Raw File
\title{Plot a Colour Map}
  Displays a colour map as a colour ribbon
\method{plot}{colourmap}(x, ...,
       main, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, vertical = FALSE, axis = TRUE)
  \item{x}{Colour map to be plotted. An object of class \code{"colourmap"}.}
  \item{\dots}{Graphical arguments passed to \code{\link{image.default}}.}
  \item{main}{Main title for plot. A character string.}
    Optional range of \code{x} values for the location of the
    colour ribbon.
    Optional range of \code{y} values for the location of the
    colour ribbon.
  \item{vertical}{Logical flag determining whether the colour ribbon
    is plotted as a horizontal strip (\code{FALSE}) or a vertical strip
  \item{axis}{Logical flag determining whether an axis should be plotted
    showing the numerical values that are mapped to the colours.
  This is the plot method for the class \code{"colourmap"}.
  An object of this class
  (created by the function \code{\link{colourmap}})
  represents a colour map or
  colour lookup table associating colours with each data value.

  The command \code{plot.colourmap} displays the colour map as a colour
  ribbon. This plot can be useful on its own to inspect the colour map.

  To annotate an existing plot with an explanatory colour ribbon,
  specify \code{add=TRUE} and use the arguments \code{xlim}
  and/or \code{ylim} to control the physical position of the ribbon
  on the plot.
  co <- colourmap(rainbow(100), breaks=seq(-1,1,length=101))
  plot(co, vertical=TRUE)
  ca <- colourmap(rainbow(8), inputs=letters[1:8])
\author{Adrian Baddeley
  and Rolf Turner
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