\name{sp2d} \alias{sp2d} \title{ 2-dimentional Radial Spline } \description{ 2-dimentional radial spline generator used in \code{cpglmm} } \usage{ sp2d(x1, x2, k = max(20, min(length(x1)/4, 150)), by = NULL, allPen = FALSE, varying = NULL, diag = FALSE, knots1 = quantile(x1, probs = 1:k/(k + 1)), knots2 = quantile(x1, probs = 1:k/(k + 1))) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x1}{ the first covariate in the coordinate } \item{x2}{ the second covariate in the coordinate } \item{k}{ number of knots } \item{by}{ not used. This is just for compatibility with \code{amer}. } \item{allPen}{ not used. This is just for compatibility with \code{amer}. } \item{varying}{ not used. This is just for compatibility with \code{amer}. } \item{diag}{ not used. This is just for compatibility with \code{amer}. } \item{knots1}{ vector of knot locations for the first covariate in the coordinate } \item{knots2}{ vector of knot locations for the second covariate in the coordinate } }