\name{ezplot} \alias{ezplot} \title{ Easy Function Plot } \description{ Easy function plot/wo the need to define \code{x, y} coordinates. } \usage{ ezplot(f, a, b, n = 101, col = "blue", grid = TRUE, gridcol = "gray", fill = FALSE, fillcol = "lightgray", xlab = "x", ylab = "f (x)", main = "Function Plot", ...) } \arguments{ \item{f}{Function to be plotted.} \item{a, b}{Left and right endpoint for the plot.} \item{n}{Number of points to plot.} \item{col}{Color of the function graph.} \item{grid}{Logical; shall a grid be plotted?; default \code{TRUE}.} \item{gridcol}{Color of grid points.} \item{fill}{Logical; shall the area between function and axis be filled?; default: \code{FALSE}.} \item{fillcol}{Color of fill area.} \item{xlab}{Label on the \code{x}-axis.} \item{ylab}{Label on the \code{y}-axis.} \item{main}{Title of the plot} \item{...}{More parameters to be passed to \code{plot}.} } \details{ Calculates the \code{x, y} coordinates of points to be plotted and calls the \code{plot} function. If \code{fill} is \code{TRUE}, also calls the \code{polygon} function with the \code{x, y} coordinates in appropriate order. } \value{ Plots the function graph and invisibly returns \code{NULL}. } \note{ Should mimick the Matlab function of the same name, has some more functionality, misses the possibility to plot several functions. } \seealso{ \code{\link{curve}} } \examples{ \dontrun{ fun <- function(x) x * cos(0.1*exp(x)) * sin(0.1*pi*exp(x)) ezplot(fun, 0, 5, n = 1001, fill = TRUE) } } \keyword{ graphs }