='gray',fontsize=5.5)
plt.text(-100,-.25,'p(inact.type) = {:1.2f}'.format(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_post_singleVSsimult_anova_pvals'][1]),color='gray',fontsize=5.5)
plt.ylabel('$\Delta$ weight on choice (laser ON - laser OFF, a.u.)')
plt.xlabel('Evidence y dist. from laser ON (cm)')
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,2,2)
front_idx = area_list.index('Front')
ax.plot([-100-47.5/2, 47.5/2],[0, 0],linestyle='--',linewidth=.5,color='gray')
trig_logRegr['onset_trig_front_sem'],label='Single-area mean',color='gray',linewidth=.75)
plt.text(-100,-.19,'p(y) = {:1.1g}'.format(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_front_singleVSsimult_anova_pvals'][0]),color='gray',fontsize=5.5)
plt.text(-100,-.25,'p(inact.type) = {:1.2f}'.format(trig_logRegr['onset_trig_front_singleVSsimult_anova_pvals'][1]),color='gray',fontsize=5.5)
fig.subplots_adjust(left=.1, bottom=.1, right=.95, top=.9, wspace=.5, hspace=.5)
return fig
# ==============================================================================
# avg and std of shuffled models
def shuffle_avg(lr_time_shuff,avg_what='evid_diff_norm'):
num_shuff = len(lr_time_shuff['coeff'])
num_cond = len(lr_time_shuff['coeff'][0])
num_coeff = np.size(lr_time_shuff['coeff'][0][0][avg_what])
shuffs = [None]*num_cond
shuff_avg = [None]*num_cond
for iCond in range(num_cond):
for iShuff in range(num_shuff):
if iShuff == 0:
shuffs[iCond] = np.zeros((num_shuff,num_coeff))
shuffs[iCond][iShuff,:] = lr_time_shuff['coeff'][iShuff][iCond][avg_what]
shuff_avg[iCond] = dict()
shuff_avg[iCond]['mean'] = np.mean(shuffs[iCond],axis=0)
shuff_avg[iCond]['std'] = np.std(shuffs[iCond],axis=0,ddof=1) #/ np.sqrt(num_shuff-1)
return shuff_avg
# ==============================================================================
# generate a table summarizing experiments
def diagnose_dataset(lg,areas=params['inact_locations'],epochs=params['inact_epochs'],convertToDf=False):
summary_table = diagnose_dataset(lg,areas=params['inact_locations'],epochs=params['inact_epochs'],convertToDf=False)
calculates summary stats for all conditions (num trials, mice etc) and returns a dictionary or a pandas DataFrame
print('generating summary table...')
num_areas = len(areas)
num_epochs = len(epochs)
num_cond = num_areas * num_epochs
ct = 0
summary = dict(area=[None]*num_cond, epoch=[None]*num_cond, num_mice=[None]*num_cond, num_sessions=[None]*num_cond, \
num_laser_trials=[None]*num_cond, num_control_trials=[None]*num_cond, num_total_trials=[None]*num_cond)
# mouse, sessions, trials per condition
for iArea in range(num_areas):
for iEpoch in range(num_epochs):
thisarea = areas[iArea]
thisepoch = epochs[iEpoch]
numtrials = np.size(lg['choice'])
isarea = np.array([lg['loclbl'][iTrial]==thisarea for iTrial in range(numtrials)])
isepoch = np.array([lg['laserEpoch'][iTrial]==thisepoch for iTrial in range(numtrials)])
lsridx = isarea & isepoch
mice = np.unique(lg['mouseID'][lsridx])
ctrlidx = np.zeros(numtrials) > 1
sessct = 0
for iMouse in range(np.size(mice)):
midx = lg['mouseID'] == mice[iMouse]
sessions = np.unique(lg['sessionID'][np.logical_and(lsridx,midx)])
sessct = sessct + np.size(sessions)
for iSession in range(np.size(sessions)):
sessidx = lg['sessionID'] == sessions[iSession]
thisidx = midx & sessidx & ~lg['laserON']
ctrlidx = np.logical_or(ctrlidx , thisidx)
idx = lsridx | ctrlidx
summary['area'][ct] = thisarea
summary['epoch'][ct] = thisepoch
summary['num_mice'][ct] = np.size(mice)
summary['num_sessions'][ct] = sessct
summary['num_laser_trials'][ct] = sum(lsridx)
summary['num_control_trials'][ct] = sum(ctrlidx)
summary['num_total_trials'][ct] = sum(idx)
ct = ct+1
# total unique mice and sessions
mice = np.unique(lg['mouseID'])
sessct = 0
for iMouse in range(np.size(mice)):
midx = lg['mouseID'] == mice[iMouse]
sessions = np.unique(lg['sessionID'][midx])
sessct = sessct + np.size(sessions)
# convert to data DataFrame
if convertToDf:
summary_table = pd.DataFrame(summary)
summary_table = summary
return summary_table