# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # Tests that do not really go anywhere else # test @assert macro @test_throws AssertionError (@assert 1 == 2) @test_throws AssertionError (@assert false) @test_throws AssertionError (@assert false "this is a test") @test_throws AssertionError (@assert false "this is a test" "another test") @test_throws AssertionError (@assert false :a) let try @assert 1 == 2 error("unexpected") catch ex @test isa(ex, AssertionError) @test occursin("1 == 2", ex.msg) end end # test @assert message let try @assert 1 == 2 "this is a test" error("unexpected") catch ex @test isa(ex, AssertionError) @test ex.msg == "this is a test" end end # @assert only uses the first message string let try @assert 1 == 2 "this is a test" "this is another test" error("unexpected") catch ex @test isa(ex, AssertionError) @test ex.msg == "this is a test" end end # @assert calls string() on second argument let try @assert 1 == 2 :random_object error("unexpected") catch ex @test isa(ex, AssertionError) @test !occursin("1 == 2", ex.msg) @test occursin("random_object", ex.msg) end end # if the second argument is an expression, c let deepthought(x, y) = 42 try @assert 1 == 2 string("the answer to the ultimate question: ", deepthought(6, 9)) error("unexpected") catch ex @test isa(ex, AssertionError) @test ex.msg == "the answer to the ultimate question: 42" end end let # test the process title functions, issue #9957 oldtitle = Sys.get_process_title() Sys.set_process_title("julia0x1") @test Sys.get_process_title() == "julia0x1" Sys.set_process_title(oldtitle) @test Sys.get_process_title() == oldtitle end # test GC.enable/disable @test GC.enable(true) @test GC.enable(false) @test GC.enable(false) == false @test GC.enable(true) == false @test GC.enable(true) # PR #10984 # Disable on windows because of issue (missing flush) when redirecting stderr. let redir_err = "redirect_stderr(stdout)" exename = Base.julia_cmd() script = "$redir_err; module A; f() = 1; end; A.f() = 1" warning_str = read(`$exename --warn-overwrite=yes --startup-file=no -e $script`, String) @test occursin("f()", warning_str) end # lock / unlock let l = ReentrantLock() lock(l) success = Ref(false) @test trylock(l) do @test lock(l) do success[] = true return :foo end === :foo return :bar end === :bar @test success[] t = @async begin @test trylock(l) do @test false end === false end Base.wait(t) unlock(l) @test_throws ErrorException unlock(l) end # task switching @noinline function f6597(c) t = @async nothing finalizer(t -> c[] += 1, t) Base.wait(t) @test c[] == 0 Base.wait(t) nothing end let c = Ref(0), t2 = @async (wait(); c[] += 99) @test c[] == 0 f6597(c) GC.gc() # this should run the finalizer for t @test c[] == 1 yield() @test c[] == 1 yield(t2) @test c[] == 100 end # test that @sync is lexical (PR #27164) const x27164 = Ref(0) do_something_async_27164() = @async(begin sleep(1); x27164[] = 2; end) let t = nothing @sync begin t = do_something_async_27164() @async (sleep(0.05); x27164[] = 1) end @test x27164[] == 1 fetch(t) @test x27164[] == 2 end # timing macros # test that they don't introduce global vars global v11801, t11801, names_before_timing names_before_timing = names(@__MODULE__, all = true) let t = @elapsed 1+1 @test isa(t, Real) && t >= 0 end let val, t = @timed sin(1) @test val == sin(1) @test isa(t, Real) && t >= 0 end # problem after #11801 - at global scope t11801 = @elapsed 1+1 @test isa(t11801,Real) && t11801 >= 0 v11801, t11801 = @timed sin(1) @test v11801 == sin(1) @test isa(t11801,Real) && t11801 >= 0 @test names(@__MODULE__, all = true) == names_before_timing # interactive utilities import Base.summarysize @test summarysize(Core) > (summarysize(Core.Compiler) + Base.summarysize(Core.Intrinsics)) > Core.sizeof(Core) @test summarysize(Base) > 100_000 * sizeof(Ptr) let R = Ref{Any}(nothing), depth = 10^6 for i = 1:depth R = Ref{Any}(R) end R = Core.svec(R, R) @test summarysize(R) == (depth + 4) * sizeof(Ptr) end # issue #25367 - summarysize with reshaped arrays let A = zeros(1000), B = reshape(A, (1,1000)) @test summarysize((A,B)) < 2 * sizeof(A) # check that object header is accounted for @test summarysize(A) > sizeof(A) end # issue #13021 let ex = try Main.x13021 = 0 nothing catch ex ex end @test isa(ex, ErrorException) && ex.msg == "cannot assign variables in other modules" end ## test conversion from UTF-8 to UTF-16 (for Windows APIs) # empty arrays @test transcode(UInt16, UInt8[]) == UInt16[] @test transcode(UInt8, UInt16[]) == UInt8[] # UTF-8-like sequences V8 = [ # 1-byte (ASCII) ([0x00],[0x0000]) ([0x0a],[0x000a]) ([0x7f],[0x007f]) # 2-byte ([0xc0,0x80],[0x0000]) # overlong encoding ([0xc1,0xbf],[0x007f]) # overlong encoding ([0xc2,0x80],[0x0080]) ([0xc3,0xbf],[0x00ff]) ([0xc4,0x80],[0x0100]) ([0xc4,0xa3],[0x0123]) ([0xdf,0xbf],[0x07ff]) # 3-byte ([0xe0,0x80,0x80],[0x0000]) # overlong encoding ([0xe0,0x81,0xbf],[0x007f]) # overlong encoding ([0xe0,0x82,0x80],[0x0080]) # overlong encoding ([0xe0,0x9f,0xbf],[0x07ff]) # overlong encoding ([0xe0,0xa0,0x80],[0x0800]) ([0xe0,0xa2,0x9a],[0x089a]) ([0xe1,0x88,0xb4],[0x1234]) ([0xea,0xaf,0x8d],[0xabcd]) ([0xed,0x9f,0xbf],[0xd7ff]) ([0xed,0xa0,0x80],[0xd800]) # invalid code point – high surrogate ([0xed,0xaf,0xbf],[0xdbff]) # invalid code point – high surrogate ([0xed,0xb0,0x80],[0xdc00]) # invalid code point – low surrogate ([0xed,0xbf,0xbf],[0xdfff]) # invalid code point – low surrogate ([0xee,0x80,0x80],[0xe000]) ([0xef,0xbf,0xbf],[0xffff]) # 4-byte ([0xf0,0x80,0x80,0x80],[0x0000]) # overlong encoding ([0xf0,0x80,0x81,0xbf],[0x007f]) # overlong encoding ([0xf0,0x80,0x82,0x80],[0x0080]) # overlong encoding ([0xf0,0x80,0x9f,0xbf],[0x07ff]) # overlong encoding ([0xf0,0x80,0xa0,0x80],[0x0800]) # overlong encoding ([0xf0,0x8f,0xbf,0xbf],[0xffff]) # overlong encoding ([0xf0,0x90,0x80,0x80],[0xd800,0xdc00]) # U+10000 ([0xf0,0x90,0x8d,0x88],[0xd800,0xdf48]) # U+10348 ([0xf0,0x90,0x90,0xb7],[0xd801,0xdc37]) # U+10437 ([0xf0,0xa4,0xad,0xa2],[0xd852,0xdf62]) # U+24b62 ([0xf2,0xab,0xb3,0x9e],[0xda6f,0xdcde]) # U+abcde ([0xf3,0xbf,0xbf,0xbf],[0xdbbf,0xdfff]) # U+fffff ([0xf4,0x80,0x80,0x80],[0xdbc0,0xdc00]) # U+100000 ([0xf4,0x8a,0xaf,0x8d],[0xdbea,0xdfcd]) # U+10abcd ([0xf4,0x8f,0xbf,0xbf],[0xdbff,0xdfff]) # U+10ffff ] # non UTF-8-like sequences X8 = Vector{UInt8}[ # invalid 1-byte sequences [0x80], # 1 leading ones [0xbf], [0xc0], # 2 leading ones [0xdf], [0xe0], # 3 leading ones [0xef], [0xf0], # 4 leading ones [0xf7], [0xf8], # 5 leading ones [0xfb], [0xfc], # 6 leading ones [0xfd], [0xfe], # 7 leading ones [0xff], # 8 leading ones # other invalid sequences [0xf4,0x90,0xbf,0xbf], [0xf4,0x91,0x80,0x80], [0xf7,0x80,0x80,0x80], [0xf7,0xbf,0xbf,0xbf], [0xf8,0x80,0x80,0x80], [0xf8,0xbf,0xbf,0xbf], [0xff,0x80,0x80,0x80], [0xff,0xbf,0xbf,0xbf], ] for s in [map(first,V8); X8], i = 1:length(s)-1, j = i+1:length(s)-(i==1) ss = s[i:j] ss in X8 || push!(X8, ss) end sort!(X8, lt=isless) sort!(X8, by=length) I8 = [(s,map(UInt16,s)) for s in X8] for (X,Y,Z) in ((V8,V8,V8), (I8,V8,I8), (V8,I8,V8), (V8,V8,I8), (I8,V8,V8)) for (a8, a16) in X @test transcode(UInt16, a8) == a16 for (b8, b16) in Y ab8 = [a8; b8] ab16 = [a16; b16] @test transcode(UInt16, ab8) == ab16 for (c8, c16) in Z abc8 = [ab8; c8] abc16 = [ab16; c16] @test transcode(UInt16, abc8) == abc16 end end end end # UTF-16-like sequences V16 = [ # 1-unit UTF-16, 1-byte UTF-8 (ASCII) ([0x0000],[0x00]) ([0x000a],[0x0a]) ([0x007f],[0x7f]) # 1-unit UTF-16, 2-byte UTF-8 ([0x0080],[0xc2,0x80]) ([0x00ff],[0xc3,0xbf]) ([0x0100],[0xc4,0x80]) ([0x0123],[0xc4,0xa3]) ([0x07ff],[0xdf,0xbf]) # 1-unit UTF-16, 3-byte UTF-8 ([0x0800],[0xe0,0xa0,0x80]) ([0x089a],[0xe0,0xa2,0x9a]) ([0x1234],[0xe1,0x88,0xb4]) ([0xabcd],[0xea,0xaf,0x8d]) ([0xd7ff],[0xed,0x9f,0xbf]) ([0xe000],[0xee,0x80,0x80]) ([0xffff],[0xef,0xbf,0xbf]) # 2-unit UTF-16, 4-byte UTF-8 ([0xd800,0xdc00],[0xf0,0x90,0x80,0x80]) # U+10000 ([0xd800,0xdf48],[0xf0,0x90,0x8d,0x88]) # U+10348 ([0xd801,0xdc37],[0xf0,0x90,0x90,0xb7]) # U+10437 ([0xd852,0xdf62],[0xf0,0xa4,0xad,0xa2]) # U+24b62 ([0xda6f,0xdcde],[0xf2,0xab,0xb3,0x9e]) # U+abcde ([0xdbbf,0xdfff],[0xf3,0xbf,0xbf,0xbf]) # U+fffff ([0xdbc0,0xdc00],[0xf4,0x80,0x80,0x80]) # U+100000 ([0xdbea,0xdfcd],[0xf4,0x8a,0xaf,0x8d]) # U+10abcd ([0xdbff,0xdfff],[0xf4,0x8f,0xbf,0xbf]) # U+10ffff ] I16 = [ ([0xd800],[0xed,0xa0,0x80]) # high surrogate ([0xdbff],[0xed,0xaf,0xbf]) # high surrogate ([0xdc00],[0xed,0xb0,0x80]) # low surrogate ([0xdfff],[0xed,0xbf,0xbf]) # low surrogate ] for (X,Y,Z) in ((V16,V16,V16), (I16,V16,I16), (V16,I16,V16), (V16,V16,I16), (I16,V16,V16)) for (a16, a8) in X @test transcode(UInt8, a16) == a8 @test transcode(UInt16, a8) == a16 for (b16, b8) in Y ab16 = [a16; b16] ab8 = [a8; b8] @test transcode(UInt8, ab16) == ab8 @test transcode(UInt16, ab8) == ab16 for (c16, c8) in Z abc16 = [ab16; c16] abc8 = [ab8; c8] @test transcode(UInt8, abc16) == abc8 @test transcode(UInt16, abc8) == abc16 end end end end let s = "abcα🐨\0x\0" for T in (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, Int32) @test transcode(T, s) == transcode(T, codeunits(s)) @test transcode(String, transcode(T, s)) == s end end let X = UInt8[0x30,0x31,0x32] for T in (UInt8, UInt16, UInt32, Int32) @test transcode(UInt8,transcode(T, X)) == X @test transcode(UInt8,transcode(T, 0x30:0x32)) == X end end let optstring = repr("text/plain", Base.JLOptions()) @test startswith(optstring, "JLOptions(\n") @test !occursin("Ptr", optstring) @test endswith(optstring, "\n)") @test occursin(" = \"", optstring) end let optstring = repr(Base.JLOptions()) @test startswith(optstring, "JLOptions(") @test endswith(optstring, ")") @test !occursin("\n", optstring) @test !occursin("Ptr", optstring) @test occursin(" = \"", optstring) end # Base.securezero! functions (#17579) import Base: securezero!, unsafe_securezero! let a = [1,2,3] @test securezero!(a) === a == [0,0,0] a[:] = 1:3 @test unsafe_securezero!(pointer(a), length(a)) == pointer(a) @test a == [0,0,0] a[:] = 1:3 @test unsafe_securezero!(Ptr{Cvoid}(pointer(a)), sizeof(a)) == Ptr{Cvoid}(pointer(a)) @test a == [0,0,0] end # PR #28038 (prompt/getpass stream args) @test_throws MethodError Base.getpass(IOBuffer(), stdout, "pass") let buf = IOBuffer() @test Base.prompt(IOBuffer("foo\nbar\n"), buf, "baz") == "foo" @test String(take!(buf)) == "baz: " @test Base.prompt(IOBuffer("\n"), buf, "baz", default="foobar") == "foobar" @test String(take!(buf)) == "baz [foobar]: " @test Base.prompt(IOBuffer("blah\n"), buf, "baz", default="foobar") == "blah" end # Test that we can VirtualProtect jitted code to writable @noinline function WeVirtualProtectThisToRWX(x, y) return x + y end @static if Sys.iswindows() let addr = @cfunction(WeVirtualProtectThisToRWX, UInt64, (UInt64, UInt64)) addr = addr - (UInt64(addr) % 4096) PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE = 0x40 oldPerm = Ref{UInt32}() err18083 = ccall(:VirtualProtect, stdcall, Cint, (Ptr{Cvoid}, Csize_t, UInt32, Ptr{UInt32}), addr, 4096, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, oldPerm) err18083 == 0 && error(Libc.GetLastError()) end end let buf = IOBuffer() printstyled(IOContext(buf, :color=>true), "foo", color=:red) @test startswith(String(take!(buf)), Base.text_colors[:red]) end # Test that `printstyled` accepts non-string values, just as `print` does let buf_color = IOBuffer() args = (3.2, "foo", :testsym) printstyled(IOContext(buf_color, :color=>true), args..., color=:red) buf_plain = IOBuffer() print(buf_plain, args...) expected_str = string(Base.text_colors[:red], String(take!(buf_plain)), Base.text_colors[:default]) @test expected_str == String(take!(buf_color)) end # Test that `printstyled` on multiline input prints the ANSI codes # on each line let buf_color = IOBuffer() str = "Two\nlines" printstyled(IOContext(buf_color, :color=>true), str; bold=true, color=:red) @test String(take!(buf_color)) == "\e[31m\e[1mTwo\e[22m\e[39m\n\e[31m\e[1mlines\e[22m\e[39m" end if stdout isa Base.TTY @test haskey(stdout, :color) == true @test haskey(stdout, :bar) == false @test (:color=>Base.have_color) in stdout @test (:color=>!Base.have_color) ∉ stdout @test stdout[:color] == get(stdout, :color, nothing) == Base.have_color @test get(stdout, :bar, nothing) === nothing @test_throws KeyError stdout[:bar] end let global c_18711 = 0 buf = IOContext(IOBuffer(), :hascontext => true) Base.with_output_color(:red, buf) do buf global c_18711 get(buf, :hascontext, false) && (c_18711 += 1) end @test c_18711 == 1 end let buf = IOBuffer() buf_color = IOContext(buf, :color => true) printstyled(buf_color, "foo", color=:red) # Check that we get back to normal text color in the end @test String(take!(buf)) == "\e[31mfoo\e[39m" # Check that boldness is turned off printstyled(buf_color, "foo"; bold=true, color=:red) @test String(take!(buf)) == "\e[31m\e[1mfoo\e[22m\e[39m" end abstract type DA_19281{T, N} <: AbstractArray{T, N} end Base.convert(::Type{Array{S, N}}, ::DA_19281{T, N}) where {S,T,N} = error() x_19281 = [(), (1,)] mutable struct Foo_19281 f::Vector{Tuple} Foo_19281() = new(x_19281) end @testset "test this does not segfault #19281" begin @test Foo_19281().f[1] == () @test Foo_19281().f[2] == (1,) end let x_notdefined = Ref{String}() @test !isassigned(x_notdefined) x_defined = Ref{String}("Test") @test isassigned(x_defined) end mutable struct Demo_20254 arr::Array{String} end # these cause stack overflows and are a little flaky on CI, ref #20256 if Bool(parse(Int,(get(ENV, "JULIA_TESTFULL", "0")))) function Demo_20254(arr::AbstractArray=Any[]) Demo_20254(string.(arr)) end _get_19433(x::NTuple{1}) = (something(x[1]),) _get_19433(xs::Vararg) = (something(xs[1]), _get_19433(xs[2:end])...) f_19433(f_19433, xs...) = f_19433(_get_19433(xs)...) @testset "test this does not crash, issue #19433 and #20254" begin @test_throws StackOverflowError Demo_20254() @test_throws StackOverflowError f_19433(+, 1, 2) end end # Test issue #19774 invokelatest fix. # we define this in a module to allow rewriting # rather than needing an extra eval. module Issue19774 f(x) = 1 end # First test the world issue condition. let foo() = begin @eval Issue19774.f(x::Int) = 2 return Issue19774.f(0) end @test foo() == 1 # We should be using the original function. end # Now check that invokelatest fixes that issue. let foo() = begin @eval Issue19774.f(x::Int) = 3 return Base.invokelatest(Issue19774.f, 0) end @test foo() == 3 end # Check that the kwargs conditions also works module Kwargs19774 f(x, y; z=0) = x * y + z end @test Kwargs19774.f(2, 3; z=1) == 7 let foo() = begin @eval Kwargs19774.f(x::Int, y::Int; z=3) = z return Base.invokelatest(Kwargs19774.f, 2, 3; z=1) end @test foo() == 1 end # Endian tests # For now, we only support little endian. # Add an `Sys.ARCH` test for big endian when/if we add support for that. # Do **NOT** use `ENDIAN_BOM` to figure out the endianness # since that's exactly what we want to test. @test ENDIAN_BOM == 0x04030201 @test ntoh(0x1) == 0x1 @test hton(0x1) == 0x1 @test ltoh(0x1) == 0x1 @test htol(0x1) == 0x1 @test ntoh(0x102) == 0x201 @test hton(0x102) == 0x201 @test ltoh(0x102) == 0x102 @test htol(0x102) == 0x102 @test ntoh(0x1020304) == 0x4030201 @test hton(0x1020304) == 0x4030201 @test ltoh(0x1020304) == 0x1020304 @test htol(0x1020304) == 0x1020304 @test ntoh(0x102030405060708) == 0x807060504030201 @test hton(0x102030405060708) == 0x807060504030201 @test ltoh(0x102030405060708) == 0x102030405060708 @test htol(0x102030405060708) == 0x102030405060708 @testset "inline bug #18735" begin @noinline f(n) = n ? error() : Int g() = Union{f(true)} @test_throws ErrorException g() end include("testenv.jl") let flags = Cmd(filter(a->!occursin("depwarn", a), collect(test_exeflags))) local cmd = `$test_exename $flags deprecation_exec.jl` if !success(pipeline(cmd; stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)) error("Deprecation test failed, cmd : $cmd") end end # PR #23664, make sure names don't get added to the default `Main` workspace @test readlines(`$(Base.julia_cmd()) --startup-file=no -e 'foreach(println, names(Main))'`) == ["Base","Core","Main"] # issue #26310 @test_warn "could not import" Core.eval(@__MODULE__, :(import .notdefined_26310__)) @test_warn "could not import" Core.eval(Main, :(import ........notdefined_26310__)) @test_nowarn Core.eval(Main, :(import .Main)) @test_nowarn Core.eval(Main, :(import ....Main)) # issue #27239 @testset "strftime tests issue #27239" begin # save current locales locales = Dict() for cat in 0:9999 cstr = ccall(:setlocale, Cstring, (Cint, Cstring), cat, C_NULL) if cstr != C_NULL locales[cat] = unsafe_string(cstr) end end # change to non-Unicode Korean for (cat, _) in locales korloc = ["ko_KR.EUC-KR", "ko_KR.CP949", "ko_KR.949", "Korean_Korea.949"] for lc in korloc cstr = ccall(:setlocale, Cstring, (Cint, Cstring), cat, lc) end end # system dependent formats timestr_c = Libc.strftime(0.0) timestr_aAbBpZ = Libc.strftime("%a %A %b %B %p %Z", 0) # recover locales for (cat, lc) in locales cstr = ccall(:setlocale, Cstring, (Cint, Cstring), cat, lc) end # tests @test isvalid(timestr_c) @test isvalid(timestr_aAbBpZ) end using Base: @kwdef @kwdef struct Test27970Typed a::Int b::String = "hi" end @kwdef struct Test27970Untyped a end @kwdef struct Test27970Empty end @testset "No default values in @kwdef" begin @test Test27970Typed(a=1) == Test27970Typed(1, "hi") # Implicit type conversion (no assertion on kwarg) @test Test27970Typed(a=0x03) == Test27970Typed(3, "hi") @test_throws UndefKeywordError Test27970Typed() @test Test27970Untyped(a=1) == Test27970Untyped(1) @test_throws UndefKeywordError Test27970Untyped() # Just checking that this doesn't stack overflow on construction @test Test27970Empty() == Test27970Empty() end abstract type AbstractTest29307 end @kwdef struct Test29307{T<:Integer} <: AbstractTest29307 a::T=2 end @testset "subtyped @kwdef" begin @test Test29307() == Test29307{Int}(2) @test Test29307(a=0x03) == Test29307{UInt8}(0x03) @test Test29307{UInt32}() == Test29307{UInt32}(2) @test Test29307{UInt32}(a=0x03) == Test29307{UInt32}(0x03) end @kwdef struct TestInnerConstructor a = 1 TestInnerConstructor(a::Int) = (@assert a>0; new(a)) function TestInnerConstructor(a::String) @assert length(a) > 0 new(a) end end @testset "@kwdef inner constructor" begin @test TestInnerConstructor() == TestInnerConstructor(1) @test TestInnerConstructor(a=2) == TestInnerConstructor(2) @test_throws AssertionError TestInnerConstructor(a=0) @test TestInnerConstructor(a="2") == TestInnerConstructor("2") @test_throws AssertionError TestInnerConstructor(a="") end const outsidevar = 7 @kwdef struct TestOutsideVar a::Int=outsidevar end @test TestOutsideVar() == TestOutsideVar(7) @testset "exports of modules" begin for (_, mod) in Base.loaded_modules for v in names(mod) @test isdefined(mod, v) end end end