Raw File
 * bidirectional r-index
 *  the naive impementation


#include "definitions.hpp"
#include "rle_string.hpp"
#include "sparse_sd_vector.hpp"
#include "permuted_lcp.hpp"
#include "utils.hpp"

namespace bri {

// sample maintained during the search
struct br_sample_naive {
     * state variables for left_extension & right_extension
     * range: SA range of P
     * p: sample pos in SA
     * j: SA[p]
     * d: offset between starting position of the pattern & j
     * rangeR, pR, jR, dR: correspondents to range,p,j,d in SA^R
     * len: current pattern length
    range_t range, rangeR;
    ulint p, j, d, pR, jR, dR, len;
    br_sample_naive(): range(), rangeR() {}

    br_sample_naive(range_t range_, 
              range_t rangeR_,
              ulint p_,
              ulint j_,
              ulint d_,
              ulint pR_,
              ulint jR_,
              ulint dR_,
              ulint len_) 
              len(len_) {}

    void set_values(range_t range_, 
                    range_t rangeR_,
                    ulint p_,
                    ulint j_,
                    ulint d_,
                    ulint pR_,
                    ulint jR_,
                    ulint dR_,
                    ulint len_)
        range = range_;
        rangeR = rangeR_;
        p = p_;
        j = j_;
        d = d_;
        pR = pR_;
        jR = jR_;
        dR = dR_;
        len = len_;

    // the pattern does not exist
    bool is_invalid()
        return (range.first > range.second) || (rangeR.first > rangeR.second);

    // range size
    ulint size()
        return range.second + 1 - range.first;

    class sparse_bitvector_t = sparse_sd_vector,
    class rle_string_t = rle_string_sd 
class br_index_naive {


    using triple = std::tuple<range_t, ulint, ulint>;

    br_index_naive() {}

     * constructor. 
     * \param input: string on which br-index is built
     * \param sais: flag determining if we use SAIS for suffix sort. 
     *              otherwise we use divsufsort
    br_index_naive(std::string const& input, bool sais = true)
        this->sais = sais;

        if (input.size() < 1)

            std::cout << "Error: input string is empty" << std::endl;


        std::cout << "Text length = " << input.size() << std::endl << std::endl;

        std::cout << "(1/4) Remapping alphabet ... " << std::flush;

        // build RLBWT

        // configure & build indexes for sufsort & plcp
        sdsl::cache_config cc;

        // remap alphabet
        remap = std::vector<uchar>(256,0);
        remap_inv = std::vector<uchar>(256,0);
            sigma = 1;
            std::vector<ulint> freqs(256,0);
            for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i)
                if (freqs[(uchar)input[i]]++ == 0) sigma++;
                if (sigma >= 255)
                    std::cout << "Error: alphabet cannot be remapped (overflow)" << std::endl;
            uchar new_c = 2; // avoid reserved chars
            for (ulint c = 2; c < 256; ++c)
                if (freqs[(uchar)c] != 0)
                    remap[(uchar)c] = new_c;
                    remap_inv[new_c++] = (uchar)c;

        std::cout << "done." << std::endl;
        std::cout << "(2/4) Building BWT, BWT^R, PLCP and computing SA samples";
        if (sais) std::cout << " (SA-SAIS) ... " << std::flush;
        else std::cout << " (DIVSUFSORT) ... " << std::flush;

        // remap input text
        sdsl::int_vector<8> text(input.size());
        for (size_t i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i)
            text[i] = remap[(uchar)input[i]];


        // cache text
        sdsl::store_to_cache(text, sdsl::conf::KEY_TEXT, cc);
        sdsl::construct_config::byte_algo_sa = sais ? sdsl::SE_SAIS : sdsl::LIBDIVSUFSORT;
        // cache SA
        // cache ISA 

        sdsl::int_vector_buffer<> sa(sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_SA, cc));
        last_SA_val = sa[sa.size()-1];
        auto bwt_and_samples = sufsort(text,sa);

        plcp = permuted_lcp<>(cc);

        // remove cache of text and SA
        sdsl::remove(sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_TEXT, cc));
        sdsl::remove(sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_SA, cc));

        // configure & build reversed indexes for sufsort
        sdsl::cache_config ccR;

        sdsl::int_vector<8> textR(input.size());
        for (ulint i = 0; i < input.size(); ++i)
            textR[i] = remap[(uchar)input[input.size()-1-i]];


        // cache textR
        sdsl::store_to_cache(textR, sdsl::conf::KEY_TEXT, ccR);
        sdsl::construct_config::byte_algo_sa = sais ? sdsl::SE_SAIS : sdsl::LIBDIVSUFSORT;
        // cache SAR
        // cache ISAR

        sdsl::int_vector_buffer<> saR(sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_SA, ccR));
        auto bwt_and_samplesR = sufsort(textR,saR);

        // plcp is not needed in the reversed case

        // remove cache of textR and SAR
        sdsl::remove(sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_TEXT, ccR));
        sdsl::remove(sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_SA, ccR));

        std::string& bwt_s = std::get<0>(bwt_and_samples);
        std::vector<range_t>& samples_first_vec = std::get<1>(bwt_and_samples);
        std::vector<range_t>& samples_last_vec = std::get<2>(bwt_and_samples);

        std::string& bwt_sR = std::get<0>(bwt_and_samplesR);
        std::vector<range_t>& samples_first_vecR = std::get<1>(bwt_and_samplesR);
        std::vector<range_t>& samples_last_vecR = std::get<2>(bwt_and_samplesR);

        std::cout << "done.\n(3/4) Run length encoding BWT ... " << std::flush;

        // run length compression on BWT and BWTR
        bwt = rle_string_t(bwt_s);
        bwtR = rle_string_t(bwt_sR);

        // build F column (common between text and textR)
        F = std::vector<ulint>(256,0);

        for (uchar c : bwt_s) 

        for (ulint i = 255; i > 0; --i) 
            F[i] = F[i-1];

        F[0] = 0;

        for(ulint i = 1; i < 256; ++i) 
            F[i] += F[i-1];

        // remember BWT position of terminator
		for(ulint i = 0; i < bwt_s.size(); ++i)
				terminator_position = i;
        for(ulint i = 0; i < bwt_sR.size(); ++i)
				terminator_positionR = i;

        assert(input.size() + 1 == bwt.size());

        std::cout << "done." << std::endl << std::endl;

        r = bwt.number_of_runs();
        rR = bwtR.number_of_runs();

        assert(samples_first_vec.size() == r);
        assert(samples_last_vec.size() == r);

        assert(samples_first_vecR.size() == rR);
        assert(samples_last_vecR.size() == rR);

        int log_r = bitsize(r);
        int log_rR = bitsize(rR);
        int log_n = bitsize(bwt.size());

        std::cout << "Number of BWT equal-letter runs: r = " << r << std::endl;
		std::cout << "Rate n/r = " << double(bwt.size())/r << std::endl;
		std::cout << "log2(r) = " << std::log2(double(r)) << std::endl;
		std::cout << "log2(n/r) = " << std::log2(double(bwt.size())/r) << std::endl;

        std::cout << "Number of BWT^R equal-letter runs: rR = " << rR << std::endl << std::endl;

        // Phi, Phi inverse is needed only in forward case
        std::cout << "(4/4) Building predecessor for toehold lemma & Phi/Phi^{-1} function ..." << std::flush;

        samples_last = sdsl::int_vector<>(r,0,log_n);
        samples_first = sdsl::int_vector<>(r,0,log_n);
        samples_firstR = sdsl::int_vector<>(rR,0,log_n);
        samples_lastR = sdsl::int_vector<>(rR,0,log_n);

        for (ulint i = 0; i < r; ++i)
            samples_last[i] = samples_last_vec[i].first;
            samples_first[i] = samples_first_vec[i].first;
        for (ulint i = 0; i < rR; ++i)
            samples_lastR[i] = samples_last_vecR[i].first;
            samples_firstR[i] = samples_first_vecR[i].first;

        // sort samples of first positions in runs according to text position
        std::sort(samples_first_vec.begin(), samples_first_vec.end());
        // sort samples of last positions in runs according to text position
        std::sort(samples_last_vec.begin(), samples_last_vec.end());

        // build Elias-Fano predecessor
            std::vector<bool> first_bv(bwt_s.size(),false);
            for (auto p: samples_first_vec)
                assert(p.first < first_bv.size());
                first_bv[p.first] = true;
            first = sparse_bitvector_t(first_bv);
            std::vector<bool> last_bv(bwt_s.size(),false);
            for (auto p: samples_last_vec)
                assert(p.first < last_bv.size());
                last_bv[p.first] = true;
            last = sparse_bitvector_t(last_bv);

        assert(first.rank(first.size()) == r);
        assert(last.rank(last.size()) == r);

        inv_order = sdsl::int_vector<>(r,0,log_n);
        inv_orderR = sdsl::int_vector<>(rR,0,log_n);

        first_to_run = sdsl::int_vector<>(r,0,log_r);

        last_to_run = sdsl::int_vector<>(r,0,log_r);

        // construct first_to_run
        for (ulint i = 0; i < samples_first_vec.size(); ++i)
            first_to_run[i] = samples_first_vec[i].second;

        // construct last_to_run
        for (ulint i = 0; i < samples_last_vec.size(); ++i)
            last_to_run[i] = samples_last_vec[i].second;

        // construct inv_order
            //sdsl::int_vector_buffer<> isaR(sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_ISA, ccR));
            sdsl::int_vector<> isaR;
            sdsl::load_from_file(isaR, sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_ISA, ccR));
            assert(isaR.size() == bwt.size());
            for (ulint i = 0; i < samples_last.size(); ++i)
                if (bwt.size() >= samples_last[i] + 2)
                    inv_order[i] = isaR[bwt.size()-2-samples_last[i]];
                    inv_order[i] = 0;

        // construct inv_orderR
            //sdsl::int_vector_buffer<> isa(sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_ISA, cc));
            sdsl::int_vector<> isa;
            sdsl::load_from_file(isa, sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_ISA, cc));
            assert(isa.size() == bwt.size());
            for (ulint i = 0; i < samples_lastR.size(); ++i)
                if (bwt.size() >= samples_lastR[i] + 2)
                    inv_orderR[i] = isa[bwt.size()-2-samples_lastR[i]];
                    inv_orderR[i] = 0;

        // release ISA cache
        sdsl::remove(sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_ISA, cc));
        sdsl::remove(sdsl::cache_file_name(sdsl::conf::KEY_ISA, ccR));

        std::cout << " done. " << std::endl << std::endl;


     * get full BWT range
    range_t full_range()
        return {0,bwt_size()-1};

     * rn: BWT range of a string P
     * c:  remapped character
     * returns: BWT range of cP
    range_t LF(range_t rn, uchar c)

        if ((c == 255 && F[c] == bwt.size()) || F[c] >= F[c+1]) return {1,0};

        ulint c_before = bwt.rank(rn.first, c);

        ulint c_inside = bwt.rank(rn.second+1,c) - c_before;

        if (c_inside == 0) return {1,0};

        ulint lb = F[c] + c_before;

        return {lb, lb + c_inside - 1};

     * rn: BWT^R range of a string P
     * c:  remapped character
     * returns: BWT^R range of cP
    range_t LFR(range_t rn, uchar c)

        if ((c == 255 && F[c] == bwt.size()) || F[c] >= F[c+1]) return {1,0};

        ulint c_before = bwtR.rank(rn.first, c);

        ulint c_inside = bwtR.rank(rn.second+1,c) - c_before;

        if (c_inside == 0) return {1,0};

        ulint lb = F[c] + c_before;

        return {lb, lb + c_inside - 1};


     * Phi function
     * get SA[i] from SA[i+1]
    ulint Phi(ulint i)
        assert(i != bwt.size() - 1);

        ulint jr = first.predecessor_rank_circular(i);

        assert(jr <= r - 1);

        ulint k = first.select(jr);

        assert(jr < r - 1 || k == bwt.size() - 1);

        // distance from predecessor
        ulint delta = k < i ? i - k : i + 1;

        // check if Phi(SA[0]) is not called
        assert(first_to_run[jr] > 0);

        ulint prev_sample = samples_last[first_to_run[jr]-1];

        return (prev_sample + delta) % bwt.size();
     * Phi inverse
     * get SA[i] from SA[i-1]
    ulint PhiI(ulint i)
        assert(i != last_SA_val);

        ulint jr = last.predecessor_rank_circular(i);

        assert(jr <= r - 1);

        ulint k = last.select(jr);

        assert(jr < r - 1 || k == bwt.size() - 1);

        // distance from predecessor
        ulint delta = k < i ? i - k : i + 1;

        // check if Phi(SA[0]) is not called
        assert(last_to_run[jr] < r-1);

        ulint prev_sample = samples_first[last_to_run[jr]+1];

        return (prev_sample + delta) % bwt.size();

    ulint LF(ulint i)
        auto c = bwt[i];
        return F[c] + bwt.rank(i,c);

    ulint LFR(ulint i)
        auto c = bwtR[i];
        return F[c] + bwtR.rank(i,c);

     * inverse of LF (known as Psi)
    ulint FL(ulint i)

        // i-th character in first BWT column F
        auto c = F_at(i);

        // j: occurrences of c before i
        ulint j = i - F[c];

        return bwt.select(j,(uchar)c);


    ulint FLR(ulint i)

        // i-th character in first BWT column F
        auto c = F_at(i);

        // j: occurrences of c before i
        ulint j = i - F[c];

        return bwtR.select(j,(uchar)c);

     * character of position i in column F
    uchar F_at(ulint i)

        ulint c = (std::upper_bound(F.begin(),F.end(),i) - F.begin()) - 1;
        assert(c < 256);
        assert(i >= F[c]);

        return (uchar)c;


     * return BWT range of original char c (not remapped)
    range_t get_char_range(uchar c)
        // replace c with internal representation
        c = remap[c];

        if ((c == 255 && F[c] == bwt_size()) || F[c] >= F[c+1]) return {1,0};

        ulint lb = F[c];
        ulint rb = bwt_size() - 1;

        if (c < 255) rb = F[c+1] - 1;

        return {lb,rb};


     * get a sample corresponding to an empty string
    br_sample_naive get_initial_sample()
        return br_sample_naive(full_range(), // entire SA range
                               full_range(), // entire SAR range
                               0,            // p = 0
                               bwt_size()-1, // SA[0] = n - 1
                               0,            // offset 0
                               0);           // null pattern

     * search the pattern cP (P:the current pattern)
     * returns SA range corresponding to cP
     * assumes c is original char (not remapped)
    br_sample_naive left_extension(uchar c, br_sample_naive const& prev_sample)
        // replace c with internal representation
        c = remap[c];

        br_sample_naive sample(prev_sample);

        // get SA range of cP
        sample.range = LF(prev_sample.range,c);

        // pattern cP was not found
        if (sample.range.first > sample.range.second) return sample;

        // accumulated occ of aP (for any a s.t. a < c)
        ulint acc = 0;

        for (ulint a = 1; a < c; ++a)
            range_t smaller_range = LF(prev_sample.range,(uchar)a);
            acc += (smaller_range.second+1) - smaller_range.first;

        // get SAR range of (cP)^R
        sample.rangeR.second = sample.rangeR.first + acc + sample.range.second - sample.range.first;
        sample.rangeR.first = sample.rangeR.first + acc;

        // cP and aP occurs for some a s.t. a != c
        if (prev_sample.range.second - prev_sample.range.first != 
            sample.range.second      - sample.range.first)
            // fint last c in range and get its sample
            // there must be at least one c due to the previous if clause
            ulint rnk = bwt.rank(prev_sample.range.second+1,c);
            assert(rnk > 0);

            // update p by corresponding BWT position
            sample.p = bwt.select(rnk-1,c);
            assert(sample.p >= prev_sample.range.first && sample.p <= prev_sample.range.second);

            // run number of position p
            ulint run_of_p = bwt.run_of_position(sample.p);

            // update j by SA[p]
            if (bwt[prev_sample.range.second] == c)
                sample.j = samples_first[run_of_p];
                sample.j = samples_last[run_of_p];

            // reset d
            sample.d = 0;

            // lex order in SAR of position j
            sample.pR = inv_order[run_of_p];

            // SAR[pR]
            sample.jR = bwt.size()-2-sample.j;

            // reset dR
            sample.dR = sample.len;
        else // only c precedes P 
        return sample;

     * search the pattern Pc (P:the current pattern)
     * return SA range corresponding to Pc
     * assumes c is original char (not remapped)
    br_sample_naive right_extension(uchar c, br_sample_naive const& prev_sample)
        // replace c with internal representation
        c = remap[c];

        br_sample_naive sample(prev_sample);

        // get SAR range of Pc
        sample.rangeR = LFR(prev_sample.rangeR,c);

        // pattern Pc was not found
        if (sample.rangeR.first > sample.rangeR.second) return sample;

        // accumulated occ of Pa (for any a s.t. a < c)
        ulint acc = 0;

        for (ulint a = 1; a < c; ++a)
            range_t smaller_rangeR = LFR(prev_sample.rangeR,(uchar)a);
            acc += (smaller_rangeR.second+1) - smaller_rangeR.first;

        // get SA range of Pc
        sample.range.second = sample.range.first + acc + sample.rangeR.second - sample.rangeR.first; 
        sample.range.first = sample.range.first + acc;

        // Pc and Pa occurs for some a s.t. a != c
        if (prev_sample.rangeR.second - prev_sample.rangeR.first != 
            sample.rangeR.second      - sample.rangeR.first)
            // fint last c in range and get its sample
            // there must be at least one c due to the previous if clause
            ulint rnk = bwtR.rank(prev_sample.rangeR.second+1,c);
            assert(rnk > 0);

            // update pR by corresponding BWTR position
            sample.pR = bwtR.select(rnk-1,c);
            assert(sample.pR >= prev_sample.rangeR.first && sample.pR <= prev_sample.rangeR.second);

            // run number of position pR
            ulint run_of_pR = bwtR.run_of_position(sample.pR);

            // update jR by SAR[pR]
            if (bwtR[prev_sample.rangeR.second] == c)
                sample.jR = samples_firstR[run_of_pR];
                sample.jR = samples_lastR[run_of_pR];

            // reset dR
            sample.dR = 0;

            // lex order in SA of position jR
            sample.p = inv_orderR[run_of_pR];

            // SA[p]
            sample.j = bwt.size()-2-sample.jR;

            // reset d
            sample.d = sample.len;
        return sample;

     * backward search P[left...right]
    br_sample_naive backward_search(std::string const& pattern, ulint left, ulint right, br_sample_naive const& sample)
        br_sample_naive res(sample);
        for (ulint i = right + 1; i-- > left; )
            res = left_extension(pattern[i],res);
            if (res.is_invalid()) return res;
        return res;

     * forward search P[left...right]
    br_sample_naive forward_search(std::string const& pattern, ulint left, ulint right, br_sample_naive const& sample)
        br_sample_naive res(sample);
        for (ulint i = left; i <= right; ++i)
            res = right_extension(pattern[i],res);
            if (res.is_invalid()) return res;
        return res;

     * count occurrences of current pattern P
    ulint count_sample(br_sample_naive const& sample)
        return (sample.range.second + 1) - sample.range.first;

     * locate occurrences of current pattern P
     * return them as std::vector
     * (space consuming if result is big)
    std::vector<ulint> locate_sample(br_sample_naive const& sample)
        assert(sample.j >= sample.d);

        ulint sa = sample.j - sample.d;
        ulint pos = sa;

        std::vector<ulint> res;
        res.reserve(sample.range.second + 1 - sample.range.first);


        while (plcp[pos] >= sample.len) 
            pos = Phi(pos);
        pos = sa;
        while (true)
            if (pos == last_SA_val) break;
            pos = PhiI(pos);
            if (plcp[pos] < sample.len) break;

        return res;

     * count the number of a given pattern
    ulint count(std::string const& pattern)
        br_sample_naive sample(get_initial_sample());
        for (size_t i = 0; i < pattern.size(); ++i)
            sample = right_extension(pattern[i],sample);
            if (sample.is_invalid()) return {};
        return count_sample(sample);

     * count the number of a given pattern with exactly 1 mismatch
    ulint count1(std::string const& pattern)
        ulint m = pattern.size();
        ulint x = (m+1)/2;
        br_sample_naive init_sample(get_initial_sample());
        br_sample_naive sample;

        ulint occs = 0;

        // case A. mismatch occurs in the first half

        // first backward search P[x+1...m-1]
        sample = backward_search(pattern, x+1, m-1, init_sample);

        if (sample.size() > 0)

            // choose mismatched position i from [0...x]
            for (ulint i = x + 1; i-- > 0; )
                // backward search P[i+1...x]
                br_sample_naive sample_error(backward_search(pattern, i+1, x, sample));
                if (sample_error.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select character from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c = 1; c < sigma+1; ++c)
                    if (c == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend with the selected character c
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected(left_extension(remap_inv[c],sample_error));
                    if (sample_corrected.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // backward search remaining interval P[0...i-1]
                    if (i != 0) 
                        sample_corrected = backward_search(pattern, 0, i-1, sample_corrected);
                        if (sample_corrected.is_invalid()) continue;
                    occs += sample_corrected.size();                   

        // case B. mismatch occurs in the second half

        // first forward search P[0...x]
        sample = forward_search(pattern, 0, x, init_sample);

        if (sample.size() > 0)
            // choose mismatched position i from [x+1...m-1]
            for (ulint i = x+1; i < m; ++i)
                // forward search P[x+1,i-1]
                br_sample_naive sample_error(forward_search(pattern, x+1, i-1, sample));
                if (sample_error.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select character from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c = 1; c < sigma+1; ++c)
                    if (c == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend with the selected character c
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected(right_extension(remap_inv[c],sample_error));
                    if (sample_corrected.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // forward search remaining interval P[i+1...m-1]
                    sample_corrected = forward_search(pattern, i+1, m-1, sample_corrected);
                    if (sample_corrected.is_invalid()) continue;

                    occs += sample_corrected.size(); 

        return occs;

     * count the number of a given pattern with exactly 2 mismatches
    ulint count2(std::string const& pattern)

        ulint m = pattern.size();

        ulint s1 = m/3;
        ulint s2 = m - s1;

        br_sample_naive init_sample(get_initial_sample());
        br_sample_naive sample;

        ulint occs = 0;

         * divide pattern into 3 parts P[0...s1], P[s1+1...s2-1], P[s2...m-1]
         *                             (P1)       (P2)             (P3)
         * case A. 2 errors in P1 & P2
         * case B. 2 errors in P3
         * case C. 1 error  in P2, 1 error in P3
         * case D. 1 error  in P1, 1 error in P3

        // case A. 2 errors in P1 & P2

        // backward search P[s2...m-1]
        sample = backward_search(pattern, s2, m-1, init_sample);
        if (sample.size() > 0)
            // choose first mismatched position i
            for (ulint i = s2-1; i > 0; --i)
                // backward search P[i+1...s2-1]
                br_sample_naive sample_error1(backward_search(pattern, i+1, s2-1, sample));
                if (sample_error1.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c1 = 1; c1 < sigma+1; ++c1)
                    if (c1 == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend leftward with selected char c1
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected1(left_extension(remap_inv[c1], sample_error1));
                    if (sample_corrected1.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // choose second mismatched position j
                    for (ulint j = i; j-- > 0; )
                        br_sample_naive sample_error2(backward_search(pattern, j+1, i-1, sample_corrected1));
                        if (sample_error2.is_invalid()) continue;

                        // select character from alphabet except P[j]
                        for (uchar c2 = 1; c2 < sigma+1; ++c2)
                            if (c2 == remap[pattern[j]]) continue;

                            // try to extend leftward with selected char c2
                            br_sample_naive sample_corrected2(left_extension(remap_inv[c2], sample_error2));
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;

                            if (j != 0)
                                // backward search P[0...j-1]
                                sample_corrected2 = backward_search(pattern, 0, j-1, sample_corrected2);
                                if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;
                            occs += sample_corrected2.size();
        } // case A

        // case B. 2 errors in P3

        // forward search P[0...s2-1]
        sample = forward_search(pattern, 0, s2-1, init_sample);
        if (sample.size() > 0)
            // choose first mismatched position i
            for (ulint i = s2; i <= m-2; ++i)
                // forward search P[s2...i-1]
                br_sample_naive sample_error1(forward_search(pattern, s2, i-1, sample));
                if (sample_error1.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c1 = 1; c1 < sigma+1; ++c1)
                    if (c1 == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend rightward with selected char c1
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected1(right_extension(remap_inv[c1],sample_error1));
                    if (sample_corrected1.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // choose second mismatched position j
                    for (ulint j = i+1; j <= m-1; ++j)
                        // forward search P[i+1...j-1]
                        br_sample_naive sample_error2(forward_search(pattern, i+1, j-1, sample_corrected1));
                        if (sample_error2.is_invalid()) continue;

                        // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                        for (uchar c2 = 1; c2 < sigma+1; ++c2)
                            if (c2 == remap[pattern[j]]) continue;

                            // try to extend rightward with selected char c2
                            br_sample_naive sample_corrected2(right_extension(remap_inv[c2],sample_error2));
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;

                            // forward search P[j+1...m-1]
                            sample_corrected2 = forward_search(pattern, j+1, m-1, sample_corrected2);
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;
                            occs += sample_corrected2.size();
        } // case B

        // case C. 1 error in P2, 1 error in P3

        // forward search P[0...s1]
        sample = forward_search(pattern, 0, s1, init_sample);
        if (sample.size() > 0)
            // choose first mismatched position i
            for (ulint i = s1+1; i <= s2-1; ++i)
                // forward search P[s1+i...i]
                br_sample_naive sample_error1(forward_search(pattern, s1+1, i-1, sample));
                if (sample_error1.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c1 = 1; c1 < sigma+1; ++c1)
                    if (c1 == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend rightward with selected char c1
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected1(right_extension(remap_inv[c1],sample_error1));
                    if (sample_corrected1.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // forward search P[i+1...s2-1]
                    sample_corrected1 = forward_search(pattern, i+1, s2-1, sample_corrected1);

                    // choose second mismatched position j
                    for (ulint j = s2; j <= m-1; ++j)
                        // forward search P[s2...j-1]
                        br_sample_naive sample_error2(forward_search(pattern, s2, j-1, sample_corrected1));
                        if (sample_error2.is_invalid()) continue;

                        // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                        for (uchar c2 = 1; c2 < sigma+1; ++c2)
                            if (c2 == remap[pattern[j]]) continue;

                            // try to extend rightward with selected char c2
                            br_sample_naive sample_corrected2(right_extension(remap_inv[c2],sample_error2));
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;

                            // forward search P[j+1...m-1]
                            sample_corrected2 = forward_search(pattern, j+1, m-1, sample_corrected2);
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;
                            occs += sample_corrected2.size();
        } // case C

        // case D. 1 error in P1, 1 error in P3

        // forward search P[s1+1...s2-1]
        sample = forward_search(pattern, s1+1, s2-1, init_sample);
        if (sample.size() > 0)
            // choose mismatched position i in P3
            for (ulint i = s2; i <= m-1; ++i)
                // forward search P[s2...i-1]
                br_sample_naive sample_error1(forward_search(pattern, s2, i-1, sample));
                if (sample_error1.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c1 = 1; c1 < sigma+1; ++c1)
                    if (c1 == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend rightward with selected char c1
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected1(right_extension(remap_inv[c1],sample_error1));
                    if (sample_corrected1.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // forward search P[i+1...m-1]
                    sample_corrected1 = forward_search(pattern, i+1, m-1, sample_corrected1);
                    if (sample_corrected1.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // choose mismatched position j in P1
                    for (ulint j = s1 + 1; j-- > 0; )
                        // backward search P[j+1...s1]
                        br_sample_naive sample_error2(backward_search(pattern, j+1, s1, sample_corrected1));
                        if (sample_error2.is_invalid()) continue;

                        // select char from alphabet except P[j]
                        for (uchar c2 = 1; c2 < sigma+1; ++c2)
                            if (c2 == remap[pattern[j]]) continue;

                            // try to extend leftward with selected char c2
                            br_sample_naive sample_corrected2(left_extension(remap_inv[c2], sample_error2));
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;

                            // backward search P[0...j-1]
                            if (j != 0)
                                sample_corrected2 = backward_search(pattern, 0, j-1, sample_corrected2);
                                if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;

                            occs += sample_corrected2.size();

        } // case D

        return occs;

     * locate occurrences of a given pattern
    std::vector<ulint> locate(std::string const& pattern, bool right=true)
        if (right) 
            br_sample_naive sample(get_initial_sample());
            for (size_t i = 0; i < pattern.size(); ++i)
                sample = right_extension(pattern[i],sample);
                if (sample.is_invalid()) return {};
            return locate_sample(sample);
            br_sample_naive sample(get_initial_sample());
            for (size_t i = 0; i < pattern.size(); ++i)
                sample = left_extension(pattern[pattern.size()-1-i],sample);
                if (sample.is_invalid()) return {};
            return locate_sample(sample);

     * locate occurrences of a given pattern with exactly 1 mismatch
    std::vector<ulint> locate1(std::string const& pattern)
        ulint m = pattern.size();
        ulint x = (m+1)/2;
        br_sample_naive init_sample(get_initial_sample());
        br_sample_naive sample;

        std::vector<ulint> occs;

        // case A. mismatch occurs in the first half

        // first backward search P[x+1...m-1]
        sample = backward_search(pattern, x+1, m-1, init_sample);

        if (sample.size() > 0)

            // choose mismatched position i from [0...x]
            for (ulint i = x + 1; i-- > 0; )
                // backward search P[i+1...x]
                br_sample_naive sample_error(backward_search(pattern, i+1, x, sample));
                if (sample_error.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select character from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c = 1; c < sigma+1; ++c)
                    if (c == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend with the selected character c
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected(left_extension(remap_inv[c],sample_error));
                    if (sample_corrected.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // backward search remaining interval P[0...i-1]
                    if (i != 0) 
                        sample_corrected = backward_search(pattern, 0, i-1, sample_corrected);
                        if (sample_corrected.is_invalid()) continue;
                    auto occs_tmp = locate_sample(sample_corrected);

        // case B. mismatch occurs in the second half

        // first forward search P[0...x]
        sample = forward_search(pattern, 0, x, init_sample);

        if (sample.size() > 0)
            // choose mismatched position i from [x+1...m-1]
            for (ulint i = x+1; i < m; ++i)
                // forward search P[x+1,i-1]
                br_sample_naive sample_error(forward_search(pattern, x+1, i-1, sample));
                if (sample_error.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select character from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c = 1; c < sigma+1; ++c)
                    if (c == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend with the selected character c
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected(right_extension(remap_inv[c],sample_error));
                    if (sample_corrected.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // forward search remaining interval P[i+1...m-1]
                    sample_corrected = forward_search(pattern, i+1, m-1, sample_corrected);
                    if (sample_corrected.is_invalid()) continue;

                    auto occs_tmp = locate_sample(sample_corrected);

        return occs;

     * locate occurrences of a given pattern with exactly 2 mismatches
    std::vector<ulint> locate2(std::string const& pattern)

        ulint m = pattern.size();

        ulint s1 = m/3;
        ulint s2 = m - s1;

        br_sample_naive init_sample(get_initial_sample());
        br_sample_naive sample;

        std::vector<ulint> occs;

         * divide pattern into 3 parts P[0...s1], P[s1+1...s2-1], P[s2...m-1]
         *                             (P1)       (P2)             (P3)
         * case A. 2 errors in P1 & P2
         * case B. 2 errors in P3
         * case C. 1 error  in P2, 1 error in P3
         * case D. 1 error  in P1, 1 error in P3

        // case A. 2 errors in P1 & P2

        // backward search P[s2...m-1]
        sample = backward_search(pattern, s2, m-1, init_sample);
        if (sample.size() > 0)
            // choose first mismatched position i
            for (ulint i = s2-1; i > 0; --i)
                // backward search P[i+1...s2-1]
                br_sample_naive sample_error1(backward_search(pattern, i+1, s2-1, sample));
                if (sample_error1.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c1 = 1; c1 < sigma+1; ++c1)
                    if (c1 == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend leftward with selected char c1
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected1(left_extension(remap_inv[c1], sample_error1));
                    if (sample_corrected1.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // choose second mismatched position j
                    for (ulint j = i; j-- > 0; )
                        br_sample_naive sample_error2(backward_search(pattern, j+1, i-1, sample_corrected1));
                        if (sample_error2.is_invalid()) continue;

                        // select character from alphabet except P[j]
                        for (uchar c2 = 1; c2 < sigma+1; ++c2)
                            if (c2 == remap[pattern[j]]) continue;

                            // try to extend leftward with selected char c2
                            br_sample_naive sample_corrected2(left_extension(remap_inv[c2], sample_error2));
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;

                            if (j != 0)
                                // backward search P[0...j-1]
                                sample_corrected2 = backward_search(pattern, 0, j-1, sample_corrected2);
                                if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;
                            auto occs_tmp = locate_sample(sample_corrected2);
        } // case A

        // case B. 2 errors in P3

        // forward search P[0...s2-1]
        sample = forward_search(pattern, 0, s2-1, init_sample);
        if (sample.size() > 0)
            // choose first mismatched position i
            for (ulint i = s2; i <= m-2; ++i)
                // forward search P[s2...i-1]
                br_sample_naive sample_error1(forward_search(pattern, s2, i-1, sample));
                if (sample_error1.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c1 = 1; c1 < sigma+1; ++c1)
                    if (c1 == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend rightward with selected char c1
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected1(right_extension(remap_inv[c1],sample_error1));
                    if (sample_corrected1.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // choose second mismatched position j
                    for (ulint j = i+1; j <= m-1; ++j)
                        // forward search P[i+1...j-1]
                        br_sample_naive sample_error2(forward_search(pattern, i+1, j-1, sample_corrected1));
                        if (sample_error2.is_invalid()) continue;

                        // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                        for (uchar c2 = 1; c2 < sigma+1; ++c2)
                            if (c2 == remap[pattern[j]]) continue;

                            // try to extend rightward with selected char c2
                            br_sample_naive sample_corrected2(right_extension(remap_inv[c2],sample_error2));
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;

                            // forward search P[j+1...m-1]
                            sample_corrected2 = forward_search(pattern, j+1, m-1, sample_corrected2);
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;
                            auto occs_tmp = locate_sample(sample_corrected2);
        } // case B

        // case C. 1 error in P2, 1 error in P3

        // forward search P[0...s1]
        sample = forward_search(pattern, 0, s1, init_sample);
        if (sample.size() > 0)
            // choose first mismatched position i
            for (ulint i = s1+1; i <= s2-1; ++i)
                // forward search P[s1+i...i]
                br_sample_naive sample_error1(forward_search(pattern, s1+1, i-1, sample));
                if (sample_error1.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c1 = 1; c1 < sigma+1; ++c1)
                    if (c1 == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend rightward with selected char c1
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected1(right_extension(remap_inv[c1],sample_error1));
                    if (sample_corrected1.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // forward search P[i+1...s2-1]
                    sample_corrected1 = forward_search(pattern, i+1, s2-1, sample_corrected1);

                    // choose second mismatched position j
                    for (ulint j = s2; j <= m-1; ++j)
                        // forward search P[s2...j-1]
                        br_sample_naive sample_error2(forward_search(pattern, s2, j-1, sample_corrected1));
                        if (sample_error2.is_invalid()) continue;

                        // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                        for (uchar c2 = 1; c2 < sigma+1; ++c2)
                            if (c2 == remap[pattern[j]]) continue;

                            // try to extend rightward with selected char c2
                            br_sample_naive sample_corrected2(right_extension(remap_inv[c2],sample_error2));
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;

                            // forward search P[j+1...m-1]
                            sample_corrected2 = forward_search(pattern, j+1, m-1, sample_corrected2);
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;
                            auto occs_tmp = locate_sample(sample_corrected2);
        } // case C

        // case D. 1 error in P1, 1 error in P3

        // forward search P[s1+1...s2-1]
        sample = forward_search(pattern, s1+1, s2-1, init_sample);
        if (sample.size() > 0)
            // choose mismatched position i in P3
            for (ulint i = s2; i <= m-1; ++i)
                // forward search P[s2...i-1]
                br_sample_naive sample_error1(forward_search(pattern, s2, i-1, sample));
                if (sample_error1.is_invalid()) continue;

                // select char from alphabet except P[i]
                for (uchar c1 = 1; c1 < sigma+1; ++c1)
                    if (c1 == remap[pattern[i]]) continue;

                    // try to extend rightward with selected char c1
                    br_sample_naive sample_corrected1(right_extension(remap_inv[c1],sample_error1));
                    if (sample_corrected1.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // forward search P[i+1...m-1]
                    sample_corrected1 = forward_search(pattern, i+1, m-1, sample_corrected1);
                    if (sample_corrected1.is_invalid()) continue;

                    // choose mismatched position j in P1
                    for (ulint j = s1 + 1; j-- > 0; )
                        // backward search P[j+1...s1]
                        br_sample_naive sample_error2(backward_search(pattern, j+1, s1, sample_corrected1));
                        if (sample_error2.is_invalid()) continue;

                        // select char from alphabet except P[j]
                        for (uchar c2 = 1; c2 < sigma+1; ++c2)
                            if (c2 == remap[pattern[j]]) continue;

                            // try to extend leftward with selected char c2
                            br_sample_naive sample_corrected2(left_extension(remap_inv[c2], sample_error2));
                            if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;

                            // backward search P[0...j-1]
                            if (j != 0)
                                sample_corrected2 = backward_search(pattern, 0, j-1, sample_corrected2);
                                if (sample_corrected2.is_invalid()) continue;

                            auto occs_tmp = locate_sample(sample_corrected2);

        } // case D

        return occs;

     * get BWT[i] or BWT^R[i]
    uchar bwt_at(ulint i, bool reversed = false)
        if (!reversed) return remap_inv[bwt[i]];
        return remap_inv[bwtR[i]];
     * check if rangeR contains more than one run
    bool is_right_maximal(br_sample_naive sample) 
       uchar c = bwt_at(sample.rangeR.first,true);
       br_sample_naive right = right_extension(c,sample);
       if (sample.size() == right.size())
          return 0;
          return 1;

     * check if range contains more than one run
    bool is_left_maximal(br_sample_naive sample) 
       uchar c = bwt_at(sample.rangeR.first,false);
       br_sample_naive left = left_extension(c,sample);
       if (sample.size() == left.size())
          return 0;
          return 1;

     * get number of runs in BWT
    ulint number_of_runs(bool reversed = false)
        if (!reversed) return bwt.number_of_runs();
        return bwtR.number_of_runs();

     * get position of terminator symbol in BWT
    ulint get_terminator_position(bool reversed = false)
        if (!reversed) return terminator_position;
        return terminator_positionR;

     * get string representation of BWT
    std::string get_bwt(bool reversed = false)
        if (!reversed)
            std::string res(bwt.to_string());
            for (size_t i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i)
                res[i] = remap_inv[(uchar)res[i]];
            return res;
        } else {
            std::string res(bwtR.to_string());
            for (size_t i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i)
                res[i] = remap_inv[(uchar)res[i]];
            return res;

    uint serialize(std::ostream& out)
        ulint w_bytes = 0;




        w_bytes += sizeof(sigma)
                   + 256*sizeof(uchar)
                   + 256*sizeof(uchar)
                   + sizeof(terminator_position)
                   + sizeof(terminator_positionR)
                   + sizeof(last_SA_val)
                   + 256*sizeof(ulint);
        w_bytes += bwt.serialize(out);
        w_bytes += bwtR.serialize(out);

        w_bytes += samples_first.serialize(out);
        w_bytes += samples_last.serialize(out);
        w_bytes += inv_order.serialize(out);

        w_bytes += first.serialize(out);
        w_bytes += first_to_run.serialize(out);

        w_bytes += last.serialize(out);
        w_bytes += last_to_run.serialize(out);

        w_bytes += samples_firstR.serialize(out);
        w_bytes += samples_lastR.serialize(out);
        w_bytes += inv_orderR.serialize(out);

        w_bytes += plcp.serialize(out);

        return w_bytes;

    void load(std::istream& in)


        remap = std::vector<uchar>(256);
        remap_inv = std::vector<uchar>(256);
        F = std::vector<ulint>(256);

        r = bwt.number_of_runs();
        rR = bwtR.number_of_runs();







     * save index to "{path_prefix}.brin" file 
     * (different from the simpler impl's index name ".bri")
    void save_to_file(std::string const& path_prefix)

        std::string path = path_prefix + ".brin";
        std::ofstream out(path);

     * load index file from path
    void load_from_file(std::string const& path)

        std::ifstream in(path);


    ulint text_size() { return bwt.size() - 1; }

    ulint bwt_size(bool reversed=false) { return bwt.size(); }

    uchar get_terminator() {
        return TERMINATOR;

     * get statistics
    ulint print_space() 

        std::cout << "text length           : " << bwt.size() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "alphabet size         : " << sigma << std::endl;
        std::cout << "number of runs in bwt : " << bwt.number_of_runs() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "numbef of runs in bwtR: " << bwtR.number_of_runs() << std::endl << std::endl;
        ulint tot_bytes = sizeof(sigma)
                        + 256*sizeof(uchar)
                        + 256*sizeof(uchar)
                        + sizeof(terminator_position)
                        + sizeof(terminator_positionR)
                        + sizeof(last_SA_val)
                        + 256*sizeof(ulint);
        tot_bytes += bwt.print_space();
        tot_bytes += bwtR.print_space();
        std::cout << "total space for BWT: " << tot_bytes << " bytes" << std::endl << std::endl;

        tot_bytes += plcp.print_space();

        std::ofstream out("/dev/null");

        ulint bytes = 0;

        bytes =  samples_first.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += bytes;
        std::cout << "samples_first: " << bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;

        bytes =  samples_last.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += bytes;
        std::cout << "samples_last: " << bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;

        bytes =  inv_order.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += bytes;
        std::cout << "inv_order: " << bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;

        bytes =  first.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += bytes;
        std::cout << "first: " << bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;

        bytes =  first_to_run.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += bytes;
        std::cout << "first_to_run: " << bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;

        bytes =  last.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += bytes;
        std::cout << "last: " << bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;

        bytes =  last_to_run.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += bytes;
        std::cout << "last_to_run: " << bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;

        bytes =  samples_firstR.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += bytes;
        std::cout << "samples_firstR: " << bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;

        bytes =  samples_lastR.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += bytes;
        std::cout << "samples_lastR: " << bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;

        bytes =  inv_orderR.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += bytes;
        std::cout << "inv_orderR: " << bytes << " bytes" << std::endl;

        std::cout << "<total space of br-index>: " << tot_bytes << " bytes" << std::endl << std::endl;
        std::cout << "<bits/symbol>            : " << (double) tot_bytes * 8 / (double) bwt.size() << std::endl;

        return tot_bytes;


     * get space complexity
    ulint get_space()

        ulint tot_bytes = sizeof(sigma)
                        + 256*sizeof(uchar)
                        + 256*sizeof(uchar)
                        + sizeof(terminator_position)
                        + sizeof(terminator_positionR)
                        + sizeof(last_SA_val)
                        + 256*sizeof(ulint);

        tot_bytes += bwt.get_space();
        tot_bytes += bwtR.get_space();

        tot_bytes += plcp.get_space();

        std::ofstream out("/dev/null");

        tot_bytes += samples_first.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += samples_last.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += inv_order.serialize(out);

        tot_bytes += first.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += first_to_run.serialize(out);

        tot_bytes += last.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += last_to_run.serialize(out);

        tot_bytes += samples_firstR.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += samples_lastR.serialize(out);
        tot_bytes += inv_orderR.serialize(out);

        return tot_bytes;

    std::tuple<std::string, std::vector<range_t>, std::vector<range_t> > 
    sufsort(sdsl::int_vector<8>& text, sdsl::int_vector_buffer<>& sa)
        std::string bwt_s;
        std::vector<range_t> samples_first;
        std::vector<range_t> samples_last;

            for (ulint i = 0; i < sa.size(); ++i)
                auto x = sa[i];

                assert(x <= text.size());

                if (x > 0) 
                // insert samples at beginnings of runs
                if (i > 0)
                    if (i==1 || (i>1 && bwt_s[i-1] != bwt_s[i-2]))
                            sa[i-1] > 0
                            ? sa[i-1] - 1
                            : sa.size() - 1,
                    if (i==sa.size()-1 && bwt_s[i] != bwt_s[i-1])
                            sa[i] > 0
                            ? sa[i] - 1
                            : sa.size() - 1,

                // insert samples at ends of runs
                if (i > 0)
                    if (bwt_s[i-1] != bwt_s[i])
                            sa[i-1] > 0
                            ? sa[i-1] - 1
                            : sa.size() - 1,
                    if (i == sa.size()-1)
                            sa[i] > 0
                            ? sa[i] - 1
                            : sa.size() - 1,

        return std::tuple<std::string, std::vector<range_t>, std::vector<range_t> >
            (bwt_s, samples_first, samples_last);

    static bool contains_reserved_chars(std::string const& s)
        for (auto c: s)
            if (c == 0 || c == 1) return true;
        return false;

    static const uchar TERMINATOR = 1;

    bool sais = true;

     * sparse RLBWT for text & textR

    // alphabet remapper
    std::vector<uchar> remap;
    std::vector<uchar> remap_inv;
    ulint sigma;

    // accumulated number of characters in lex order
    std::vector<ulint> F;
    // RLBWT
    rle_string_t bwt;
    ulint terminator_position = 0;
    ulint last_SA_val = 0;
    ulint r = 0;

    // RLBWT^R
    rle_string_t bwtR;
    ulint terminator_positionR = 0;
    ulint rR = 0;

    // needed for left_extension
    sdsl::int_vector<> samples_first;
    sdsl::int_vector<> samples_last;
    sdsl::int_vector<> inv_order;
    // needed for Phi (SA[i] -> SA[i-1])
    sparse_bitvector_t first;
    sdsl::int_vector<> first_to_run;
    // needed for Phi^{-1} (SA[i] -> SA[i+1])
    sparse_bitvector_t last;
    sdsl::int_vector<> last_to_run;

    // needed for right_extension
    sdsl::int_vector<> samples_firstR;
    sdsl::int_vector<> samples_lastR;
    sdsl::int_vector<> inv_orderR;

    // needed for determining the end of locate
    permuted_lcp<> plcp;



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