#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // simulation #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include std::vector mg; int numSteps; double thickness; double mg_tolerance = 2e-1; double poisson; double dt = 0.001; int frame_num = 1000; int matid; int sffid; bool useMG = true; Eigen::MatrixXd curPos, curPosT, origV; Eigen::VectorXd q, qdot, fExt; Eigen::MatrixXi F, origF; MeshConnectivity mesh; Eigen::SparseMatrix M, Mv; Eigen::VectorXd Mvd; using namespace std; int counter = 0; double young = 6e6; void lameParameters(double & young, double &alpha, double &beta) { alpha = young * poisson / (1.0 - poisson * poisson); beta = young / 2.0 / (1.0 + poisson); } template void runSimulation(igl::opengl::glfw::Viewer &viewer, const MeshConnectivity &mesh, Eigen::MatrixXd &curPos, Eigen::VectorXd &fExt, const Eigen::VectorXi &bi, const Eigen::VectorXd &thicknesses, double lameAlpha, double lameBeta, int matid) { // initialize default edge DOFs (edge director angles) Eigen::VectorXd edgeDOFs; SFF::initializeExtraDOFs(edgeDOFs, mesh, origV); // initialize first fundamental forms to those of input mesh std::vector abar; ElasticShell::firstFundamentalForms(mesh, origV, abar); // // initialize second fundamental forms to those of input mesh std::vector bbar; ElasticShell::secondFundamentalForms(mesh, origV, edgeDOFs, bbar); MaterialModel *mat; switch (matid) { case 0: mat = new NeoHookeanMaterial(lameAlpha, lameBeta); break; case 1: mat = new StVKMaterial(lameAlpha, lameBeta); break; case 2: mat = new TensionFieldStVKMaterial(lameAlpha, lameBeta); break; default: assert(false); } // newton steps double reg = 1e-6; for (int j = 0; j <= numSteps; j++) { std::cout << "iter: " << j << std::endl; // compute external force Eigen::MatrixXd Nv; igl::per_vertex_normals(curPos,mesh.faces(),Nv); const double avg = igl::avg_edge_length(curPos,mesh.faces()); igl::massmatrix(curPos,mesh.faces(),igl::MASSMATRIX_TYPE_DEFAULT,Mv); Mvd = Mv.diagonal(); for (int vi = 0; vi < Nv.rows(); vi++) { Eigen::RowVector3d fe = Nv.row(vi) * Mvd(vi); fExt.segment<3>(3 * vi) = -fe.transpose() * 1000000; } // time stepping if (useMG) { PROFC_NODE("implicit euler time"); implicit_euler_mg_balloon(mesh, M, curPos, qdot, fExt, bi, edgeDOFs, *mat, dt, thicknesses, abar, bbar, mg, mg_tolerance); } else { PROFC_NODE("implicit euler time"); implicit_euler_balloon(mesh, M, curPos, qdot, fExt, bi, edgeDOFs, *mat, dt, thicknesses, abar, bbar); } // // save the meshes // { // string name = "output"; // name.append(6-to_string(counter).length(), '0'); // if (useMG) // name = "../mg_results/" + name + to_string(counter) + ".obj"; // else // name = "../direct_results/" + name + to_string(counter) + ".obj"; // igl::writeOBJ(name, curPos, mesh.faces()); // counter++; // } } viewer.data().set_vertices(curPos); viewer.data().compute_normals(); // delete mat; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using namespace std; using namespace Eigen; numSteps = 1; // set up material parameters thickness = 1e-1; poisson = 0.5; matid = 0; sffid = 2; igl::readOBJ("../../meshes/bunny_15K_init.obj", origV, F); // igl::readOBJ("../../meshes/bunny_140K_init.obj", origV, F); // precompute multigrid hierarchy mg_precompute_block(origV,F,mg); // set up mesh connectivity mesh = MeshConnectivity(F); origF = mesh.faces(); // initial position curPos = origV; init_state(curPos, q, qdot); // initial position and velocity lumped_mass_matrix(origV, origF, M); M = 1000 * M; // external forces Eigen::VectorXd gravity; { Eigen::Vector3d g = Eigen::Vector3d(0., -900.8, 0.); Eigen::VectorXd gCol = g.replicate(M.rows()/3, 1); gravity = -M*gCol; } // fExt = gravity; fExt.resizeLike(gravity); fExt.setZero(); // fixed point Eigen::VectorXi bi; // libigl viewer igl::opengl::glfw::Viewer viewer; igl::opengl::glfw::imgui::ImGuiMenu menu; viewer.plugins.push_back(&menu); // Add content to the default menu window menu.callback_draw_viewer_menu = [&]() { if (ImGui::Button("Reset", ImVec2(-1, 0))) { curPos = origV; viewer.data().set_vertices(curPos); } if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Parameters", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen)) { ImGui::InputDouble("Thickness", &thickness); ImGui::InputDouble("Poisson's Ration", &poisson); ImGui::Combo("Material Model", &matid, "NeoHookean\0StVK\0\0"); ImGui::Combo("Second Fundamental Form", &sffid, "TanTheta\0SinTheta\0Average\0\0"); ImGui::Checkbox("use multigrid ", &useMG); ImGui::InputDouble("mg tolerance", &mg_tolerance); } if (ImGui::CollapsingHeader("Optimization", ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_DefaultOpen)) { ImGui::InputInt("Num Steps", &numSteps); if (ImGui::Button("Optimize Some Step", ImVec2(-1,0))) { Eigen::VectorXd thicknesses(mesh.nFaces()); thicknesses.setConstant(thickness); double lameAlpha, lameBeta; lameParameters(young, lameAlpha, lameBeta); switch (sffid) { case 0: runSimulation(viewer, mesh, curPos, fExt, bi, thicknesses, lameAlpha, lameBeta, matid); break; case 1: runSimulation(viewer, mesh, curPos, fExt, bi, thicknesses, lameAlpha, lameBeta, matid); break; case 2: runSimulation(viewer, mesh, curPos, fExt, bi, thicknesses, lameAlpha, lameBeta, matid); break; default: assert(false); } } } }; viewer.data().set_face_based(false); viewer.data().set_mesh(curPos, mesh.faces()); const Eigen::RowVector3d blue(149.0/255, 217.0/255, 244.0/255); viewer.data().set_colors(blue); Vector4f backColor; backColor << 208/255., 237/255., 227/255., 1.; viewer.core().background_color = backColor; viewer.launch(); }