\name{tryRequire} \alias{tryRequire} \title{Error-free test for requiring a package } \description{ This function reliably tries to attach a package and silently returns \code{FALSE} if the package cannot be attached. Unlike \code{\link{require}}, it does not generate an error if the package exists but cannot be attached (e.g., because of version requirements). } \usage{ tryRequire(what) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{what}{The name of the package} }\details{ The function intends to run silently, but this is not uniformly possible, since the \code{quietly = TRUE} option to \code{require()} does not suppress messages from other packages attached through dependencies in this package. The value is not returned invisibly, as it would be with \code{require()}. } \value{ \code{TRUE} if the package was successfully attached and \code{FALSE} otherwise. } \examples{ tryRequire(RSPerl) } \keyword{programming}