%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
\title{ Colors a symmetric matrix}
Accepts a dissimilarity matrix or \code{dist} \code{m}, and
returns a matrix of colors.
Values in \code{m} are \code{cut} into categories using \code{breaks} (ranked distances if
\code{byrank} is \code{TRUE}) and categories are assigned the values
in \code{colors}.
dmat.color(m, colors = default.dmat.color, byrank = NULL, breaks = length(colors))
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
\item{m}{a dissimilarity matrix or the result of \code{dist}}
\item{colors}{a vector of colors. The default is
\item{byrank}{boolean, default \code{TRUE} is unless \code{breaks}
has length > 1.}
\item{breaks}{the number of break points. }
\details{\code{breaks} are passed to the function\code{cut}.
If \code{byrank} is \code{TRUE}, values in \code{m} are
ranked before they are categorized.
If \code{byrank} is \code{TRUE} and \code{breaks} is an integer, then
there are \code{breaks} equal-sized categories.}
Returns a matrix of colors. The matrix is symmetric, with NAs on the
%\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
\author{ Catherine B. Hurley}
%\note{ ~~further notes~~ }
% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
\seealso{ \code{\link{cut}}, \code{\link{cpairs}}, \code{\link{cparcoord}}}
longley.cor <- cor(longley)
# A matrix with equal (or nearly equal) number of entries of each color.
longley.color <- dmat.color(longley.cor)
# Plot the colors
# Try different color schemes
# A matrix where each color represents an equal-length interval.
longley.color <- dmat.color(longley.cor, byrank=FALSE)
# Specify colors and breaks
longley.color <- dmat.color(longley.cor, breaks=c(-1,0,.5,.8,1),
# Could also reorder variables prior to plotting:
longley.o <- order.single(longley.cor)
longley.color <- longley.color[longley.o,longley.o]
# The colors can be used in a scatterplot matrix or parallel
# coordinate display:
cpairs(longley, panel.color= longley.color)
cparcoord(longley, panel.color= longley.color)
\keyword{multivariate }
\keyword{color }