Raw File
  Convert Data to a Function on a Linear Network
  Convert some kind of data to an object of class \code{"linfun"}
  representing a function on a linear network.
  as.linfun(X, \dots)

  \method{as.linfun}{linim}(X, \dots)

  \method{as.linfun}{lintess}(X, \dots, values, navalue=NA)
    Some kind of data to be converted.
    Other arguments passed to methods.
    Optional. Vector of function values,
    one entry associated with each tile of the tessellation.
    Optional. Function value associated with locations that
    do not belong to a tile of the tessellation.
  An object of class \code{"linfun"} represents
  a function defined on a linear network.

  The function \code{as.linfun} is generic. The method \code{as.linfun.linim}
  converts objects of class \code{"linim"} (pixel images on a linear
  network) to functions on the network.

  The method \code{as.linfun.lintess} converts a tessellation
  on a linear network into a function with a different value
  on each tile of the tessellation.
  If the argument \code{values} is missing or null,
  then the function returns factor values identifying which tile
  contains each given point. If \code{values} is given,
  it should be a vector with one entry for each tile of the tessellation:
  any point lying in tile number \code{i} will return the value \code{v[i]}.
  Object of class \code{"linfun"}.
   X <- runiflpp(2, simplenet)
   Y <- runiflpp(5, simplenet)

   # image on network
   D <- density(Y, 0.1, verbose=FALSE)

   f <- as.linfun(D)

   # tessellation on network
   Z <- lineardirichlet(Y)
   g <- as.linfun(Z)
   h <- as.linfun(Z, values = runif(5))
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