function [t, cachet, cachet1, ops, exitflag] = LineSearch_HagerZhangNonmonotone(cache, dir, slope, t0, lsopt, ref) %ARMIJOLS - computes a steplength t > 0 so that it satisfies the Armijo condition % % f(t) <= f(0) + delta*f'(0) % % exitflag = -1: gam is not small enough % exitflag = 0: acceptable steplength was found % exitflag = 1: maximum number of backtracking steps exceeded % exitflag = 2: no further progress can be made % precompute stuff for the line search [cache, ops] = CacheLineSearch(cache, dir); cachet1 = []; gam = cache.gam; arm_hi =*slope; t = t0; exitflag = 1; if nargin >= 5 f0 = ref; else f0 = cache.FBE; end for i = 1:lsopt.nLS [cachet, ops1] = LineFBE(cache, t, 1); ops = OpsSum(ops, ops1); ft = cachet.FBE; if ft <= f0 + t*arm_hi exitflag = 0; break; end if i == 1 %quadratic interpolation tn = ArmijoQuadInterp(f0, slope, t, ft); else %cubic interpolation tn = ArmijoCubInterp(f0, slope, told, ftold, t, ft); end if tn <= 0 tn = 0.5*t; end told = t; ftold = ft; t = tn; if t <= lsopt.progTol exitflag = 2; break end end if exitflag == 0 && lsopt.testGamma [flagGamma, cachet1, ops1] = CheckGamma(cachet, gam, beta); ops = OpsSum(ops, ops1); exitflag = flagGamma-1; % because CheckGamma returns 1 (good gamma) or 0 (bad gamma) end end function t = ArmijoQuadInterp(f0,df0,t,ft) % Minimizer of interpolant belongs to [0,t1] tdf0 = t*df0; q = ft-f0-tdf0; if q > 0%quadratic is strongly convex t = -(tdf0*t)/(2*q); else t = -1; end end function t = ArmijoCubInterp(f,df,t0,f0,t1,f1) % Minimizer of interpolant belongs to [0,t1] t02 = t0^2; t12 = t1^2; ab = 1/(t02*t12*(t1-t0))*[t02 -t12;-t0^3 t1^3]*[f1-f-df*t1;f0-f-df*t0]; a = ab(1); b = ab(2); t = (-b+sqrt(b^2-3*a*df))/(3*a); end