Raw File
#           Kmeasure.R
#           $Revision: 1.10 $    $Date: 2005/07/21 10:23:48 $
#     pixellate()        convert a point pattern to a pixel image
#     Kmeasure()         compute an estimate of the second order moment measure
#     Kest.fft()        use Kmeasure() to form an estimate of the K-function
#     second.moment.calc()    underlying algorithm
#     This file uses the temporary 'image' class defined in images.R

pixellate <- function(x, ..., weights=NULL)
    verifyclass(x, "ppp")

    dotargs <- list(...)
    namesargs <- names(dotargs)
    matched <- namesargs %in% names(formals(as.mask))
    w <- do.call("as.mask", append(list(x$window), dotargs[matched]))
    pixels <- nearest.raster.point(x$x, x$y, w)
    nr <- w$dim[1]
    nc <- w$dim[2]
    if(missing(weights)) {
    ta <- table(row = factor(pixels$row, levels = 1:nr), col = factor(pixels$col,
        levels = 1:nc))
    } else {
        ta <- tapply(weights, list(row = factor(pixels$row, levels = 1:nr),
                    col = factor(pixels$col, levels=1:nc)), sum)
        ta[is.na(ta)] <- 0
    out <- im(ta, xcol = w$xcol, yrow = w$yrow)

Kmeasure <- function(X, sigma, edge=TRUE) {
  second.moment.calc(X, sigma, edge, "Kmeasure")

second.moment.calc <- function(x, sigma, edge=TRUE,
                               what="Kmeasure", debug=FALSE, ...) {
  choices <- c("kernel", "smooth", "Kmeasure", "Bartlett", "edge")
  if(!(what %in% choices))
    stop(paste("Unknown choice: what = \"", what, "\"; available options are:", paste(choices, collapse=",")))
  # convert list of points to mass distribution 
  X <- pixellate(x, ...)
  Y <- X$v
  xw <- X$xrange
  yw <- X$yrange
  # pad with zeroes
  nr <- nrow(Y)
  nc <- ncol(Y)
  Ypad <- matrix(0, ncol=2*nc, nrow=2*nr)
  Ypad[1:nr, 1:nc] <- Y
  lengthYpad <- 4 * nc * nr
  # corresponding coordinates
  xw.pad <- xw[1] + 2 * c(0, diff(xw))
  yw.pad <- yw[1] + 2 * c(0, diff(yw))
  xcol.pad <- xw[1] + X$xstep * (1/2 + 0:(2*nc-1))
  yrow.pad <- yw[1] + X$ystep * (1/2 + 0:(2*nr-1))
  # set up Gauss kernel
  if(max(abs(diff(xw)),abs(diff(yw))) < 6 * sigma)
    warning("sigma is too large for this window")
  xcol.G <- X$xstep * c(0:(nc-1),-(nc:1))
  yrow.G <- X$ystep * c(0:(nr-1),-(nr:1))
  xx <- matrix(xcol.G[col(Ypad)], ncol=2*nc, nrow=2*nr)
  yy <- matrix(yrow.G[row(Ypad)], ncol=2*nc, nrow=2*nr)
  Kern <- exp(-(xx^2 + yy^2)/(2 * sigma^2))/(2 * pi * sigma^2) * X$xstep * X$ystep
  if(what=="kernel") {
    # return the kernel
    # first rearrange it into spatially sensible order (monotone x and y)
    rtwist <- ((-nr):(nr-1)) %% (2 * nr) + 1
    ctwist <- (-nc):(nc-1) %% (2*nc) + 1
    if(debug) {
      if(any(order(xcol.G) != rtwist))
        cat("something round the twist\n")
    Kermit <- Kern[ rtwist, ctwist]
    ker <- im(Kermit, xcol.G[ctwist], yrow.G[ rtwist])
  # convolve using fft
  fY <- fft(Ypad)
  fK <- fft(Kern)
  sm <- fft(fY * fK, inverse=TRUE)/lengthYpad
  if(debug) {
    cat(paste("smooth: maximum imaginary part=", signif(max(Im(sm)),3), "\n"))
    cat(paste("smooth: mass error=", signif(sum(Mod(sm))-x$n,3), "\n"))
  if(what=="smooth") {
    # return the smoothed point pattern
    smo <- im(Re(sm)[1:nr, 1:nc], xcol.pad[1:nc], yrow.pad[1:nr])

  bart <- Mod(fY)^2 * fK
  if(what=="Bartlett") {
     # rearrange into spatially sensible order (monotone x and y)
    rtwist <- ((-nr):(nr-1)) %% (2 * nr) + 1
    ctwist <- (-nc):(nc-1) %% (2*nc) + 1
    bart <- bart[ rtwist, ctwist]
    return(im(Mod(bart),(-nc):(nc-1), (-nr):(nr-1)))
  mom <- fft(bart, inverse=TRUE)/lengthYpad
  if(debug) {
    cat(paste("2nd moment measure: maximum imaginary part=",
              signif(max(Im(mom)),3), "\n"))
    cat(paste("2nd moment measure: mass error=",
              signif(sum(Mod(mom))-x$n^2, 3), "\n"))
  mom <- Mod(mom)
  # subtract (delta_0 * kernel) * npoints
#  browser()
  mom <- mom - x$n * Kern
  # edge correction
  if(edge) {
    # compute kernel-smoothed set covariance
    M <- as.mask(x$window, dimyx=c(nr, nc))$m
    # previous line ensures M has same dimensions and scale as Y 
    Mpad <- matrix(0, ncol=2*nc, nrow=2*nr)
    Mpad[1:nr, 1:nc] <- M
    lengthMpad <- 4 * nc * nr
    fM <- fft(Mpad)
    co <- fft(Mod(fM)^2 * fK, inverse=TRUE)/lengthMpad
    co <- Mod(co) 
    a <- sum(M)
    wt <- a/co
    me <- spatstat.options("maxedgewt")[[1]]
    weight <- matrix(pmin(me, wt), ncol=2*nc, nrow=2*nr)
    if(debug) browser()
    mom <- mom * weight
  # set to NA outside 'reasonable' region
    mom[wt > 10] <- NA
 # rearrange into spatially sensible order (monotone x and y)
  rtwist <- ((-nr):(nr-1)) %% (2 * nr) + 1
  ctwist <- (-nc):(nc-1) %% (2*nc) + 1
  mom <- mom[ rtwist, ctwist]
  if(debug) {
    if(any(order(xcol.G) != rtwist))
      cat("something round the twist\n")
  if(what=="edge") {
    # return convolution of window with kernel
    # (evaluated inside window only)
    con <- fft(fM * fK, inverse=TRUE)/lengthMpad
    return(Mod(con[1:nr, 1:nc]))
  # divide by number of points * lambda
  mom <- mom * area.owin(x$window) / x$n^2
  # return it
  mm <- im(mom, xcol.G[ctwist], yrow.G[rtwist])

Kest.fft <- function(X, sigma, r=NULL, breaks=NULL) {
  verifyclass(X, "ppp")
  bk <- handle.r.b.args(r, breaks, X$window)
  breaks <- bk$val
  rvalues <- bk$r
  u <- Kmeasure(X, sigma)
  xx <- rasterx.im(u)
  yy <- rastery.im(u)
  rr <- sqrt(xx^2 + yy^2)
  tr <- whist(rr, breaks, u$v)
  K  <- cumsum(tr)
  rmax <- min(rr[is.na(u$v)])
  K[rvalues >= rmax] <- NA
  result <- data.frame(r=rvalues, theo=pi * rvalues^2, border=K)
  w <- X$window
  alim <- c(0, min(diff(w$xrange), diff(w$yrange))/4)
  out <- fv(result,
            "r", substitute(Kfft(r), NULL),
              cbind(border, theo) ~ r, alim,
              c("r", "Kpois(r)", "Kbord(r)"),
              c("distance argument r",
                "theoretical Poisson K(r)",
                "border-corrected estimate of K(r)"))

ksmooth.ppp <- function(x, sigma, ..., edge=TRUE) {
  verifyclass(x, "ppp")
    sigma <- 0.1 * diameter(x$window)
  smo <- second.moment.calc(x, sigma=sigma, what="smooth", ...)
  edg <- second.moment.calc(x, sigma, what="edge", ...)
  smo$v <- smo$v/(smo$xstep * smo$ystep)
    smo$v <- smo$v/edg
  sub <- smo[x$window, drop=FALSE]
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