Raw File
\alias{methods.linfun} %DoNotExport
   Methods for Functions on Linear Network
  Methods for the class \code{"linfun"} of functions on a linear network.
  \method{print}{linfun}(x, \dots)

  \method{summary}{linfun}(object, \dots)

  \method{plot}{linfun}(x, \dots, L=NULL,
                     eps = NULL, dimyx = NULL, xy = NULL,

  \method{as.linim}{linfun}(X, L, \dots, eps = NULL, dimyx = NULL, xy = NULL)

  \method{as.data.frame}{linfun}(x, \dots)

  \method{as.owin}{linfun}(W, \dots)

  \method{as.function}{linfun}(x, \dots)
    A function on a linear network
    (object of class \code{"linfun"}).
  \item{L}{A linear network}
    Arguments passed to \code{\link{as.mask}} to control
    the pixel resolution.
    Extra arguments passed to \code{\link{plot.im}} or
    \code{\link{print.default}}, or passed to the function itself.
  \item{main}{Main title for plot.}
  These are methods for the generic functions
  \code{\link{plot}}, \code{\link{print}}, \code{\link{summary}}
  \code{\link{as.data.frame}} and \code{\link{as.function}},
  and for the \pkg{spatstat} generic functions
  \code{\link{as.owin}} and

  An object of class \code{"linfun"} represents a
  mathematical function that could be evaluated at any location
  on a linear network. It is essentially an \R \code{function} with some
  extra attributes.

  The method \code{as.owin.linfun} extracts the two-dimensional spatial
  window containing the linear network.
  The method \code{as.linim.linfun} converts the function to a pixel
  image on the linear network (an object of class \code{"linim"}).

  The method \code{plot.linfun} first converts the function to a
  pixel image using \code{as.linim.linfun}, then plots the image using

  Note that a \code{linfun} function may have additional arguments,
  other than those which specify the location on the network
  (see \code{\link{linfun}}). These additional arguments may be passed
  to \code{as.linim} and to \code{plot.linfun}. 
  For \code{print.linfun} and \code{summary.linfun} the result is \code{NULL}.

  For \code{plot.linfun} the result is the same as
  for \code{\link{plot.im}}.
  For the conversion methods, the result is an object of the
  required type: \code{as.linim.linfun} returns an object of
  class \code{"linim"}, and so on.
   X <- runiflpp(3, simplenet)
   f <- nnfun(X)
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