Raw File
  Residual K Function
  Given a point process model fitted to a point pattern dataset,
  this function computes the residual \eqn{K} function,
  which serves as a diagnostic for goodness-of-fit of the model.
   Kres(object, ...)
    Object to be analysed.
    Either a fitted point process model (object of class \code{"ppm"}),
    a point pattern (object of class \code{"ppp"}),
    a quadrature scheme (object of class \code{"quad"}),
    or the value returned by a previous call to \code{\link{Kcom}}.
    Arguments passed to \code{\link{Kcom}}.
  This command provides a diagnostic for the goodness-of-fit of
  a point process model fitted to a point pattern dataset.
  It computes a residual version of the \eqn{K} function of the
  dataset, which should be approximately zero if the model is a good
  fit to the data.

  In normal use, \code{object} is a fitted point process model
  or a point pattern. Then \code{Kres} first calls \code{\link{Kcom}}
  to compute both the nonparametric estimate of the \eqn{K} function
  and its model compensator. Then \code{Kres} computes the
  difference between them, which is the residual \eqn{K}-function.
  Alternatively, \code{object} may be a function value table
  (object of class \code{"fv"}) that was returned by
  a previous call to \code{\link{Kcom}}. Then \code{Kres} computes the
  residual from this object. 
  A function value table (object of class \code{"fv"}),
  essentially a data frame of function values.
  There is a plot method for this class. See \code{\link{fv.object}}.
  Baddeley, A., Rubak, E. and \ifelse{latex}{\out{M\o ller}}{Moller}, J. (2011)
  Score, pseudo-score and residual
  diagnostics for spatial point process models.
  \emph{Statistical Science} \bold{26}, 613--646.
  \ege and Jesper \ifelse{latex}{\out{M\o ller}}{Moller}.
  Related functions:
  Alternative functions:
  \code{\link{psstG}}, \code{\link{psstA}},  \code{\link{psst}}.

  Point process models: \code{\link{ppm}}.
    fit0 <- ppm(cells, ~1) # uniform Poisson
    \testonly{    fit0 <- ppm(cells, ~1, nd=16)}
    K0 <- Kres(fit0)
# isotropic-correction estimate
    plot(K0, ires ~ r)
# uniform Poisson is clearly not correct

    fit1 <- ppm(cells, ~1, Strauss(0.08))
    \testonly{fit1 <- ppm(cells, ~1, Strauss(0.08), nd=16)}
    K1 <- Kres(fit1)

    if(interactive()) {
      plot(K1, ires ~ r)
   # fit looks approximately OK; try adjusting interaction distance
      plot(Kres(cells, interaction=Strauss(0.12)))

# How to make envelopes
    E <- envelope(fit1, Kres, model=fit1, nsim=19)

# For computational efficiency
    Kc <- Kcom(fit1)
    K1 <- Kres(Kc)

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