# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license module TestBoundsCheck using Base.Test @enum BCOption bc_default bc_on bc_off bc_opt = BCOption(Base.JLOptions().check_bounds) # test for boundscheck block eliminated at same level @inline function A1() r = 0 @boundscheck r += 1 return r end @noinline function A1_noinline() r = 0 @boundscheck r += 1 return r end function A1_inbounds() r = 0 @inbounds begin @boundscheck r += 1 end return r end if bc_opt == bc_default @test A1() == 1 @test A1_inbounds() == 0 elseif bc_opt == bc_on @test A1() == 1 @test A1_inbounds() == 1 else @test A1() == 0 @test A1_inbounds() == 0 end # test for boundscheck block eliminated one layer deep, if the called method is inlined @inline function A2() r = A1()+1 return r end function A2_inbounds() @inbounds r = A1()+1 return r end function A2_notinlined() @inbounds r = A1_noinline()+1 return r end Base.@propagate_inbounds function A2_propagate_inbounds() r = A1()+1 return r end if bc_opt == bc_default @test A2() == 2 @test A2_inbounds() == 1 @test A2_notinlined() == 2 @test A2_propagate_inbounds() == 2 elseif bc_opt == bc_on @test A2() == 2 @test A2_inbounds() == 2 @test A2_notinlined() == 2 @test A2_propagate_inbounds() == 2 else @test A2() == 1 @test A2_inbounds() == 1 @test A2_notinlined() == 1 @test A2_propagate_inbounds() == 1 end # test boundscheck NOT eliminated two layers deep, unless propagated function A3() r = A2()+1 return r end function A3_inbounds() @inbounds r = A2()+1 return r end function A3_inbounds2() @inbounds r = A2_propagate_inbounds()+1 return r end if bc_opt == bc_default @test A3() == 3 @test A3_inbounds() == 3 @test A3_inbounds2() == 2 elseif bc_opt == bc_on @test A3() == 3 @test A3_inbounds() == 3 @test A3_inbounds2() == 3 else @test A3() == 2 @test A3_inbounds() == 2 @test A3_inbounds2() == 2 end # swapped nesting order of @boundscheck and @inbounds function A1_nested() r = 0 @boundscheck @inbounds r += 1 return r end if bc_opt == bc_default || bc_opt == bc_on @test A1_nested() == 1 else @test A1_nested() == 0 end # elide a throw cb(x) = x > 0 || throw(BoundsError()) function B1() y = [1,2,3] @inbounds begin @boundscheck cb(0) end return 0 end if bc_opt == bc_default || bc_opt == bc_off @test B1() == 0 else @test_throws BoundsError B1() end # elide a simple branch cond(x) = x > 0 ? x : -x function B2() y = [1,2,3] @inbounds begin @boundscheck cond(0) end return 0 end @test B2() == 0 # Make sure type inference doesn't incorrectly optimize out # `Expr(:inbounds, false)` # Simply `return a[1]` doesn't work due to inlining bug @inline function f1(a) # This has to be an arrayget / arrayset since these currently have a # implicit `Expr(:boundscheck)` that's not visible to type inference x = a[1] return x end # second level @inline function g1(a) x = f1(a) return x end function k1(a) # This `Expr(:inbounds, true)` shouldn't affect `f1` @inbounds x = g1(a) return x end if bc_opt != bc_off @test_throws BoundsError k1(Int[]) end # Ensure that broadcast doesn't use @inbounds when calling the function if bc_opt != bc_off let A = zeros(3,3) @test_throws BoundsError broadcast(getindex, A, 1:3, 1:3) end end # issue #19554 function f19554(a) a[][3] end function f19554_2(a, b) a[][3] = b return a end a19554 = Ref{Array{Float64}}([1 2; 3 4]) @test f19554(a19554) === 2.0 @test f19554_2(a19554, 1) === a19554 @test a19554[][3] === f19554(a19554) === 1.0 # Ensure unsafe_view doesn't check bounds function V1() A = rand(10,10) B = view(A, 4:7, 4:7) C = Base.unsafe_view(B, -2:7, -2:7) @test C == A nothing end if bc_opt == bc_default || bc_opt == bc_off @test V1() === nothing else @test_throws BoundsError V1() end # This tests both the bounds check elision and the behavior of `jl_array_isassigned` # For `isbits` array the `ccall` should return a constant `true` and does not access # the array inbounds_isassigned(a, i) = @inbounds return isassigned(a, i) if bc_opt == bc_default || bc_opt == bc_off @test inbounds_isassigned(Int[], 2) == true else @test inbounds_isassigned(Int[], 2) == false end end