#' Print method for objects of class imp #' #' The function returns a few information about how many missing values are #' imputed and possible other information about the amount of iterations, for #' example. #' #' #' @param x an object of class \sQuote{imp} #' @param \dots additional arguments passed trough #' @return None (invisible NULL). #' @author Matthias Templ #' @seealso \code{\link{impCoda}}, \code{\link{impKNNa}} #' @keywords print #' @export #' @examples #' #' data(expenditures) #' expenditures[1,3] #' expenditures[1,3] <- NA #' \dontrun{ #' xi <- impCoda(expenditures) #' xi #' summary(xi) #' plot(xi, which=1:2) #' } #' print.imp <- function(x, ...){ cat("\n --------------------------------------- \n") if( x$w > 1 ){ print(paste(x$w, "missing values were imputed")) } else{ print(paste(x$w, "missing value was imputed")) } if( length(x$criteria) > 0 ){ if( x$iter > 1 ){ print(paste(x$iter, "iterations were needed")) } else{ print(paste(x$iter, "iteration was needed")) } print(paste("the last change was", round(x$criteria,4))) } cat(" --------------------------------------- \n") }