# Copyright (C) 2020 The Software Heritage developers # See the AUTHORS file at the top-level directory of this distribution # License: GNU General Public License version 3, or any later version # See top-level LICENSE file for more information import datetime from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union from uuid import UUID import attr import attr.converters from attrs_strict import type_validator @attr.s class BaseSchedulerModel: """Base class for database-backed objects. These database-backed objects are defined through attrs-based attributes that match the columns of the database 1:1. This is a (very) lightweight ORM. These attrs-based attributes have metadata specific to the functionality expected from these fields in the database: - `primary_key`: the column is a primary key; it should be filtered out when doing an `update` of the object - `auto_primary_key`: the column is a primary key, which is automatically handled by the database. It will not be inserted to. This must be matched with a database-side default value. - `auto_now_add`: the column is a timestamp that is set to the current time when the object is inserted, and never updated afterwards. This must be matched with a database-side default value. - `auto_now`: the column is a timestamp that is set to the current time when the object is inserted or updated. """ _pk_cols: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None _select_cols: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None _insert_cols_and_metavars: Optional[Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[str, ...]]] = None @classmethod def primary_key_columns(cls) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Get the primary key columns for this object type""" if cls._pk_cols is None: columns: List[str] = [] for field in attr.fields(cls): if any( field.metadata.get(flag) for flag in ("auto_primary_key", "primary_key") ): columns.append(field.name) cls._pk_cols = tuple(sorted(columns)) return cls._pk_cols @classmethod def select_columns(cls) -> Tuple[str, ...]: """Get all the database columns needed for a `select` on this object type""" if cls._select_cols is None: columns: List[str] = [] for field in attr.fields(cls): columns.append(field.name) cls._select_cols = tuple(sorted(columns)) return cls._select_cols @classmethod def insert_columns_and_metavars(cls) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, ...], Tuple[str, ...]]: """Get the database columns and metavars needed for an `insert` or `update` on this object type. This implements support for the `auto_*` field metadata attributes. """ if cls._insert_cols_and_metavars is None: zipped_cols_and_metavars: List[Tuple[str, str]] = [] for field in attr.fields(cls): if any( field.metadata.get(flag) for flag in ("auto_now_add", "auto_primary_key") ): continue elif field.metadata.get("auto_now"): zipped_cols_and_metavars.append((field.name, "now()")) else: zipped_cols_and_metavars.append((field.name, f"%({field.name})s")) zipped_cols_and_metavars.sort() cols, metavars = zip(*zipped_cols_and_metavars) cls._insert_cols_and_metavars = cols, metavars return cls._insert_cols_and_metavars @attr.s class Lister(BaseSchedulerModel): name = attr.ib(type=str, validator=[type_validator()]) instance_name = attr.ib(type=str, validator=[type_validator()]) # Populated by database id = attr.ib( type=Optional[UUID], validator=type_validator(), default=None, metadata={"auto_primary_key": True}, ) current_state = attr.ib( type=Dict[str, Any], validator=[type_validator()], factory=dict ) created = attr.ib( type=Optional[datetime.datetime], validator=[type_validator()], default=None, metadata={"auto_now_add": True}, ) updated = attr.ib( type=Optional[datetime.datetime], validator=[type_validator()], default=None, metadata={"auto_now": True}, ) @attr.s class ListedOrigin(BaseSchedulerModel): """Basic information about a listed origin, output by a lister""" lister_id = attr.ib( type=UUID, validator=[type_validator()], metadata={"primary_key": True} ) url = attr.ib( type=str, validator=[type_validator()], metadata={"primary_key": True} ) visit_type = attr.ib( type=str, validator=[type_validator()], metadata={"primary_key": True} ) extra_loader_arguments = attr.ib( type=Dict[str, str], validator=[type_validator()], factory=dict ) last_update = attr.ib( type=Optional[datetime.datetime], validator=[type_validator()], default=None, ) enabled = attr.ib(type=bool, validator=[type_validator()], default=True) first_seen = attr.ib( type=Optional[datetime.datetime], validator=[type_validator()], default=None, metadata={"auto_now_add": True}, ) last_seen = attr.ib( type=Optional[datetime.datetime], validator=[type_validator()], default=None, metadata={"auto_now": True}, ) ListedOriginPageToken = Tuple[UUID, str] def convert_listed_origin_page_token( input: Union[None, ListedOriginPageToken, List[Union[UUID, str]]] ) -> Optional[ListedOriginPageToken]: if input is None: return None if isinstance(input, tuple): return input x, y = input assert isinstance(x, UUID) assert isinstance(y, str) return (x, y) @attr.s class PaginatedListedOriginList(BaseSchedulerModel): """A list of listed origins, with a continuation token""" origins = attr.ib(type=List[ListedOrigin], validator=[type_validator()]) next_page_token = attr.ib( type=Optional[ListedOriginPageToken], validator=[type_validator()], converter=convert_listed_origin_page_token, default=None, )