Raw File
  Connected components of an image or window
  Finds the topologically-connected clumps of pixels in an image or window.
connected(X, background = NA, method="C")
    Image (object of class \code{"im"}) or window (object of class
    Optional. Treat pixels with this value 
    as being part of the background.
    String indicating the algorithm to be used. Either \code{"C"}
    or \code{"interpreted"}. See Details.
  This function computes the connected component transform
  (Rosenfeld and Pfalz, 1966)
  of a binary image or binary mask. The argument \code{X} is first
  converted into a pixel image with logical values. Then the algorithm
  identifies the connected components (topologically-connected clumps
  of pixels) in the foreground.

  Two pixels belong to the same connected component if they have the value
  \code{TRUE} and if they are neighbours (in the 8-connected
  sense). This rule is applied repeatedly until it terminates.
  Then each connected component
  contains all the pixels that can be reached by stepping from neighbour
  to neighbour.

  If \code{method="C"}, the computation is performed by a compiled C language
  implementation of the classical algorithm of Rosenfeld and Pfalz
  (1966). If \code{method="interpreted"}, the computation is performed
  by an \R implementation of the algorithm of Park et al (2000). 

  The result is a factor-valued image, with levels that correspond to
  the connected components. The Examples show how to extract each
  connected component as a separate window object.
  A pixel image (object of class \code{"im"}) with factor values.
  The levels of the factor correspond to the connected components.
  Park, J.-M., Looney, C.G. and Chen, H.-C. (2000)
  Fast connected component labeling algorithm using a divide and conquer
  technique. Pages 373-376 in
  S.Y. Shin (ed) \emph{Computers and Their Applications:} Proceedings of
  the ISCA 15th International Conference on Computers and Their
  Applications, March 29-31, 2000, New Orleans, Louisiana USA. ISCA
  2000, ISBN 1-880843-32-3. 

  Rosenfeld, A. and Pfalz, J.L. (1966)
  Sequential operations in digital processing.
  \emph{Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery} \bold{13}
  It may be hard to distinguish different components 
  in the default plot because the colours of nearby components may be
  very similar. See the Examples for a randomised colour map.
  The algorithm for \code{method="interpreted"}
  can be very slow for large images (or images where
  the connected components include a large number of pixels).
  d <- distmap(cells, dimyx=256)
  X <- levelset(d, 0.06)
  Z <- connected(X)

  # number of components
  nc <- length(levels(Z))
  # plot with randomised colour map
  plot(Z, col=hsv(h=sample(seq(0,1,length=nc), nc)))

  # how to extract the components as a list of windows
  W <- tiles(tess(image=Z))
  Original \R code by Julian Burgos, University of Washington.
  Adapted for \pkg{spatstat} by
  Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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