Raw File
//===--- AccessNotes.cpp - Access Notes -------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the Swift.org open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2021 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See https://swift.org/LICENSE.txt for license information
// See https://swift.org/CONTRIBUTORS.txt for the list of Swift project authors
//  Implements access notes, which allow certain modifiers or attributes to be
//  added to the declarations in a module.

#include "swift/AST/AccessNotes.h"
#include "swift/AST/Attr.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"     // DeclContext::isModuleScopeContext()
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsFrontend.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Parser.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLTraits.h"

namespace swift {

  : parentNames(), name(), accessorKind(None) { }

AccessNoteDeclName::AccessNoteDeclName(ASTContext &ctx, StringRef str) {
  auto parsedName = parseDeclName(str);

  StringRef first, rest = parsedName.ContextName;
  while (!rest.empty()) {
    std::tie(first, rest) = rest.split('.');

  if (parsedName.IsGetter)
    accessorKind = AccessorKind::Get;
  else if (parsedName.IsSetter)
    accessorKind = AccessorKind::Set;
    accessorKind = None;

  name = parsedName.formDeclName(ctx, /*isSubscript=*/true);

bool AccessNoteDeclName::matches(ValueDecl *VD) const {
  // The declaration whose name and context we ought to match. Usually `VD`, but
  // when `VD` is an accessor, it becomes the accessor's storage instead.
  auto lookupVD = VD;

  // First, we check if the accessor-ness of `VD` matches the accessor-ness of
  // the name, and update `lookupVD` if necessary.
  if (auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(VD)) {
    if (!accessorKind || *accessorKind != accessor->getAccessorKind())
      return false;
    lookupVD = accessor->getStorage();
  else if (accessorKind.hasValue())
    return false;

  // Check that `name` matches `lookupVD`.
  if (!lookupVD->getName().matchesRef(name))
    return false;

  // The rest of this checks `parentNames` against the parents of `lookupVD`.

  ArrayRef<Identifier> remainingContextNames = parentNames;
  DeclContext *nextContext = lookupVD->getDeclContext();

  while (!nextContext->isModuleScopeContext()) {
    // If we've run out of names without reaching module scope, we've failed.
    if (remainingContextNames.empty())
      return false;

    Identifier contextName = remainingContextNames.back();

    // If the context is not a type (or extension), we can't name VD in an
    // access note and the match fails; if the name doesn't match, the match
    // fails too.
    auto contextType = nextContext->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
    if (!contextType || contextType->getName() != contextName)
      return false;

    // Still checking. Move to the parent.
    remainingContextNames = remainingContextNames.drop_back();
    nextContext = contextType->getParent();

  // If the context is module-scoped, we've succeeded if we're out of names, or
  // failed if we still have some names to go.
  return remainingContextNames.empty();

bool AccessNoteDeclName::empty() const {
  return !name;

void AccessNoteDeclName::print(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const {
  if (accessorKind)
    os << getAccessorLabel(*accessorKind) << "ter:";

  for (auto parentName : parentNames)
    os << parentName << '.';
  name.print(os, /*skipEmptyArgumentNames=*/false);

void AccessNoteDeclName::dump() const {
  llvm::errs() << '\n';

NullablePtr<const AccessNote> AccessNotesFile::lookup(ValueDecl *VD) const {
  assert(VD != nullptr);

  auto iter = llvm::find_if(Notes, [&](const AccessNote &note) -> bool {
    return note.Name.matches(VD);

  return NullablePtr<const AccessNote>(iter == Notes.end() ? nullptr : &*iter);

void AccessNotesFile::dump() const {
  llvm::dbgs() << "\n";
void AccessNote::dump() const {
  llvm::dbgs() << "\n";

void AccessNotesFile::dump(llvm::raw_ostream &os) const {
  os << "(access_notes reason='" << Reason << "'";
  for (const auto &note : Notes) {
    os << "\n";
    note.dump(os, /*indent=*/2);
  os << ")";

void AccessNote::dump(llvm::raw_ostream &os, int indent) const {
  os.indent(indent) << "(note name='";
  os << "'";

  if (Name.name.getBaseName().isSpecial())
    os << " is_special_name";

  if (ObjC)
    os << " objc=" << *ObjC;
  if (ObjCName)
    os << " objc_name='" << *ObjCName << "'";
  if (Dynamic)
    os << " dynamic=" << *Dynamic;

  os << ")";


LLVM_YAML_DECLARE_SCALAR_TRAITS(swift::AccessNoteDeclName, QuotingType::Single)
LLVM_YAML_DECLARE_SCALAR_TRAITS(swift::ObjCSelector, QuotingType::Single)

// Not using macro to avoid validation issues.
template <> struct llvm::yaml::MappingTraits<swift::AccessNote> {
  static void mapping(IO &IO, swift::AccessNote &Obj);
  static std::string validate(IO &IO, swift::AccessNote &Obj);

namespace swift {

static void
convertToErrorAndJoin(const llvm::SMDiagnostic &diag, void *ctxPtr) {
  ASTContext &ctx = *(ASTContext*)ctxPtr;

  SourceLoc loc{diag.getLoc()};

  switch (diag.getKind()) {
  case llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error:
    ctx.Diags.diagnose(loc, diag::error_in_access_notes_file,

    ctx.Diags.diagnose(loc, diag::warning_in_access_notes_file,

AccessNotesFile::load(ASTContext &ctx, const llvm::MemoryBuffer *buffer) {
  llvm::yaml::Input yamlIn(llvm::MemoryBufferRef(*buffer), (void *)&ctx,
                           convertToErrorAndJoin, &ctx);

  AccessNotesFile notes;
  yamlIn >> notes;

  if (yamlIn.error())
    return None;

  return notes;

namespace llvm {
namespace yaml {

using AccessNote = swift::AccessNote;
using AccessNotesFile = swift::AccessNotesFile;
using ASTContext = swift::ASTContext;
using AccessNoteDeclName = swift::AccessNoteDeclName;
using ObjCSelector = swift::ObjCSelector;

void ScalarTraits<AccessNoteDeclName>::
output(const AccessNoteDeclName &name, void *ctxPtr, raw_ostream &os) {

StringRef ScalarTraits<AccessNoteDeclName>::
input(StringRef str, void *ctxPtr, AccessNoteDeclName &name) {
  auto &ctx = *static_cast<swift::ASTContext *>(ctxPtr);

  name = AccessNoteDeclName(ctx, str);
  return name.empty() ? "invalid declaration name" : "";

void ScalarTraits<ObjCSelector>::output(const ObjCSelector &selector,
                                        void *ctxPtr, raw_ostream &os) {
  os << selector;

StringRef ScalarTraits<ObjCSelector>::input(StringRef str, void *ctxPtr,
                                            ObjCSelector &selector) {
  auto &ctx = *static_cast<swift::ASTContext *>(ctxPtr);

  if (auto sel = ObjCSelector::parse(ctx, str)) {
    selector = *sel;
    return "";

  return "invalid selector";

void MappingTraits<AccessNote>::mapping(IO &io, AccessNote &note) {
  io.mapRequired("Name", note.Name);
  io.mapOptional("ObjC", note.ObjC);
  io.mapOptional("Dynamic", note.Dynamic);
  io.mapOptional("ObjCName", note.ObjCName);

std::string MappingTraits<AccessNote>::validate(IO &io, AccessNote &note) {
  if (note.ObjCName.hasValue()) {
    if (!note.ObjC)
      note.ObjC = true;
    else if (!*note.ObjC)
      return "cannot have an 'ObjCName' if 'ObjC' is false";

  return "";

void MappingTraits<AccessNotesFile>::mapping(IO &io, AccessNotesFile &notes) {
  io.mapRequired("Reason", notes.Reason);
  io.mapRequired("Notes", notes.Notes);

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