Raw File
#pragma once

#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
#include <deque>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>

#include "Instance.h"
//#include "graph.h"
#include "sparse_graph.h"

using std::cerr;
using std::deque;
using std::make_optional;
using std::map;
using std::optional;
using std::queue;
using std::set;
using std::shuffle;
using std::unordered_map;
using std::variant;
using std::vector;

namespace cbs_improve {

template <class... Ts> struct overloaded : Ts... {
	using Ts::operator()...;
};																													 // (1)
template <class... Ts> overloaded(Ts...)->overloaded<Ts...>; // (2)

struct move {
	pt s; // start
	int dir;
	int time; // arrival time
	// exists just for vectors (which for some reason need a default constructor?)
	move() : s(0, 0), dir(-1), time(-1) {}
	move(const pt& s, int dir, int time) : s(s), dir(dir), time(time) {}
	bool operator<(const move& oth) const {
		return tie(s, dir, time) < tie(oth.s, oth.dir, oth.time);
	pt dest() { return s + dxy[dir]; }
struct loc {
	pt s;
	int time;
	loc(const pt& s, int time) : s(s), time(time) {}
	bool operator<(const loc& oth) const {
		return tie(s, time) < tie(oth.s, oth.time);
struct conflict {
	int a1, a2;
	variant<loc, pair<move, move>> c;
	conflict(int a1, int a2, loc c_loc) : a1(a1), a2(a2), c(c_loc) {}
	conflict(int a1, int a2, move c_move1, move c_move2)
			: a1(a1), a2(a2), c(make_pair(c_move1, c_move2)) {}

	void print() {
		cout << "agents: " << a1 << ' ' << a2 << ", ";
		if (holds_alternative<loc>(c))
			cout << "location: " << get<loc>(c).s.x << ' ' << get<loc>(c).s.y
					 << " time=" << get<loc>(c).time << endl;
		else {
			move m1, m2;
			tie(m1, m2) = get<pair<move, move>>(c);
			cout << "move1: " << m1.s.x << ' ' << m1.s.y << ' ' << m1.dir
					 << " time=" << m1.time << endl;
			cout << "move2: " << m2.s.x << ' ' << m2.s.y << ' ' << m2.dir
					 << " time=" << m2.time << endl;

bool use_makespan = true;
struct cbs_instance {
	int time;
	// each is a vector of agents
	vector<vector<move>> paths;
	vector<set<loc>> agent_loc_constraints;
	vector<set<move>> agent_move_constraints;
	int distance = 0;
	bool operator<(const cbs_instance& oth) const {
		// change to sum of path sizes for distance
		if (use_makespan)
			return time > oth.time;
			return distance > oth.distance;
	cbs_instance(int n)
			: time(0), paths(n), agent_loc_constraints(n), agent_move_constraints(n) {
	cbs_instance(int n, int _time)
			: time(_time), paths(n), agent_loc_constraints(n),
				agent_move_constraints(n) {}
	void remove_path(int i) {
		for (auto& mv : paths[i]) {
			if (mv.dir != 0)

vector<move> reverse_path(pt dest, int time,
													unordered_map<int, map<pt, move>>& visited, int& dist,
													int still_time) {
	vector<move> ret;
	while (time > 0) {
		auto vis_entry = visited[min(time, still_time)][dest];
		dest = vis_entry.s;
		if (vis_entry.dir != 0)
	reverse(ret.begin(), ret.end());
	return ret;

struct cbs {
	instance& ins;

	sparse_graph::sparse_graph& g;

	bool move_conflicts_external(move m) {
		return !g.valid_move(m.s, m.dest(), m.time - 1,
												 true); // TODO why is this -1?
	bool can_stop_now_external(int t, pt p) {
		return g.is_last_move(g.hsh(p, t));

	// TODO switch to using the MULT thing from sparse_graph instead
	int max_valid_time() { return 5 * g.maxt; }

	// vector indexed by agents, todo queue of pairs of points and distances
	vector<queue<pair<pt, int>>> score_todo;
	vector<map<pt, int>> score_distances;

	set<pt> obstacles;
	priority_queue<cbs_instance> ci_queue; // queue of instances
	cbs(instance& ins, sparse_graph::sparse_graph& _g)
			: ins(ins), g(_g), score_todo(ins.n), score_distances(ins.n) {
		for (pt& p : ins.obstacle)

		for (int i = 0; i < ins.n; ++i) {
			score_distances[i][ins.target[i]] = 0;
			for (int dir = 1; dir < 5; ++dir) {
				score_todo[i].emplace(ins.target[i] + dxy[dir], 1);

		// initialize first ci entry
		cbs_instance ci(ins.n, ins.time);
		for (int i = 0; i < ins.n; ++i) {
			pathfind_agent(ci, i);

	bool l1_score = false;
	int agent_score(const pt& p, int agent) {
		if (l1_score)
			return abs(p - ins.target[agent]);
		else {
			queue<pair<pt, int>>& todo = score_todo[agent];
			map<pt, int>& distances = score_distances[agent];
			if (obstacles.count(p) > 0)
				return INF;
			if (distances.count(p))
				return distances[p];
			while (!todo.empty()) {
				pt cur = todo.front().first;
				int dist = todo.front().second;
				if (distances.count(cur) > 0 || obstacles.count(cur) > 0)
				distances[cur] = dist;
				for (int dir = 1; dir < 5; ++dir) {
					todo.emplace(cur + dxy[dir], dist + 1);
				if (cur == p)
					return distances[p];
		cout << "bad stuff happened, test case is impossible? p=" << p.x << ','
				 << p.y << endl;
		cout << "target=" << ins.target[agent].x << ',' << ins.target[agent].y
				 << endl;
		return -1;

	bool pathfind_agent_distance(cbs_instance& ci, int agent) {
		// path already exists
		if (!ci.paths[agent].empty())
			return true;

		auto& mv_cons = ci.agent_move_constraints[agent];
		auto& lc_cons = ci.agent_loc_constraints[agent];

		// visited stores move that took us to pt
		unordered_map<int, map<pt, move>> visited;
		// queue of score + -time + -dist + move
		// time is added as secondary measure, no other reason
		priority_queue<tuple<int, int, move>> todo;
		auto score = [&](const pt& p) { return agent_score(p, agent); };
		for (int dir = 0; dir < 5; ++dir) {
			if (dir == 0)
				todo.emplace(-score(ins.start[agent]), 0,
										 move(ins.start[agent], dir, 1));
				todo.emplace(-(1 + score(ins.start[agent])), -1,
										 move(ins.start[agent], dir, 1));
		while (!todo.empty()) {
			auto dist = -get<1>(todo.top());
			move cur = get<2>(todo.top());
			if (mv_cons.count(cur) > 0)
			pt p = cur.s + dxy[cur.dir];
			if (obstacles.count(p) > 0 || lc_cons.count(loc(p, cur.time)) > 0 ||
					visited[min(cur.time, ci.time + 1)].count(p) > 0)
			if (move_conflicts_external(cur))
			visited[min(cur.time, ci.time + 1)][p] = cur;
			if (p == ins.target[agent] && cur.time >= ci.time &&
					can_stop_now_external(cur.time, p)) {
				// store newly found path for agent in cbs instance
				ci.paths[agent] =
						reverse_path(p, cur.time, visited, ci.distance, ci.time + 1);
				if (ci.paths[agent].size() == 0) {
					cout << "Path length of zero for agent " << agent << endl;
				ci.time = max(ci.time, cur.time);
				return true;
			if (cur.time > max_valid_time())
			// cout << "dist=" << dist << ", score(p)=" << score(p) << endl;
			for (int dir = 0; dir < 5; ++dir) {
				if (dir == 0)
					todo.emplace(-(dist + score(p)), -dist, move(p, dir, cur.time + 1));
					todo.emplace(-(dist + 1 + score(p)), -dist - 1,
											 move(p, dir, cur.time + 1));
		return false;

	bool pathfind_agent_makespan(cbs_instance& ci, int agent) {
		// path already exists
		if (!ci.paths[agent].empty())
			return true;

		auto& mv_cons = ci.agent_move_constraints[agent];
		auto& lc_cons = ci.agent_loc_constraints[agent];

		// bad A*
		// visited stores move that took us to pt
		unordered_map<int, map<pt, move>> visited;
		priority_queue<pair<int, move>> todo; // queue of (A*) score + move
		auto score = [&](const pt& p) { return agent_score(p, agent); };
		for (int dir = 0; dir < 5; ++dir)
			todo.emplace(-score(ins.start[agent]), move(ins.start[agent], dir, 1));
		while (!todo.empty()) {
			move cur = todo.top().second;
			if (mv_cons.count(cur) > 0)
			pt p = cur.s + dxy[cur.dir];
			if (obstacles.count(p) > 0 || lc_cons.count(loc(p, cur.time)) > 0 ||
					visited[cur.time].count(p) > 0)
			if (move_conflicts_external(cur))
			visited[cur.time][p] = cur;
			if (p == ins.target[agent] && cur.time >= ci.time &&
					can_stop_now_external(cur.time, p)) {
				// store newly found path for agent in cbs instance
				ci.paths[agent] =
						reverse_path(p, cur.time, visited, ci.distance, cur.time);
				ci.time = max(ci.time, cur.time);
				return true;
			for (int dir = 0; dir < 5; ++dir)
				todo.emplace(-(cur.time + score(p)), move(p, dir, cur.time + 1));
		return false;

	// returns true if succeeded in finding a path (or if already existed)
	bool pathfind_agent(cbs_instance& ci, int agent) {
		if (use_makespan)
			return pathfind_agent_makespan(ci, agent);
			return pathfind_agent_distance(ci, agent);

	void extend_path(vector<move>& path, int agent) {
		// extend the path to not move, handle empty path case
		if (path.empty())
			path.emplace_back(ins.start[agent], 0, path.size() + 1);
			path.emplace_back(path.back().dest(), 0, path.size() + 1);

	// simulate and check for any conflicts (vertex, edge, or turn/geometric
	// conflicts)
	// returns nullopt if none found
	// returns the first conflict
	optional<conflict> find_conflicts(cbs_instance& ci) {
		vector<pt> locations = ins.start;
		map<pt, int> agent_at_point;
		// initialize agent_at_point
		for (int i = 0; i < ins.n; ++i)
			agent_at_point[locations[i]] = i;

		for (int t = 0; t < ci.time; ++t) {
			vector<pt> new_locations = locations;
			map<pt, int> new_agent_at_point;
			// only vertex conflicts need to be checked in the first iteration, since
			// they are problematic for the contents of new_agent_at_point
			for (int i = 0; i < ins.n; ++i) {
				if (int(ci.paths[i].size()) <= t) // extend paths
					extend_path(ci.paths[i], i);
				new_locations[i] = ci.paths[i][t].dest();
				if (new_agent_at_point.count(new_locations[i]) > 0) { // vertex conflict
					auto ret = conflict(i, new_agent_at_point[new_locations[i]],
															loc(new_locations[i], t + 1));
					// cout << "found vertex conflict! ";
					// ret.print();
					return make_optional(ret);
				new_agent_at_point[new_locations[i]] = i;
			// check for edge conflicts and turn conflicts (same thing basically)
			for (int i = 0; i < ins.n; ++i) {
				if (agent_at_point.count(new_locations[i]) > 0 &&
						ci.paths[agent_at_point[new_locations[i]]][t].dir !=
								ci.paths[i][t].dir) {
					auto ret =
							conflict(i, agent_at_point[new_locations[i]], ci.paths[i][t],
					// cout << "found edge conflict! ";
					// ret.print();
					return make_optional(ret);
			locations = new_locations;
			agent_at_point = new_agent_at_point;
		// cout << "found no conflict" << endl;
		return nullopt;
	void store_movements_in_ins(cbs_instance& ci) {
		for (int t = 0; t < ci.time; ++t) {
			vector<int> move(ins.n);
			for (int i = 0; i < ins.n; ++i)
				move[i] = ci.paths[i][t].dir;
		ins.time = ins.moves.size();
	// somehow turns first conflict found into corresponding constraints, and
	// makes both branches?
	bool use_disjoint_split = true;
	bool process_next_cbs_instance() {
		assert(!ci_queue.empty()); // hopefully everything has a solution
		cbs_instance ci = ci_queue.top();
		auto conflict_opt = find_conflicts(ci);
		if (conflict_opt.has_value()) {
			auto con = conflict_opt.value();
			cbs_instance ci2 = ci;
			// TODO: disjoint splitting
			// (for ci2, add constraints for EVERYTHING except a1, and also maybe add
			// a REQUIREMENT to a1 later)
							[&](std::monostate&) {},
							[&](loc& l) {
								if (use_disjoint_split)
									for (int i = 0; i < ins.n; ++i) {
										if (i != con.a1)
							[&](pair<move, move>& p_move) {
								if (use_disjoint_split)
									for (int i = 0; i < ins.n; ++i) {
										if (i != con.a1)
			if (pathfind_agent(ci, con.a1))
			if (pathfind_agent(ci2, con.a2))
			return false;
		} else {
			// found valid set of movements!
			return true;

bool search(instance& ins, const vector<size_t>& sub_robots, int sec = 1) {
	clock_t start_time = clock();
	// sub robots go on the ignore list, since they are handled by cbs on the
	// sub-instance instead
	sparse_graph::sparse_graph g(ins);
	for (auto i : sub_robots)
	auto subins = ins.sub_instance(sub_robots);
	subins.time = 0;
	cbs solver(subins, g);
	int num_instances_processed = 0;
	while (clock() - start_time < sec * CLOCKS_PER_SEC) {
		// cout << "processing another cbs instance!" << endl;
		if (solver.process_next_cbs_instance()) {
			// cout << "processed " << num_instances_processed << " WITH SUCCESS!! :)"
			// 		 << endl;
			ins.merge_sub_instance(subins, sub_robots);
			if (!verify(ins))
			return true;
	// cout << "processed " << num_instances_processed << " instances with no luck
	// :(" << endl;
	return false;

bool run(instance& ins, int sec = 1) {
	int sub_sec = 5; // TODO: choose this better, and maybe increase it every time
									 // an opt fails

	clock_t start_time = clock();
	size_t num_to_opt = min(7, ins.n);
	vector<size_t> all_robots(ins.n);
	for (int i = 0; i < ins.n; ++i)
		all_robots[i] = i;
	int found_count = 0;
	random_shuffle(all_robots.begin(), all_robots.end());
	auto robot_iter = all_robots.begin();
	while (clock() - start_time < sec * CLOCKS_PER_SEC) {
		// pick num_to_opt random robots
		auto next_iter =
				robot_iter + min(num_to_opt, size_t(all_robots.end() - robot_iter));
		vector<size_t> sub_robots(robot_iter, next_iter);
		// vector<size_t> sub_robots(all_robots.begin(),
		// 													all_robots.begin() + num_to_opt);
		if (!search(ins, sub_robots, sub_sec)) {
			cerr << "Decreasing num to opt, now=" << num_to_opt << endl;
			if (rand() % 12 == 0) {
				num_to_opt = 7;
				cerr << "Randomly making num_to_opt " << num_to_opt << endl;
			robot_iter = next_iter;
			// if we've optimized all robots, re-shuffle and start again
			if (robot_iter == all_robots.end()) {
				cerr << "Optimized all robots at least once, shuffling again" << endl;
				random_shuffle(all_robots.begin(), all_robots.end());
				robot_iter = all_robots.begin();
		} else {
			if (found_count % 20 == 0 || found_count < 20) {
				cout << "found " << found_count << " new path groups" << endl;
	sparse_graph::sparse_graph sg(ins);
	return improvement(ins, false) || improvement(ins, true);
} // namespace cbs_improve
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