Raw File
  Fitted Probabilities for Spatial Logistic Regression
  Given a fitted Spatial Logistic Regression model,
  this function computes the fitted probabilities for each pixel.
  \method{fitted}{slrm}(object, ...)
    a fitted spatial logistic regression model.
    An object of class \code{"slrm"}.
  This is a method for the generic function
  for spatial logistic regression models
  (objects of class \code{"slrm"}, usually obtained
  from the function \code{\link{slrm}}).

  The algorithm computes
  the fitted probabilities of the presence of a random point in each pixel.
  A pixel image (object of class \code{"im"}) containing the
  fitted probability for each pixel.
  X <- rpoispp(42)
  fit <- slrm(X ~ x+y)
  and \rolf
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