function [h, jntlocs, comlocs] = drawmodel(w,x,posnoffset,h,varargin)
% drawmodel(w, x, posnoffset) draws the 2-d walking model with trunk,
% with the model offset relative to the origin by posnoffset (x and y)
% h = drawmodel(w) draws the model at its fixed point and a position zero
% and returns the handle to the graphic
% drawmodel(w, x, posnoffset, h) takes the graphics handle h and redraws the
% model in that handle (useful for animation)
% drawmodel(w, x, posnoffset, h, 'modellinewidth', 4) applies the named
% options to the model.
% Available options:
% modellinewidth thickness of lines for feet and legs, in points
% footn number of segments to draw for foot
% jointsize size of hip joint circle, in points
% showgrfs (0,1) draw arrows for ground reaction force
% showcomvel (0,1) draw arrows for COM velocity
% Art Kuo
if nargin < 2 || isempty(x)
x = get(w, 'xstar'); % assume fixed point if no other info
if nargin < 3 || isempty(posnoffset)
posnoffset = [0; 0]; % if nothing specified, draw it at origin
%parms = get(w,'parms');
L = 1; R = 0; % Simplest model has few parameters
% drawing parameters
footn = 10; % how many segments to draw in the curved foot
modellinewidth = 4; % how wide are the line segments, in points
jointsize = 10; % how big is the marker at each joint, in points
footsize = 6; % how big are the feet, in points
% arrow parameters
aang = pi/6; scale = 0.05; scale2 = 2; vx2 = 0.4; vy2 = 1.2;
showcomvel = 0; showgrfs = 0;
% Check for options
if nargin > 4
property_argin = varargin;
secondargument = property_argin{1};
% Step through the optional arguments
while length(property_argin) >= 2,
prop = property_argin{1};
val = property_argin{2};
property_argin = property_argin(3:end);
switch prop
case 'modellinewidth'
modellinewidth = val;
case 'footn'
footn = val;
case 'jointsize'
jointsize = val;
case 'footsize'
footsize = val;
case 'showgrfs'
showgrfs = val;
case 'showcomvel'
showcomvel = val;
end % switch
end % looping through arguments
end % if there are optional arguments
% angles of stance leg, swing leg
q1 = x(1); q2 = x(1)-x(2); u1 = x(3); u2 = x(3)-x(4);
contactpoint = -q1*R;
%Rot1 = [cos(q1) -sin(q1); sin(q1) cos(q1)];
%Rot2 = [cos(q2) -sin(q2); sin(q2) cos(q2)];
% A foot
%alpha = 0.45; % need to decide on foot length
% generic foot goes from -alpha to +alpha
%footang = linspace(-alpha, +alpha, footn);
%foot = R*[sin(footang); -cos(footang)];
% Points of interest, arranged as [x;y] locations
stfoot = [contactpoint; 0] + posnoffset;
hip = stfoot + [-L*sin(q1); L*cos(q1)]; % hip is where legs and trunk meet
swfoot = hip + [L*sin(q2); -L*cos(q2)]; % heel is end of leg at curved foot
% Leg segments, arranged as [x row; y row]
legs = [stfoot hip swfoot];
feet = [stfoot swfoot];
if showcomvel
comloc = hip;
comvel = [-cos(q1) -sin(q1)]*u1;
if showgrfs
[grf,grt,cop] = groundreactionforces(w, x, 0);
grfloc = stfoot + [cop;0];
% form matrices of the x and y positions of line segments,
% first row is x, second is y, and
% each column is another point on the line
if nargin < 4 || isempty(h) % no handle exists, so create new lines
h(1) = line(legs(1,:),legs(2,:),'color','b','LineWidth',modellinewidth,'EraseMode','normal');
h(2) = line(feet(1,:),feet(2,:), 'MarkerSize', footsize, ...
'MarkerFaceColor', 'k', 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'none', 'Marker', 'o','LineStyle','none' );
h(3) = line(hip(1), hip(2), 'MarkerFaceColor', 'k', 'MarkerEdgeColor', ...
'none', 'MarkerSize', jointsize, 'Marker', 'o'); % mark the hip
if showcomvel
h(4) = drawcomvel(comvel, comloc);
if showgrfs
h(5) = drawgrf(grf, grfloc);
if showcomvel
drawcomvel(comvel, comloc, h(4));
if showgrfs
drawgrf(grf, grfloc, h(5));
end % if
end % function
function hgrf = drawgrf(grf, endpt, h, varargin)
% Draws a grf arrow, with the vector grf
% and with the arrow drawn ending at position endpt
% Also can update the coordinates in an existing handle for the
% arrow, if supplied. Otherwise it draws it from scratch and
% returns the handle.
% Optional arguments:
% gap (0.02) gap between start of arrow and its origin
% headsize (0.05) size of arrowhead
% arrowang (pi/8) angle of arrow relative to body
% scale (0.5) determines length of arrow
% optional parameters
gap = 0.02; headsize = 0.05; % headsize determines size of arrowhead
arrowang = pi/8; % angle of arrow head relative to body
scale = 0.5; % scale determines length of arrow
if nargin > 3 % we have options
property_argin = varargin;
% Step through the optional arguments
while length(property_argin) >= 2,
prop = property_argin{1};
val = property_argin{2};
property_argin = property_argin(3:end);
switch prop
case 'gap'
numsteps = val;
case 'scale'
scale = val;
case 'arrowang'
arrowang = val;
case 'headsize'
headsize = val;
forceang = atan2(grf(2), grf(1));
grf = grf*scale;
gx = -gap*cos(forceang) + endpt(1); gy = -gap*sin(forceang) + endpt(2);
arrowx = gx + [-grf(1) 0 -headsize*cos(forceang+arrowang) NaN 0 -headsize*cos(forceang-arrowang)];
arrowy = gy + [-grf(2) 0 -headsize*sin(forceang+arrowang) NaN 0 -headsize*sin(forceang-arrowang)];
if nargin < 3 || isempty(h),
hgrf = line(arrowx, arrowy, 'LineWidth',2,'Color','Green');
set(h, 'Xdata', arrowx, 'Ydata', arrowy);
end % function hgrf
function hvel = drawcomvel(vel, startpt, h, varargin)
% Draws a com velocity arrow, with the velocity vel
% and with the arrow drawn starting at position startpt
% Also can update the coordinates in an existing handle for the
% arrow, if supplied. Otherwise it draws it from scratch and
% returns the handle.
% Optional arguments:
% gap (0) gap between start of arrow and its origin (unused)
% headsize (0.05) size of arrowhead
% arrowang (pi/8) angle of arrow relative to body
% scale (0.5) determines length of arrow
% optional parameters
gap = 0; headsize = 0.05; % headsize determines size of arrowhead
arrowang = pi/8; % angle of arrow head relative to body
scale = 0.5; % scale determines length of arrow
if nargin > 3 % we have options
property_argin = varargin;
% Step through the optional arguments
while length(property_argin) >= 2,
prop = property_argin{1};
val = property_argin{2};
property_argin = property_argin(3:end);
switch prop
case 'gap'
numsteps = val;
case 'scale'
scale = val;
case 'arrowang'
arrowang = val;
case 'headsize'
headsize = val;
velang = atan2(vel(2), vel(1));
vel = vel*scale;
arrowx = startpt(1) + [0 vel(1) vel(1)-headsize*cos(velang+arrowang) NaN vel(1) vel(1)-headsize*cos(velang-arrowang)];
arrowy = startpt(2) + [0 vel(2) vel(2)-headsize*sin(velang+arrowang) NaN vel(2) vel(2)-headsize*sin(velang-arrowang)];
if nargin < 3 || isempty(h),
hvel = line(arrowx, arrowy, 'LineWidth',2,'Color','Black');
set(h, 'Xdata', arrowx, 'Ydata', arrowy);
end % function drawcomvel
function out = draw_arrow(startpoint,endpoint,headsize)
%by Ryan Molecke
% accepts two [x y] coords and one double headsize
v1 = headsize*(startpoint-endpoint)/2.5;
theta = 22.5*pi/180;
theta1 = -1*22.5*pi/180;
rotMatrix = [cos(theta) -sin(theta) ; sin(theta) cos(theta)];
rotMatrix1 = [cos(theta1) -sin(theta1) ; sin(theta1) cos(theta1)];
v2 = v1*rotMatrix;
v3 = v1*rotMatrix1;
x1 = endpoint;
x2 = x1 + v2;
x3 = x1 + v3;
hold on;
fill([x1(1) x2(1) x3(1)],[x1(2) x2(2) x3(2)],[0 0 0]); % this fills the arrowhead (black)
plot([startpoint(1) endpoint(1)],[startpoint(2) endpoint(2)],'linewidth',2,'color',[0 0 0]);