#Analysis of the QAR(1) Melbourne Temperature Example require(splines) if(require(hdrcde)){ if(interactive()){ oldpar <- par(ask = TRUE) x <- maxtemp[-3650] y <- maxtemp[-1] s <- (x<40) #Delete a few (influential, ridiculously hot) days x <- x[s] y <- y[s] z <- seq(10,36,length=100) fit <- rq(y~ bs(x,knots=quantile(x,c(.05,.25,.5,.75,.95))), tau = 1:19/20) par(cex=1,pty="s") xlab <- "yesterday's max temperature" ylab <- "today's max temperature" plot(x,y,pch=".",xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab) matlines(z,predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(x = z)), lty = 1) abline(c(0,1),lty=3) title("Melbourne QAR Model") taus <- 1:199/200 xs <- c(11,16,21,25,30,35) fit <- rq(y~ bs(x,knots=quantile(x,c(.05,.25,.5,.75,.95))), tau = taus) Qy <- predict(fit,newdata = data.frame(x = xs)) par(mfrow = c(2,3)) for(i in 1:length(xs)){ Qyi <- Qy[i,-1] fhat <- akj(Qyi,Qyi,diff(taus), h = 1)$dens xlab <- "today's max temperature" plot(Qyi,fhat,type="l",xlab=xlab,ylab="density") abline(v=xs[i], col="red") title(paste("Yesterday's Temp", format(round(xs[i])))) } par(oldpar) } else warning("Need hdrcde package to get data for this demo") }