\name{ozone} \alias{ozone} \title{Ozone Concentration in Los Angeles Basin} \description{ Daily measurements of ozone concentration and eight meteorological quantities in the Los Angeles basin for 330 days of 1976. } \usage{data(ozone)} \format{ A data frame containing 330 observations on the following variables. \tabular{ll}{ \code{upo3} \tab Upland ozone concentration, in ppm.\cr \code{vdht} \tab Vandenberg 500 millibar height, in meters.\cr \code{wdsp} \tab Wind speed, in miles per hour.\cr \code{hmdt} \tab Humidity.\cr \code{sbtp} \tab Sandburg Air Base temperature, in Celsius.\cr \code{ibht} \tab Inversion base height, in foot.\cr \code{dgpg} \tab Dagget pressure gradient, in mmhg.\cr \code{ibtp} \tab Inversion base temperature, in Fahrenheit.\cr \code{vsty} \tab Visibility, in miles.\cr \code{day} \tab Calendar day, between 1 and 366. } } \source{ Unknown. } \references{ Breiman, L. and Friedman, J. H. (1985), Estimating optimal transformations for multiple regression and correlation. \emph{Journal of the American Statistical Association}, \bold{80}, 580--598. Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (1990), \emph{Generalized Additive Models}. Chapman and Hall. } \keyword{datasets}