Raw File
Tip revision: 8a99f85649d80d06a6dddd61e1be5d38eac81997 authored by Alexander Nadel on 17 May 2023, 06:42:21 UTC
A major update, described in the SAT'23 paper Solving Huge Instances with Intel(R) SAT Solver
Tip revision: 8a99f85
// Copyright(C) 2021-2022 Intel Corporation
// SPDX - License - Identifier: MIT

#include "Topi.hpp"
#include "SetInScope.h"
#include <unordered_set>

using namespace Topor;
using namespace std;

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::ReserveVarAndLitData()
	ReserveExactly(m_Watches, GetNextLit(), 0, "m_Watches in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	ReserveExactly(m_AssignmentInfo, GetNextVar(), 0, "m_AssignmentInfo in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	if (m_PolarityInfoActivated) ReserveExactly(m_PolarityInfo, GetNextVar(), 0, "m_PolarityInfo in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	ReserveExactly(m_VarInfo, GetNextVar(), 0, "m_VarInfo in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	ReserveExactly(m_ToPropagate, GetNextVar(), "m_ToPropagate in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	ReserveExactly(m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel, GetNextVar(), BadUVar, "m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	ReserveExactly(m_VsidsHeap, GetNextVar(), "m_VsidsHeap in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	ReserveExactly(m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0], GetNextVar(), "m_HandyLitsCleanBefore[0] in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	if (m_ParamFlippedRecordingMaxLbdToRecord != 0) ReserveExactly(m_HandyLitsClearBefore[1], GetNextVar(), "m_HandyLitsCleanBefore[1] in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	ReserveExactly(m_VisitedVars, GetNextVar(), "m_VisitedVars in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	ReserveExactly(m_DecLevelsLastAppearenceCounter, GetNextVar(), 0, "m_DecLevelsLastAppearenceCounter in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	if (m_ParamReuseTrail) ReserveExactly(m_ReuseTrail, GetNextVar(), "m_TrailToReuse in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	if (UseI2ELitMap()) ReserveExactly(m_I2ELitMap, GetNextVar(), "m_I2ELitMap in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	if (IsCbLearntOrDrat()) ReserveExactly(m_UserCls, GetNextVar(), "m_UserCls in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	if (m_ParamOnTheFlySubsumptionParentMinGlueToDisable > 0) ReserveExactly(m_CurrClsCounters, GetNextVar(), 0, "m_CurrClsCounters in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	if (m_ParamRestartStrategyInit == RESTART_STRAT_NUMERIC || m_ParamRestartStrategyS == RESTART_STRAT_NUMERIC || m_ParamRestartStrategyN == RESTART_STRAT_NUMERIC) ReserveExactly(m_RstNumericLocalConfsSinceRestartAtDecLevelCreation, GetNextVar(), 0, "m_RstArithLocalConfsSinceRestartAtDecLevelCreation in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	if (m_ParamCustomBtStratInit > 0 || m_ParamCustomBtStratS > 0 || m_ParamCustomBtStratN > 0) ReserveExactly(m_BestScorePerDecLevel, GetNextVar(), 0, "m_ParamCustomBtStrat in ReserveVarAndLitData");
	ReserveExactly(m_HandleNewUserCls, GetNextVar(), "m_HandleNewUserCls in ReserveVarAndLitData");

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::RemoveVarAndLitData(TUVar v)
	for (uint8_t wInd = 0; wInd < 2; ++wInd)
		TWatchInfo& wi = m_Watches[GetLit(v, (bool)wInd)];
		if (!wi.IsEmpty())

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::MoveVarAndLitData(TUVar vFrom, TUVar vTo)

	m_Watches[GetLit(vTo, false)] = move(m_Watches[GetLit(vFrom, false)]);
	m_Watches[GetLit(vTo, true)] = move(m_Watches[GetLit(vFrom, true)]);
	m_AssignmentInfo[vTo] = move(m_AssignmentInfo[vFrom]);
	if (m_PolarityInfoActivated) m_PolarityInfo[vTo] = move(m_PolarityInfo[vFrom]);
	m_VarInfo[vTo] = move(m_VarInfo[vFrom]);
	if (IsAssignedVar(vFrom))
		if (m_VarInfo[vTo].m_TrailPrev != BadUVar)
			m_VarInfo[m_VarInfo[vTo].m_TrailPrev].m_TrailNext = vTo;

		if (m_VarInfo[vTo].m_TrailNext != BadUVar)
			m_VarInfo[m_VarInfo[vTo].m_TrailNext].m_TrailPrev = vTo;

		if (m_TrailStart == vFrom)
			m_TrailStart = vTo;

		if (m_TrailEnd == vFrom)
			m_TrailEnd = vTo;

		if (m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel[GetAssignedDecLevelVar(vFrom)] == vFrom)
			m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel[GetAssignedDecLevelVar(vFrom)] = vTo;


	// Will have to replace in heap later!
	m_VsidsHeap.replace_pos_score_vars(vFrom, vTo);

	if (UseI2ELitMap()) m_I2ELitMap[vTo] = move(m_I2ELitMap[vFrom]);

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::RecordDeletedLitsFromCls(TUV litsNum, uint16_t bitsForLit)
	if constexpr (Compress)
		assert(bitsForLit != 0);
		m_BWasted += litsNum * bitsForLit;
		assert(bitsForLit == 0);
		m_BWasted += litsNum;

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::DeleteBinaryCls(const span<TULit> binCls)
	assert(binCls.size() == 2);
	WLRemoveBinaryWatch(binCls[0], binCls[1]);
	WLRemoveBinaryWatch(binCls[1], binCls[0]);

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::ClsDeletionInit()
	if (!m_ClsDelInfo.m_Initialized)
		m_ClsDelInfo.m_ConfsPrev = 0;
		m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerNext = (uint64_t)m_ParamClsDelLowTriggerInit;
		m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerInc = (uint64_t)m_ParamClsDelLowTriggerInc;
		m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerMult = m_ParamClsDelS1LowTriggerMult;
		if (m_ParamClsDelStrategy == 1)
			m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerMax = (uint64_t)m_ParamClsDelS1LowTriggerMax;
			m_ClsDelInfo.m_CurrChange = (uint64_t)m_ParamClsDelLowTriggerInit;

		m_ClsDelInfo.m_FracToDelete = m_ParamClsDelLowFracToDelete;
		m_ClsDelInfo.m_GlueNeverDelete = (uint8_t)m_ParamClsDelGlueNeverDelete;
		m_ClsDelInfo.m_Clusters = (uint8_t)m_ParamClsDelGlueClusters;
		m_ClsDelInfo.m_MaxClusteredGlue = (uint8_t)m_ParamClsDelGlueMaxCluster;

		m_ClsDelInfo.m_Initialized = true;

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::ClsDeletionDecayActivity()
	if (m_ParamClsDelStrategy > 0)
		m_ClsDelOneTierActivityIncrease *= (1 / m_ParamClsLowDelActivityDecay);

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::ClsDelNewLearntOrGlueUpdate(TUInd clsInd, TUV prevGlue)
	if (m_ParamClsDelStrategy > 0)
		const auto glue = ClsGetGlue(clsInd);
		const bool glueDecreased = glue < prevGlue;

		float currActivity = ClsGetActivity(clsInd);
		currActivity += (float)m_ClsDelOneTierActivityIncrease;
		ClsSetActivity(clsInd, currActivity);
		if (currActivity > 1e20)
			// Rescale:
			for (TUInd clsIndLocal = ClsLoopFirst(true); !ClsLoopCompleted(); clsIndLocal = ClsLoopNext())
				if (ClsChunkDeleted(clsIndLocal) || !ClsGetIsLearnt(clsIndLocal))
				const auto clsRescaledActivity = ClsGetActivity(clsIndLocal);
				ClsSetActivity(clsIndLocal, clsRescaledActivity * 1e-20f);

			m_ClsDelOneTierActivityIncrease *= 1e-20;

		if (glueDecreased && glue <= GetGlueMinFreeze())
			ClsSetSkipdel(clsInd, true);

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::DeleteClausesIfRequired()
	if (m_ParamClsDelStrategy == 0 || IsUnrecoverable() || m_Status == TToporStatus::STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT ||
		(ClsDeletionTrigger() < m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerNext) || (m_ParamClsDelDeleteOnlyAssumpDecLevel && m_DecLevel > m_DecLevelOfLastAssignedAssumption))

	assert(NV(1) || P("Clause deletion started for priority\n"));
	assert(NV(2) || P("The trail: " + STrail() + "\n"));

	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 1 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || TrailAssertConsistency());
	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || WLAssertConsistency(true));
	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || DebugAssertWaste());

	CApplyFuncOnExitFromScope<> onExit([&]()

		m_ClsDelInfo.m_ConfsPrev = m_Stat.m_Conflicts;

		if (unlikely(m_FirstLearntClsInd != numeric_limits<decltype(m_FirstLearntClsInd)>::max() && m_FirstLearntClsInd >= m_BNext))
			m_FirstLearntClsInd = numeric_limits<decltype(m_FirstLearntClsInd)>::max();

		if (m_ParamReuseTrail)

		assert(NV(1) || P("Clause deletion finished for priority\n"));
		assert(NV(2) || P("The trail: " + STrail() + "\n"));

		assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 1 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || TrailAssertConsistency());
		assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || WLAssertConsistency(true));
		assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || DebugAssertWaste());

	static constexpr bool sizetGreaterThenActs = sizeof(size_t) > sizeof(decltype(m_Stat.m_ActiveLongLearntClss));
	const size_t learntsSz = sizetGreaterThenActs || m_Stat.m_ActiveLongLearntClss < (decltype(m_Stat.m_ActiveLongLearntClss))numeric_limits<size_t>::max() ? (size_t)m_Stat.m_ActiveLongLearntClss : (decltype(m_Stat.m_ActiveLongLearntClss))numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
	CVector<TUInd> learnts(learntsSz);
	if (learnts.uninitialized_or_erroneous())
		SetStatus(TToporStatus::STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED, "CTopi<TLit,TUInd,Compress>::DeleteClausesIfRequired: couldn't allocate learnts");

	size_t undeletableButNotTouched = 0;
	// Mark parent clauses as skipped for this round
	for (TUVar v = m_TrailStart; v != BadUVar; v = GetTrailNextVar(v))
		const auto& ai = m_AssignmentInfo[v];
		const auto& vi = m_VarInfo[v];


		const TUInd clsInd = vi.m_ParentClsInd;
		// The "(vi.m_DecLevel > 0 || clsInd + 2 < m_B.cap())" part (and also "if (vi.m_DecLevel > 0)" below) is a work-around, 
		// so that parents of globally satisfied variables wouldn't be actually visited (with ClsSetSkipdel), 
		// yet they will be counted for clause deletion heuristic. Skipping this condition causes a correctness bug, since global parent aren't maintained,
		// while dealing with the global parents more aggressively (e.g., nullifying them in Assign) hurts the clause deletion heuristic
		if (!ai.IsAssignedBinary() && (vi.m_DecLevel > 0 || clsInd + 2 < m_B.cap()) && clsInd != BadClsInd && ClsGetIsLearnt(clsInd))

			if (!ClsGetSkipdel(clsInd))
				if (vi.m_DecLevel > 0)
					ClsSetSkipdel(clsInd, true);

	for (TUInd clsInd = ClsLoopFirst(true); !ClsLoopCompleted(); clsInd = ClsLoopNext())
		if (ClsChunkDeleted(clsInd) || !ClsGetIsLearnt(clsInd) || ClsGetGlue(clsInd) <= m_ClsDelInfo.m_GlueNeverDelete)
			if (!ClsChunkDeleted(clsInd) && ClsGetIsLearnt(clsInd))
				assert(ClsGetGlue(clsInd) <= m_ClsDelInfo.m_GlueNeverDelete);

		if (ClsGetSkipdel(clsInd))
			ClsSetSkipdel(clsInd, false);


	auto learntsSpan = learnts.get_span();

	if (m_ClsDelInfo.m_Clusters == 0)
		sort(learntsSpan.begin(), learntsSpan.end(), [&](TUInd clsInd1, TUInd clsInd2)
			return ClsGetActivity(clsInd1) < ClsGetActivity(clsInd2) ||
				((ClsGetActivity(clsInd1) == ClsGetActivity(clsInd2)) && (ClsGetGlue(clsInd1) > ClsGetGlue(clsInd2)));
		sort(learntsSpan.begin(), learntsSpan.end(), [&](TUInd clsInd1, TUInd clsInd2)
			const array<TUV, 2> glues = { ClsGetGlue(clsInd1), ClsGetGlue(clsInd2) };
			const array<uint8_t, 2> clusters = { m_ClsDelInfo.GetCluster(glues[0]), m_ClsDelInfo.GetCluster(glues[1]) };
			if (clusters[0] != clusters[1])
				return clusters[0] > clusters[1];

			const array<float, 2> acts = { ClsGetActivity(clsInd1), ClsGetActivity(clsInd2) };
			return acts[0] < acts[1] || (acts[0] == acts[1] && glues[0] > glues[1]);

	size_t iLastExcl = (decltype(iLastExcl))((float)(ClsDeletionTrigger() - undeletableButNotTouched) * m_ClsDelInfo.m_FracToDelete);
	if (iLastExcl > learnts.size())
		iLastExcl = learnts.size();

	if (m_ParamClsDelStrategy == 1)
		m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerNext = ClsDeletionTrigger() + m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerInc;
		const double nextTriggerIncD = (double)m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerInc * m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerMult;
		if (nextTriggerIncD >= (double)m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerMax)
			m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerInc = m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerMax;
			m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerInc = (uint64_t)nextTriggerIncD;
		const float nextChange = static_cast<float>((m_Stat.m_Conflicts / m_ClsDelInfo.m_CurrChange) + 1.0);
		m_ClsDelInfo.m_CurrChange += m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerInc;
		if (ClsGetGlue(learnts[iLastExcl >> 1]) <= m_ParamClsDelS2LowGlue)
			m_ClsDelInfo.m_CurrChange += m_ParamClsDelS2LowMediumIncValue;

		if (ClsGetGlue(learnts.back()) <= m_ParamClsDelS2MediumGlue)
			m_ClsDelInfo.m_CurrChange += m_ParamClsDelS2LowMediumIncValue;

		const double triggerNext = (double)nextChange * (double)m_ClsDelInfo.m_CurrChange;
		if (unlikely(triggerNext > (double)numeric_limits<decltype(m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerNext)>::max()))
			m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerNext = numeric_limits<decltype(m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerNext)>::max();
			m_ClsDelInfo.m_TriggerNext = (uint64_t)triggerNext;

	// Now mark bad learnt clauses as deleted

	for (size_t i = 0; i < iLastExcl; ++i)
		const TUInd clsInd = learnts[i];

		if constexpr (!Compress)
			if (unlikely(m_FirstLearntClsInd == ClsEnd(clsInd)))
				m_FirstLearntClsInd = ClsEnd(clsInd);
				while (m_FirstLearntClsInd < m_BNext && (ClsChunkDeleted(m_FirstLearntClsInd) || !ClsGetIsLearnt(m_FirstLearntClsInd)))
					m_FirstLearntClsInd = ClsEnd(m_FirstLearntClsInd);
				assert(m_FirstLearntClsInd >= m_BNext || ClsGetIsLearnt(m_FirstLearntClsInd));

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::SimplifyIfRequired()
	if (m_DecLevel > m_DecLevelOfLastAssignedAssumption || m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel[0] == m_LastGloballySatisfiedLitAfterSimplify || m_ImplicationsTillNextSimplify > 0 || IsUnrecoverable() || m_Status == TToporStatus::STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT)

	assert(NV(1) || P("Simplification started\n"));
	assert(NV(2) || P("The trail: " + STrail() + "\n"));

	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 1 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || TrailAssertConsistency());
	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || WLAssertConsistency(true));
	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || DebugAssertWaste());

	CApplyFuncOnExitFromScope<> onExit([&]()
		m_LastGloballySatisfiedLitAfterSimplify = m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel[0];
		m_ImplicationsTillNextSimplify = (int64_t)m_Stat.GetActiveLongClsLen();
		if constexpr (!Compress)
			if (unlikely(m_FirstLearntClsInd != numeric_limits<decltype(m_FirstLearntClsInd)>::max() && m_FirstLearntClsInd >= m_BNext))
				m_FirstLearntClsInd = numeric_limits<decltype(m_FirstLearntClsInd)>::max();

		assert(NV(1) || P("Simplification finished\n"));
		assert(NV(2) || P("The trail: " + STrail() + "\n"));

		if (m_ParamReuseTrail)

		assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 1 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || TrailAssertConsistency());
		assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || WLAssertConsistency(true));
		assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || DebugAssertWaste());

	// We assume that there is no conflict and no unit propagation now

	// We sift variable indices, if there are at least two globally assigned variables
	// We need to always leave one globally assigned variable to be able to map external globally assigned variables to it
	const bool siftVarIndices = m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel[0] != BadUVar && GetTrailPrevVar(m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel[0]) != BadUVar;
	TUVar newLastExistingVar = m_LastExistingVar;
	TUVar globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex = BadUVar;

	if (siftVarIndices)
		// Visited will contain all the globally assigned variables
		for (TUVar currV = m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel[0]; currV != BadUVar; currV = GetTrailPrevVar(currV))

		// Sorting the visited, so that m_VisitedVars.back() would have the smallest globaly assigned variable index 
		auto vvSpan = m_VisitedVars.get_span();
		sort(vvSpan.begin(), vvSpan.end(), greater<TUVar>());

		globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex = VisitedPopBack();
		assert(m_VisitedVars.size() > 0 && globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex < m_VisitedVars.back());
		const TULit globallySatifiedLitLowestIndex = GetAssignedLitForVar(globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex);

		// m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0] will hold the new variable indices for the sifted and removed (highest) variable indices

		auto GetGlobalSatLit = [&](TUVar v)
			const TULit l = GetLit(v, false);
			return IsGloballySatisfied(l) ? globallySatifiedLitLowestIndex : Negate(globallySatifiedLitLowestIndex);
		m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex] = GetGlobalSatLit(globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex);

		for (newLastExistingVar = m_LastExistingVar;
			(!m_VisitedVars.empty() && m_VisitedVars.back() < newLastExistingVar) ||
			(IsGloballyAssignedVar(newLastExistingVar) && m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][newLastExistingVar] != GetGlobalSatLit(newLastExistingVar)); --newLastExistingVar)
			if (IsGloballyAssignedVar(newLastExistingVar))
				m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][newLastExistingVar] = GetGlobalSatLit(newLastExistingVar);
				assert(NV(1) || P("\tGlobal variable removed: " + SVar(newLastExistingVar) + " (mapped to " + SLit(m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][newLastExistingVar]) + ")\n"));
				const TUVar toVar = VisitedPopBack();
				m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][toVar] = GetGlobalSatLit(toVar);
				assert(NV(1) || P("\tGlobal variable removed: " + SVar(toVar) + " (mapped to " + SLit(m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][toVar]) + ")\n"));
				m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][newLastExistingVar] = GetLit(toVar, false);
				assert(NV(1) || P("\tVariable re-indexed to literal: " + SVar(newLastExistingVar) + " to " + SLit(m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][newLastExistingVar]) + "\n"));

		if (m_CurrCustomBtStrat > 0 && m_BestScorePerDecLevel.cap() != 0)
			if (m_ParamSimplifyGlobalLevelScoreStrat == 0)
				m_BestScorePerDecLevel[0] = m_VsidsHeap.get_var_score(globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex);
			else if (m_ParamSimplifyGlobalLevelScoreStrat == 1)
				m_BestScorePerDecLevel[0] = CalcMinDecLevelScore(0);
				m_VsidsHeap.set_var_score(globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex, m_BestScorePerDecLevel[0]);
				assert(m_ParamSimplifyGlobalLevelScoreStrat == 2);
				assert(m_BestScorePerDecLevel[0] == CalcMaxDecLevelScore(0));
				m_VsidsHeap.set_var_score(globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex, m_BestScorePerDecLevel[0]);


	assert(NV(1) || P("Previous --> new last variable: " + to_string(m_LastExistingVar) + " --> " + to_string(newLastExistingVar) + "\n"));

	auto RetSiftedLit = [&](TULit l)
		const TUVar v = GetVar(l);
		if (v > newLastExistingVar)
			return IsNeg(l) ? Negate(m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][v]) : m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][v];
			return l;

	// Go over the clause buffer
	// Delete globally falsified literals (that is, mark them for deletion for the garbage collector)
	// Delete globally satisfied clauses (that is, mark them for deletion for the garbage collector)
	// Move watches to the earliest satisfied literals for clauses satisfied by assumptions
	// Sift assumption-falsified literals towards the end of the clause in clauses, which are not satisfied
	// Sift variable indices, if required

	unordered_set<TUInd> bcClssSimplifiedAndMovedToNewBuffer;
	for (TUInd clsInd = ClsLoopFirst(false); !ClsLoopCompleted(); clsInd = ClsLoopNext())
		if constexpr (Compress)
			if (bcClssSimplifiedAndMovedToNewBuffer.find(clsInd) != bcClssSimplifiedAndMovedToNewBuffer.end())
				assert(NV(2) || P("New clause " + HexStr(clsInd) + " skipped, since had just been moved to this buffer: " + SLits(Cls(clsInd)) + "\n"));
#ifdef _DEBUG
		CApplyFuncOnExitFromScope<> onExit([&]()
			assert(NV(2) || P("m_BWasted = 0x" + HexStr(m_BWasted) + "\n"));
		bool isGloballySatisfied = false;
		TUV globallyFalsifiedLitsNum = 0;
		bool isAssumpSatisfied = false;
		TUV assumpFalsifiedLitsNum = 0;

		if (ClsChunkDeleted(clsInd))
			if constexpr (!Compress)
				if (unlikely(m_FirstLearntClsInd == clsInd))
					m_FirstLearntClsInd = ClsEnd(clsInd);

			assert(NV(2) || P("\tChunk at " + HexStr(clsInd) + " deleted!\n"));

		assert(NV(2) || P("New clause " + HexStr(clsInd) + ": " + SLits(Cls(clsInd)) + "\n"));

		auto cls = Cls(clsInd);
		// Binary clauses are inlined into WL's
		assert(cls.size() > 2);
		// Both the watches cannot be falsified, since there is no conflict now
		assert(!IsFalsified(cls[0]) || !IsFalsified(cls[1]));

		bool anySiftedVars = false;

		for (size_t i = 0; i < cls.size() && !isGloballySatisfied; ++i)
			const TULit currLit = cls[i];
			if (IsAssigned(currLit))
				const bool isSatisfied = IsSatisfied(currLit);
				const TUV decLevel = m_DecLevelOfLastAssignedAssumption == 0 ? 0 : GetAssignedDecLevel(currLit);
				if (isSatisfied)
					(decLevel == 0 ? isGloballySatisfied : isAssumpSatisfied) = true;
					++(decLevel == 0 ? globallyFalsifiedLitsNum : assumpFalsifiedLitsNum);

			if (siftVarIndices && !anySiftedVars && GetVar(currLit) > newLastExistingVar)
				anySiftedVars = true;

		if (isGloballySatisfied)
			assert(NV(2) || P("\tGlobally satisfied -- deleting...\n"));

		array<bool, 2> isCachedSetForWatch = { false, false };

		if (globallyFalsifiedLitsNum > 0)
			assert(NV(2) || P("\t" + to_string(globallyFalsifiedLitsNum) + " globally falsified literals -- removing them from the clause...\n"));
			assert(globallyFalsifiedLitsNum < cls.size());
			// Having all literals but one globally falsified is impossible at this point,
			// since then the remaining literal must have been a globally satisfied one (since BCP guarantees no delayed implications at the end),
			// which would have made the clause deleted and the loop continued before reaching this point
			assert(cls.size() - globallyFalsifiedLitsNum >= 2);

			if (globallyFalsifiedLitsNum + 2 == cls.size())
				// If all the literals but two are globally falsified,
				// The clause will now become binary, so we add a new binary clause and delete this one
				auto it1 = find_if(cls.begin(), cls.end(), [&](const TULit l) { return !IsGloballyFalsified(l); });
				assert(it1 != cls.end());
				auto it2 = find_if(it1 + 1, cls.end(), [&](const TULit l) { return !IsGloballyFalsified(l); });
				assert(it2 != cls.end());
				assert(find_if(it2 + 1, cls.end(), [&](const TULit l) { return !IsGloballyFalsified(l); }) == cls.end());

				array<TULit, 2> newBinCls = { *it1, *it2 };
				array<TULit, 2> newBinClsSifted = { RetSiftedLit(newBinCls[0]), RetSiftedLit(newBinCls[1]) };

				DeleteCls(clsInd, &newBinClsSifted);

				AddClsToBufferAndWatch(newBinCls, true);
				assert(NV(2) || P("\tThe clause has become binary: " + SLits(newBinCls) + "\n"));
				if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return;


			// Now we need to remove the globally falsified literals and let the clause be

			// If the globally falsified literal is one of the watches, swap it			
			for (uint8_t currWatchI = 0; currWatchI <= 1; ++currWatchI)
				if (IsGloballyFalsified(cls[currWatchI]))
					auto it = FindBestWLCand(cls, m_DecLevelOfLastAssignedAssumption);
					SwapWatch(clsInd, currWatchI, it);
					isCachedSetForWatch[currWatchI] = true;

			// Set the cached literals for watches unset by the previous loop to the 2nd watch (they might be incorrect, because some literals have been removed)
			for (uint8_t currWatchI = 0; currWatchI <= 1; ++currWatchI)
				if (!isCachedSetForWatch[currWatchI])
					WLSetCached(cls[currWatchI], clsInd, cls[!(bool)currWatchI]);
					isCachedSetForWatch[currWatchI] = true;

			// remove_if makes sure globally falsified literals are no longer part of the beginning of the clause, which is exactly what we need!
			[[maybe_unused]] auto itEndRemaining = remove_if(cls.begin() + 2, cls.end(), [&](TULit l) { return IsGloballyFalsified(l); });

			if constexpr (!Compress)
				// Resizing our clause
				ClsSetSize(clsInd, (TUV)cls.size() - globallyFalsifiedLitsNum);
				// Renewing the span
				assert(NV(2) || P("\tAfter removing the globally falsified literals: " + SLits(cls) + "\n"));

				// Creating a deleted chunk out of the removed literals			
				const TUInd deletedChunkInd = ClsEnd(clsInd);
				const auto deletedChunkSize = globallyFalsifiedLitsNum - 1;
				m_B[deletedChunkInd] = deletedChunkSize;
				assert(ClsGetSize(deletedChunkInd) == deletedChunkSize);
				if (deletedChunkSize > 2)
					m_B[deletedChunkInd + 2] = BadULit;
				// Updating the number of literal in long clauses
				// Updating the number of literal in long clauses
				RecordDeletedLitsFromCls(globallyFalsifiedLitsNum, ((TBCInd)clsInd).GetHashId().m_BitsForLit);

				const auto oldClsInd = clsInd;
				auto [deletionHandled, spareUsed] = BCDeleteLitsByMovingToOtherBufferIfRequiredAssumingLastDeleted(clsInd, (TUV)cls.size(), globallyFalsifiedLitsNum, true);
				if (!deletionHandled)
					for (auto it = cls.begin() + (cls.size() - globallyFalsifiedLitsNum); it != cls.end(); ++it)
						*it = BadULit;
					assert(NV(2) || P("\tCompressed: after removing the globally falsified literals: " + SLits(cls) + "\n"));
					ClsSetSize(clsInd, (TUV)cls.size() - globallyFalsifiedLitsNum);
					if (unlikely(spareUsed))
						const TBCInd bcInd = clsInd;
						const TBCHashId bcHashInd = bcInd.GetHashId();
						cls = CCompressedCls(, bcInd);
						cls = Cls(clsInd);
					for (uint8_t currWatchI = 0; currWatchI <= 1; ++currWatchI)
						const TULit l = cls[currWatchI];
						const TUVar v = GetVar(l);
						if (m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd == oldClsInd)
							m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd = clsInd;
					//assert(NV(2) || P("\tCompressed: deletion handled by moving the updated clause to another buffer: " + SLits(Cls(clsInd)) + "\n"));

		if (isAssumpSatisfied)
			// Make cls[0] contain the lowest satisfied literal
				auto lowestSatisfiedIt = GetSatisfiedLitLowestDecLevelIt(cls);
				if (lowestSatisfiedIt != cls.begin())
					if (lowestSatisfiedIt == cls.begin() + 1)
						swap(cls[0], cls[1]);
						SwapWatch(clsInd, 0, lowestSatisfiedIt);
						WLSetCached(cls[1], clsInd, cls[0]);
						isCachedSetForWatch[false] = isCachedSetForWatch[true] = true;

			// Make cls[1] contain the second lowest satisfied literal, if any
				auto lowestSatisfiedIt = GetSatisfiedLitLowestDecLevelIt(cls, 1);
				if (IsSatisfied(*lowestSatisfiedIt) && lowestSatisfiedIt != cls.begin() + 1)
					SwapWatch(clsInd, 1, lowestSatisfiedIt);
					WLSetCached(cls[0], clsInd, cls[1]);
					isCachedSetForWatch[false] = isCachedSetForWatch[true] = true;

			assert(NV(2) || P("\tSatisfied by assumption propagation; the new clause: " + SLits(cls) + "\n"));

		// If there are some assumption-falsified literals and the clause is not assumption-satisfied,
		// we sift the assumption-falsified literals towards the end. 
		// Note that if the clause is assumption-satisfied, the rest of the clause won't be visited anyway (with the current assumptions), so we pass in that case
		if (assumpFalsifiedLitsNum > 0 && !IsSatisfied(cls[0]) && !IsSatisfied(cls[1]))
			// remove_if wouldn't work, since it doesn't move the removed elements towards the end of the span
			// so we created move_it, which is identical to remove_it, expect that the  removed elements are moved towards the end of the span,
			// but their order is not preserved. The order of the remaining elements is still preserved
			[[maybe_unused]] auto itEndRemaining = move_if(cls.begin() + 2, cls.end(), [&](TULit l) { return IsFalsified(l); });
			assert(cls.end() - itEndRemaining == assumpFalsifiedLitsNum);
			assert(NV(2) || P("\tSome literals falsified by assumption propagation; the new clause: " + SLits(cls) + "\n"));

		if (siftVarIndices && anySiftedVars)
			for (uint8_t currWatchI = 0; currWatchI <= 1; ++currWatchI)
				const bool cw = (bool)currWatchI;
				if (!isCachedSetForWatch[cw])
					WLSetCached(cls[cw], clsInd, cls[!cw]);

			transform(cls.begin(), cls.end(), cls.begin(), [&](TULit l)
				const TUVar v = GetVar(l);
				const bool isNeg = IsNeg(l);
				return v > newLastExistingVar ? (isNeg ? Negate(m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][v]) : m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][v]) : l;

			assert(NV(2) || P("\tSifted some variable indices to: " + SLits(cls) + "\n"));

	if constexpr (Compress)
		if (m_BCSpare.size() != 0)
			// Moving any entries from the spare clause buffer to the real one
			m_BC.insert(make_move_iterator(m_BCSpare.begin()), make_move_iterator(m_BCSpare.end()));

	// Go over the watches: delete satisfied clauses
	// Remove the globally satisfied variables, except for one and reuse their numbers by other variables. 
	// One globally satisfied variable is still required to map globally satisfied external variables into it.

	// We Mark all the relevant positive literals and Root all the relevant negative literals	
	// We also remove all the watches of the globally satisfied literals (that is, the remaining binary watches, since the long ones have already been removed),
	// and mark the chunks as deleted
	size_t binClssCountOnce(0), binClssCountTwice(0);
	for (TUVar currV = m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel[0]; currV != BadUVar; currV = GetTrailPrevVar(currV))
		const TULit currL = GetAssignedLitForVar(currV);
		TWatchInfo& wi = m_Watches[currL];
		if (!wi.IsEmpty())
			// There should be no long watches for the globally satisfied literal
			assert(wi.m_LongWatches == 0);
			const TSpanTULit binWatches = TSpanTULit(m_W.get_ptr(wi.m_WBInd) + wi.GetLongEntries(), wi.m_BinaryWatches);
			for (TULit secondLit : binWatches)
				if (!IsGloballyAssignedVar(GetVar(secondLit)))
					IsNeg(secondLit) ? MarkRooted(secondLit) : MarkVisited(secondLit);

			// Removing all the watches (including binary watches) of the globally satisfied literal
			wi.m_BinaryWatches = wi.m_AllocatedEntries = 0;

		// Removing all the watches (including binary watches) of the globally falsified literal
		TWatchInfo& wiNeg = m_Watches[Negate(currL)];
		if (!wiNeg.IsEmpty())
			assert(wiNeg.m_LongWatches == 0);
			binClssCountTwice += wiNeg.m_BinaryWatches;
			wiNeg.m_BinaryWatches = wiNeg.m_AllocatedEntries = 0;

	assert((binClssCountTwice & (size_t)1) == 0);
	m_Stat.DeleteBinClauses(binClssCountOnce + binClssCountTwice / 2);

	// Now, we remove any required binary watches

	auto RemoveSatisfiedLitsFromBinWatches = [&](TULit l)

		TWatchInfo& wi = m_Watches[l];
		TSpanTULit binWatches = TSpanTULit(m_W.get_ptr(wi.m_WBInd) + wi.GetLongEntries(), wi.m_BinaryWatches);

		auto itEndRemaining = remove_if(binWatches.begin(), binWatches.end(), [&](TULit otherLit) { return IsGloballySatisfied(otherLit); });
		assert(binWatches.end() - itEndRemaining != 0);
		wi.m_BinaryWatches = (TUInd)(itEndRemaining - binWatches.begin());

	for (TUVar varOfPositiveLit : m_VisitedVars.get_span())
		RemoveSatisfiedLitsFromBinWatches(GetLit(varOfPositiveLit, false));

	for (TUVar varOfNegativeLit : m_RootedVars.get_span())
		RemoveSatisfiedLitsFromBinWatches(GetLit(varOfNegativeLit, true));

	assert(NV(1) || P("Removed globally satisfied literals from binary\n"));

	// Now we want to sift the variable indices (to the removed-by-now globally assigned variables), if required
	// One globally assigned variable will remain in any case

	if (!siftVarIndices)
		assert(NV(1) || P("No need to sift indices, exiting...\n"));

	// Sift the indices
	assert(m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0].cap() - 1 == m_LastExistingVar);
	for (; m_LastExistingVar != newLastExistingVar; --m_LastExistingVar)
		const TUVar vTo = GetVar(m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][m_LastExistingVar]);
		if (vTo == globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex)
			if (IsAssignedVar(m_LastExistingVar))
			MoveVarAndLitData(m_LastExistingVar, vTo);

	// Mark all the variables, whose watches (binary and cached lits in long) contain the sifted indices
	for (TUVar vBefore = newLastExistingVar + 1; vBefore < m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0].cap(); ++vBefore)
		const TUVar vTo = GetVar(m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][vBefore]);
		if (IsGloballyAssignedVar(vTo))

		for (uint8_t isNeg = 0; isNeg < 2; ++isNeg)
			const TULit l = GetLit(vTo, (bool)isNeg);
			const TWatchInfo& wi = m_Watches[l];
			if (wi.IsEmpty())
			const TSpanTULit binWatches = TSpanTULit(m_W.get_ptr(wi.m_WBInd) + wi.GetLongEntries(), wi.m_BinaryWatches);
			for (TULit secondLit : binWatches)
				IsNeg(secondLit) ? MarkRooted(secondLit) : MarkVisited(secondLit);
			for (auto [currLongWatchInd, currLongWatchPtr] = make_pair((size_t)0, m_W.get_ptr(wi.m_WBInd)); currLongWatchInd < wi.m_LongWatches; ++currLongWatchInd, currLongWatchPtr += TWatchInfo::BinsInLong)
				const TUInd clsInd = *(TUInd*)(currLongWatchPtr + 1);
				const auto cls = ConstClsSpan(clsInd, 2);
				assert(cls[0] == l || cls[1] == l);
				const TULit secondLit = cls[cls[0] == l];
				IsNeg(secondLit) ? MarkRooted(secondLit) : MarkVisited(secondLit);

	auto SiftLitsInWatches = [&](TULit l)
		const TWatchInfo& wi = m_Watches[l];
		TSpanTULit binWatches = TSpanTULit(m_W.get_ptr(wi.m_WBInd) + wi.GetLongEntries(), wi.m_BinaryWatches);
		transform(binWatches.begin(), binWatches.end(), binWatches.begin(), [&](TULit secondLit)
			return RetSiftedLit(secondLit);

		for (auto [currLongWatchInd, currLongWatchPtr] = make_pair((size_t)0, m_W.get_ptr(wi.m_WBInd)); currLongWatchInd < wi.m_LongWatches; ++currLongWatchInd, currLongWatchPtr += TWatchInfo::BinsInLong)
			const TULit cachedLit = *currLongWatchPtr;
			*currLongWatchPtr = RetSiftedLit(cachedLit);

	for (TUVar varOfPositiveLit : m_VisitedVars.get_span())
		TULit l = GetLit(varOfPositiveLit, false);

	for (TUVar varOfNegativeLit : m_RootedVars.get_span())
		TULit l = GetLit(varOfNegativeLit, true);

	// Handle the trail
	m_AssignmentInfo[globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex].m_IsAssignedInBinary = false;
	m_VarInfo[globallySatifiedVarLowestIndex].m_ParentClsInd = BadClsInd;
	if (m_DecLevel > 0)
		for (TUVar v = GetTrailNextVar(m_TrailLastVarPerDecLevel[0]); v != BadUVar; v = GetTrailNextVar(v))
			if (m_AssignmentInfo[v].m_IsAssignedInBinary)
				m_VarInfo[v].m_BinOtherLit = RetSiftedLit(m_VarInfo[v].m_BinOtherLit);
			else if (m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd != BadClsInd && ClsChunkDeleted(m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd))
				m_AssignmentInfo[v].m_IsAssignedInBinary = true;
				assert(ClsGetSize(m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd) >= 3);
				const auto cls = ConstClsSpan(m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd, 3);
				assert(NV(2) || P("Var; parent cls: " + to_string(v) + " " + HexStr(m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd) + ": " + SLits(Cls(m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd)) + "\n"));
				if constexpr (Compress)
					assert(cls[0] == BadULit);
					assert(GetVar(cls[1]) == v || GetVar(cls[2]) == v);
					m_VarInfo[v].m_BinOtherLit = GetVar(cls[1]) == v ? cls[2] : cls[1];
					assert(cls[1] == BadULit);
					assert(GetVar(cls[0]) == v || GetVar(cls[2]) == v);
					m_VarInfo[v].m_BinOtherLit = GetVar(cls[0]) == v ? cls[2] : cls[0];

	// Handle the assumptions
	if (!m_Assumps.cap() == 0)
		TSpanTULit assumpSpan = m_Assumps.get_span_cap();

		assert(all_of(assumpSpan.begin(), assumpSpan.end(), [&](TULit assumpLit) { return !IsFalsified(assumpLit); }));

		transform(assumpSpan.begin(), assumpSpan.end(), assumpSpan.begin(), [&](TULit assumpLit)
			return RetSiftedLit(assumpLit);

		auto endUniquesIt = unique(assumpSpan.begin(), assumpSpan.end());
		m_Assumps.reserve_exactly(endUniquesIt - assumpSpan.begin());

	auto RemovedLit2NewLit = [&](TULit l)
		const auto v = GetVar(l);
		const TULit newLitForVar = m_HandyLitsClearBefore[0][v];
		if (newLitForVar == BadULit)
			return l;
		return IsNeg(l) ? Negate(newLitForVar) : newLitForVar;

	assert(NV(2) || P("E2I before: " + SE2I() + "\n"));

	auto e2iSpan = m_E2ILitMap.get_span_cap();
	transform(e2iSpan.begin(), e2iSpan.end(), e2iSpan.begin(), [&](TULit l)
		return RemovedLit2NewLit(l);

	assert(NV(2) || P("E2I after: " + SE2I() + "\n"));

	// This function will shrink all the variable- and literal-dependent data structures



	assert(NV(1) || P("Finished renaming globally satisfied literals, but one\n"));

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
bool CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::DebugAssertWaste()
	assert(NV(2) || P("DebugAssertWaste\n"));
	TUInd w = 0;

	for (TUInd clsInd = ClsLoopFirst(false); !ClsLoopCompleted(); clsInd = ClsLoopNext())
		CApplyFuncOnExitFromScope<> onExit([&]()
			//assert(NV(2) || P("w = 0x" + HexStr(w) + "\n"));

		if (ClsChunkDeleted(clsInd))
			assert(NV(2) || P("Chunk " + HexStr(clsInd) + " was deleted!\n"));
			if constexpr (Compress)
				const TBCInd bcInd = clsInd;
				const TBCHashId bcHashInd = bcInd.GetHashId();
				const auto& ba = BCGetBitArrayConst(bcHashInd);
				if (bcHashInd.m_BitsForClsSize != 0 && ba.bit_get(bcInd.m_BitStart, bcInd.m_BitsForClsSize) == 0)
					assert(ba.bit_get(bcInd.m_BitStart, bcInd.m_BitsForLit) == 0);
					w += bcInd.m_BitsForLit;
					assert(NV(2) || P("Lit --> w = 0x" + HexStr(w) + "\n"));
					assert(ba.bit_get(bcInd.BitFirstLit(), bcInd.m_BitsForLit) == 0);
					w += bcHashInd.GetFirstLitOffset() + bcHashInd.m_BitsForLit * ClsGetSize(clsInd);
					assert(NV(2) || P("Cls --> w = 0x" + HexStr(w) + "\n"));
				const auto sz = ClsGetSize(clsInd);
				w += (sz + 1);

	assert(m_BWasted == w);

	return true;

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::CompressWLs()
	// Save aside the two initial watch entries for every literal l
	// and place log2(allocated) && l to be able to, respectively: (1) Skip to the next chunk during compression; 
	// (2) Point from the watches to their updated location in the watch-buffer

	CDynArray<array<TULit, 2>> firstWLEntriesPerLit(GetNextLit(), 0);
	if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return;

	for (TULit l = GetFirstLit(); l < GetNextLit(); ++l)
		TWatchInfo& wi = m_Watches[l];
		const auto usedEntries = wi.GetUsedEntries();

		if (m_ParamCompressAllocatedPerWatch && wi.m_AllocatedEntries > 0 && usedEntries == 0)
			wi.m_AllocatedEntries = 0;

		if (wi.m_AllocatedEntries > 0)
			assert(wi.m_AllocatedEntries >= TWatchInfo::BinsInLongBitCeil);

			if (m_ParamCompressAllocatedPerWatch)
				const TUInd allocatedEntriesBefore = wi.m_AllocatedEntries;
				wi.m_AllocatedEntries = bit_ceil(usedEntries);
				assert(wi.m_AllocatedEntries != 0);
				if (wi.m_AllocatedEntries < TWatchInfo::BinsInLongBitCeil)
					wi.m_AllocatedEntries = TWatchInfo::BinsInLongBitCeil;

				// Marking deleted regions
				TUInd bitFloor = BadClsInd;
				for (auto [nextEntry, remainingEntriesToMark] = make_tuple(wi.m_WBInd + wi.m_AllocatedEntries, allocatedEntriesBefore - wi.m_AllocatedEntries); remainingEntriesToMark != 0; remainingEntriesToMark -= bitFloor, nextEntry = WLEnd(nextEntry))
					bitFloor = bit_floor((TUInd)remainingEntriesToMark);
					MarkWatchBufferChunkDeletedOrByLiteral(nextEntry, bitFloor);

			firstWLEntriesPerLit[l][0] = m_W[wi.m_WBInd];
			firstWLEntriesPerLit[l][1] = m_W[wi.m_WBInd + 1];

			MarkWatchBufferChunkDeletedOrByLiteral(wi.m_WBInd, wi.m_AllocatedEntries, l);

	// Remove garbage from the the watch buffer
	m_W.template RemoveGarbage<TUInd>(LitsInPage, m_WNext, [&](TUInd wlInd)
		return WLChunkDeleted(wlInd);
	}, [&](TUInd wlInd)
		return WLEnd(wlInd);
	}, [&](TUInd oldWlInd, TUInd newWlInd)
		assert(newWlInd >= LitsInPage);
		const TULit l = m_W[oldWlInd + 1];
		m_W[oldWlInd] = firstWLEntriesPerLit[l][0];
		m_W[oldWlInd + 1] = firstWLEntriesPerLit[l][1];

		m_Watches[l].m_WBInd = newWlInd;

	if (m_W.cap() > (size_t)((double)m_WNext * m_ParamMultWatches))
		m_W.reserve_exactly((size_t)((double)m_WNext * m_ParamMultWatches));
		if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return;
	m_WWasted = 0;

template <typename TLit, typename TUInd, bool Compress>
void CTopi<TLit, TUInd, Compress>::CompressBuffersIfRequired()
	double nextBitOverall(Compress ? (double)BCNextBitSum() : (double)m_BNext);
	if ((double)m_BWasted / nextBitOverall <= m_ParamWastedFractionThrToDelete || IsUnrecoverable() || m_Status == TToporStatus::STATUS_USER_INTERRUPT)

	assert(NV(1) || P("Compression started: wasted fraction is " + to_string((double)m_BWasted / (double)nextBitOverall) + " > " + to_string(m_ParamWastedFractionThrToDelete) + "\n"));
	assert(NV(2) || P("The trail: " + STrail() + "\n"));

	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 1 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || TrailAssertConsistency());
	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || WLAssertConsistency(true));
	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || DebugAssertWaste());

	// ************************************
	// Compress the clause buffer
	// ************************************	

	const bool isAboveGlobalDecLevel = m_DecLevel != 0;
	auto NotifyAboutRemainingChunkMove = [&](auto oldInd, auto newInd)
		if (isAboveGlobalDecLevel)
			auto UpdateParentIfRequired = [&](TULit l)
				const TUVar v = GetVar(l);
				const bool isCurrClsParent = IsAssignedVar(v) && !m_AssignmentInfo[v].IsAssignedBinary() && m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd == oldInd;
				if (isCurrClsParent)
					m_VarInfo[v].m_ParentClsInd = newInd;

			const auto cls = ConstClsSpan(oldInd, 2);

		if constexpr (!Compress)
			if (unlikely(m_FirstLearntClsInd == oldInd))
				m_FirstLearntClsInd = newInd;

	if constexpr (!Compress)
		[[maybe_unused]] const auto nextBefore = m_BNext;

		m_B.template RemoveGarbage<TUInd>(LitsInPage, m_BNext, [&](TUInd clsInd) { return ClsChunkDeleted(clsInd); }, [&](TUInd clsInd) { return ClsEnd(clsInd); }, NotifyAboutRemainingChunkMove);

		assert(nextBefore - m_BWasted == m_BNext);
		m_BWasted = 0;
		if (m_B.cap() > (size_t)((double)m_BNext * m_ParamMultClss))
			m_B.reserve_exactly((size_t)((double)m_BNext * m_ParamMultClss));
			if (unlikely(IsUnrecoverable())) return;
		m_BWasted = 0;

	// ************************************
	// Update and compress the watch buffer
	// ************************************

	// Update all the long watches with new locations

	// Start with initializing m_LongWatches with 0 for every literal
	// The counter is expected to go back to its value after the next loop
	for (TULit l = GetFirstLit(); l < GetNextLit(); ++l)
		TWatchInfo& wi = m_Watches[l];
		wi.m_LongWatches = 0;

	// Will now update all the clause indices

	auto AddLongWatchLocal = [&](bool watchInd, TUInd clsInd)
		const auto cls = ConstClsSpan(clsInd, 2);
		const TULit currLit = cls[watchInd];
		const TULit inlinedLit = cls[!watchInd];
		TWatchInfo& wi = m_Watches[currLit];
		TULit* watchArena = m_W.get_ptr(wi.m_WBInd);
		auto indBeyondLongWatches = wi.GetLongEntries();
		watchArena[indBeyondLongWatches++] = inlinedLit;
		*(TUInd*)(watchArena + indBeyondLongWatches) = clsInd;

	assert(NV(2) || P("Going over all the clauses after compression to repopulate the watch lists\n"));
	for (TUInd clsInd = ClsLoopFirst(false); !ClsLoopCompleted(); clsInd = ClsLoopNext())
		//assert(NV(2) || ClsChunkDeleted(clsInd) ? P("Chunk " + HexStr(clsInd) + " was deleted!\n") : P("Clause " + HexStr((TUInd)clsInd) + ": " + SLits(Cls(clsInd)) + "\n"));
		// Note that we cannot because of correctness (and also should not because of efficiency) use the standard
		// WLAddLongWatch procedure, since the number of long watches doesn't change
		AddLongWatchLocal(false, clsInd);
		AddLongWatchLocal(true, clsInd);


	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 1 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || TrailAssertConsistency());
	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || WLAssertConsistency(true));
	assert(m_ParamAssertConsistency < 2 || m_Stat.m_Conflicts < (uint64_t)m_ParamAssertConsistencyStartConf || DebugAssertWaste());

	assert(NV(1) || P("Compression finished\n"));
	assert(NV(2) || P("The trail: " + STrail() + "\n"));

template class CTopi<int32_t, uint32_t, false>;
template class CTopi<int32_t, uint64_t, false>;
template class CTopi<int32_t, uint64_t, true>;
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