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Tip revision: 1834bb90bade3912317a15c9b7c19771f19cf6dc authored by Kamil Bartoń on 22 June 2024, 14:10:02 UTC
version 1.48.4
Tip revision: 1834bb9


\title{Standardized model coefficients}
Standardize model coefficients by Standard Deviation or Partial Standard Deviation.


std.coef(x,, ...)

# Deprecated:
  \item{x, model}{a fitted model object. }
  \item{}{logical, if set to \code{TRUE}, model coefficients are
	multiplied by partial \acronym{SD}, otherwise they are multiplied by the
	ratio of the standard deviations of the independent variable and dependent
	variable. }
 \item{\dots}{additional arguments passed to \code{\link{coefTable}}, e.g.
    \code{dispersion}. }

	Standardizing model coefficients has the same effect as centring and
	scaling the input variables. \dQuote{Classical} standardized coefficients
	are calculated as 
    \myequation{\beta^{*}_i = \beta_i\frac{s_{X_{i}}}{s_{y}}
        }{\betaᵢ* = \betaᵢ (sₓᵢ / Sᵧ)
        }{Bi* = Bi * (SXi / Sy)}
    , where
	\myequation{\beta}{\beta}{B} is the unstandardized coefficient, 
    is the standard deviation of associated dependent variable 
    \myequation{X_i}{Xᵢ}{Xi}  and
    is \acronym{SD} of the response variable.

	If variables are intercorrelated, the standard deviation of
	used in computing the standardized coefficients 
    \myequation{\beta_i^{*}}{\betaᵢ*}{Bi*} should be
	replaced by the partial standard deviation of 
    \myequation{X_i}{Xᵢ}{Xi} which is adjusted for
	the multiple correlation of 
    \myequation{X_i}{Xᵢ}{Xi} with the other \eqn{X} variables
	included in the regression equation. The partial standard deviation is
	calculated as 
    \myequation{s_{X_{i}}^{*}=s_{X_{i}} VIF(X_i)^{-0.5} (\frac{n-1}{n-p} )^{0.5}
        }{s*ₓᵢ = sₓᵢ √(VIFₓᵢ⁻¹) √((n-1)/(n-p))
        }{sXi* = SXi * sqrt(1/VIF(Xi)) * sqrt((n-1)/(n-p))}, 
    where \var{VIF} is the variance inflation factor,
	\var{n} is the number of observations and \var{p}, the number of predictors in
	the model. The coefficient is then transformed as 
    \myequation{\beta^{*}_i = \beta_i s_{X_{i}}^{*}
        }{\betaᵢ* = \betaᵢ s*ₓᵢ
        }{Bi* = Bi * SXi*}.


    A matrix with at least two columns for the standardized coefficient estimate
    and its standard error. Optionally, the third column holds degrees of freedom
    associated with the coefficients.

\author{Kamil Barto\enc{ń}{n}. Variance inflation factors calculation is based
on function \code{vif} from package \pkg{car} written by Henric Nilsson and John

Cade, B.S. 2015 Model averaging and muddled multimodel inferences. 
    \emph{Ecology} \bold{96}, 2370-2382.

Afifi, A., May, S., Clark, V.A. 2011 \emph{Practical Multivariate Analysis},
Fifth Edition. CRC Press.

Bring, J. 1994 How to standardize regression coefficients. \emph{The American
Statistician} \bold{48}, 209--213.

\code{} can be used with \code{\link{stdize}}.

\code{\link{coef}} or \code{\link{coeffs}} and \code{\link{coefTable}} for
unstandardized coefficients.

# Fit model to original data:
fm  <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, data = GPA)

# Partial SD for the default formula:   y ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4
psd <- = GPA))[-1] # remove first element for intercept

# Standardize data:
zGPA <- stdize(GPA, scale = c(NA, psd), center = TRUE)
# Note: first element of 'scale' is set to NA to ignore the first column 'y'

# Coefficients of a model fitted to standardized data:
zapsmall(coefTable(stdizeFit(fm, newdata = zGPA)))
# Standardized coefficients of a model fitted to original data:
zapsmall(std.coef(fm, partial = TRUE))

# Standardizing nonlinear models:
fam <- Gamma("inverse")
fmg <- glm(log(y) ~ x1 + x2 + x3 + x4, data = GPA, family = fam)

psdg <-
zGPA <- stdize(GPA, scale = c(NA, psdg[-1]), center = FALSE)
fmgz <- glm(log(y) ~ z.x1 + z.x2 + z.x3 + z.x4, zGPA, family = fam)

# Coefficients using standardized data:
coef(fmgz) # (intercept is unchanged because the variables haven't been
           #  centred)
# Standardized coefficients:
coef(fmg) * psdg


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