(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2020 Nomadic Labs *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) (* Testing ------- Component: Client - proxy mode Invocation: dune exec tezt/tests/main.exe -- --file proxy.ml Subject: Tests of the client's --mode proxy. *) let ( >|= ) = Lwt.( >|= ) (** [matches re s] checks if [s] matches [re]. Note in particular that this supports multiline strings. *) let matches re s = try Re.Str.search_forward re s 0 >= 0 with _ -> false (** Returns: a node and a proxy client *) let init ~protocol () = let* node = Node.init [Synchronisation_threshold 0] in let* client = Client.init ~endpoint:(Node node) () in let* () = Client.activate_protocol ~protocol client in Log.info "Activated protocol." ; Client.set_mode (Proxy (Node node)) client ; let* () = Client.bake_for client in Log.info "Baked 1 block: protocol is now %s" (Protocol.name protocol) ; Lwt.return (node, client) (** Test. This test checks that the proxy client creates its cache for RPC answers at most once for a given (chain, block) pair. *) let test_cache_at_most_once ?query_string path = Protocol.register_test ~__FILE__ ~title: (sf "(Proxy) (%s) Cache at most once" (Client.rpc_path_query_to_string ?query_string path)) ~tags:["proxy"; "rpc"; "get"] @@ fun protocol -> let* (_, client) = init ~protocol () in let env = [("TEZOS_LOG", Protocol.daemon_name protocol ^ ".proxy_rpc->debug")] |> List.to_seq |> String_map.of_seq in let* stderr = Client.spawn_rpc ~env ?query_string Client.GET path client |> Process.check_and_read_stderr in let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' stderr in let proxy_cache_regexp = Re.Str.regexp {|^.*proxy_rpc: proxy cache created for chain \([a-zA-Z0-9]*\) and block \([a-zA-Z0-9]*\)|} in let extract_chain_block line = (* Groups are 1-based (0 is for the whole match). *) if Re.Str.string_match proxy_cache_regexp line 0 then Some (Re.Str.matched_group 1 line, Re.Str.matched_group 2 line) else None in let chain_block_list = lines |> List.filter_map extract_chain_block in let find_duplicate l = let rec go with_duplicates without_duplicates = match (with_duplicates, without_duplicates) with | ([], []) -> None | (hd_dup :: tl_dup, hd_nodup :: tl_nodup) -> if hd_dup = hd_nodup then go tl_dup tl_nodup else Some hd_dup | _ -> assert false in go (List.sort Stdlib.compare l) (List.sort_uniq Stdlib.compare l) in if chain_block_list = [] then Test.fail "Proxy cache should have been created when executing %s" (String.concat "/" path) ; find_duplicate chain_block_list |> Option.iter (fun (chain, block) -> Test.fail "proxy RPC cache for chain %s and block %s created more than once" chain block) |> Lwt.return let test_cache_at_most_once ~protocols = let paths = [ (["helpers"; "baking_rights"], []); (["helpers"; "baking_rights"], [("all", "true")]); (["helpers"; "current_level"], []); (* FIXME: Same as above *) (* (["minimal_valid_time"], []); *) (["context"; "constants"], []); (["context"; "constants"; "errors"], []); (["context"; "delegates"], []); (["context"; "nonces"; "3"], []); (["helpers"; "endorsing_rights"], []); (["helpers"; "levels_in_current_cycle"], []); (["votes"; "current_period"], []); (["votes"; "successor_period"], []); (["votes"; "total_voting_power"], []); (["votes"; "ballot_list"], []); (["votes"; "ballots"], []); (["votes"; "current_proposal"], []); (["votes"; "current_quorum"], []); (["votes"; "listings"], []); (["votes"; "proposals"], []); ] in List.iter (fun (sub_path, query_string) -> test_cache_at_most_once ~query_string ("chains" :: "main" :: "blocks" :: "head" :: sub_path) ~protocols) paths (** [starts_with prefix s] returns [true] iff [prefix] is a prefix of [s]. *) let starts_with ~(prefix : string) (s : string) : bool = Re.Str.string_match (Re.Str.regexp ("^" ^ prefix)) s 0 (** Test. This test checks that the proxy client never does a useless RPC. I.e. it checks that if the proxy client requested [/chains/
/blocks//context/raw/bytes/some_path] it doesn't later request [/chains/
/blocks//context/raw/bytes/some_path/some_other_path] In this scenario, the proxy client should look directly in the data within the tree received by the first request. For this, this test inspects the debug output produced by setting TEZOS_LOG to alpha.proxy_rpc->debug. This causes the client to print the RPCs done to get pieces of the context: alpha.proxy_rpc: P/v1/constants alpha.proxy_rpc: Received tree of size 1 alpha.proxy_rpc: P/v1/first_level alpha.proxy_rpc: Received tree of size 1 alpha.proxy_rpc: P/cycle/0/random_seed alpha.proxy_rpc: Received tree of size 1 alpha.proxy_rpc: P/cycle/0/stake_snapshot alpha.proxy_rpc: Received tree of size 1 alpha.proxy_rpc: P/cycle/0/last_roll/0 where [P] is [/chains/
/blocks//context/raw/bytes] *) let test_context_suffix_no_rpc ?query_string path = (* This test's implementation is similar to [Light.NoUselessRpc.test] *) Protocol.register_test ~__FILE__ ~title: (sf "(Proxy) (%s) No useless RPC call" (Client.rpc_path_query_to_string ?query_string path)) ~tags:["proxy"; "rpc"; "get"] @@ fun protocol -> let* (_, client) = init ~protocol () in let env = String_map.singleton "TEZOS_LOG" (Protocol.daemon_name protocol ^ ".proxy_rpc->debug") in let* stderr = Client.spawn_rpc ~env ?query_string Client.GET path client |> Process.check_and_read_stderr in let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' stderr in let rpc_path_regexp = Re.Str.regexp {|.*proxy_rpc: /chains/
/blocks//context/raw/bytes/\(.*\)|} in let extract_rpc_path line = (* Groups are 1-based (0 is for the whole match). *) if Re.Str.string_match rpc_path_regexp line 0 then Some (Re.Str.matched_group 1 line) else None in let context_queries = lines |> List.filter_map extract_rpc_path in let rec test_no_overlap_rpc = function | [] -> () | query_after :: queries_before -> List.iter (fun query_before -> if starts_with ~prefix:query_before query_after then Test.fail "Query %s should not be followed by query %s because the \ latter is a suffix of the former. Hence the proxy should \ reuse the data of the first query." query_before query_after else ()) queries_before ; test_no_overlap_rpc queries_before in assert (List.compare_length_with context_queries 2 >= 0) ; Lwt.return @@ test_no_overlap_rpc (List.rev context_queries) let paths = [ (["helpers"; "baking_rights"], []); (["helpers"; "baking_rights"], [("all", "true")]); (["context"; "contracts"], []); (["context"; "delegates"], []); (["context"; "nonces"; "3"], []); (["helpers"; "endorsing_rights"], []); (["votes"; "current_period"], []); (["votes"; "successor_period"], []); (["votes"; "total_voting_power"], []); (["votes"; "ballot_list"], []); (["votes"; "ballots"], []); (["votes"; "current_proposal"], []); (["votes"; "current_quorum"], []); (["votes"; "listings"], []); (["votes"; "proposals"], []); ] let test_context_suffix_no_rpc ~protocols = let iter l f = List.iter f l in iter protocols @@ fun protocol -> iter paths @@ fun (sub_path, query_string) -> test_context_suffix_no_rpc ~query_string ("chains" :: "main" :: "blocks" :: "head" :: sub_path) ~protocols:[protocol] (** Test. Test that [tezos-client --mode proxy --protocol P] fails when the endpoint's protocol is not [P]. *) let wrong_proto protocol client = let other_proto = match List.find_opt (( <> ) protocol) Protocol.all with | None -> Test.fail "No other protocol than %s is available." (Protocol.name protocol) | Some other_proto -> other_proto in let* stderr = Client.spawn_bake_for ~protocol:other_proto client |> Process.check_and_read_stderr ~expect_failure:true in let regexp = Re.Str.regexp @@ Format.sprintf ".*Protocol passed to the proxy (%s) and protocol of the node (%s) \ differ." (Protocol.hash other_proto) (Protocol.hash protocol) in if matches regexp stderr then return () else Test.fail "Did not fail as expected: %s" stderr (** Test. Test that [tezos-client --mode proxy --protocol P] fails when the endpoint's protocol is not [P]. *) let test_wrong_proto = Protocol.register_test ~__FILE__ ~title:"(Proxy) Wrong proto" ~tags:["proxy"; "initialization"] @@ fun protocol -> let* (_, client) = init ~protocol () in wrong_proto protocol client (** Test. Bake a few blocks in proxy mode. *) let test_bake = Protocol.register_test ~__FILE__ ~title:"(Proxy) Bake" ~tags:["proxy"; "bake"] @@ fun protocol -> let* node = Node.init [] in let* client = Client.init ~endpoint:(Node node) () in let* () = Client.activate_protocol ~protocol client in Log.info "Activated protocol." ; Client.set_mode (Proxy (Node node)) client ; let* () = repeat 10 (fun () -> Client.bake_for client) in Log.info "Baked 10 blocks." ; let* level = Node.wait_for_level node 11 in Log.info "Level is now %d." level ; return () (** Test. Do some transfers and bakes the corresponding blocks in proxy mode. *) let test_transfer = Protocol.register_test ~__FILE__ ~title:"(Proxy) Transfer" ~tags:["proxy"; "transfer"] @@ fun protocol -> let* (_, client) = init ~protocol () in let* () = Client.transfer ~wait:"none" ~amount:Tez.(of_int 5) ~giver:"bootstrap1" ~receiver:"bootstrap2" client in Log.info "Transferred 5 tez." ; let* () = Client.bake_for client in Log.info "Baked block for bootstrap1." ; let* () = Client.transfer ~wait:"none" ~amount:Tez.(of_int 10) ~giver:"bootstrap2" ~receiver:"bootstrap3" client in Log.info "Transferred 10 tez." ; let* () = Client.bake_for ~keys:["bootstrap2"] client in Log.info "Baked block for bootstrap2." ; return () (** Module containing tests regarding where RPCs are executed: on the node or locally. *) module Location = struct type rpc_exec_location = | Local (** RPC executed locally (proxy mode) *) | Distant (** RPC executed by the node (proxy mode) *) | Unknown (** Client doesn't output location info (vanilla mode) *) let location_to_string = function | Local -> "Local" | Distant -> "Distant" | Unknown -> "Unknown" type clients = {vanilla : Client.t; alternative : Client.t} type alt_mode = | Vanilla_proxy_server (** A vanilla client ([--mode client]) but whose [--endpoint] is a [tezos-proxy-server] *) | Light (** A light client ([--mode light]) *) | Proxy (** A proxy client ([--mode proxy]) *) (** Whether an alternative client is expected to execute RPCs locally *) let executes_locally = function | Vanilla_proxy_server -> false | Light | Proxy -> true let alt_mode_to_string = function | Vanilla_proxy_server -> "vanilla_proxy_server_endpoint" | Light -> "light" | Proxy -> "proxy" let chain_id = "main" let block_id = "head" let log_line_prefix = Re.Str.regexp "[A-Z][a-z]+[ 0-9:\\.]+ - proxy_rpc_ctxt: +" (** [output] is the output of executing [rpc get rpc_path] *) let parse_rpc_exec_location ?query_string output rpc_path = let log = Re.Str.global_replace log_line_prefix "" output in let re prefix = let re_str = Printf.sprintf "%s[ a-zA-Z]*: [A-Z]+\\(\n\\| \\)%s" prefix (Re.Str.quote @@ Client.rpc_path_query_to_string ?query_string rpc_path) in Re.Str.regexp re_str in let re_local = re "locally done" in let re_http = re "delegating to http" in if matches re_local log then Local else if matches re_http log then Distant else Unknown (** Calls [rpc get] on the given [client] but specifies an alternative environment to make sure the location where the RPC executes is printed to output. [tz_log] can be used to augment TEZOS_LOG (useful for debugging). *) let rpc_get ?(tz_log = []) ?query_string client rpc_path = let (proxy_key, proxy_value) = ("proxy_rpc_ctxt", "debug") in List.iter (fun (k, v) -> if k = proxy_key && v = proxy_value then Test.fail "TEZOS_LOG key %s bound both to '%s' and '%s': impossible to honor \ both" proxy_key proxy_value v else ()) tz_log ; let value = (proxy_key, proxy_value) :: tz_log |> List.map (fun (k, v) -> Printf.sprintf "%s->%s" k v) |> String.concat "; " in let env = String_map.singleton "TEZOS_LOG" value in Client.spawn_rpc ~env ?query_string Client.GET rpc_path client |> Process.check_and_read_both (** Check that executing [rpc get rpc_path] on client causes the RPC to be executed on the given location ([expected_loc]). [tz_log] can be used to augment TEZOS_LOG (useful for debugging). *) let check_location ?tz_log alt_mode client rpc_path expected_loc = let* (_, stderr) = rpc_get ?tz_log client rpc_path in let actual_loc = parse_rpc_exec_location stderr rpc_path in if actual_loc <> expected_loc then Test.fail "Expected %s client to execute %s on this location: %s. But found: %s." (alt_mode_to_string alt_mode) (Client.rpc_path_query_to_string rpc_path) (location_to_string expected_loc) (location_to_string actual_loc) ; Lwt.return_unit (* [tz_log] can be used to augment TEZOS_LOG (useful for debugging). *) let check_locations ?tz_log alt_mode client = let paths_n_locations = [ (["chains"; chain_id; "blocks"; block_id; "context"; "delegates"], Local); (["chains"; chain_id; "blocks"], Distant); (["network"; "self"], Distant); ] in Lwt_list.iter_s (fun (rpc_path, expected_loc) -> check_location ?tz_log alt_mode client rpc_path expected_loc) paths_n_locations let locations_tags alt_mode = [alt_mode_to_string alt_mode; "location"; "rpc"; "get"] (** Test. Check the location where an RPC is executed by the proxy client. *) let test_locations_proxy = let alt_mode = Proxy in Protocol.register_test ~__FILE__ ~title:"(Proxy) RPC get's location" ~tags:(locations_tags alt_mode) @@ fun protocol -> let* (_, client) = init ~protocol () in check_locations alt_mode client (** Check the output of [rpc get] on a number on RPC between two clients are equivalent. One of them is a vanilla client ([--mode client]) while the other client uses an alternative mode ([--mode proxy]). *) let check_equivalence ?tz_log alt_mode {vanilla; alternative} = let alt_mode_string = alt_mode_to_string alt_mode in let compared = let add_rpc_path_prefix rpc_path = "chains" :: chain_id :: "blocks" :: block_id :: rpc_path in [ (add_rpc_path_prefix ["context"; "constants"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["context"; "constants"; "errors"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["context"; "delegates"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["context"; "nonces"; "3"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["helpers"; "baking_rights"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["helpers"; "baking_rights"], [("all", "true")]); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["helpers"; "current_level"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["helpers"; "endorsing_rights"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["helpers"; "levels_in_current_cycle"], []); (* The 2 following RPCs only exist on Alpha *) (* (add_rpc_path_prefix ["helpers"; "validators"], []); *) (* (add_rpc_path_prefix ["helpers"; "round"], []); *) (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "current_period"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "successor_period"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "total_voting_power"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "ballot_list"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "ballots"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "current_proposal"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "current_period"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "successor_period"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "current_quorum"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "listings"], []); (add_rpc_path_prefix ["votes"; "proposals"], []); ] in let perform (rpc_path, query_string) = let* (vanilla_out, vanilla_err) = rpc_get ?tz_log ~query_string vanilla rpc_path and* (alt_out, alt_err) = rpc_get ?tz_log ~query_string alternative rpc_path in if vanilla_out <> alt_out then Test.fail "rpc get %s yields different results for the vanilla client and the \ %s client. Output of vanilla client is:\n\ %s\n\ while output of the alternative client is:\n\ %s\n" (Client.rpc_path_query_to_string ~query_string rpc_path) alt_mode_string vanilla_out alt_out else let log_same_answer () = Log.info "%s client, %s: same answer than vanilla client ✓" alt_mode_string (Client.rpc_path_query_to_string ~query_string rpc_path) in match ( parse_rpc_exec_location vanilla_err ~query_string rpc_path, parse_rpc_exec_location alt_err ~query_string rpc_path ) with (* Unknown matches on the left-hand side: there should be no match in the vanilla output, because the vanilla client doesn't deal with alternative stuff. That is why [Unknown] is matched here. *) | (Unknown, Unknown) when not (executes_locally alt_mode) -> log_same_answer () ; Lwt.return_unit | (Unknown, Local) -> log_same_answer () ; Log.info "%s client, %s: done locally ✓" alt_mode_string (Client.rpc_path_query_to_string ~query_string rpc_path) ; Lwt.return_unit | (loc, Local) -> Test.fail "Vanilla client should not output whether an RPC (here: %s) is \ executed locally or delegated to the endpoint. Expected %s but \ found %s. Inspected log:\n\ %s\n" (Client.rpc_path_query_to_string ~query_string rpc_path) (location_to_string Unknown) (location_to_string loc) vanilla_err | (_, loc) -> Test.fail "%s client should execute RPC %s locally: expected %s but found \ %s. Inspected log:\n\ %s" alt_mode_string (Client.rpc_path_query_to_string ~query_string rpc_path) (location_to_string Distant) (location_to_string loc) alt_err in Lwt_list.iter_s perform compared let compare_tags alt_mode = [alt_mode_to_string alt_mode; "rpc"; "get"] (** Test. Check that executing a number of RPCs with a vanilla client and an alternative client yield the same results. *) let test_compare_proxy = let alt_mode = Proxy in Protocol.register_test ~__FILE__ ~title:"(Proxy) Compare RPC get" ~tags:(compare_tags alt_mode) @@ fun protocol -> let* (node, alternative) = init ~protocol () in let* vanilla = Client.init ~endpoint:(Node node) () in let clients = {vanilla; alternative} in check_equivalence alt_mode clients end module Equalable_String_set : Check.EQUALABLE with type t = String_set.t = struct type t = String_set.t let equal = String_set.equal let pp fmt set = Format.pp_print_list ~pp_sep:(fun ppf () -> Format.fprintf ppf "|") Format.pp_print_string fmt (String_set.elements set) end let string_set = Check.equalable_module (module Equalable_String_set) let show_mode mode = match mode with `Proxy -> "proxy" | `Light -> "light" (** Test that, at any point in time, the proxy mode and the light mode supports the same list of protocols as the mockup (genesis being ignored). The point it to help release managers, protocol freezing, protocol support drop; to not forget a component. *) let test_supported_protocols_like_mockup (mode : [< `Proxy | `Light]) = let mode_str = show_mode mode in Test.register ~__FILE__ ~title: (sf "%s supported protocols are the same as the mockup protocols" mode_str) ~tags:["client"; mode_str; "list"; "protocols"] @@ fun () -> let client = Client.create () in let* mockup_protocols = Client.list_protocols `Mockup client >|= String_set.of_list in let* mode_protocols = Client.list_protocols mode client (* Filter out Genesis, which the mockup doesn't support; but which light and proxy modes do. We want to compare the other protocols. *) >|= List.filter (fun str -> str =~! rex "Genesis.*") >|= String_set.of_list in let error_msg = "Mockup protocols list is %L, but " ^ mode_str ^ " protocols list is %R" in Check.((mockup_protocols = mode_protocols) string_set ~error_msg) ; unit (** Test that, at any point in time, the proxy mode and the light mode support Alpha and at least three other protocols (genesis being ignored). This is stated in the public documentation. *) let test_support_four_protocols (mode : [< `Proxy | `Light]) = let mode_str = show_mode mode in Test.register ~__FILE__ ~title:(sf "%s supports alpha and at least 3 immutable protocols" mode_str) ~tags:["client"; mode_str; "list"; "protocols"] @@ fun () -> let client = Client.create () in let* mode_protocols = Client.list_protocols mode client >|= (* Filter out Genesis. We are interested in other protocols. *) List.filter (fun str -> str =~! rex "Genesis.*") >|= String_set.of_list in let non_alpha_protocols = String_set.filter (fun str -> str =~! rex "^ProtoALpha.*") mode_protocols in let alpha_error_msg = Format.asprintf "Alpha should be supported, but it's not found in the list of protocols: \ %a" Equalable_String_set.pp mode_protocols in Check.( (String_set.cardinal non_alpha_protocols = String_set.cardinal mode_protocols - 1) int ~error_msg:alpha_error_msg) ; let error_msg = Format.asprintf "%s should support at least three non-alpha protocols, but non-alpha \ supported protocols are %a" mode_str Equalable_String_set.pp non_alpha_protocols in let nb_non_alpha_protocols = String_set.cardinal non_alpha_protocols in Check.((nb_non_alpha_protocols >= 3) int ~error_msg) ; unit let register_protocol_independent () = test_supported_protocols_like_mockup `Proxy ; test_support_four_protocols `Proxy let normalize = function | "big_maps" :: "index" :: i :: "contents" :: _ -> ["big_maps"; "index"; i; "contents"] | "contracts" :: "index" :: i :: _ -> ["contracts"; "index"; i] | "cycle" :: i :: _ -> ["cycle"; i] | "rolls" :: "owner" :: "snapshot" :: i :: j :: _ -> ["rolls"; "owner"; "snapshot"; i; j] | "v1" :: _ -> ["v1"] | x -> x let test_split_key_heuristic = let rpc_path_regexp = rex {|.*proxy_getter: Cache miss \(get\): \((.*)\)|} in let env = String_map.singleton "TEZOS_LOG" "proxy_getter->debug" in Protocol.register_test ~__FILE__ ~title:"(Proxy) split_key heuristic" ~tags:["proxy"; "rpc"; "get"] @@ fun protocol -> let* (_, client) = init ~protocol () in let test_one (path, query_string) = let full_path = "chains" :: "main" :: "blocks" :: "head" :: path in let* stderr = Client.spawn_rpc ~env ~query_string Client.GET full_path client |> Process.check_and_read_stderr in let lines = String.split_on_char '\n' stderr in let context_queries = List.filter_map (fun line -> line =~* rpc_path_regexp) lines in let seens = ref String_set.empty in let check_query path = let segments = String.split_on_char '/' path in let normalized = normalize segments |> String.concat "/" in if String_set.mem normalized !seens then Test.fail "Request of the form %s/... done twice. Last request is %s" normalized path else seens := String_set.add normalized !seens in List.iter check_query context_queries ; unit in Lwt_list.iter_s test_one paths let register ~protocols = test_bake ~protocols ; test_transfer ~protocols ; test_wrong_proto ~protocols ; test_context_suffix_no_rpc ~protocols ; test_cache_at_most_once ~protocols ; Location.test_locations_proxy ~protocols ; Location.test_compare_proxy ~protocols ; test_split_key_heuristic ~protocols