(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcRing open EcBigInt.Notations module BI = EcBigInt (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type fexpr = | FEc of c | FEX of int | FEadd of fexpr * fexpr | FEsub of fexpr * fexpr | FEmul of fexpr * fexpr | FEopp of fexpr | FEinv of fexpr | FEdiv of fexpr * fexpr | FEpow of fexpr * BI.zint (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type rsplit = pexpr * pexpr * pexpr let left ((t,_,_) : rsplit) : pexpr = t let right ((_,_,t) : rsplit) : pexpr = t let common ((_,t,_) : rsplit) : pexpr = t (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let npepow x n = if BI.equal n BI.zero then PEc c1 else if BI.equal n BI.one then x else match x with | PEc c -> begin if ceq c c1 then PEc c1 else if ceq c c0 then PEc c0 else try PEc (BI.pow c (BI.to_int n)) with BI.Overflow -> PEpow (x, n) end | _ -> PEpow (x, n) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec npemul (x : pexpr) (y : pexpr) : pexpr = match x,y with | PEc c, PEc c' -> PEc (cmul c c') | PEc c, _ -> if ceq c c1 then y else if ceq c c0 then PEc c0 else PEmul (x,y) | _, PEc c -> if ceq c c1 then x else if ceq c c0 then PEc c0 else PEmul (x,y) | PEpow (e1,n1), PEpow (e2,n2) -> if BI.equal n1 n2 then npepow (npemul e1 e2) n1 else PEmul (x,y) | _,_ -> PEmul (x,y) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec isin (e1 : pexpr) (p1 : BI.zint) (e2 : pexpr) (p2 : BI.zint) = match e2 with | PEmul (e3, e4) -> begin match isin e1 p1 e3 p2 with | Some (p, e5) when BI.sign p = 0 -> Some (p, npemul e5 (npepow e4 p2)) | Some (p, e5) -> begin match isin e1 p e4 p2 with | Some (n, e6) -> Some (n, npemul e5 e6) | None -> Some (p, npemul e5 (npepow e4 p2)) end | None -> match isin e1 p1 e4 p2 with | Some (n,e5) -> Some (n,npemul (npepow e3 p2) e5) | None -> None end | PEpow (e3, p3) -> if BI.sign p3 = 0 then None else isin e1 p1 e3 (p3 *^ p2) | _ -> if pexpr_eq e1 e2 then match BI.compare p1 p2 with | c when c > 0 -> Some (p1-^p2, PEc c1) | c when c < 0 -> Some (BI.zero, npepow e2 (p2-^p1)) | _ -> Some (BI.zero, PEc c1) else None (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec split_aux (e1 : pexpr) (p : BI.zint) (e2 : pexpr) : rsplit = match e1 with | PEmul (e3, e4) -> let r1 = split_aux e3 p e2 in let r2 = split_aux e4 p (right r1) in (npemul (left r1) (left r2), npemul (common r1) (common r2), right r2) | PEpow (e3, p3) -> if BI.sign p3 = 0 then (PEc c1, PEc c1, e2) else split_aux e3 (p3 *^ p) e2 | _ -> match isin e1 p e2 BI.one with | Some (q, e3) -> if BI.sign q = 0 then (PEc c1, npepow e1 p, e3) else (npepow e1 q, npepow e1 (p -^ q), e3) | None -> (npepow e1 p, PEc c1, e2) let split e1 e2 = split_aux e1 BI.one e2 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type linear = (pexpr * pexpr * (pexpr list)) let num (t,_,_) = t let denum (_,t,_) = t let condition (_,_,t) = t (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let npeadd (e1 : pexpr) (e2 : pexpr) = match (e1, e2) with | (PEc c, PEc c') -> PEc (cadd c c') | (PEc c, _) -> if (ceq c c0) then e2 else PEadd (e1, e2) | (_, PEc c) -> if (ceq c c0) then e1 else PEadd (e1, e2) | _ -> PEadd (e1, e2) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let npesub e1 e2 = match (e1,e2) with | (PEc c, PEc c') -> PEc (csub c c') | (PEc c, _ ) -> if (ceq c c0) then PEopp e2 else PEsub (e1, e2) | ( _, PEc c) -> if (ceq c c0) then e1 else PEsub (e1, e2) | _ -> PEsub (e1, e2) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let npeopp e1 = match e1 with PEc c -> PEc (copp c) | _ -> PEopp e1 (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) let rec fnorm (e : fexpr) : linear = match e with | FEc c -> (PEc c, PEc c1, []) | FEX x -> (PEX x, PEc c1, []) | FEadd (e1, e2) -> let x = fnorm e1 in let y = fnorm e2 in let s = split (denum x) (denum y) in (npeadd (npemul (num x) (right s)) (npemul (num y) (left s)), npemul (left s) (npemul (right s) (common s)), condition x @ condition y) | FEsub (e1,e2) -> let x = fnorm e1 in let y = fnorm e2 in let s = split (denum x) (denum y) in (npesub (npemul (num x) (right s)) (npemul (num y) (left s)), npemul (left s) (npemul (right s) (common s)), condition x @ condition y) | FEmul (e1,e2) -> let x = fnorm e1 in let y = fnorm e2 in let s1 = split (num x) (denum y) in let s2 = split (num y) (denum x) in (npemul (left s1) (left s2), npemul (right s2) (right s1), condition x @ condition y) | FEopp e1 -> let x = fnorm e1 in (npeopp (num x), denum x, condition x) | FEinv e -> let x = fnorm e in (denum x, num x, (num x) :: (condition x)) | FEdiv (e1,e2) -> let x = fnorm e1 in let y = fnorm e2 in let s1 = split (num x) (num y) in let s2 = split (denum x) (denum y) in (npemul (left s1) (right s2), npemul (left s2) (right s1), (num y) :: ((condition x) @ (condition y))) | FEpow (e1,n) -> let x = fnorm e1 in (npepow (num x) n, npepow (denum x) n, condition x)