Raw File
  Three-Dimensional Box
  Creates an object representing a three-dimensional box.
box3(xrange = c(0, 1), yrange = xrange, zrange = yrange, unitname = NULL)
  \item{xrange, yrange, zrange}{
    Dimensions of the box in the \eqn{x,y,z} directions.
    Each of these arguments should be a numeric vector of length 2.
    Optional. Name of the unit of length. See Details.
  This function creates an object representing
  a three-dimensional rectangular parallelepiped (box)
  with sides parallel to the coordinate axes.

  The object can be used to specify the domain of a three-dimensional
  point pattern (see \code{\link{pp3}}) and in various
  geometrical calculations (see \code{\link{volume.box3}},
  \code{\link{diameter.box3}}, \code{\link{eroded.volumes}}). 
  The optional argument \code{unitname} specifies the name
  of the unit of length. See \code{\link{unitname}}
  for valid formats.

  The function \code{\link{as.box3}} can be used to convert other kinds
  of data to this format.
  An object of class \code{"box3"}. There is a print method for this class.
  and \rolf
    box3(c(0,10),c(0,10),c(0,5), unitname=c("metre","metres"))
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