Raw File
  Plot a Fitted Point Process Model on a Linear Network
  Plots the fitted intensity of a point process model
  on a linear network. 
  \method{plot}{lppm}(x, ..., type="trend")
    An object of class \code{"lppm"} representing a fitted point process
    model on a linear network.
    Arguments passed to \code{\link{plot.linim}} to control the
    Character string (either \code{"trend"} or \code{"cif"})
    determining whether to plot the fitted first order trend
    or the conditional intensity.
  This function is the plot method for the class 
  \code{"lppm"}. It computes the fitted intensity of the
  point process model, and displays it using \code{\link{plot.linim}}.

  The default is to display intensity values as colours. Alternatively
  if the argument \code{style="width"} is given, intensity values are
  displayed as the widths of thick lines drawn over the network.
  X <- runiflpp(10, simplenet)  
  fit <- lppm(X ~x)
  plot(fit, style="width")
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