\name{schoolsAdviceData} \alias{ps.advice.mat} \alias{ps.all.vars.mat} \alias{ps.edge.vars.mat} \alias{ps.school.vars.mat} \alias{ps.teacher.vars.mat} \title{HLSM: Included Data Sets} \description{ Data set included with the HLSM package: network variables from Pitts and Spillane (2009). } \usage{ ps.advice.mat ps.all.vars.mat ps.edge.vars.mat ps.school.vars.mat ps.teacher.vars.mat } \format{ ps.advice.mat: a list of 15 sociomatrices of advice seeking network, one for each school. ps.all.vars.mat: a list of 15 arrays of all the covariates, one for each school. edge.vars.mat: a list of edge level covariates for 15 different school. ps.school.vars.mat: a list of school level covariates for all 15 schools. ps.teacher.vars.mat: a list of node level covariates for all 15 schools. ps.all.vars.mat: a single list of length 15 containing the covariates mentioned above. } \references{ Pitts, V., & Spillane, J. (2009). "Using social network methods to study school leadership".International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 32, 185-207 Sweet, T.M., Thomas, A.C., and Junker, B.W. (2012). "Hierarchical Network Models for Education Research: Hierarchical Latent Space Models". Journal of Educational and Behavorial Statistics. } \author{Sam Adhikari} \keyword{datasets}