clc; clear; close all; addpath(genpath('data')); addpath(genpath('external')); addpath(genpath('utils')); S1 = read_off_shape(''); S2 = read_off_shape(''); kEig = 60; L{1} = compute_laplacian_basis(S1, kEig); L{2} = compute_laplacian_basis(S2, kEig); % compute ground-truth funcitonal maps C = cell(2); for i = 1:2 for j = 1:2 if i ~= j C{i, j} = L{j}.evecs'*L{j}.A*L{i}.evecs; else C{i, j} = eye(kEig); end end end % compute the shape difference operators [u1, v1] = eig(C{1, 2}'*C{1, 2}); [v1, ind] = sort(diag(v1), 'descend'); u1 = u1(:, ind); [u2, v2] = eig(C{2, 1}'*C{2, 1}); [v2, ind] = sort(diag(v2), 'descend'); u2 = u2(:, ind); s = max(max(v1), max(v2)); U= extract_latent_basis(C); % Select the consistent basis l = 52; B = U.evecs(:, 1:l); X = cell(size(C)); for i = 1:length(C) for j = 1:length(C) X{i, j} = C{j, i}'; end end W = extract_latent_basis(X); E = B'*W.mat*B; E = (E+E')/2; [u, v] = eig(E); [v, idx] = sort(diag(v), 'descend'); u = u(:, idx); f = u(:, 1); f1 = L{1}.evecs*(U.bases{1}(:, 1:l)*f); f2 = L{2}.evecs*(U.bases{2}(:, 1:l)*f); g = u(:, 4); g1 = L{1}.evecs*(U.bases{1}(:, 1:l)*g); g2 = L{2}.evecs*(U.bases{2}(:, 1:l)*g); figure; subplot(3, 4, 1); plot(v1, 'LineWidth', 2); xlabel('Index', 'FontWeight','bold','FontSize',30); ylabel('Spectrum of D_{M, N}', 'FontWeight','bold', 'FontSize',30); ylim([0, s+0.1]); xlim([0, 60]); set(gca,'fontsize',5) hold on; plot(1,v1(1),'r.', 'MarkerSize',10); hold on; plot(60, v1(60), 'k.', 'MarkerSize',10); subplot(3, 4, 2); plot(v2, 'LineWidth', 2); xlabel('Index', 'FontWeight','bold','FontSize',30); ylabel('Spectrum of D_{N, M}', 'FontWeight','bold', 'FontSize',30); ylim([0, s+0.1]); xlim([0, 60]); set(gca,'fontsize',5) hold on; plot(1,v2(1),'r.', 'MarkerSize',10); hold on; plot(60, v2(60), 'k.', 'MarkerSize',10); subplot(3, 4, 3); plot(v, 'LineWidth', 2); xlabel('Index', 'FontWeight','bold','FontSize',30); ylabel('Spectrum of V^X', 'FontWeight','bold', 'FontSize',30); xlim([0, 60]) set(gca,'fontsize',5) hold on; plot(1,v(1), 'r.', 'MarkerSize',10); hold on; plot(4, v(4), 'k.', 'MarkerSize',10); subplot(3, 4, 5); plotMesh(L{1}, (L{1}.evecs*u1(:, 1)).^2, 180, -60); subplot(3, 4, 6); plotMesh(L{2}, (L{2}.evecs*u2(:, 1)).^2, 180, -60); subplot(3, 4, 7); plotMesh(L{1}, f1.^2, 180, -60); subplot(3, 4, 8); plotMesh(L{2}, f2.^2, 180, -60); subplot(3, 4, 9); plotMesh(L{1}, (L{1}.evecs*u1(:, 60)).^2, 180, -60); subplot(3, 4, 10); plotMesh(L{2}, (L{2}.evecs*u2(:, 60)).^2, 180, -60); subplot(3, 4, 11); plotMesh(L{1}, g1.^2, 180, -60); subplot(3, 4, 12); plotMesh(L{2}, g2.^2, 180, -60);