import abc from collections import defaultdict import contextlib import re import os import logging import subprocess import hashlib import time import statistics from datetime import datetime logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) class Implementation(object): """Contains some properties of a scheme implementation""" #: regex to parse the paths into schemes _path_regex = re.compile( r'(?P\S+/)?' r'(?Pcrypto_sign|crypto_kem)/' r'(?P\S+)/' r'(?P\S+)/?$') #: regex to find source files _source_regex = re.compile(r'.*\.(c|s|S)$') def __init__(self, project, primitive, scheme, implementation, path, namespace, extraflags=[]): """Sets up this scheme""" self.log = logging.getLogger(__class__.__name__) self.project = project self.primitive = primitive self.scheme = scheme self.implementation = implementation self.path = path if namespace == '': self.namespace = None else: self.namespace = f"{namespace}_{scheme.replace('-','').upper()}_{implementation.upper()}_" self.extraflags = extraflags @classmethod def from_path(cls, project, path, namespace, extraflags=[]): """ Construct a scheme implemenation from a path Specify the project that owns it """ matches = cls._path_regex.match(path) if not matches: raise Exception(f"Unexpected path format: '{path}'") return cls(project,"type"),"scheme"),"implementation"), path, namespace, extraflags) def run_make(self, target): makeflags = ["make", f"IMPLEMENTATION_PATH={self.path}"] if self.namespace is not None: makeflags.append(f"MUPQ_NAMESPACE={self.namespace}") makeflags.extend(self.extraflags) makeflags.append(target) return subprocess.check_call(makeflags) def get_binary_path(self, type_): return f'bin/{self.path.replace("/", "_")}_{type_}.bin' def build_binary(self, type_):"Building {self} - {type_}") self.run_make(self.get_binary_path(type_)) def get_object_path(self, source): return f'obj/{self.path.replace("/", "_")}_{source}' def build_objects(self, type_):"Building {self} - {type_}") for source_file in os.listdir(self.path): if Implementation._source_regex.match(source_file) == None: continue object_file = self.get_object_path(source_file[:-1] + 'o') self.run_make(object_file) def __str__(self): return f"{self.scheme} - {self.implementation}" class PlatformSettings(object): """Contains the settings for a certain platform""" scheme_folders = [ ('pqclean', 'mupq/pqclean/crypto_kem', 'PQCLEAN'), ('pqclean', 'mupq/pqclean/crypto_sign', 'PQCLEAN'), ] skip_list = [] name = None makeflags = [] size_executable = 'arm-none-eabi-size' def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger(__class__.__name__) def __str__(self): return def get_implementations(self, all=False): """Get the schemes""" try: for (parent, scheme_folder, namespace) in self.scheme_folders: for scheme in os.listdir(scheme_folder): scheme_path = os.path.join(scheme_folder, scheme) if not os.path.isdir(scheme_path): continue for implementation_path in os.listdir(scheme_path): if implementation_path in ["avx", "avx2", "aesni", "sse"]: continue path = os.path.join(scheme_path, implementation_path) if not os.path.isdir(path): continue impl = Implementation.from_path(parent, path, namespace, self.makeflags) if not all and self.should_skip(impl): continue yield impl except FileNotFoundError as e: raise Exception( "There is no bin/ folder. Please first make binaries." ) from e def should_skip(self, impl): """Should this Implementation be skipped?""" for item in self.skip_list: match = len(item) > 0 for attribute, value in item.items(): if getattr(impl, attribute) != value: match = False if match: return True return False class Platform(contextlib.AbstractContextManager): """Generic platform interface""" def __init__(self): self.log = logging.getLogger("platform interface") def __enter__(self): return super().__enter__() def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): return super().__exit__(*args, **kwargs) def device(self): raise NotImplementedError("Override this") @abc.abstractmethod def flash(self, binary_path):"Flashing %s to device", binary_path) self.state = 'waiting' def run(self, binary_path): """Runs the flashed target and collects the result""" self.flash(binary_path) while not self._wait_for_start(): self.flash(binary_path)"Output started") return self._read_output() def _wait_for_start(self): """Waits until we read five equals signs""" equals_seen = 0 self.device().reset_input_buffer() while self.state == 'waiting': x = self.device().read() if x == b'': self.log.warning( "timed out while waiting for the markers, reflashing") return False elif x == b'=': equals_seen += 1 continue elif equals_seen > 5: self.state = 'beginning' self.log.debug("Found output marker") elif equals_seen > 1: self.log.warning( "Got garbage after finding first equals sign, restarting" ) return False # Read remaining = signs while self.state == 'beginning': x = self.device().read() # Consume remaining = if x != b'=': self.output = [x] self.state = 'reading' break return True def _read_output(self): while self.state == 'reading': x = self.device().read() if x == b'#': self.state = 'done' break elif x != b'': self.output.append(x) output = b''.join(self.output).decode('utf-8', 'ignore') # sometimes there's a line full of markers; strip out to avoid errors lines = (x for x in output.split('\n') if not all(c == '=' for c in x)) return "{}\n".format('\n'.join(lines)) class BoardTestCase(abc.ABC): """ Generic test class to run tests on all schemes. Generally you want to override run_test to parse the output of the tests running on the board. """ test_type = 'undefined' def __init__(self, settings, interface): self.platform_settings = settings self.interface = interface self.log = logging.getLogger(__class__.__name__) def get_implementations(self, all=False): return self.platform_settings.get_implementations(all) @abc.abstractmethod def run_test(self, implementation): implementation.build_binary(f'{self.test_type}') binary = implementation.get_binary_path(f'{self.test_type}') return def test_all(self, args=[]): exclude = "--exclude" in args for implementation in self.get_implementations(): if exclude and implementation.scheme in args: continue if not exclude and len(args) > 0 and implementation.scheme not in args: continue if self.run_test(implementation) == -1: return -1 class SimpleTest(BoardTestCase): test_type = 'test' def run_test(self, *args, **kwargs): output = super().run_test(*args, **kwargs).strip() if output.count("ERROR") or output.count("OK") != 30: self.log.error("Failed!") return -1 else:"Success") return 0 class StackBenchmark(BoardTestCase): test_type = 'stack' def write_result(self, implementation, result): timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp( time.time()).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') filename = os.path.join( 'benchmarks/', self.test_type, implementation.primitive, implementation.scheme, implementation.implementation, timestamp) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename), exist_ok=True) with open(filename, 'w') as f: f.write(result)"Wrote benchmark!") def run_test(self, implementation):"Benchmarking %s", implementation) output = super().run_test(implementation) assert 'ERROR' not in output self.write_result(implementation, output) class SpeedBenchmark(StackBenchmark): test_type = 'speed' class HashingBenchmark(StackBenchmark): test_type = 'hashing' class SizeBenchmark(StackBenchmark): test_type = 'size' def run_test(self, implementation):"Measuring %s", implementation) implementation.build_objects(self.test_type) glob = f'obj/{implementation.path.replace("/", "_")}_*.o' output = subprocess.check_output( self.platform_settings.size_executable + ' -t ' + glob, shell=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, universal_newlines=True) sizes = output.splitlines()[-1].split('\t') fsizes = (f'.text bytes:\n{sizes[0].strip()}\n' f'.data bytes:\n{sizes[1].strip()}\n' f'.bss bytes:\n{sizes[2].strip()}\n' f'.total bytes:\n{sizes[3].strip()}\n') super().write_result(implementation, fsizes) class TestVectors(BoardTestCase): test_type = 'testvectors' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.testvectorhash = dict() def hash_output(self, output): hash = hashlib.sha3_256(output.strip()).hexdigest() return hash def run_test(self, implementation): checksum = self.hash_output( super().run_test(implementation).encode('utf-8')) assert self.testvectorhash[implementation.scheme] == checksum def run_make(self, target, path, namespace): makeflags = ["make", f"IMPLEMENTATION_PATH={path}"] if namespace is not None: makeflags.append(f"MUPQ_NAMESPACE={namespace}") makeflags.extend(self.platform_settings.makeflags) makeflags.append(target) return subprocess.check_call(makeflags) def _prepare_testvectors(self, exclude, args): for scheme, implementations in self.schemes.items(): for impl in implementations: if exclude and impl.scheme in args: continue if not exclude and len(args)>0 and impl.scheme not in args: continue if impl.implementation not in ('ref', 'clean', 'opt', 'opt-ct'): continue # Build host version"Running %s on host", impl) binpath = impl.get_binary_path(self.test_type) hostbin = (binpath .replace('bin/', 'bin-host/') .replace('.bin', '')) self.run_make(hostbin, impl.path, impl.namespace) checksum = self.hash_output( subprocess.check_output( [hostbin], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, )) self.testvectorhash[scheme] = checksum break def test_all(self, args): self.schemes = defaultdict(list) for implementation in self.get_implementations(all=True): self.schemes[implementation.scheme].append(implementation) exclude = "--exclude" in args self._prepare_testvectors(exclude, args) for implementation in self.get_implementations(): if exclude and implementation.scheme in args: continue if not exclude and len(args)>0 and implementation.scheme not in args: continue self.run_test(implementation) class BuildAll(BoardTestCase): def __init__(self, settings): super().__init__(settings, None) def run_test(self, implementation): for test_type in ('test', 'testvectors', 'speed', 'hashing', 'stack'): implementation.build_binary(test_type) class Converter(object): def convert(self): self._speed() self._stack() self._hashing() self._size() def _speed(self): self._header("Speed Evaluation") self._subheader("Key Encapsulation Schemes") self._tablehead(["scheme", "implementation", "key generation [cycles]", "encapsulation [cycles]", "decapsulation [cycles]"]) self._processPrimitives("benchmarks/speed/crypto_kem/", "speed", "crypto_kem") self._subheader("Signature Schemes") self._tablehead(["scheme", "implementation", "key generation [cycles]", "sign [cycles]", "verify [cycles]"]) self._processPrimitives("benchmarks/speed/crypto_sign/", "speed", "crypto_sign") def _stack(self): self._header("Memory Evaluation") self._subheader("Key Encapsulation Schemes") self._tablehead(["Scheme", "Implementation", "Key Generation [bytes]", "Encapsulation [bytes]", "Decapsulation [bytes]"]) self._processPrimitives("benchmarks/stack/crypto_kem/", "stack", "crypto_kem") self._subheader("Signature Schemes") self._tablehead(["Scheme", "Implementation", "Key Generation [bytes]", "Sign [bytes]", "Verify [bytes]"]) self._processPrimitives("benchmarks/stack/crypto_sign/", "stack", "crypto_sign") def _hashing(self): """ prints the cycles spent in hashing and the percentage of the total runtime """ self._header("Hashing Evaluation") self._subheader("Key Encapsulation Schemes") self._tablehead(["Scheme", "Implementation", "Key Generation [%]", "Encapsulation [%]", "Decapsulation [%]"]) self._processPrimitives("benchmarks/hashing/crypto_kem/", "hashing", "crypto_kem") self._subheader("Signature Schemes") self._tablehead(["Scheme", "Implementation", "Key Generation [%]", "Sign [%]", "Verify [%]"]) self._processPrimitives("benchmarks/hashing/crypto_sign/", "hashing", "crypto_sign") def _size(self): """ prints the total number of bytes in the text, data, and bss sections of the scheme-specific code (i.e., excluding FIPS202, etc) """ self._header("Size Evaluation") self._subheader("Key Encapsulation Schemes") self._tablehead(["Scheme", "Implementation", ".text [bytes]", ".data [bytes]", ".bss [bytes]", "Total [bytes]"]) self._processPrimitives("benchmarks/size/crypto_kem/", "size", "crypto_kem") self._subheader("Signature Schemes") self._tablehead(["Scheme", "Implementation", ".text [bytes]", ".data [bytes]", ".bss [bytes]", "Total [bytes]"]) self._processPrimitives("benchmarks/size/crypto_sign/", "size", "crypto_sign") def _processPrimitives(self, path, benchmark, type_): if os.path.exists(path) == False: return; data = dict() for scheme in sorted(os.listdir(path)): data[scheme] = dict() for implementation in sorted(os.listdir(path+"/"+scheme)): measurements = [] for measurement in os.listdir(path+"/"+scheme+"/"+implementation): with open(path+"/"+scheme+"/"+implementation+"/"+measurement, "r") as f: d = self._parseData(, benchmark, type_) measurements.append(d) self._formatData(scheme, implementation, measurements, benchmark) data[scheme][implementation] = measurements return data def _stats(self, data): return (int(statistics.mean(data)), min(data), max(data)) def _parseData(self, fileContents, benchmark, type_): parts = fileContents.split("\n") if benchmark == 'size': text = int(parts[parts.index(".text bytes:")+1]) data = int(parts[parts.index(".data bytes:")+1]) bss = int(parts[parts.index(".bss bytes:")+1]) total = int(parts[parts.index(".total bytes:")+1]) return [text, data, bss, total] elif benchmark == 'hashing': keygentotal = int(parts[parts.index("keypair cycles:")+1]) keygen = int(parts[parts.index("keypair hash cycles:")+1])/keygentotal if type_ == "crypto_kem": encsigntotal = int(parts[parts.index("encaps cycles:")+1]) encsign = int(parts[parts.index("encaps hash cycles:")+1])/encsigntotal decverifytotal = int(parts[parts.index("decaps cycles:")+1]) decverify = int(parts[parts.index("decaps hash cycles:")+1])/decverifytotal else: #crypto_sign encsigntotal = int(parts[parts.index("sign cycles:")+1]) encsign = int(parts[parts.index("sign hash cycles:")+1])/encsigntotal decverifytotal = int(parts[parts.index("verify cycles:")+1]) decverify = int(parts[parts.index("verify hash cycles:")+1])/decverifytotal elif benchmark == 'speed': keygen = int(parts[parts.index("keypair cycles:")+1]) if type_ == "crypto_kem": encsign = int(parts[parts.index("encaps cycles:")+1]) decverify = int(parts[parts.index("decaps cycles:")+1]) else: # crypto_sign encsign = int(parts[parts.index("sign cycles:")+1]) decverify = int(parts[parts.index("verify cycles:")+1]) else: # stack keygen = int(parts[parts.index("keypair stack usage:")+1]) if type_ == "crypto_kem": encsign = int(parts[parts.index("encaps stack usage:")+1]) decverify = int(parts[parts.index("decaps stack usage:")+1]) else: # crypto_sign encsign = int(parts[parts.index("sign stack usage:")+1]) decverify = int(parts[parts.index("verify stack usage:")+1]) return [keygen, encsign, decverify] def _formatData(self, scheme, implementation, data, benchmark): if benchmark == "speed": keygen = self._formatStats([item[0] for item in data]) encsign = self._formatStats([item[1] for item in data]) decverify = self._formatStats([item[2] for item in data]) self._row([f"{scheme} ({len(data)} executions)", implementation, keygen, encsign, decverify]) elif benchmark == "stack": keygen = self._formatNumber(max([item[0] for item in data])) encsign = self._formatNumber(max([item[1] for item in data])) decverify = self._formatNumber(max([item[2] for item in data])) self._row([scheme, implementation, keygen, encsign, decverify]) elif benchmark == "hashing": keygen = self._formatPercentage(statistics.mean([item[0] for item in data])) encsign = self._formatPercentage(statistics.mean([item[1] for item in data])) decverify = self._formatPercentage(statistics.mean([item[2] for item in data])) self._row([scheme, implementation, keygen, encsign, decverify]) elif benchmark == "size": textsec = self._formatNumber(max([item[0] for item in data])) datasec = self._formatNumber(max([item[1] for item in data])) bsssec = self._formatNumber(max([item[2] for item in data])) total = self._formatNumber(max([item[3] for item in data])) self._row([scheme, implementation, textsec, datasec, bsssec, total]) class MarkdownConverter(Converter): def _header(self, headline): print(f"# {headline}") def _subheader(self, headline): print(f"## {headline}") def _tablehead(self, columns): print("| "+ " | ".join(columns)+" |") print("| "+ " | ".join(["-"*(len(c)) for c in columns]) + " |") def _row(self, data): print("| "+ " | ".join(data)+" |") def _formatStats(self, l): mean, minimum, maximum = self._stats(l) return "AVG: {:,}
MIN: {:,}
MAX: {:,}".format(mean, minimum, maximum) def _formatNumber(self, num): return f"{num:,}" def _formatPercentage(self, perc): return f"{perc*100:.1f}%" class CsvConverter(Converter): def _header(self, headline): # always pad to 11 columns, so that github can nicely render it print(headline+","*10) def _subheader(self, headline): # always pad to 11 columns, so that github can nicely render it print(headline+","*10) def _tablehead(self, columns): # always pad to 11 columns, so that github can nicely render it print(",".join(columns)+(","*(11-len(columns)))) def _speed(self): """ overwrite this here to we can can have three columns for mean, min, max """ self._header("Speed Evaluation") self._subheader("Key Encapsulation Schemes") self._tablehead(["Scheme", "Implementation"] + [f"Key Generation [cycles] ({x})" for x in ["mean", "min", "max"]] + [f"Encapsulation [cycles] ({x})" for x in ["mean", "min", "max"]] + [f"Decapsulation [cycles] ({x})" for x in ["mean", "min", "max"]]) cyclesKem = self._processPrimitives("benchmarks/speed/crypto_kem/", "speed", "crypto_kem") self._subheader("Signature Schemes") self._tablehead(["Scheme", "Implementation"]+ [f"Key Generation [cycles] ({x})" for x in ["mean", "min", "max"]] + [f"Sign [cycles] ({x})" for x in ["mean", "min", "max"]] + [f"Verify [cycles] ({x})" for x in ["mean", "min", "max"]]) cyclesSign = self._processPrimitives("benchmarks/speed/crypto_sign/", "speed", "crypto_sign") return (cyclesKem, cyclesSign) def _row(self, data): # always pad to 11 columns, so that github can nicely render it row = ",".join(data) print(row+(","*(10-row.count(",")))) def _formatStats(self, l): mean, minimum, maximum = self._stats(l) return f"{mean},{minimum},{maximum}" def _formatNumber(self, num): return str(num) def _formatPercentage(self, perc): return f"{perc*100:.1f}"