(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) require import AllCore List Ring StdOrder Quotient Bigalg Binomial. (*---*) import IntOrder. (* ==================================================================== *) abstract theory IdealComRing. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type t. clone import Ring.ComRing as IComRing with type t <- t. clear [IComRing.* IComRing.AddMonoid.* IComRing.MulMonoid.*]. clone import Bigalg.BigComRing as BigDom with type CR.t <- t, op CR.zeror <- IComRing.zeror, op CR.oner <- IComRing.oner, op CR.(+) <- IComRing.(+), op CR.([-]) <- IComRing.([-]), op CR.( * ) <- IComRing.( * ), op CR.invr <- IComRing.invr, pred CR.unit <- IComRing.unit proof CR.* remove abbrev CR.(-) remove abbrev CR.(/). realize CR.addrA by exact: IComRing.addrA . realize CR.addrC by exact: IComRing.addrC . realize CR.add0r by exact: IComRing.add0r . realize CR.addNr by exact: IComRing.addNr . realize CR.oner_neq0 by exact: IComRing.oner_neq0. realize CR.mulrA by exact: IComRing.mulrA . realize CR.mulrC by exact: IComRing.mulrC . realize CR.mul1r by exact: IComRing.mul1r . realize CR.mulrDl by exact: IComRing.mulrDl . realize CR.mulVr by exact: IComRing.mulVr . realize CR.unitP by exact: IComRing.unitP . realize CR.unitout by exact: IComRing.unitout . clear [BigDom.* BigDom.CR.* BigDom.BAdd.* BigDom.BMul.*]. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) abbrev "_.[_]" (xs : t list) (i : int) = nth zeror xs i. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) op (%|) (x y : t) = (exists c, y = c * x). op (%=) (x y : t) = (x %| y) /\ (y %| x). (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma dvdrP x y : (x %| y) <=> (exists q, y = q * x). proof. by rewrite /(%|). qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) op ideal (I : t -> bool) = I zeror /\ (forall x y, I x => I y => I (x - y)) /\ (forall a x, I x => I (a * x)). lemma idealP (I : t -> bool) : I zeror => (forall x y, I x => I y => I (x - y)) => (forall a x, I x => I (a * x)) => ideal I. proof. by move=> *; do! split. qed. lemma idealW (P : (t -> bool) -> bool) : (forall I, I zeror => (forall (x y : t), I x => I y => I (x - y)) => (forall a x, I x => I (a * x)) => P I) => forall i, ideal i => P i. proof. by move=> ih i [? [??]]; apply: ih. qed. lemma ideal0 I : ideal I => I zeror. proof. by case. qed. lemma idealN I x : ideal I => I x => I (- x). proof. move=> ^iI [_ [+ _]] Ix - /(_ zeror x); rewrite sub0r. by apply=> //; apply/ideal0. qed. lemma idealNP I (x : t) : ideal I => I (- x) = I x. proof. move=> iI; apply/eq_iff; split; last exact: idealN. by rewrite -{2}(opprK x); apply: idealN. qed. lemma idealD I x y : ideal I => I x => I y => I (x + y). proof. move=> ^iI [_ [+ _] Ix Iy] - /(_ x (-y)); rewrite opprK. by apply=> //; apply/idealN. qed. lemma ideal_sum ['a] I P F s : ideal I => (forall x, P x => I (F x)) => I (BAdd.big<:'a> P F s). proof. elim: s => [|x s ih] idI IF; first by rewrite BAdd.big_nil ideal0. rewrite BAdd.big_cons; case: (P x) => Px; last by apply/ih. by rewrite idealD -1:&(ih) // &(IF). qed. lemma idealB I x y : ideal I => I x => I y => I (x - y). proof. by move=> iI Ix Iy; rewrite idealD -1:idealN. qed. lemma idealMl I x y : ideal I => I y => I (x * y). proof. by case=> _ [_ +]; apply. qed. lemma idealMr I x y : ideal I => I x => I (x * y). proof. by move=> iI Ix; rewrite mulrC; apply: idealMl. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) op id0 = pred1<:t> zeror. op idT = predT<:t>. op idI = predI<:t>. op idD (I J : t -> bool) : t -> bool = fun x => exists i j, (I i /\ J j) /\ x = i + j. op idR (I : t -> bool) : t -> bool = fun x => exists n, 0 <= n /\ I (IComRing.exp x n). (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma mem_id0 x : id0 x <=> x = zeror. proof. by []. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma ideal_id0 : ideal id0. proof. rewrite /id0 /pred1; apply/idealP => //. - by move=> x y -> -> /=; rewrite subrr. - by move=> a x -> /=; rewrite mulr0. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma ideal_idT : ideal idT. proof. by []. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma ideal_idI I J : ideal I => ideal J => ideal (idI I J). proof. move=> iI iJ @/idI @/predI; apply/idealP => //=. - by rewrite !ideal0. - by move=> x y [Ix Jx] [Iy Jy]; rewrite !idealB. - by move=> a x [Ix Jx]; rewrite !idealMl. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma ideal_idD I J : ideal I => ideal J => ideal (idD I J). proof. move=> iI iJ; apply/idealP. - by exists zeror zeror; rewrite addr0 !ideal0. - move=> _ _ [xi xj [[Ixi Jxj] ->]] [yi yj [[Iyi Jyj] ->]]. by rewrite subrACA; exists (xi - yi) (xj - yj) => /=; rewrite !idealB. - move=> a _ [i j [[Ii Jj] ->]]; rewrite mulrDr. by exists (a * i) (a * j) => /=; rewrite !idealMl. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma idDC I J : idD I J = idD J I. proof. apply/fun_ext=> x @/idD; apply: eq_iff; split; by case=> i j [? ->]; exists j i; rewrite addrC /= andbC. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma mem_idT x : idT x. proof. by []. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma mem_idDl I J x : I x => ideal J => (idD I J) x. proof. by move=> Ix iJ; exists x zeror; rewrite Ix addr0 ideal0. qed. lemma mem_idDr I J x : J x => ideal I => (idD I J) x. proof. by move=> Jx iI; rewrite idDC; apply: mem_idDl. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma ideal_eq1P I u : ideal I => unit u => I u <=> (I = idT). proof. move=> idI un_u; split => [Iu|->//]; apply/fun_ext=> x. by rewrite mem_idT -(mulr1 x) idealMl // -(mulrV u) // idealMr. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) op idgen (xs : t list) = fun (x : t) => exists cs, x = BAdd.bigi predT (fun i => cs.[i] * xs.[i]) 0 (size xs). lemma idgenP (xs : t list) (x : t) : idgen xs x => exists cs, size cs = size xs /\ x = BAdd.bigi predT (fun i => cs.[i] * xs.[i]) 0 (size xs). proof. case=> cs ->; exists (mkseq (fun i => cs.[i]) (size xs)); split. - by rewrite size_mkseq ler_maxr // size_ge0. rewrite !BAdd.big_seq &(BAdd.eq_bigr) /= => i /mem_range rg_i. by rewrite nth_mkseq. qed. lemma ideal_idgen (xs : t list) : ideal (idgen xs). proof. do! split. - by exists []; rewrite BAdd.big1 //= => i _; rewrite mul0r. - move=> x y /idgenP[cxs [szx ->]] /idgenP[cys [szy ->]]. rewrite BAdd.sumrB /=; exists (mkseq (fun i => cxs.[i] - cys.[i]) (size xs)). rewrite !BAdd.big_seq &(BAdd.eq_bigr) /= => i /mem_range rg_i. by rewrite nth_mkseq //= mulrBl. - move=> a x /idgenP[cs [sz ->]]; exists (mkseq (fun i => a * cs.[i]) (size xs)). rewrite BAdd.mulr_sumr !BAdd.big_seq &(BAdd.eq_bigr) /=. by move=> i /mem_range rg_i; rewrite nth_mkseq //= mulrA. qed. hint exact : ideal_idgen. lemma mem_idgen1 x a : idgen [x] a <=> exists b, a = b * x. proof. split => [/idgenP /= [cs]|]. - by case=> [/size_eq1[c ->] ->]; exists c; rewrite BAdd.big_int1. - by case=> c ->; exists [c] => /=; rewrite BAdd.big_int1. qed. lemma mem_idgen1_gen x : idgen [x] x. proof. by rewrite mem_idgen1; exists oner; rewrite mul1r. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma le_idDl (I1 I2 J : t -> bool) : ideal J => I1 <= J => I2 <= J => idD I1 I2 <= J. proof. move=> iJ le1 le2 x [x1 x2 [+ ->]]. by case=> [/le1 Jx1 /le2 Jx2]; apply: idealD. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) op principal (I : t -> bool) = exists a : t, forall x, (I x <=> exists b, x = b * a). lemma principal_ideal I : principal I => ideal I. proof. case=> a inI; suff ->: I = idgen [a] by apply/ideal_idgen. by apply/fun_ext=> x; rewrite inI -mem_idgen1. qed. lemma principal_idgen1 x : principal (idgen [x]). proof. by exists x=> y; rewrite mem_idgen1. qed. lemma idgen1_0 : idgen [zeror] = id0. proof. apply/fun_ext=> x; rewrite mem_id0 mem_idgen1. apply/eq_iff; split=> [[b ->]|->]. - by rewrite mulr0. - by exists zeror; rewrite mulr0. qed. lemma principalP I : principal I <=> exists d, I = idgen [d]. proof. split=> [|[d ->]]; last by apply/principal_idgen1. by case=> d IE; exists d; apply/fun_ext => x; rewrite IE mem_idgen1. qed. lemma principal_id0 : principal id0. proof. by rewrite -idgen1_0 &(principal_idgen1). qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma mem_idgen1_dvd x y : idgen [x] y <=> x %| y. proof. by rewrite mem_idgen1 -dvdrP. qed. lemma le_idgen1_dvd x y : x %| y <=> idgen [y] <= idgen [x]. proof. split=> [[c ->>] y /mem_idgen1_dvd [d ->]|]. - by rewrite mulrA mem_idgen1_dvd; exists (d * c). - move/(_ y); rewrite !mem_idgen1_dvd; apply. by exists oner; rewrite mul1r. qed. lemma in_idgen_mem xs x : x \in xs => idgen xs x. proof. move => x_xs; pose n := index x xs; pose cs := rcons (nseq n zeror) oner. have get_cs : forall i, cs.[i] = if i = n then oner else zeror. - by move => i; rewrite nth_rcons size_nseq !ler_maxr ?index_ge0 nth_nseq_if /#. exists cs; rewrite (BAdd.bigD1 _ _ n) ?BAdd.big1 ?range_uniq /=. - by rewrite mem_range index_ge0 index_mem. - by move => i Hi; rewrite get_cs ifF // mul0r. - by rewrite get_cs /= mul1r addr0 nth_index. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma dvdrr x : x %| x. proof. by rewrite -mem_idgen1_dvd mem_idgen1_gen. qed. lemma dvdr_mull d x y : d %| y => d %| x * y. proof. rewrite -!mem_idgen1_dvd => ?; apply/(@idealMl (idgen [d])) => //. by apply: ideal_idgen. qed. lemma dvdr_mulr d x y : d %| x => d %| x * y. proof. by move=> dx; rewrite mulrC dvdr_mull. qed. lemma dvdr_trans : transitive (%|). proof. move=> z x y; rewrite !le_idgen1_dvd => h1 h2. by apply: (subpred_trans _ _ _ h2 h1). qed. lemma dvdr0 x : x %| zeror. proof. by exists zeror; rewrite mul0r. qed. lemma dvd0r x : (zeror %| x) <=> (x = zeror). proof. split=> [|->]; last by exists zeror; rewrite mulr0. by case=> ?; rewrite mulr0. qed. lemma eqmodP x y : (exists u, unit u /\ x = u * y) => x %= y. proof. case=> u [invu ->]; rewrite /(%=) dvdr_mull 1:dvdrr /=. by apply/dvdrP; exists (invr u); rewrite mulrA mulVr // mul1r. qed. lemma idgen_mulVl x y : unit x => idgen [x * y] = idgen [y]. proof. move=> invx; apply/fun_ext=> z; apply/eq_iff. apply: subpred_eqP z => /=; split. - by apply/le_idgen1_dvd/dvdr_mull/dvdrr. move=> z /mem_idgen1[c ->]; apply/mem_idgen1. by exists (c * invr x); rewrite !mulrA mulrVK. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma eqp_refl x : x %= x. proof. by rewrite /(%=) dvdrr. qed. lemma eqp_sym x y : x %= y => y %= x. proof. by rewrite /(%=) andbC. qed. lemma eqp_trans y x z : x %= y => y %= z => x %= z. proof. by case=> [xy yx] [yz zy]; split; apply: (dvdr_trans y). qed. (* ==================================================================== *) abstract theory RingQuotientBase. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) op p : t -> bool. theory IdealAxioms. axiom ideal_p : ideal p. axiom ideal_Ntriv : forall x, unit x => !p x. end IdealAxioms. import IdealAxioms. hint exact : ideal_p. op eqv (x y : t) = p (y - x). lemma eqvxx : reflexive eqv. proof. by move=> x @/eqv; rewrite subrr ideal0 ideal_p. qed. lemma eqv_sym : symmetric eqv. proof. by move=> x y @/eqv; rewrite -opprB idealNP // ideal_p. qed. lemma eqv_trans : transitive eqv. proof. move=> y x z @/eqv hpyx hpzy. have ->: z - x = (z - y) + (y - x). - by rewrite addrACA !addrA addrK. by apply/idealD => //; apply/ideal_p. qed. hint exact : eqvxx. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma eqv0r x : eqv x zeror <=> p x. proof. by rewrite eqv_sym /eqv subr0. qed. lemma eqv0l x : eqv zeror x <=> p x. proof. by rewrite eqv_sym &(eqv0r). qed. lemma eqvN x y : eqv x y => eqv (-x) (-y). proof. by rewrite /eqv -idealNP 1:ideal_p opprD. qed. lemma eqvD x1 x2 y1 y2 : eqv x1 x2 => eqv y1 y2 => eqv (x1 + y1) (x2 + y2). proof. by rewrite /eqv subrACA &(idealD) ideal_p. qed. lemma eqv_sum ['a] P F1 F2 r : (forall x, P x => eqv (F1 x) (F2 x)) => eqv (BAdd.big<:'a> P F1 r) (BAdd.big<:'a> P F2 r). proof. move=> heqv; elim: r => [|x r ih]. - by rewrite !BAdd.big_nil eqvxx. rewrite !BAdd.big_cons; case: (P x) => // Px. by apply: eqvD=> //; apply: heqv. qed. lemma eqvMl x y1 y2 : eqv y1 y2 => eqv (x * y1) (x * y2). proof. by rewrite /eqv -mulrBr &(idealMl) ideal_p. qed. lemma eqvMr x1 x2 y : eqv x1 x2 => eqv (x1 * y) (x2 * y). proof. by rewrite !(mulrC _ y) &(eqvMl). qed. lemma eqvX x y n : 0 <= n => eqv x y => eqv (exp x n) (exp y n). proof. move => ge0_n eqv_x_y. elim: n ge0_n => [|n ge0_n IHn]; rewrite ?expr0 ?exprSr //. by apply (eqv_trans (exp x n * y)); [exact eqvMl|exact eqvMr]. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) clone include Quotient.EquivQuotient with type T <- t, op eqv <- eqv proof *. realize EqvEquiv.eqv_refl by apply: eqvxx. realize EqvEquiv.eqv_sym by apply: eqv_sym. realize EqvEquiv.eqv_trans by apply: eqv_trans. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) op zeror = pi zeror. op oner = pi oner. op ( + ) (x y : qT) = pi (repr x + repr y). op [ - ] (x : qT) = pi (- repr x). op ( * ) (x y : qT) = pi (repr x * repr y). op invr : qT -> qT. pred unit : qT. lemma addE x y : (pi x) + (pi y) = pi (x + y). proof. rewrite /(+) &(eqv_pi) /eqv subrACA. by rewrite &(idealD) ?ideal_p // &(eqv_repr). qed. lemma oppE x : -(pi x) = pi (-x). proof. rewrite /([-]) &(eqv_pi) /eqv opprK addrC. by rewrite -/(eqv _ _) eqv_sym &(eqv_repr). qed. lemma mulE x y : (pi x) * (pi y) = pi (x * y). proof. rewrite &(eqv_pi) /eqv; pose z := repr (pi x). have ->: x = x - z + z by rewrite subrK. rewrite mulrDl -addrA -mulrBr (mulrC _ y) {1}/z. by rewrite &(idealD) ?ideal_p // idealMl ?ideal_p &(eqv_repr). qed. lemma addrA : associative (+). proof. elim/quotW=> x; elim/quotW=> y; elim/quotW=> z. by rewrite !addE &(eqv_pi) !addrA !eqvD // 1:eqv_sym &(eqv_repr). qed. lemma addrC : commutative (+). proof. by elim/quotW=> x; elim/quotW=> y; rewrite !addE addrC. qed. lemma add0r : left_id zeror (+). proof. by elim/quotW=> x; rewrite !addE add0r. qed. lemma addNr : left_inverse zeror [-] (+). proof. elim/quotW=> x; rewrite !addE &(eqv_pi) addrC. by apply/eqv0r/eqv_repr. qed. lemma oner_neq0 : oner <> zeror. proof. by rewrite -eqv_pi eqv0r; apply/ideal_Ntriv/unitr1. qed. lemma mulrA : associative ( * ). proof. elim/quotW=> x; elim/quotW=> y; elim/quotW=> z. rewrite !mulE &(eqv_pi) !mulrA. apply: (eqv_trans (x * (repr (pi y)) * z)). - by apply/eqvMl/eqv_repr. - by apply/eqvMr/eqvMr; rewrite eqv_sym &(eqv_repr). qed. lemma mulrC : commutative ( * ). proof. by elim/quotW=> x; elim/quotW=> y; rewrite !mulE mulrC. qed. lemma mul1r: left_id oner ( * ). proof. by elim/quotW=> x; rewrite mulE mul1r. qed. lemma mulrDl : left_distributive ( * ) ( + ). proof. elim/quotW=> x1; elim/quotW=> x2; elim/quotW=> y. rewrite !(addE, mulE) &(eqv_pi) -mulrDl. apply: (eqv_trans ((x1 + x2) * (repr (pi y)))). - by apply/eqvMl; rewrite eqv_sym &(eqv_repr). - by apply/eqvMr/eqvD; rewrite eqv_sym &(eqv_repr). qed. end RingQuotientBase. abstract theory RingQuotientDflInv. clone include RingQuotientBase. clone import ComRingDflInv with type t <= qT , op zeror <= zeror, op ( + ) <= (+) , op [ - ] <= [-] , op oner <= oner , op ( * ) <= ( * ) proof *. realize addrA by exact addrA. realize addrC by exact addrC. realize add0r by exact add0r. realize addNr by exact addNr. realize oner_neq0 by exact oner_neq0. realize mulrA by exact mulrA. realize mulrC by exact mulrC. realize mul1r by exact mul1r. realize mulrDl by exact mulrDl. end RingQuotientDflInv. abstract theory RingQuotient. clone include RingQuotientBase. axiom mulVr : left_inverse_in unit oner invr ( * ). axiom unitP : forall (x y : qT), y * x = oner => unit x. axiom unitout : forall (x : qT), !unit x => invr x = x. clone import ComRing with type t <= qT , op zeror <= zeror, op ( + ) <= (+) , op [ - ] <= [-] , op oner <= oner , op ( * ) <= ( * ), op invr <= invr , pred unit <= unit proof *. realize addrA by exact addrA. realize addrC by exact addrC. realize add0r by exact add0r. realize addNr by exact addNr. realize oner_neq0 by exact oner_neq0. realize mulrA by exact mulrA. realize mulrC by exact mulrC. realize mul1r by exact mul1r. realize mulrDl by exact mulrDl. realize mulVr by apply: mulVr. realize unitP by apply: unitP. realize unitout by apply: unitout. end RingQuotient. end IdealComRing. (* ==================================================================== *) abstract theory Ideal. type t. clone import IDomain with type t <- t. clear [IDomain.* IDomain.AddMonoid.* IDomain.MulMonoid.*]. clone include IdealComRing with type t <- t, pred IComRing.unit <- IDomain.unit, op IComRing.zeror <- IDomain.zeror, op IComRing.oner <- IDomain.oner, op IComRing.( + ) <- IDomain.( + ), op IComRing.([-]) <- IDomain.([-]), op IComRing.( * ) <- IDomain.( * ), op IComRing.invr <- IDomain.invr, op IComRing.intmul <- IDomain.intmul, op IComRing.ofint <- IDomain.ofint, op IComRing.exp <- IDomain.exp, op IComRing.lreg <- IDomain.lreg proof IComRing.* remove abbrev IComRing.(-) remove abbrev IComRing.(/). realize IComRing.addrA by apply: IDomain.addrA . realize IComRing.addrC by apply: IDomain.addrC . realize IComRing.add0r by apply: IDomain.add0r . realize IComRing.addNr by apply: IDomain.addNr . realize IComRing.oner_neq0 by apply: IDomain.oner_neq0. realize IComRing.mulrA by apply: IDomain.mulrA . realize IComRing.mulrC by apply: IDomain.mulrC . realize IComRing.mul1r by apply: IDomain.mul1r . realize IComRing.mulrDl by apply: IDomain.mulrDl . realize IComRing.mulVr by apply: IDomain.mulVr . realize IComRing.unitP by apply: IDomain.unitP . realize IComRing.unitout by apply: IDomain.unitout . lemma eqmodfP x y : (x %= y) <=> (exists u, unit u /\ x = u * y). proof. split=> [[dxy dyx]|[u [invu ->]]]; last first. - rewrite /(%=) dvdr_mull 1:dvdrr /=; apply/dvdrP. by exists (invr u); rewrite mulrA mulVr // mul1r. case: (y = zeror) => [->>|nz_y]. - rewrite (_ : x = zeror) 1:-dvd0r //. by exists oner; rewrite mul1r /= unitr1. case/dvdrP: dyx=> u xE; exists u; rewrite xE eq_refl /=. apply/unitrP; case/dvdrP: dxy=> v yE; exists v. by apply: (mulIf y) => //; rewrite mul1r -mulrA -xE yE. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma eqmodf_idP x y : (x %= y) <=> (idgen [x] = idgen [y]). proof. split; first by case/eqmodfP=> [u [invu ->]]; rewrite idgen_mulVl. move=> eq; have: idgen[x] <= idgen[y] /\ idgen[y] <= idgen[x]. - by apply/subpred_eqP=> z; rewrite eq. by case=> /le_idgen1_dvd dyx /le_idgen1_dvd dxy. qed. (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) lemma eqpf0P x : (x %= zeror) <=> (x = zeror). proof. split=> [/eqmodfP[u [_ ->]]|]; first by rewrite mulr0. by move=> ->; apply/eqp_refl. qed. end Ideal.