from github import Github, BadCredentialsException from peyotl.nexson_syntax import write_as_json from peyotl.phylesystem import Phylesystem from peyotl.collections import TreeCollectionStore from peyotl.utility import read_config as read_peyotl_config from peyotl.utility import get_config as get_peyotl_config from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser from datetime import datetime import tempfile import logging import json import os def get_private_dir(request): app_name = request.application leader = request.env.web2py_path return '%s/applications/%s/private' % (leader, app_name) def atomic_write_json_if_not_found(obj, dest, request): if os.path.exists(dest): return False dir = get_private_dir(request) handle, tmpfn = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.json', dir=dir, text=True) # mkstemp opens the file and returns a file descriptor, # but we are using write_as_json to open with the right encoding os.close(handle) write_as_json(obj, tmpfn, indent=2, sort_keys=True) if os.path.exists(dest): return False os.rename(tmpfn, dest) return True def compose_push_to_github_url(request, resource_id): if resource_id is None: return '{p}://{d}/{a}/push/v1'.format(p=request.env.wsgi_url_scheme, d=request.env.http_host, a=request.application) return '{p}://{d}/{a}/push/v1/{r}'.format(p=request.env.wsgi_url_scheme, d=request.env.http_host, a=request.application, r=resource_id) # this allows us to raise HTTP(...) from gluon import * _PHYLESYSTEM = None def get_phylesystem(request): global _PHYLESYSTEM if _PHYLESYSTEM is not None: return _PHYLESYSTEM from gitdata import GitData repo_parent, repo_remote, git_ssh, pkey, git_hub_remote, max_filesize, max_num_trees = read_phylesystem_config(request) peyotl_config, cfg_filename = read_peyotl_config() if 'phylesystem' not in peyotl_config.sections(): peyotl_config.add_section('phylesystem') peyotl_config.set('phylesystem', 'max_file_size', max_filesize) #overrides peyotl config with max phylesytem-api filesize push_mirror = os.path.join(repo_parent, 'mirror') pmi = { 'parent_dir': push_mirror, 'remote_map': { 'GitHubRemote': git_hub_remote, }, } mirror_info = {'push':pmi} conf = get_conf_object(request) a = {} try: new_study_prefix = conf.get('apis', 'new_study_prefix') a['new_study_prefix'] = new_study_prefix except: pass _PHYLESYSTEM = Phylesystem(repos_par=repo_parent, git_ssh=git_ssh, pkey=pkey, git_action_class=GitData, mirror_info=mirror_info, **a) _LOG = get_logger(request, 'ot_api') _LOG.debug('[[[[[[ repo_nexml2json = {}'.format(_PHYLESYSTEM.repo_nexml2json)) return _PHYLESYSTEM _TREE_COLLECTION_STORE = None def get_tree_collection_store(request): global _TREE_COLLECTION_STORE if _TREE_COLLECTION_STORE is not None: return _TREE_COLLECTION_STORE _LOG = get_logger(request, 'ot_api') _LOG.debug("getting _TREE_COLLECTION_STORE...") from gitdata import GitData #TODO? repo_parent, repo_remote, git_ssh, pkey, git_hub_remote, max_filesize = read_collections_config(request) _LOG.debug(" repo_parent={}".format(repo_parent)) _LOG.debug(" repo_remote={}".format(repo_remote)) _LOG.debug(" git_ssh={}".format(git_ssh)) _LOG.debug(" pkey={}".format(pkey)) _LOG.debug(" git_hub_remote={}".format(git_hub_remote)) push_mirror = os.path.join(repo_parent, 'mirror') pmi = { 'parent_dir': push_mirror, 'remote_map': { 'GitHubRemote': git_hub_remote, }, } mirror_info = {'push':pmi} conf = get_conf_object(request) import pprint _LOG.debug(" conf:") _LOG.debug(pprint.pformat(conf)) a = {} try: # any keyword args to pass along from config? #new_study_prefix = conf.get('apis', 'new_study_prefix') #a['new_study_prefix'] = new_study_prefix pass except: pass _TREE_COLLECTION_STORE = TreeCollectionStore(repos_par=repo_parent, git_ssh=git_ssh, pkey=pkey, git_action_class=GitData, #TODO? mirror_info=mirror_info, **a) _LOG.debug('assumed_doc_version = {}'.format(_TREE_COLLECTION_STORE.assumed_doc_version)) return _TREE_COLLECTION_STORE def get_failed_push_filepath(request, doc_type=None): filenames_by_content_type = {'nexson': "PUSH_FAILURE_nexson.json", 'collection': "PUSH_FAILURE_collection.json", 'favorites': "PUSH_FAILURE_favorites.json"} content_type = doc_type or request.vars.get('doc_type', 'nexson') failure_filename = filenames_by_content_type[content_type] return os.path.join(get_private_dir(request), failure_filename) def get_conf_object(request): app_name = request.application conf = SafeConfigParser(allow_no_value=True) localconfig_filename = os.path.join(get_private_dir(request), "localconfig") if os.path.isfile(localconfig_filename): conf.readfp(open(localconfig_filename)) else: filename = os.path.join(get_private_dir(request), "config") conf.readfp(open(filename)) return conf def read_phylesystem_config(request): """Load settings for managing the main Nexson docstore""" conf = get_conf_object(request) repo_parent = conf.get("apis","repo_parent") repo_remote = conf.get("apis", "repo_remote") try: git_ssh = conf.get("apis", "git_ssh") except: git_ssh = 'ssh' try: pkey = conf.get("apis", "pkey") except: pkey = None try: git_hub_remote = conf.get("apis", "git_hub_remote") except: git_hub_remote = '' try: max_filesize = conf.get("filesize", "peyotl_max_file_size") except: max_filesize = '20000000' try: max_num_trees = conf.get("filesize", "validation_max_num_trees") except: max_num_trees = 65 try: max_num_trees = int(max_num_trees) except ValueError: raise HTTP(400, json.dumps({"error": 1, "description": 'max number of trees per study in config is not an integer'})) return repo_parent, repo_remote, git_ssh, pkey, git_hub_remote, max_filesize, max_num_trees def read_collections_config(request): """Load settings for a minor repo with shared tree collections""" conf = get_conf_object(request) collections_repo_parent = conf.get("apis","collections_repo_parent") collections_repo_remote = conf.get("apis", "collections_repo_remote") try: git_ssh = conf.get("apis", "git_ssh") except: git_ssh = 'ssh' try: pkey = conf.get("apis", "pkey") except: pkey = None try: git_hub_remote = conf.get("apis", "git_hub_remote") except: git_hub_remote = '' try: max_filesize = conf.get("filesize", "collections_max_file_size") except: max_filesize = '20000000' return collections_repo_parent, collections_repo_remote, git_ssh, pkey, git_hub_remote, max_filesize def read_favorites_config(request): """Load settings for a minor repo with per-user 'favorites' information""" conf = get_conf_object(request) favorites_repo_parent = conf.get("apis","favorites_repo_parent") favorites_repo_remote = conf.get("apis", "favorites_repo_remote") try: git_ssh = conf.get("apis", "git_ssh") except: git_ssh = 'ssh' try: pkey = conf.get("apis", "pkey") except: pkey = None try: git_hub_remote = conf.get("apis", "git_hub_remote") except: git_hub_remote = '' return favorites_repo_parent, favorites_repo_remote, git_ssh, pkey, git_hub_remote def read_logging_config(request): conf = get_conf_object(request) try: level = conf.get("logging", "level") if not level.strip(): level = 'WARNING' except: level = 'WARNING' try: logging_format_name = conf.get("logging", "formatter") if not logging_format_name.strip(): logging_format_name = 'NONE' except: logging_format_name = 'NONE' try: logging_filepath = conf.get("logging", "filepath") if not logging_filepath.strip(): logging_filepath = None except: logging_filepath = None return level, logging_format_name, logging_filepath def authenticate(**kwargs): """Verify that we received a valid Github authentication token This method takes a dict of keyword arguments and optionally over-rides the author_name and author_email associated with the given token, if they are present. Returns a PyGithub object, author name and author email. This method will return HTTP 400 if the auth token is not present or if it is not valid, i.e. if PyGithub throws a BadCredentialsException. """ # this is the GitHub API auth-token for a logged-in curator auth_token = kwargs.get('auth_token','') if not auth_token: raise HTTP(400,json.dumps({ "error": 1, "description":"You must provide an auth_token to authenticate to the OpenTree API" })) gh = Github(auth_token) gh_user = gh.get_user() auth_info = {} try: auth_info['login'] = gh_user.login except BadCredentialsException: raise HTTP(400,json.dumps({ "error": 1, "description":"You have provided an invalid or expired authentication token" })) auth_info['name'] = kwargs.get('author_name') auth_info['email'] = kwargs.get('author_email') # use the Github Oauth token to get a name/email if not specified # we don't provide these as default values above because they would # generate API calls regardless of author_name/author_email being specifed if auth_info['name'] is None: auth_info['name'] = if auth_info['email'] is None: auth_info['email']= return auth_info _LOGGING_LEVEL_ENVAR="OT_API_LOGGING_LEVEL" _LOGGING_FORMAT_ENVAR="OT_API_LOGGING_FORMAT" _LOGGING_FILE_PATH_ENVAR = 'OT_API_LOG_FILE_PATH' def _get_logging_level(s=None): if s is None: return logging.NOTSET supper = s.upper() if supper == "NOTSET": level = logging.NOTSET elif supper == "DEBUG": level = logging.DEBUG elif supper == "INFO": level = logging.INFO elif supper == "WARNING": level = logging.WARNING elif supper == "ERROR": level = logging.ERROR elif supper == "CRITICAL": level = logging.CRITICAL else: level = logging.NOTSET return level def _get_logging_formatter(s=None): if s is None: s == 'NONE' else: s = s.upper() rich_formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s] %(filename)s (%(lineno)d): %(levelname) 8s: %(message)s") simple_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(levelname) 8s: %(message)s") raw_formatter = logging.Formatter("%(message)s") default_formatter = None logging_formatter = default_formatter if s == "RICH": logging_formatter = rich_formatter elif s == "SIMPLE": logging_formatter = simple_formatter else: logging_formatter = None if logging_formatter is not None: logging_formatter.datefmt='%H:%M:%S' return logging_formatter def get_logger(request, name="ot_api"): """ Returns a logger with name set as given, and configured to the level given by the environment variable _LOGGING_LEVEL_ENVAR. """ # package_dir = os.path.dirname(module_path) # config_filepath = os.path.join(package_dir, _LOGGING_CONFIG_FILE) # if os.path.exists(config_filepath): # try: # logging.config.fileConfig(config_filepath) # logger_set = True # except: # logger_set = False logger = logging.getLogger(name) if len(logger.handlers) == 0: if request is None: level = _get_logging_level(os.environ.get(_LOGGING_LEVEL_ENVAR)) logging_formatter = _get_logging_formatter(os.environ.get(_LOGGING_FORMAT_ENVAR)) logging_filepath = os.environ.get(_LOGGING_FILE_PATH_ENVAR) else: level_str, logging_format_name, logging_filepath = read_logging_config(request) logging_formatter = _get_logging_formatter(logging_format_name) level = _get_logging_level(level_str) logger.setLevel(level) if logging_filepath is not None: log_dir = os.path.split(logging_filepath)[0] if log_dir and not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir) ch = logging.FileHandler(logging_filepath) else: ch = logging.StreamHandler() ch.setLevel(level) ch.setFormatter(logging_formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) return logger def log_time_diff(log_obj, operation='', prev_time=None): '''If prev_time is not None, logs (at debug level) to log_obj the difference between now and the naive datetime object prev_time. `operation` is a string describing what events were timed. The current time is returned to allow for several calls with the form x = log_time_diff(_LOG, 'no op', x) foo() x = log_time_diff(_LOG, 'foo', x) bar() x = log_time_diff(_LOG, 'bar', x) ''' n = if prev_time is not None: td = n - prev_time t = td.total_seconds() log_obj.debug('Timed operation "{o}" took {t:f} seconds'.format(o=operation, t=t)) return n def get_oti_base_url(request): conf = get_conf_object(request) oti_base_url = conf.get("apis", "oti_base_url") if oti_base_url.startswith('//'): # Prepend scheme to a scheme-relative URL oti_base_url = "https:" + oti_base_url return oti_base_url def get_oti_domain(request): oti_base = get_oti_base_url(request) s = oti_base.split('/') assert len(s) > 2 return '/'.join(s[:3]) def get_collections_api_base_url(request): conf = get_conf_object(request) base_url = conf.get("apis", "collections_api_base_url") if base_url.startswith('//'): # Prepend scheme to a scheme-relative URL base_url = "https:" + base_url return base_url def get_favorites_api_base_url(request): conf = get_conf_object(request) base_url = conf.get("apis", "favorites_api_base_url") if base_url.startswith('//'): # Prepend scheme to a scheme-relative URL base_url = "https:" + base_url return base_url