#' R control chart #' #' This function builds a R control chart. #' #' The Shewhart R chart was designed for phase I (at this moment). The limits #' of the exact R chart are the alpha/2 and 1-alpha/2 quantiles of the R #' distribution that are calculated as estimated process sd times the quantiles #' of the relative range (W=R/sigma) distribution. #' #' @aliases cchart.R #' @param x The data to be plotted. #' @param n The sample size. #' @param type The type of R chart to be plotted. The options are "norm" #' (traditional Shewhart R chart) and "tukey" (exact R chart). If not #' specified, a Shewhart R chart will be plotted. #' @param y The data used in phase I to estimate the standard deviation. #' @return Return a R control chart. #' @export #' @author Daniela R. Recchia, Emanuel P. Barbosa #' @import qcc #' @examples #' #' data(pistonrings) #' attach(pistonrings) #' cchart.R(pistonrings[1:25,], 5) #' cchart.R(pistonrings[26:40, ], 5, type = "tukey", pistonrings[1:25, ]) #' cchart.R <- function(x, n, type = "norm", y = NULL) { if(type == "norm") { qcc(x, type = "R", xlab = "") resu <- alpha.risk(n) result <- signif(resu, 3) mtext(paste("Warning: Prob. of false alarm alpha = ", result," is inflated (>> 0.0027) since the normal approximation for R is not appropriated; in order to have alpha = 0.0027 the exact distribution for R must be used."), side = 1, font = 2) } if(type == "tukey") { qcc(x, type = "R", limits = c(qtukey(0.00135, n, Inf) * sd.R(y), qtukey(0.99865, n, Inf) * sd.R(y))) } }