# Copyright 2019 GPflow Authors # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Script to autogenerate .rst files for autodocumentation of classes and modules in GPflow. To be run by the CI system to update docs. """ import inspect from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from types import ModuleType from typing import Any, Callable, Deque, Dict, List, Mapping, Set, TextIO, Type, Union from gpflow.utilities import Dispatcher RST_LEVEL_SYMBOLS = ["=", "-", "~", '"', "'", "^"] IGNORE_MODULES = { "gpflow.covariances.dispatch", "gpflow.conditionals.dispatch", "gpflow.expectations.dispatch", "gpflow.kullback_leiblers.dispatch", "gpflow.versions", } def _header(header: str, level: int) -> str: return f"{header}\n{RST_LEVEL_SYMBOLS[level] * len(header)}" @dataclass class DocumentableDispatcher: name: str obj: Dispatcher def implementations(self) -> Mapping[Callable[..., Any], List[Type[Any]]]: implementations: Dict[Callable[..., Any], List[Type[Any]]] = {} for args, impl in self.obj.funcs.items(): implementations.setdefault(impl, []).append(args) return implementations def write(self, out: TextIO) -> None: out.write( f""" {_header(self.name, 2)} This function uses multiple dispatch, which will depend on the type of argument passed in: """ ) for impl, argss in self.implementations().items(): impl_name = f"{impl.__module__}.{impl.__name__}" out.write( """ .. code-block:: python """ ) for args in argss: arg_names = ", ".join([a.__name__ for a in args]) out.write(f" {self.name}( {arg_names} )\n") out.write(f" # dispatch to -> {impl_name}(...)\n") out.write( f""" .. autofunction:: {impl_name} """ ) @dataclass class DocumentableClass: name: str obj: Type[Any] def write(self, out: TextIO) -> None: out.write( f""" {_header(self.name, 2)} .. autoclass:: {self.name} :show-inheritance: :members: """ ) @dataclass class DocumentableFunction: name: str obj: Callable[..., Any] def write(self, out: TextIO) -> None: out.write( f""" {_header(self.name, 2)} .. autofunction:: {self.name} """ ) @dataclass class DocumentableModule: name: str obj: ModuleType modules: List["DocumentableModule"] classes: List[DocumentableClass] functions: List[Union[DocumentableDispatcher, DocumentableFunction]] @staticmethod def collect( root: ModuleType, ) -> "DocumentableModule": root_name = root.__name__ exported_names = set(getattr(root, "__all__", [])) modules: List["DocumentableModule"] = [] classes: List[DocumentableClass] = [] functions: List[Union[DocumentableDispatcher, DocumentableFunction]] = [] for key in dir(root): if key.startswith("_"): continue child = getattr(root, key) child_name = root_name + "." + key if child_name in IGNORE_MODULES: continue # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop def _should_ignore(child: Union[Callable[..., Any], Type[Any]]) -> bool: declared_in_root = child.__module__ == root_name explicitly_exported = key in exported_names return not (declared_in_root or explicitly_exported) # pylint: enable=cell-var-from-loop if isinstance(child, Dispatcher): functions.append(DocumentableDispatcher(child_name, child)) elif inspect.ismodule(child): if child.__name__ != child_name: # Ignore imports of modules. continue modules.append(DocumentableModule.collect(child)) elif inspect.isclass(child): if _should_ignore(child): continue classes.append(DocumentableClass(child_name, child)) elif inspect.isfunction(child): if _should_ignore(child): continue functions.append(DocumentableFunction(child_name, child)) return DocumentableModule(root_name, root, modules, classes, functions) def seen_in_dispatchers(self, seen: Set[int]) -> None: for module in self.modules: module.seen_in_dispatchers(seen) for function in self.functions: if isinstance(function, DocumentableDispatcher): impls = function.obj.funcs.values() for impl in impls: seen.add(id(impl)) def prune_duplicates(self) -> None: seen: Set[int] = set() self.seen_in_dispatchers(seen) # Breadth-first search so that we prefer objects with shorter names. todo = Deque([self]) while todo: module = todo.popleft() new_classes = [] for c in module.classes: if id(c.obj) not in seen: seen.add(id(c.obj)) new_classes.append(c) module.classes = new_classes new_functions = [] for f in module.functions: if id(f.obj) not in seen: seen.add(id(f.obj)) new_functions.append(f) module.functions = new_functions todo.extend(module.modules) def prune_empty_modules(self) -> None: new_modules = [] for m in self.modules: m.prune_empty_modules() if m.modules or m.classes or m.functions: new_modules.append(m) self.modules = new_modules def prune(self) -> None: self.prune_duplicates() self.prune_empty_modules() def write_modules(self, out: TextIO) -> None: if not self.modules: return out.write( f""" {_header('Modules', 1)} .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 """ ) for module in self.modules: out.write(f" {module.name} <{module.name.split('.')[-1]}/index>\n") def write_classes(self, out: TextIO) -> None: if not self.classes: return out.write( f""" {_header('Classes', 1)} """ ) for cls in self.classes: cls.write(out) def write_functions(self, out: TextIO) -> None: if not self.functions: return out.write( f""" {_header('Functions', 1)} """ ) for function in self.functions: function.write(out) def write(self, path: Path) -> None: dir_path = path / f"{self.name.replace('.', '/')}" dir_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) index_path = dir_path / "index.rst" with index_path.open("wt") as out: print("Writing", index_path) out.write( f"""{_header(self.name, 0)} .. THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED RST FILE .. automodule:: {self.name} """ ) self.write_modules(out) self.write_classes(out) self.write_functions(out) for module in self.modules: module.write(path) def str_into(self, indent: int, lines: List[str]) -> None: lines.append(2 * indent * " " + "Module: " + self.name) for module in self.modules: module.str_into(indent + 1, lines) for cls in self.classes: lines.append(2 * (indent + 1) * " " + "Class: " + cls.name) for function in self.functions: lines.append(2 * (indent + 1) * " " + "Function: " + function.name) def __str__(self) -> str: lines: List[str] = [] self.str_into(0, lines) return "\n".join(lines) def generate_module_rst(module: ModuleType, dest: Path) -> None: """ Traverses the given `module` and generates `.rst` files for Sphinx. """ docs = DocumentableModule.collect(module) docs.prune() docs.write(dest)