# SUMO co-simulation CARLA has developed a co-simulation feature with SUMO. This allows to distribute the tasks at will, and exploit the capabilities of each simulation in favour of the user. * [__Requisites__](#requisites) * [__Run a custom co-simulation__](#run-a-custom-co-simulation) * [Create CARLA vtypes](#create-carla-vtypes) * [Create the SUMO net](#create-the-sumo-net) * [Run the synchronization](#run-the-synchronization) * [__Spawn NPCs controlled by SUMO__](#spawn-npcs-controlled-by-sumo) --- ## Requisites First and foremost, it is necessary to [__install SUMO__](https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Installing.html) to run the co-simulation. Building from source is recommended over a simple installation, as there are new features and fixes that will improve the co-simulation. Once that is done, set the SUMO environment variable. ```sh echo "export SUMO_HOME=/usr/share/sumo" >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc ``` SUMO is ready to run the co-simulations. There are some examples in `Co-Simulation/Sumo/examples` for __Town01__, __Town04__, and __Town05__. These `.sumocfg` files describe the configuration of the simulation (e.g., net, routes, vehicle types...). Use one of these to test the co-simulation. The script has different options that are detailed [below](#run-the-synchronization). For the time being, let's run a simple example for __Town04__. Run a CARLA simulation with __Town04__. ```sh cd ~/carla ./CarlaUE4.sh cd PythonAPI/util python3 config.py --map Town04 ``` Then, run the SUMO co-simulation example. ```sh cd ~/carla/Co-Simulation/Sumo python3 run_synchronization.py examples/Town04.sumocfg --sumo-gui ``` !!! Important --- ## Run a custom co-simulation ### Create carla vtypes With the script `Co-Simulation/Sumo/util/create_sumo_vtypes.py` the user can create sumo *vtypes*, the equivalent to CARLA blueprints, based on the CARLA blueprint library. * __`--carla-host`__ *(default:* — IP of the carla host server. * __`--carla-port`__ *(default: 2000)* — TCP port to listen to. * __`--output-file`__ *(default: carlavtypes.rou.xml)* — The generated file containing the *vtypes*. This script uses the information stored in `data/vtypes.json` to create the SUMO *vtypes*. These can be modified by editing said file. !!! Warning A CARLA simulation must be running to execute the script. ### Create the SUMO net The recommended way to create a SUMO net that synchronizes with CARLA is using the script `Co-Simulation/Sumo/util/netconvert_carla.py`. This will draw on the [netconvert](https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/NETCONVERT.html) tool provided by SUMO. In order to run the script, some arguments are needed. * __`xodr_file`__ — OpenDRIVE file `.xodr`. * __`--output'`__ *(default:`net.net.xml`)* — output file `.net.xml`. * __`--guess-tls`__ *(default:false)* — SUMO can set traffic lights only for specific lanes in a road, but CARLA can't. If set to __True__, SUMO will not differenciate traffic lights for specific lanes, and these will be in sync with CARLA. The output of the script will be a `.net.xml` that can be edited using __[NETEDIT](https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/NETEDIT.html)__. Use it to edit the routes, add demand, and eventually, prepare a simulation that can be saved as `.sumocfg`. The examples provided may be helpful during this process. Take a look at `Co-Simulation/Sumo/examples`. For every `example.sumocfg` there are several related files under the same name. All of them comprise a co-simulation example. ### Run the synchronization Once a simulation is ready and saved as a `.sumocfg`, it is ready to run. There are some optional parameters to change the settings of the co-simulation. * __`sumo_cfg_file`__ — The SUMO configuration file. * __`--carla-host`__ *(default:* — IP of the carla host server * __`--carla-port`__ *(default: 2000)* — TCP port to listen to * __`--sumo-host`__ *(default:* — IP of the SUMO host server. * __`--sumo-port`__ *(default: 8813)* — TCP port to listen to. * __`--sumo-gui`__ — Open a window to visualize the gui version of SUMO. * __`--step-length`__ *(default: 0.05s)* — Set fixed delta seconds for the simulation time-step. * __`--sync-vehicle-lights`__ *(default: False)* — Synchronize vehicle lights. * __`--sync-vehicle-color`__ *(default: False)* — Synchronize vehicle color. * __`--sync-vehicle-all`__ *(default: False)* — Synchronize all vehicle properties. * __`--tls-manager`__ *(default: none)* — Choose which simulator should manage the traffic lights. The other will update those accordingly. The options are `carla`, `sumo`, and `none`. If `none` is chosen, traffic lights will not be synchronized. Each vehicle would only obey the traffic lights in the simulator that spawn it. ```sh python3 run_synchronization.py --tls-manager carla --sumo-gui ``` !!! Warning To stop the co-simulation, press `Ctrl+C` in the terminal that run the script. --- ## Spawn NPCs controlled by SUMO The co-simulation with SUMO makes for an additional feature. Vehicles can be spawned in CARLA through SUMO, and managed by the later as the Traffi Manager would do. The script `spawn_npc_sumo.py` is almost equivalent to the already-known `generate_traffic.py`. This script automatically generates a SUMO network in a temporal folder, based on the active town in CARLA. The script will create random routes and let the vehicles roam around. As the script runs a synchronous simulation, and spawns vehicles in it, the arguments are the same that appear in `run_synchronization.py` and `generate_traffic.py`. * __`--host`__ *(default:* — IP of the host server. * __`--port`__ *(default: 2000)* — TCP port to listen to. * __`-n,--number-of-vehicles`__ *(default: 10)* — Number of vehicles spawned. * __`--safe`__ — Avoid spawning vehicles prone to accidents. * __`--filterv`__ *(default: "vehicle.*")* — Filter the blueprint of the vehicles spawned. * __`--sumo-gui`__ — Open a window to visualize SUMO. * __`--step-length`__ *(default: 0.05s)* — Set fixed delta seconds for the simulation time-step. * __`--sync-vehicle-lights`__ *(default: False)* — Synchronize vehicle lights state. * __`--sync-vehicle-color`__ *(default: False)* — Synchronize vehicle color. * __`--sync-vehicle-all`__ *(default: False)* — Synchronize all vehicle properties. * __`--tls-manager`__ *(default: none)* — Choose which simulator will change the traffic lights' state. The other will update them accordingly. If `none`, traffic lights will not be synchronized. ```sh # Spawn 10 vehicles, that will be managed by SUMO instead of Traffic Manager. # CARLA in charge of traffic lights. # Open a window for SUMO visualization. python3 spawn_sumo_npc.py -n 10 --tls-manager carla --sumo-gui ``` --- That is all there is so far, regarding for the SUMO co-simulation with CARLA. Open CARLA and mess around for a while. If there are any doubts, feel free to post these in the forum.

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