/* Authors Martin Schlather, martin.schlather@cu.lu Simulation of a random field by turning bands; see RFspectral.cc for spectral turning bands Copyright (C) 2001 -- 2004 Martin Schlather, This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "RFsimu.h" #include "RFCovFcts.h" #define MAXNN 100000000.0 /* max number of points simulated on a line */ typedef struct tbm_lines{ int lines; // number of lines simulated Real linesimufactor, /*factor by which simulation on the line is finer than the grid */ linesimustep; /* grid lag defined absolutely */ int every; } tbm_lines; tbm_lines tbm2 = { 60, 2.0, 0.0, 0}; tbm_lines tbm3d2 = {500, 2.0, 0.0, 0}; tbm_lines tbm3d3 = {500, 2.0, 0.0, 0}; #ifdef doubleReal ce_param TBMCE = {false, true, TRIVIALSTARTEGY, -1e-7, 1e-3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0}; #else ce_param TBMCE = {false, true, TRIVIALSTARTEGY, -1e-5, 1e-3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0}; #endif SimulationType TBM_METHOD=CircEmbed; typedef struct TBM_storage { simu1dim linemethod; /* simulation method on the line (up to now only circulantembedding) */ SimulationType method; int nn[2], m[2], halfm[2], nnhalf, cumm[3]; /*** !!! ***/ Real linesimuscale, half[MAXDIM], *x; int mtot; double *c,*d; Real *simuline; FFT_storage FFT; direct_storage *Direct; int simuspatialdim, timespacedim, ce_dim; bool grid; } TBM_storage; #define ANISOP3 ANISO+3 Real CovFctTBM2(Real *x, int dim, int *covnr, int *op, param_type param, int ncov, bool anisotropy){ // in dieser und der naechste Funktionen hat $x$ entweder // 1 Element (Geradenpunkt der turning bands) oder 2 Elemente // (Punkt auf Flaeche der turning layers) int v, vold, w, y; Real zw, result, r; result = 0.0; v = 0; if (dim==2) { // => s->anisotropy! (time-space simulation) Real z[2]; //'' !! 2 ! while (v s->anisotropy! while (vS[m]; internal_do_circ_embed(s->nn, s->m, s->cumm, s->halfm, s->c, s->d, s->mtot, s->ce_dim, &(s->FFT), false, res ); } void do_tbmdirect(key_type *key, int m, Real *res ) { TBM_storage *s; s = (TBM_storage*) key->S[m]; internal_do_directGauss(s->Direct, false, s->mtot, res); } void TBM_destruct(void **S) { if (*S!=NULL) { TBM_storage *x; x = *((TBM_storage**)S); if (x->x!=NULL) free(x->x); if (x->c!=NULL) free(x->c); if (x->d!=NULL) free(x->d); if (x->simuline!=NULL) free(x->simuline); if (x->Direct!=NULL) direct_destruct((void**) &(x->Direct)); FFT_destruct(&(x->FFT)); free(*S); *S = NULL; } } void SetParamTBMCE( int *action, int *force, Real *tolRe, Real *tolIm, int *trials, int *mmin, int *userfft, int *strategy) { SetParamCE(action, force, tolRe, tolIm, trials, mmin, userfft, strategy, &TBMCE,"TBMCE"); } void SetParamLines(int *action,int *nLines, Real *linesimufactor, Real *linesimustep, tbm_lines *tbm, int *every, char *name) { switch (*action) { case 0 : tbm->lines=*nLines; if ((*linesimufactor>0.0) ^ (*linesimustep>0.0)) { tbm->linesimufactor=*linesimufactor; tbm->linesimustep=*linesimustep; } else { if (*linesimufactor!=0.0) PRINTF("\nExactly one of `linesimufactor' and `linesimustep' should be positive.\n"); // else, i.e. both are zero, the old values are kept! } tbm->every=*every; break; case 1 : *nLines=tbm->lines; *linesimufactor=tbm->linesimufactor; *linesimustep=tbm->linesimustep; *every=tbm->every; if (GetNotPrint) break; case 2: PRINTF("\n%s\n====\nLines=%d\nlinesimufactor=%f\nlinesimustep=%f\nevery=%d", name,tbm->lines,tbm->linesimufactor,tbm->linesimustep,tbm->every); break; default : PRINTF(" unknown action\n"); } } void SetParamTBM2(int *action,int *nLines, Real *linesimufactor, Real *linesimustep, int *every) { SetParamLines(action, nLines, linesimufactor, linesimustep, &tbm2, every, "TBM2"); } void SetParamTBM3D2(int *action,int *nLines, Real *linesimufactor, Real *linesimustep, int *every) { SetParamLines(action, nLines, linesimufactor, linesimustep, &tbm3d2, every, "TBM3D2"); } void SetParamTBM3D3(int *action,int *nLines, Real *linesimufactor, Real *linesimustep, int *every) { SetParamLines(action, nLines, linesimufactor, linesimustep, &tbm3d3, every, "TBM3D3"); } void SetParamTBM(int *action, int *tbm_method) { switch (*action) { case 0 : if ((*tbm_method<=(int) Nothing) && (*tbm_method>=0)) { SimulationType m; m=(SimulationType) *tbm_method; if ((m==CircEmbed) || (m==Direct) || (m==Nothing)){ TBM_METHOD = m; return; } } if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>0) { PRINTF("Specified method [%d] is not allowed. Method set to `Nothing'\n", *tbm_method); } TBM_METHOD = Nothing; break; case 1 : *tbm_method = (int) TBM_METHOD; if (GetNotPrint) break; case 2 : PRINTF("\nTBM:\n====\nuser defined method=%d\n",TBM_METHOD); break; default : PRINTF(" unknown action\n"); } } // aufpassen auf ( * * 0 ) // ( * * 0 ) // ( 0 0 1 ) int init_turningbands(key_type *key, SimulationType method, int m) { param_type param; int error, i, d, tbm_dim, v, start_aniso[MAXDIM], index_dim[MAXDIM]; CovFctType CovFctTBM; TBM_storage *s; bool no_last_comp; Real dist, mindelta, aniso_last_save, quotient[MAXCOV], *directx[2]; char actcov; int covnr[MAXCOV], multiply[MAXCOV], nonzero_pos; tbm_lines * tbm; SimulationType tbm_method; GENERAL_STORING = true; SET_DESTRUCT(TBM_destruct); directx[0] = directx[1] = NULL; if ((key->S[m]=malloc(sizeof(TBM_storage)))==0){ error=ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; goto ErrorHandling; } s = (TBM_storage*)key->S[m]; s->c = NULL; s->d = NULL; s->x = NULL; s->simuline=NULL; s->Direct=NULL; FFT_NULL(&(s->FFT)); // get list of covariance functions that are of interest s->method = method; if (method==TBM2) { CovFctTBM = CovFctTBM2; tbm_dim = 2; } else { CovFctTBM = CovFctTBM3; tbm_dim = 3; } { /****************************************************************/ /* Extraction of matching covariances */ /****************************************************************/ // einfache checks // extraktion von covarianzfunktion mit gleichartiger anisotropie // time-komponente wird nicht ge-checked da letzter parameter true // bereitstellung von param, quotient, multiply /* in tbm, time component must be ALWAYS alone, i.e. matrix looks like * * 0 * * 0 * * x -- this is checked late on here x may be any constant. In case x is zero (for all matrices (0..actcov-1), the last dimension vanishes (performed in the next step) the asterixes build submatrices for (v=1..actcov-1) that are multiple of the submatrix for v=0, already checked by FIRST_CHECK_ */ if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>4) PRINTF("\nextracting matching covariances..."); Real store_param[TOTAL_PARAM]; long bytes; bytes = sizeof(Real) * key->timespacedim * key->timespacedim; actcov=0; int v; for (v=0; vncov; v++) { if ((key->method[v]==method) && (key->left[v])) { // && (key->param[v][VARIANCE]>0)) { -- 2.1.04 key->left[v]=false; assert((key->covnr[v]>=0) && (key->covnr[v]param[v][VARIANCE]>=0.0); covnr[actcov] = key->covnr[v]; memcpy(param[actcov], key->param[v], sizeof(Real) * key->totalparam); if (actcov>0) { if ((multiply[actcov-1] = key->op[v-1]) && key->method[v-1]!=method) { if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>0) PRINTF("severe error -- contact author, please"); error=ERRORMETHODMIX; goto ErrorHandling; } } if (key->anisotropy) { bool equal; int w, endfor; endfor = key->totalparam; if (key->Time) endfor -= key->timespacedim; // note: time component // of the anisotropy matrix is not checked, which has the form // (0 0 0 *)^T Real f_epsilon = 1e-15; if (actcov>0) { /* check whether the multiplicative construction are consistent,*/ /* i.e. that the SPATIAL part of the anisotropy matrices are */ /* multiplicatives of each other (more precisely, the remaining */ /* ones are multiplicatives of the first.) */ /* The time part of the matrix must be of the form (0,..,0,*). */ /* A further goal of this part is the collection of additive */ /* blocks that have the same anisotropy matrix structure, in */ /* order to minimise the simulation time */ // note nonzero_pos is set in the else part of "actcov>0", first // nonzero_pos gives the position of the first element in the // first matrix of a multiplicative model that is not zero quotient[actcov] = param[actcov][nonzero_pos] / store_param[nonzero_pos]; equal = true; for (w=ANISO; wleft[v]=true; actcov--; break; } } } } else { memcpy(&(store_param[ANISO]), &(param[actcov][ANISO]), bytes); nonzero_pos=ANISO; quotient[actcov] = 1.0; // endfor: only the spatial components are considered while ((nonzero_pos=endfor) { error=ERRORTRIVIAL; goto ErrorHandling; } } } else { assert(fabs(param[v][SCALE] * param[v][INVSCALE]-1.0) < EPSILON); quotient[actcov] = 1.0; } actcov++; } // v } if (actcov==0) { /* no covariance for the considered method found */ if (key->traditional) error=ERRORNOTINITIALIZED; else error=NOERROR_ENDOFLIST; goto ErrorHandling; } } /****************************************************************/ /* investigation of the param structure */ /* and the dimension w.r.t to TBM method */ /****************************************************************/ // determine the reduced dimension of the space if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>4) PRINTF("\nchecking parameter structure..."); // in GetTrueDim only the first anisotropy matrix is investigated // so if there is a time component [key->totalparam-1], it // is written temporarily into the first matrix aniso_last_save = param[0][key->totalparam-1]; for (v=0; vtotalparam-1]!=0.0) { param[0][key->totalparam-1]=1.0; break; } // no_last_comp: last dim of aniso matrix is identically zero GetTrueDim(key->anisotropy, key->timespacedim, param[0], // note param is modified, having as very last component // ==1 if any matrix has very last component <>0 &s->timespacedim, &no_last_comp, // vanishing for *all* v=0..actcov-1 ?! start_aniso, index_dim); param[0][key->totalparam-1] = aniso_last_save; s->simuspatialdim = s->timespacedim; if (key->Time && !no_last_comp) // note: no_last_comp means for all 0..actcov s->simuspatialdim--; s->grid = key->grid && !key->anisotropy; if ((error=Transform2NoGrid(key, param[0], s->timespacedim, start_aniso, &(s->x))) != NOERROR) goto ErrorHandling; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// ******** den nachfolgenden Teil mit oben nach aniso_last_save /// vereinheitlichen. Notwendigkeit von GetTrueDim?? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // determine the *spatial* dimension of the turning band to be simulated // check correct dimension { bool TimeSpaceMix, twodim_ce; int w, v; TimeSpaceMix = false; if (twodim_ce = key->Time && !no_last_comp) { // note: no_last_comp means for all 0..actcov int start, endfor; start = key->totalparam - key->timespacedim; endfor = key->totalparam-1; for (v=0; vce_dim = 1 + (int) (twodim_ce); // the dimension of the turning band if (s->timespacedim > twodim_ce + tbm_dim) { error = ERRORWRONGDIM; goto ErrorHandling; } } /****************************************************************/ /* investigation of the covariance structure */ /****************************************************************/ if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>4) PRINTF("\nchecking covariance structure..."); for (v=0; vableitung==NULL)) || ((method==TBM2) && ((cov->cov_tbm2==NULL) || (key->anisotropy && (((param[v][nonzero_pos]!=0.0) && cov->cov_tbm2==NULL) || ((param[v][nonzero_pos]==0.0) && cov->cov==NULL) ) ) ) ) ) { error=ERRORNOTDEFINED; goto ErrorHandling;} if ((!key->anisotropy && (CovList[covnr[v]].isotropic!=FULLISOTROPIC)) || (cov->isotropic==ANISOTROPIC) || ((cov->isotropic==SPACEISOTROPIC) && (s->ce_dim==1)) ) { error= ERRORISOTROPICMETHOD; goto ErrorHandling;} if ((key->Time) && no_last_comp && (cov->isotropic!=FULLISOTROPIC)) { error = ERRORWITHOUTTIME; goto ErrorHandling;} // braucht's net falls // GetDim und Trans2nogrid die dimensionen belassen!! if ((cov->check!=NULL) && ((error=cov->check(param[v], s->timespacedim, method))) != NOERROR) goto ErrorHandling; } if ((s->ce_dim==2) && (method==TBM2)) { if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>4) PRINTF("..."); // TBM2: per multiplication block at most 1 covariance function with // non vanishing spatial components // the first matrix must have spatial components; // otherwise the the structure is considered as trivial int v,actcovM1; // bool spatial_comp; actcovM1 = actcov -1; for (v=0; v4) PRINTF("\ndetermination of the band length..."); switch (s->simuspatialdim) { case 1 : // for simplicity take for the 1-dim case just the 2-dim parameters if (method==TBM2) tbm = &tbm2; else { assert(method==TBM3); tbm = &tbm3d2; } break; case 2 : if (method==TBM2) tbm = &tbm2; else { assert(method==TBM3); tbm = &tbm3d2; } break; case 3 : if (method!=TBM3){assert(method==TBM2);error=ERRORFAILED;goto ErrorHandling;} tbm = &tbm3d3; break; default: error=ERRORUNSPECIFIED; goto ErrorHandling; } // minimum and maximum distance between the points // and set the scale parameters for the band simulation if (s->grid) { // then, for sure, we have an isotropic definition! assert(CovList[covnr[0]].isotropic==FULLISOTROPIC); { // diameter of the grid register Real dummy; dist = 0.0; // max distance for (d=0; d < s->simuspatialdim; d++) { dummy = key->x[d][XSTEP] * (Real) (key->length[d] - 1); dist += dummy * dummy; } } // if linesimustep, the fine grid scale is proportional to smallest // distance in the grid. if (tbm->linesimustep>0.0) { s->linesimuscale = 1/tbm->linesimustep; } else { mindelta = RF_INF; for (d=0; dsimuspatialdim; d++) { if ((key->x[d][XSTEP]x[d][XSTEP]>0)) {mindelta=key->x[d][XSTEP];} } s->linesimuscale = tbm->linesimufactor/mindelta; } // set the parameters for the line simulation accordingly for (v=0; vlinesimuscale * param[v][SCALE]); } } else { // not s->grid // s->timespacedim, s->x, s->spatialdim, Real min[MAXDIM],max[MAXDIM], dummy; int index,indexx,k,j,d,ix,jx, endfor; for (d=0; dgrid) { // key->grid Real sxx[ZWEIHOCHMAXDIM * MAXDIM]; // unsorted, reduced for param[0...0], #=2^Dim, endfor = 1 << key->timespacedim; // to determine the diameter of the grid determine first // componentwise min and max corner GetCornersOfGrid(key, s->timespacedim, start_aniso, param[0], sxx); for (ix=i=0; itimespacedim) { for(d=0; dtimespacedim; d++) { if (sxx[ix+d]max[d]) max[d] = sxx[ix+d]; } } // determine smallest distance GetCornersOfElement(key, s->timespacedim, start_aniso, param[0], sxx); GetRangeCornerDistances(key, sxx, s->timespacedim, s->simuspatialdim, &mindelta, &dummy); } else { // not key->grid mindelta = RF_INF; if (key->totalpoints >50000 && tbm->linesimufactor!=0.0) { error=ERRORTOOMANYPOINTS; goto ErrorHandling; /* algorithmus kann verbessert werden, so dass diese Fehlermeldung nicht mehr notwendig ist! */ } for (ix=i=0; itotalpoints; i++, ix+=s->timespacedim) { if ((GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>4) && ((i % 10000)==0)) PRINTF(" %d [%d]\n",i,key->totalpoints); // determine componentwise min and max (for the diameter) for(d=0; dsimuspatialdim; d++){//temporal part need not be considered if (s->x[ix+d]x[ix+d]; if (s->x[ix+d]>max[d]) max[d] = s->x[ix+d]; } if (tbm->linesimustep==0.0) { // determine smallest distance ((may take a lot of time!!)) for (jx=j=0; jtimespacedim) { register Real diff,dist; for(dist=0.0, d=0; dtimespacedim; d++) { diff = s->x[ix+d] - s->x[jx+d]; dist += diff * diff; } if ((dist>0) && (distsimuspatialdim; d++) { dist += (max[d]-min[d])*(max[d]-min[d]); s->half[d] = 0.5 * (max[d]+min[d]); // s->half only used if not grid } if (tbm->linesimustep==0.0) s->linesimuscale = tbm->linesimufactor/mindelta; else s->linesimuscale = 1/tbm->linesimustep; // put the SCALE parameters correctly with respect to // and the pure time component of the regular case for (v=0; vlinesimuscale; if (s->ce_dim==2) for (v=0; vtotalparam - 1] * key->T[XSTEP]; } if (false) { int i,j,k; for (k=i=0; itotalpoints; i++) { for(j=0; jtimespacedim; j++, k++) { printf("%f ", s->x[k]); } printf("\n"); } for (d=0; dsimuspatialdim; d++) printf("min=%f, max=%f\n", min[d], max[d]); } } // !s->grid // number of points to be simulated on the "line" { int i; // nn=number of pixels to be simulated on the lines [==(length of diagonal // through grid that is to be simulated) * (linesimufactor=="precision")] // 5 is for safety Real dummy; dummy = (sqrt(dist) * s->linesimuscale); if (dummy > MAXNN) {error=ERRORNN; goto ErrorHandling;} s->nn[0]= 5 + (long) dummy; // +5 for safety if (s->ce_dim==2) { s->nn[1] = key->length[key->timespacedim - 1]; { long t, idx, endtimeindex, spatialpoints; double tdouble; endtimeindex = key->length[key->spatialdim] * s->nn[0]; spatialpoints = key->totalpoints / key->length[key->spatialdim]; // s->simuspatialdim: very first time component, +s->timespacedim // the following ones for (t=0, idx = s->simuspatialdim; tnn[0]) { tdouble = (double) t; for (i = 0; i < spatialpoints; i++, idx+= s->timespacedim) s->x[idx] = tdouble; } } } else s->nn[1]=1; /* safety */ s->mtot = 1; for (i=0; ice_dim; i++) s->mtot *= s->nn[i]; } s->nnhalf = s->nn[0] / 2; tbm_method = key->tbm_method; if (s->mtot > DIRECTGAUSS_MAXVARIABLES) { tbm_method=CircEmbed; if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>1) PRINTF("too many points on the line -- using circulant embedding\n"); } switch (tbm_method) { case Direct : if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>4) PRINTF("\ninitializing matrix decomposition..."); s->linemethod = do_tbmdirect; for (d=0; d<2; d++) { if ((directx[d]= (Real *) malloc(sizeof(Real) * 3))==0) { error=ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION; goto ErrorHandling; } directx[d][0]=1.0; directx[d][1]= (double) s->nn[d]; directx[d][2]=1.0; } //printkey(key); error=internal_init_directGauss(&(s->Direct), true, //grid s->ce_dim, false, // no time component directx, s->nn, s->mtot, NULL, // time vector CovFctTBM, covnr, multiply, param, actcov, s->ce_dim>=2 // anisotropy ); if (error!=NOERROR) goto ErrorHandling; // waere auch ein durchschleusen zu circembed moeglich // koennte dann aber probleme schaffen, falls weitere Methoden // hinzukommen. break; case CircEmbed : long twoRealmtot; if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>4) PRINTF("\ninitializing circulant embedding..."); s->linemethod = do_tbmcirculantembedding; error=internal_init_circ_embed(UNIT, // step length ( = 1 ) s->ce_dim>=2, // anisotropy covnr, multiply, param, // model s->nn, // size of the grid s->m, s->cumm, s->halfm,//return variable s->ce_dim, // dimension actcov, // # of cov.fcts CovFctTBM, // Cov.Fct &TBMCE, //technical parameters &(s->FFT), // FFT storage &twoRealmtot,//return variable: // size of FFT vector &(s->c)); //return variable; FFT transf if (error!=NOERROR) goto ErrorHandling; if ((s->d=(double *)malloc(twoRealmtot))==0){ error=ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION;goto ErrorHandling;} break; default : error=ERRORNOTPROGRAMMED; goto ErrorHandling; } if ((s->simuline=(Real *)malloc(sizeof(Real) * s->mtot))==0){ error=ERRORMEMORYALLOCATION;goto ErrorHandling;} if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>4) PRINTF("\ntbm is now initialized.\n"); if (directx[0]!=NULL) free(directx[0]); if (directx[1]!=NULL) free(directx[1]); // im folgenden anisotropy und nicht traditional, da // oben alle Kovarianzfunktionen zusammengefasst werden mit derselben // (An)isotropie-Struktur, hei3t nur bei echter Anisotropie wird TBM2 // etc. mehrfach aufgerufen! if (key->anisotropy) return NOERROR_REPEAT; else return NOERROR; ErrorHandling: if (directx[0]!=NULL) free(directx[0]); if (directx[1]!=NULL) free(directx[1]); return error; } int init_turningbands2(key_type *key, int m) { return(init_turningbands(key, TBM2, m)); } int init_turningbands3(key_type *key, int m) { return(init_turningbands(key, TBM3, m)); } void do_turningbands(key_type *key, int m, Real *res ) { Real phi; Real *simuline; long n,nn, nnhalf; simu1dim simulate; assert(key->active); tbm_lines tbm; TBM_storage *s; s = (TBM_storage*)key->S[m]; simulate = s->linemethod; nn = s->nn[0]; nnhalf = s->nnhalf; simuline = s->simuline; for (n=0; ntotalpoints; n++) res[n]=0.0; switch ((int) (s->method==TBM3) + (int) (key->spatialdim>2)) { case 0 : tbm = tbm2; break; case 1 : tbm = tbm3d2; break; case 2 : tbm = tbm3d3; break; default: assert(false); } if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>=7) { PRINTF("%s : grid=%d % key.spatialdim=%d s.simuspatialdim=%d\n", METHODNAMES[s->method], s->grid, key->spatialdim, s->simuspatialdim); if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>=8) printkey(key); } if (s->grid) { // old form, isotropic field Real deltax, yoffset,deltay, nxhalf, nyhalf,xoffset, linesimuscaleX,linesimuscaleY,linesimuscaleZ; int nx,zaehler,ny; nxhalf=((Real)(key->length[0]-1))/2.0; //// nyhalf=((Real)(key->length[1]-1))/2.0; //// linesimuscaleX = s->linesimuscale * key->x[0][XSTEP]; //// if (s->method==TBM2) {// isotropy, TBM2, grid Real deltaphi; deltaphi = PI / (Real) tbm.lines; phi = deltaphi * UNIFORM_RANDOM; if (key->spatialdim==1) { // dim =1 for (n=0;n0 && (n % tbm.every == 0)) PRINTF("%d \n",n); deltax=sin(phi) * linesimuscaleX; simulate(key, m, simuline ); xoffset= (double)nnhalf - nxhalf * deltax; zaehler = 0; for(nx=0; nxlength[0]; nx++) { assert((xoffset=0) ); res[zaehler++] += simuline[(long) xoffset]; xoffset += deltax; } phi += deltaphi; } } else { // dim == 2 linesimuscaleY = s->linesimuscale * key->x[1][XSTEP]; for (n=0;n0 && (n % tbm.every == 0)) PRINTF("%d \n",n); deltax=sin(phi) * linesimuscaleX; deltay=cos(phi) * linesimuscaleY; simulate(key, m, simuline ); /* depending on deltax and deltay, shorter lines might be simulated! -> improvement in speed?! */ /* then nnhalf must be kept variable, too: */ yoffset= (double)nnhalf - nyhalf * deltay - nxhalf * deltax; zaehler = 0; for (ny=0;nylength[1]; ny++) { xoffset = yoffset; for(nx=0;nxlength[0]; nx++) { assert((xoffset=0) ); res[zaehler++] += simuline[(long) xoffset]; xoffset += deltax; } yoffset += deltay; } phi += deltaphi; } } } else {// isotropy, TBM3, grid assert(s->method==TBM3); switch (key->spatialdim) { case 1 : for (n=0;n0 && (n % tbm.every == 0)) PRINTF("%d \n",n); deltax= UNIFORM_RANDOM * linesimuscaleX; simulate(key, m, simuline ); xoffset= (double)nnhalf - nxhalf * deltax ; zaehler = 0; for(nx=0;nxlength[0];nx++) { assert((xoffset=0) ); res[zaehler++] += simuline[(long) xoffset]; if (!(fabs(simuline[(long) xoffset])<10000.0)) PRINTF("s:%f ",simuline[(long) xoffset]); xoffset += deltax; } } break; case 2: linesimuscaleY = s->linesimuscale * key->x[1][XSTEP]; //// for (n=0;n0 && (n % tbm.every == 0)) PRINTF("%d \n",n); deltax= UNIFORM_RANDOM;// see Martin's tech rep for details deltay= sqrt(1.0-deltax*deltax) * sin(UNIFORM_RANDOM*TWOPI) * linesimuscaleY; deltax *= linesimuscaleX; simulate(key, m, simuline ); /* depending on deltax and deltay, shorter lines might be simulated! -> improvement in speed! */ yoffset= (double)nnhalf - nyhalf * deltay - nxhalf * deltax ; zaehler = 0; for (ny=0;nylength[1];ny++) { xoffset = yoffset; for(nx=0;nxlength[0];nx++) { assert((xoffset=0) ); res[zaehler++] += simuline[(long) xoffset]; if (!(fabs(simuline[(long) xoffset])<10000.0)) PRINTF("s:%f ",simuline[(long) xoffset]); xoffset += deltax; } yoffset += deltay; } } break; case 3: Real dummy,nzhalf,zoffset,deltaz; int nz; linesimuscaleY = s->linesimuscale * key->x[1][XSTEP]; //// linesimuscaleZ= s->linesimuscale * key->x[2][XSTEP]; nzhalf=((Real)(key->length[2]-1))/2.0; for (n=0; n0 && (n % tbm.every == 0)) PRINTF("%d \n",n); // deltaz = 2.0 * UNIFORM_RANDOM - 1.0; dummy = sqrt(1.0 - deltaz * deltaz); deltaz *= linesimuscaleZ; // deltay= UNIFORM_RANDOM * TWOPI; deltax= cos(deltay) * dummy * linesimuscaleX; deltay= sin(deltay) * dummy * linesimuscaleY; simulate(key, m, simuline ); zoffset= (double) nnhalf - nzhalf * deltaz - nyhalf * deltay - nxhalf * deltax; zaehler = 0; for (nz=0;nzlength[2];nz++) { yoffset = zoffset; for (ny=0;nylength[1];ny++) { xoffset = yoffset; for(nx=0;nxlength[0];nx++) { /// if ((xoffset>=nn) || (xoffset<0)) PRINTF(" %d %d %d | %d %d %d \n %f %f %f\n %d %f %f %f\n %d %f\n", nx,ny,nz,key->length[0],key->length[1], key->length[2], deltax,deltay,deltaz, nnhalf,nxhalf,nyhalf,nzhalf, nn,xoffset); /// assert( (xoffset=0) ); res[zaehler++] += simuline[(long) xoffset]; if (!(fabs(simuline[(long) xoffset])<10000.0)) PRINTF("s:%f ",simuline[(long) xoffset]); xoffset += deltax; } yoffset += deltay; } zoffset += deltaz; } } break; default : assert(false); } } } else { // not grid, could be time-model! // both old and new form included //offset=0;for (i=0; imtot; i++) offset += simuline[i] * simuline[i];printf("%f ", offset / (double) s->mtot);\ #define TBMLOOP(UNITYVECTOR, OFFSET, INDEX)\ {\ for (n=0; n0 && (n % tbm.every == 0)) PRINTF("%d \n",n); \ UNITYVECTOR\ simulate(key, m, simuline); \ offset=(Real) nnhalf - (OFFSET); \ for (v = 0, i = 0; i < key->totalpoints; i++) {\ register long index;\ index = (long) (offset + INDEX);\ if ((index>=s->mtot) || (index<0)) {\ PRINTF(" index=%d n0=%d n1=%d mtot=%d index=%f; offset=%f x=%f ex=%f t=%f scale=%f half=%f nnhalf=%d v=%d, i=%d\n", \ index, s->nn[0], s->nn[1], s->mtot, offset + s->x[v] * ex,\ offset, s->x[v], ex, s->x[v+1], linescale, halfx, nnhalf,\ v, i);\ assert((indexmtot) && (index>=0)); \ }\ res[i] += simuline[index];\ v += s->timespacedim;\ }\ }\ } #define TBMST(UNITYVECTOR, OFFSET, INDEX, TIMEINDEX)\ if (s->ce_dim==1) TBMLOOP(UNITYVECTOR, OFFSET, INDEX)\ else {assert(s->ce_dim==2); TBMLOOP(UNITYVECTOR, OFFSET, INDEX + TIMEINDEX)}; Real halfx,halfy,ex,ey,offset,linescale; long v; halfx = s->half[0]; halfy = s->half[1]; linescale = s->linesimuscale; int i; if (s->method==TBM2) { Real deltaphi; deltaphi = PI / (Real) tbm.lines; phi = deltaphi * UNIFORM_RANDOM; if (s->simuspatialdim==1) { // dim == 1, TBM 2, arbitrary locations TBMST({phi += deltaphi;ex=sin(phi) * linescale;}, //UNITYVECTOR halfx * ex, //OFFSET s->x[v] * ex, //INDEX s->x[v+1]); //TIMEINDEX } else { // dim == 2, TBM 2 TBMST({phi += deltaphi;ex=sin(phi)*linescale; ey=cos(phi)*linescale;}, halfx * ex + halfy * ey, s->x[v] * ex + s->x[v+1] * ey, s->x[v+2]); } } else { // TBM3, not grid, dim=1 or 2 Real linesimusq, dummy, ez, halfz; assert(s->method==TBM3); linesimusq = linescale * linescale; halfz = s->half[2]; switch (s->simuspatialdim) { case 1 : //see Martin's techrep f. details TBMST({ex = UNIFORM_RANDOM * linescale;}, halfx * ex, s->x[v] * ex, s->x[v+1]); break; case 2: TBMST({ez = UNIFORM_RANDOM * linescale; dummy = sqrt(linesimusq - ez * ez); ey= UNIFORM_RANDOM * TWOPI; ex= cos(ey) * dummy; ey= sin(ey) * dummy;}, halfx * ex + halfy * ey, s->x[v] * ex + s->x[v+1] * ey, s->x[v+2]); break; case 3: TBMST({ez = UNIFORM_RANDOM * linescale; dummy = sqrt(linesimusq - ez * ez); ey = UNIFORM_RANDOM * TWOPI; ex = cos(ey) * dummy; ey = sin(ey) * dummy;}, halfx * ex + halfy * ey + halfz * ez, s->x[v] * ex + s->x[v+1] * ey + s->x[v+2] * ez, s->x[v+3]); break; default : assert(false); } } } { register long i; register Real InvSqrtNlines; InvSqrtNlines=1.0 / sqrt((Real) tbm.lines); for(i=0;itotalpoints;i++) { res[i] *= InvSqrtNlines; } } } void pokeTBM(int *out, int *in, int *err) { int m; key_type *keyOut, *keyIn; TBM_storage *sOut, *sIn; *err = 0; if ((*out<0) || (*out>=MAXKEYS) || (*in<0) || (*in>=MAXKEYS)) {*err=ERRORKEYNROUTOFRANGE; goto ErrorHandling;} keyOut = &(KEY[*out]); keyIn = &(KEY[*in]); if (!keyIn->active || !keyOut->active) {*err=ERRORNOTINITIALIZED; goto ErrorHandling;} if (keyIn->spatialdim != keyOut->spatialdim) {*err=ERRORPOKETBMdim; goto ErrorHandling;} if (keyIn->n_unimeth != keyOut->n_unimeth) {*err=ERRORPOKETBMmeth; goto ErrorHandling;} for (m=0; mn_unimeth; m++) { if (keyIn->unimeth[m] != keyOut->unimeth[m]) {*err=ERRORPOKETBMmeth; goto ErrorHandling;} if ((keyOut->unimeth[m]==TBM2) || (keyOut->unimeth[m]==TBM3)) { bool grid; sOut = (TBM_storage*) keyOut->S[m]; sIn = (TBM_storage*) keyIn->S[m]; if ((sOut->simuspatialdim!=sIn->simuspatialdim) || (sOut->timespacedim != sIn->timespacedim) || (sOut->ce_dim != sIn->ce_dim)) {*err=ERRORPOKETBMdim; goto ErrorHandling;} if (sIn->linesimuscale != sOut->linesimuscale) {*err=ERRORPOKETBMparam; goto ErrorHandling;} // other parameters should also be tested extensively!! grid = sIn->grid; TBM_destruct(&(keyIn->S[m])); keyIn->S[m] = keyOut->S[m]; keyOut->S[m]= NULL; sIn = (TBM_storage*) keyIn->S[m]; sIn->grid = grid; } } DeleteKey(out); return; ErrorHandling: if (GENERAL_PRINTLEVEL>3) PRINTF("error %d %d..\n", *in, *out); DeleteKey(in); DeleteKey(out); return; }